Obama to Show Birth Certificate

is obama a narcissist?

  • Yes

    Votes: 36 57.1%
  • hell no, he is a good president

    Votes: 11 17.5%
  • liberalism is a mental disorder

    Votes: 17 27.0%
  • don't insult my president...

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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the audacity of hope created his own drama, now he is passing it off. this guy is a narcissist if you ask me.... he is the reason for the distraction, and now he blames others, again and again.. what the **** is going on? is it boooooosh fault or any other convenient knot head? obama believes he is the victim...... he is the original drama queen if you ask me... the guy is a bum, smart manipulative bum who has the libs wrapped around every word he slurs.....

and the grand old oprah buys into his ********.

Obama Tells Oprah Why He Released His Full Birth Certificate NOW - FoxNews.com

Obama put out the same birth certificate that would have been accepted from any other president. In fact, Obama needed to apply for a "special exemption" to have Hawaii release that birth certificate. Basically, Republicans made Hawaii break their own state law. Now, go ahead and explain why it wasn't about "race". G'day.

it wasn't, unless you are saying i am a racist, which i am not. i did not dispute his citizenship, just was curious why it too him two years..

is he a narcissist or not? that is not a racial issue..

but, go ahead and wave your fucking racist flag, bro... it is your story, you can spin it any way you want...... sounds to me like you have a color fixation....
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And Computers were supposed to make out lives easier...I'd say WW is being lazy...

No, I simply missed the page number, and admitted to such.

Ya, computers are great, especially modern documents are printed directed directly to PDF instead of printed documents scanned. With a PDF that supports text you can word search, an image based PDF (not run through OCR) you can't.

would make the whole thing easier

Some of them probably are, but really they are no different than the fringe left that tried to say McCain was not eligible because he was born in Panama.

It's a tool to attack a President who's Policies you do not like. Nothing more.

I bet you if there were a Conservative Black Republican President, who refused to release his BC, and had lived out of country for parts of his childhood. The left would become Birthers and I bet you if that happened. All of the sudden you would think this time, it's not about race. It's about the Constitution and Rule of Law!!


I know I was never a Birther. I have always taken BHO at his word. Like I said I am sure many Latent Racists Latched on to the Movement, but I am confident most of your so called Birthers care less about his race and more about his Policies.

Obama could be the whitest man on earth, with the perfect Christian Sounding Name, and ancestors who came over on the Mayflower and I would still want to see him lose in 2012. I believe his combination of utter incompetence of leadership, Indecisiveness in the face of Time sensitive problems, His Arrogance and Ego, and his leanings toward a Big Spending, Nanny state, Big government, European Style Social Democracy Model Make him extremely Dangerous and Damaging to this country.


I don't know why people who voted for him are even still supporting him. I mean Obama might well be the Worst example ever of someone who sold themselves as one thing as a Candidate, and become something wholly different as a leader. He is anything but transparent, Honest, BI- Partisan, and Civil. Far from the super intelligent Centrist who was going to change the way things were done. We got a divisive, Arrogant, Stubborn, Partisan man who talks down to half the country or more nearly every day. He may well be smart, but he certainly is not the awe inspiring superior Intellect we were told he was, and he clearly lacks practical Experience and it seems the ability to grow into the job as well.

All that said, Because the Republican Party is so pathetic, I am still betting he gets elected again, and has 4 more years to spend this Country into ruin and push his Nanny state utopia down are throats. I shiver to think of what he might do in a second term, with no need to worry about re-election. If he is willing now to sue States for passing popular laws, while failing to address the problem that led to the law. If he is willing now to Ignore Court orders on Drilling, If he is willing now to ignore public out cry against it and ram a Unwanted, and rushed together Health care law down are throats. If he is willing now to show such disdain for the constitution, Then I ask you just what will do the Next time around?
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the audacity of hope created his own drama, now he is passing it off. this guy is a narcissist if you ask me.... he is the reason for the distraction, and now he blames others, again and again.. what the **** is going on? is it boooooosh fault or any other convenient knot head? obama believes he is the victim...... he is the original drama queen if you ask me... the guy is a bum, smart manipulative bum who has the libs wrapped around every word he slurs.....

and the grand old oprah buys into his ********.

Obama Tells Oprah Why He Released His Full Birth Certificate NOW - FoxNews.com

Obama put out the same birth certificate that would have been accepted from any other president. In fact, Obama needed to apply for a "special exemption" to have Hawaii release that birth certificate. Basically, Republicans made Hawaii break their own state law. Now, go ahead and explain why it wasn't about "race". G'day.

Straw Man. He brought this all on himself the whole time preaching Transparency, while hiding a good part of his past. Probably with good reason. He should have been vetted during Primary Season and wasn't. Why is that??? For me personally, it has nothing to do with Race, and everything to do with trust and reliability, and Honor, let's not forget Honor.
the audacity of hope created his own drama, now he is passing it off. this guy is a narcissist if you ask me.... he is the reason for the distraction, and now he blames others, again and again.. what the **** is going on? is it boooooosh fault or any other convenient knot head? obama believes he is the victim...... he is the original drama queen if you ask me... the guy is a bum, smart manipulative bum who has the libs wrapped around every word he slurs.....

and the grand old oprah buys into his ********.

Obama Tells Oprah Why He Released His Full Birth Certificate NOW - FoxNews.com

Obama put out the same birth certificate that would have been accepted from any other president. In fact, Obama needed to apply for a "special exemption" to have Hawaii release that birth certificate. Basically, Republicans made Hawaii break their own state law. Now, go ahead and explain why it wasn't about "race". G'day.

Straw Man. He brought this all on himself the whole time preaching Transparency, while hiding a good part of his past. Probably with good reason. He should have been vetted during Primary Season and wasn't. Why is that??? For me personally, it has nothing to do with Race, and everything to do with trust and reliability, and Honor, let's not forget Honor.

Dead on target. The man has no HONOR.
CaféAuLait;3579381 said:
You know, you guys on the left are the ones who started these ridiculous Affirmative Action policies and now you're bitching that people are suspect of minorities being elevated because of these exact policies you created. If you want to blame someone for that, go look in the mirror.

The left also started the birther movement via Hillary Clinton and company and the Obama is a muslim movement via her releasing the photo of him in a turban and robe. YET it is the right that is 'racist'. Go figure.

That's true...the Clintons started this shit...

Birtherism: Where it all began


BUMPED for those that missed it...
I'm glad Obama finally released his BC. Now this controversy can end. I just wish he would have done this a long time ago. He only hurt himself by being so secretive.

He released his BC over two years ago. The fact that you want to discount the BC which is actually legal in favor of the BC which can't even get him a passport or a drivers license is your problem, not his.

Obama released his BC for 2 reasons. First was that recent poll that came out that showed only 30-something percent of people believed he was really born in the US. The second was the fact Trump was calling him out and had no plans on backing down until he released it.

Faced with those 2 factors Obama had little choice to cave in and release it.

Regardless, I'm glad it's over.

Or, you could just believe the reason that the President offered: he gave a speech laying out his answer to the Ryan proposal, and all anyone was talking about in the supposedly 'Liberal' media was Trump, and his rantings about the BC.
Its covert racism. But I guess we are racist because we see the obvious connection.
In the OP, he takes issue with the actions of a government. Nowhere does he say anything about Semites.

In fact, you've proven he's not an anti-Semite, as this is twice you've linked to him voicing an objection to the death of someone who is (in all likelihood) Semitic.

More links to come but let me ask you this...
Do you think Israel is inherently evil?

I find Judaism to be an evil religion; it's mysoginitic (punishes rape victims by forcing them to serve their rapists sexually for the rest of their lives) and it advocates genocide and the slaughter of children. Jews love to kill people. It's embraces a system of polygamy that reduces women to little more than property to be sold by their families to the highest bidder. It embraces slavery.

I also object to racial nationalism. [Jews believe that only Semitic Jews of the Twelve Tribes can ever be 'real' Jews. Judaism teaches that these tribes constituted a newly recognized race, chosen by YHWH to rule over the lesser races. In this regard, I never could tell a Zionist from a Nationalsozialistische]

Now let me ask you a question: is racism 'evil' by your working definition of the word?

Actually, wanting to live within your own kind IS racist.

Is Israel inherently evil? I'm not sure any nation-state can be said to be evil or good. Is the ideology behind its creation evil? Undoubtedly. Is the ethnic cleansing Israel's undertaking evil? Without question.

Does the average Israeli embrace Zionism and racial nationalism and advocate the actions Israel's undertaking? I don't know. My suspicion, however, is that a minority are active Zionists and most simply inherited the mess and are now striving to survive and ensure sufficient lebensraum for themselves now that they find themselves living in an area surrounded by hostile forces.

Israel is not about "wanting to live with your own kind" If that was the case they would not have 1.5 Million Arab Citizens. Israel is about having 1 Place on earth the Jews can call a home, they are willing to share that home with none Jews, but are unwilling to lose control of it.

After what happened to the Jews, not only in WWII but for centuries In just about every place they lived. I Personally have a hard time blaming them for wanting one small chunk of earth on which they are the masters of their own destiny.
And I suppose the Republicans that went after Clinton after his goo was found on that fat bitch's skirt were racist as well. Dems...STFU, you have destroyed our beautiful country. Go live in Canada.
Hannity: What do you think about this? The certificate of live birth exists. The birth announcement eight days later exists. So I think that's in the president's favor. But he could just go get the birth certificate and it would all be over, and I'm just curious why he wouldn't do that.

Tuberville: Well, we've got enough controversy going on in this country. I don't know why he wouldn't just step up and say, you know, 'Here it is.' Obviously there's gotta be something on there that he doesn't want anybody to see. I don't understand it. You know, as a common American, I just don't understand why we just go through this and I think it's continued to divide the country.

Hannity: By the way, for the record, I think he's probably born in the United States. Otherwise that birth announcement wouldn't be there. But it is odd.

Tuberville: Obviously there's got to be something on there that he doesn't want anybody to see. I just don't understand it.

College football does it again.

Tommy Tuberville successfully forces release of president


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