Obama to Show Birth Certificate

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He hates Arabs?

No. He hates Jews and Israel. Many of his comments could very easily have been taken from Mein Kampf.

Please cite.

In your link, he is expressing outrage over a soldier getting away with shooting a young girl. The girl was Palestinian, and therefore likely an Arab.

Arabs are semites.

How is expressing outrage over the death of a Semitic child anti-Semitic?

I was planning on listing more links than just that one. A few minutes please.
In 1960's no where in American government or culture was African considered a race. The first Time I ever heade the term African as a race was in the mid 80's

I quote myself:

U.S. standards for classifying race on birth certificates in 1961, see page 231 at the link.

Births in the United States in 1961 are classified for vital statistics into white, Negro, American Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Aleut, Eskimo, Hawaiian and Part-Hawaiian (combined), and "other nonwhite.


There is no category for AFRICAN.

Read it the first time.


This information comes from worksheet filled out by parents. One of his parents is a Kenyan and they are told to put "African" on documents.

Could you provide a page in your link please, I don't plan on reading a 246 page document.


obama's father didn't fill anything out his mother did.
I quote myself:

Read it the first time.


This information comes from worksheet filled out by parents. One of his parents is a Kenyan and they are told to put "African" on documents.

Could you provide a page in your link please, I don't plan on reading a 246 page document.


It's a pdf and you should be able to enter a page # instead of scrolling through it. If you are too lazy or too incompetent to do so, that's your problem, not mine.

A birth certificate is a government document with specific categories for vital statistics. It's odd that this one is inaccurate.

And Computers were supposed to make out lives easier...I'd say WW is being lazy...
Yeah the certificate number is one of those things that raises eyebrows. And it probably can be explained that registrar staff each have a stack of certificates to type up on their desk and the numbers don't run sequentially for that reason. But it is something a good investigative reporter would check out. :)

But it is something a good investigative reporter would check out.
Are there any out there? Well maybe depends on your political affiliation.

There are a lot of them out there on the internet. Not so much in media any more. But if it had not been for internet detectives who decided to go looking for answers to questions raised, we never would have known that President Bush's military records had been forged. We wouldn't have known a whole lot of stuff that we know because there are people with questions who go looking for answers.

Why do you think our current leadership is looking for some way to shut down and shut up the internet as a source of detective work? As well as talk radio and a few other sources that are also asking questions they don't want asked and coming up with answers they don't want the people to know. It scares them what some of us might be able to find out and get the word out to people, and it is a real source of frustration to them.

We with inquiring minds are also in the front lines to intercept and expose the many many scams and manufactured attacks that are out there and those are coming from both sides.

FRAUDULENT - The official web site for Kapiolani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital says that the hospital name at the time of his birth should have been Kauikeolani Children's Hospital. The name didn't change to Kapiolani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital until Kauikeolani Children's Hospital merged with Kapiolani Maternity Home in 1978. So how could his official long form birth certificate that was generated in 1961 have the name of the hospital that wasn't created until 1978???

it's like the coin that has the date on it.... like 1961 B.C (birth certificate) check out the end of lawrence odonnell ay eleven eastern... tell me if you think he's overdoing it a touch, a whole day of patronizing and overacting.

Dude you're killing me I was going to spring this later

In 1908, Albert and Emma Kauikeolani Wilcox donated $50,000 to start a children's hospital. The community, concerned that two of every seven infants in Hawai‘i did not live to see their first birthday, rallied to match the Wilcox's gift. A year later, Kauikeolani Children's Hospital opened.

The two hospitals joined in 1978 to become Kapi‘olani Medical Center for Women & Children. Staying true to its mission, the non-profit hospital has played a vital role in the health of Hawaii's women, children and adolescents. It is staffed with highly skilled, compassionate physicians and nurses, dedicated to providing the finest care for Hawaii's families:

Kapiolani Women and Children | About Us

On the lfbc, it says neither. It says "Kapiolani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital".
It's odd that this one is inaccurate.

Only to a whackjob birfer...oh, that's right, you aren't one...:cuckoo:

Only a koolaid marinated moonbat would disregard the data standards used for birth certificates at that time.

Evidence please...that aside, as mentioned in another post, I don't find it hard to believe that if the clerk was told Obama's father was born in Africa, that is what would be put under race.

Of course, as mentioned right at the beginning of this controversy by us normal folk, he could get this birth certificate notorised by the chief justice, mahatma gandhi, jesus and god themselves and you whackjobs still wouldn't believe it - your hate is that deep...
I think from here on out the racism is about to rise full-force and in the open on the Reicht.
It started today, well...before today with Trump, with his..."his grades weren't good, so it must have been Affirmative Action" nonsense.


You know, you guys on the left are the ones who started these ridiculous Affirmative Action policies and now you're bitching that people are suspect of minorities being elevated because of these exact policies you created. If you want to blame someone for that, go look in the mirror.

The left also started the birther movement via Hillary Clinton and company and the Obama is a muslim movement via her releasing the photo of him in a turban and robe. YET it is the right that is 'racist'. Go figure.

No. He hates Jews and Israel. Many of his comments could very easily have been taken from Mein Kampf.

Like this one?

Christianity could not content itself with building up its own altar; it was absolutely forced to undertake the destruction of the heathen altars. Only from this fanatical intolerance could its apodictic faith take form; this intolerance is, in fact, its absolute presupposition. -Adolf Hitler - Mein Kampf
Only to a whackjob birfer...oh, that's right, you aren't one...:cuckoo:

Only a koolaid marinated moonbat would disregard the data standards used for birth certificates at that time.

Which is the majority of Americans. So what does that make you?

B'loney. Don't project your deficiencies on the majority of Americans.

I provided a link to how the government defined data standards for race on birth certificates in 1961 in post #1139. There is no category for AFRICAN (which is not a race, it's a nationality).
Obama's Grandmother started this whole thing during his campaign saying he was born in Kenya.Then the President dances around this whole thing and doesn't produce it.He could have posted this on a web site in 24-48 hrs and it would have been over with.Now we're all racists again.....
Now that the "birther" controversy is past, the next level has already started.

Trump has already fired the next salvo. As long as Republicans concentrated on Obama's Birth Certificate, they were able to stay away from most of the overtly racial rhetoric.

Now, Republicans will go after Obama's academic background. The two books he wrote. His getting into two Ivy League schools.

It has to be because of "Affirmative Action". Blacks don't have what it takes. Obama had to have had "help".

His books were ghost written by William Ayers. Blacks can't "write books".

The Deep South based, 90% white Republican Party is about to "wound" black Americans. It was bad enough when they pressured the first African American President in ways they never did in America's history with any other president. But what they are about to do leading into the next election cycle will ensure blacks will never become part of the Republican Party in meaningful numbers.

You can see it coming from a mile away. Let the racist hate mongering begin.
Post of the thread!

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

rdumb spews mindless idiocy and Malcolm ExLax claps like a trained seal.

It is not "racist" to observe that "unlike his predecessor, THIS President has not released his college transcripts."

It is not "racist" to note that the President's two auto-biographies were very probably ghost written. Hey, John F. Kennedy apparently wasn't the actual author of "Profiles in Courage" either. RACIST! If his terrorist buddy Ayers wrote one of this President's auto-biographies, then Ayers wrote it. That's not racist, you dolt. It's just an observation that SOMETIMES people take credit where none is due.

Getting into Harvard might be a hallmark of academic excellence. But it ain't always so.

Even some "bad" people have gone to Hahvahd.

Alger Hiss. Ted Kaczynski. Jeffrey Skilling.

Thank you, you prove my point perfectly. You even got another idiot to agree with you.
Obama's Grandmother started this whole thing during his campaign saying he was born in Kenya.Then the President dances around this whole thing and doesn't produce it.He could have posted this on a web site in 24-48 hrs and it would have been over with.Now we're all racists again.....

He posted the only document legally accepted in Hawaii over two years ago.
Anyone who questions or criticizes the Ossiah is a racist.
Post of the thread!

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

rdumb spews mindless idiocy and Malcolm ExLax claps like a trained seal.

It is not "racist" to observe that "unlike his predecessor, THIS President has not released his college transcripts."

It is not "racist" to note that the President's two auto-biographies were very probably ghost written. Hey, John F. Kennedy apparently wasn't the actual author of "Profiles in Courage" either. RACIST! If his terrorist buddy Ayers wrote one of this President's auto-biographies, then Ayers wrote it. That's not racist, you dolt. It's just an observation that SOMETIMES people take credit where none is due.

Getting into Harvard might be a hallmark of academic excellence. But it ain't always so.

Even some "bad" people have gone to Hahvahd.

Alger Hiss. Ted Kaczynski. Jeffrey Skilling.

Thank you, you prove my point perfectly. You even got another idiot to agree with you.

From Rdean
His books were ghost written by William Ayers. Blacks can't "write books".

Are you saying his books were written by Bill Ayers the terrorist....The guy Obama said he hardly knew? just some guy from the neighborhood?

This better be another William Ayers or you got something wrong or we have another controversy on our hands......:evil:
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