Obama to Show Birth Certificate

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I think from here on out the racism is about to rise full-force and in the open on the Reicht.
It started today, well...before today with Trump, with his..."his grades weren't good, so it must have been Affirmative Action" nonsense.


You know, you guys on the left are the ones who started these ridiculous Affirmative Action policies and now you're bitching that people are suspect of minorities being elevated because of these exact policies you created. If you want to blame someone for that, go look in the mirror.

Affirmative Action was ridiculous. But what can you do? The right policy that would have exacted proper redress for the despicable policy of slavery would have probably bankrupted the nation...possibly even ending it.
What evidence is there that they are?

"This is more than just a conspiracy," Peniel added. "I think this is fundamentally connected to white supremacism in this country."

Birthers emphatically deny such criticism. But it's difficult to apprehend the ongoing resistance to proof of Obama's citizenship without crediting racial fear as a significant factor.

Birtherist response highlights racial undertones of ‘debate’ - Yahoo! News

You should read what I write, I never "hinted" that it was filled out in Kenya, I clearly said it was filled out by a Kenyan and that in Kenaya in the 1960's they were instructed to list their race as "African". It's perfectly logical then that a Kenyan filling out a form in American would follow what they were taught.

No where did I come close to implying that hospital records for a birth in Hawaii were flown to Kenya and returned to Hawaii for processing. That would be silly.


I repeat obama's father never signed anything on that doument

Didn't say he did sign it, the official typed one from a worksheet. The one created from a worksheet he may have filled out for the hospital while his wife was in labor. I know when my kids were born I did the paperwork - my wife did all the pushing so she was kind of busy.


Didn't say he did sign it, the official typed one from a worksheet

Your post

U.S. standards for classifying race on birth certificates in 1961, see page 231 at the link.

Births in the United States in 1961 are classified for vital statistics into white, Negro, American Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Aleut, Eskimo, Hawaiian and Part-Hawaiian (combined), and "other nonwhite.


There is no category for AFRICAN.

The father (BHO Sr.) wasn't an American, he was Kenyan and filled it out with what his country would have had him put in the box.
The data doesn't come from check boxes, they put in what you write in the box.

Releasing the the Birth Certificate was a good thing. I mean, I thought Barack Obamas father was Black. Turns out he's African.
so questioning a president's eligibility or a candidate makes on racist if they claim they were not born in america?

yes or no
An American document likely filled out by a Kenyan.

You state as a fact something not in evidence. See your own pictures that you've used over an over shown below. "Japanese" wasn't a "race" either on the government list, yet your own prictures clearly show it being used.

I never claimed that all Kenyans were black. But all Kenyans were from Kenya.



I just reposted the long form COLB show me where obama's father signature is on that document?

The final typed form only requires one parent, it was signed by Stanely Dunham. Identify the block that must be signed by the father once a worksheet is transferred to the typed form if the mother already signed it.

So, in the documents you have posted so often, was "Japanese" an official "race" used from a restricted list in the 1960's?


In 1960's no where in American government or culture was African considered a race. The first Time I ever heade the term African as a race was in the mid 80's
What evidence is there that they are?

"This is more than just a conspiracy," Peniel added. "I think this is fundamentally connected to white supremacism in this country."

Birthers emphatically deny such criticism. But it's difficult to apprehend the ongoing resistance to proof of Obama's citizenship without crediting racial fear as a significant factor.

Birtherist response highlights racial undertones of ‘debate’ - Yahoo! News


wow, what a great article:rolleyes:...
What evidence is there that they are?

"This is more than just a conspiracy," Peniel added. "I think this is fundamentally connected to white supremacism in this country."

Birthers emphatically deny such criticism. But it's difficult to apprehend the ongoing resistance to proof of Obama's citizenship without crediting racial fear as a significant factor.

Birtherist response highlights racial undertones of ‘debate’ - Yahoo! News


So people make asccusations without anything to back it up and that is somehow evidence?
This has a lot more to do with the WH and Obama in particular.If he had dealt with this 2 1/2 years ago he would not have had to do it today.If he refused to deal with it all this time for whatever his reasons were he should have not done it today.He screwed this up.
I just reposted the long form COLB show me where obama's father signature is on that document?

The final typed form only requires one parent, it was signed by Stanely Dunham. Identify the block that must be signed by the father once a worksheet is transferred to the typed form if the mother already signed it.

So, in the documents you have posted so often, was "Japanese" an official "race" used from a restricted list in the 1960's?


In 1960's no where in American government or culture was African considered a race. The first Time I ever heade the term African as a race was in the mid 80's

I quote myself:

U.S. standards for classifying race on birth certificates in 1961, see page 231 at the link.

Births in the United States in 1961 are classified for vital statistics into white, Negro, American Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Aleut, Eskimo, Hawaiian and Part-Hawaiian (combined), and "other nonwhite.


There is no category for AFRICAN.
Do you watch Fox News? If truth matters to you, what do you watch? This should be interesting.

Not the one station that paid the big bucks in court for the right to lie to their viewers without repercussions

Just how stupid are you willing to be on this forum? All you do is make comments with nothing to back them up. You may some day realize that you have a mental disorder because of your connection to liberalism.

She is going to make you look like the piece of shit fool that you are.

Sorry bout that,

1. I think that Political Correctness will fail, and sooner rather than later, Barry will fail.
2. Will the white Americans fold on this issue?
3. We will if we are a bunch of fools, nearly *ALL* Negros are liberals, and we know they will accept this as a real BC, which its not, its a fake.
4. Now are we going to take this new clob as an official long form birth certificate?
5. HELL NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
6. I just *CHECKMATED*,...again.

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Now that the "birther" controversy is past, the next level has already started.

Trump has already fired the next salvo. As long as Republicans concentrated on Obama's Birth Certificate, they were able to stay away from most of the overtly racial rhetoric.

Now, Republicans will go after Obama's academic background. The two books he wrote. His getting into two Ivy League schools.

It has to be because of "Affirmative Action". Blacks don't have what it takes. Obama had to have had "help".

His books were ghost written by William Ayers. Blacks can't "write books".

The Deep South based, 90% white Republican Party is about to "wound" black Americans. It was bad enough when they pressured the first African American President in ways they never did in America's history with any other president. But what they are about to do leading into the next election cycle will ensure blacks will never become part of the Republican Party in meaningful numbers.

You can see it coming from a mile away. Let the racist hate mongering begin.
Post of the thread!

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

rdumb spews mindless idiocy and Malcolm ExLax claps like a trained seal.

It is not "racist" to observe that "unlike his predecessor, THIS President has not released his college transcripts."

It is not "racist" to note that the President's two auto-biographies were very probably ghost written. Hey, John F. Kennedy apparently wasn't the actual author of "Profiles in Courage" either. RACIST! If his terrorist buddy Ayers wrote one of this President's auto-biographies, then Ayers wrote it. That's not racist, you dolt. It's just an observation that SOMETIMES people take credit where none is due.

Getting into Harvard might be a hallmark of academic excellence. But it ain't always so.

Even some "bad" people have gone to Hahvahd.

Alger Hiss. Ted Kaczynski. Jeffrey Skilling.
I think from here on out the racism is about to rise full-force and in the open on the Reicht.
It started today, well...before today with Trump, with his..."his grades weren't good, so it must have been Affirmative Action" nonsense.


You know, you guys on the left are the ones who started these ridiculous Affirmative Action policies and now you're bitching that people are suspect of minorities being elevated because of these exact policies you created. If you want to blame someone for that, go look in the mirror.

Affirmative Action was ridiculous. But what can you do? The right policy that would have exacted proper redress for the despicable policy of slavery would have probably bankrupted the nation...possibly even ending it.

I personally don't think AA was outrageous, I do think that it had an ostensible time-span to begin and end, that we have enabled it well past its efficable half life is the issue.

I personally think, hat tip to Shelby Steele who made this point when I heard him speak; the big problem in this context is, we surrendered any moral template, that stretches across race creed color, in that if anyone other than another black said hey misogynist violent imagery is not healthy, they would say you're white, you enslaved us, so stfu.
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Now that the "birther" controversy is past, the next level has already started.

Trump has already fired the next salvo. As long as Republicans concentrated on Obama's Birth Certificate, they were able to stay away from most of the overtly racial rhetoric.

Now, Republicans will go after Obama's academic background. The two books he wrote. His getting into two Ivy League schools.

It has to be because of "Affirmative Action". Blacks don't have what it takes. Obama had to have had "help".

His books were ghost written by William Ayers. Blacks can't "write books".

The Deep South based, 90% white Republican Party is about to "wound" black Americans. It was bad enough when they pressured the first African American President in ways they never did in America's history with any other president. But what they are about to do leading into the next election cycle will ensure blacks will never become part of the Republican Party in meaningful numbers.

You can see it coming from a mile away. Let the racist hate mongering begin.
Post of the thread!

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

oh for christ sake. this has nothing to do with obama being black. so why try to make it a racist issue. the question of his birth came up and he refused to address it from the start. he could be lily white and suspected of being born in france and it would still be an issues. why don't libs want arnold running for president? is that a race issue too?

Birtherist response highlights racial undertones of ‘debate’ - Yahoo! News


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