Obama to Show Birth Certificate

is obama a narcissist?

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  • hell no, he is a good president

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  • liberalism is a mental disorder

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  • don't insult my president...

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I like how it took Trump to get the dopey President to do what was easily within his power and ability all along.

And assuming (as I do) that the Birth Certificate is a copy of the real deal, which puts to bed the notion that President Obama is not "qualified" in the Constitutional sense to be the President, then the obvious question is why didn't he simply provide it from jump street.

Stupid schmuck that he is, he wanted to play politics (like many of the libs on this board). But Trump blew that shit up right in the President's face. Funny stuff.

Now let's see how his grades were. Lots of people can tell you even what John F'n Lurch Kerry got as grades in his less than stellar undergrad days. And although President Bush's undergrad record was just tad better than John F'n Kerry's record was, LOTS of people can tell you that President Bush was basically just a "C" student.

Who can validly tell us, based on having seen his transcripts, how President Obama did academically?

Oh right. Nobody.

Or... and here's a thought... we stop basing our entire political system on ridiculous character attacks that have no basis in reality?

How about that, for a change?

You mean like how Bush's dad bought him an MBA from Harvard? Is that what you mean?

Great at least we know that much about Bush, somehow it's not equaling out with obama.
Lawrence O'Donnel just attempted to give Orly Tatz a chance to apologize to Obama for harping on the BC issue for 2.5 years.

She REFUSED to stick to the topic she had already agreed to discuss...she instead, wanted to speak about his Selective Service record.

She was sumarily kicked off the air....as she should have been.

She didn't answer ONE question that was asked of her.

It was CLASSIC tv.
Obama could have ended this a long time ago...WHY didn't he do it?

Why isn't he releasing other info? Records?

The onus has always been on Obama.

T, I've already answered this, but...

Why would he?

Did Bush officially recognize the people who tried to personally blame him for blowing up the WTC, and then feel the need to produce proof that he did not?

When confronted with a bunch of lunatics, recognizing their complaints and responding to them only lends validity to their lunacy.

How long has Bush been outta office now?

What does the WTC and Bush have to do with Obama producing a Bonafide B/C?

Apples/Cumquats... Price/Tea/China...Obfuscation.
Or... and here's a thought... we stop basing our entire political system on ridiculous character attacks that have no basis in reality?

How about that, for a change?

You mean like how Bush's dad bought him an MBA from Harvard? Is that what you mean?

Great at least we know that much about Bush, somehow it's not equaling out with obama.

I'm not sure when I said anything about Bush's MBA. Why is it that these types of conversations always seem to somehow get George W Bush involved in them?

Now, let me ask you, since you mentioned it, was there some sort of public outcry from the left to see Bush's college transcripts to see if he was qualified to get into Harvard?

Funny, I don't remember that at all...
Finally the long national nightmare is over and Obama can get back to doing more important things.

8 soldiers were murdered yesterday in Afghanistan, people are dying along the Southern border, North Carolina was hit with over 250 twisters. And the President is hard at work again.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mIRCD26OR_4]YouTube - Justin Bieber President Obama White House Eggroll 2010 Highlights[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y0o-9iUHKSM]YouTube - Opening the 2011 White House Easter Egg Roll[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eoF3gf-sP-w]YouTube - Obama tells Oprah remembers being born in Hawaii[/ame]
In that era, African would be nationality, not race.

In the early 1960's "African" is how Kenyans were told to identify race.


The COLB isn't a kenyan document it's an American document.

An American document likely filled out by a Kenyan.

The document would have been checked to see if it had any errors on it the American 1961 government employee would have inserted to correct race?

You state as a fact something not in evidence. See your own pictures that you've used over an over shown below. "Japanese" wasn't a "race" either on the government list, yet your own prictures clearly show it being used.

But anyway not all Kenyans were black

I never claimed that all Kenyans were black. But all Kenyans were from Kenya.


You mean like how Bush's dad bought him an MBA from Harvard? Is that what you mean?

Great at least we know that much about Bush, somehow it's not equaling out with obama.

I'm not sure when I said anything about Bush's MBA. Why is it that these types of conversations always seem to somehow get George W Bush involved in them?

Now, let me ask you, since you mentioned it, was there some sort of public outcry from the left to see Bush's college transcripts to see if he was qualified to get into Harvard?

Funny, I don't remember that at all...

No. The Left just assumed he was too stupid to earn an MBA from Harvard without his dad buying it for him. The Left wasn't any better than Trump is now.
U.S. standards for classifying race on birth certificates in 1961, see page 231 at the link.

Births in the United States in 1961 are classified for vital statistics into white, Negro, American Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Aleut, Eskimo, Hawaiian and Part-Hawaiian (combined), and "other nonwhite.


There is no category for AFRICAN.

The father (BHO Sr.) wasn't an American, he was Kenyan and filled it out with what his country would have had him put in the box.

The data doesn't come from check boxes, they put in what you write in the box.


Nor was the document created in kenya, but if you like we can agree it was.

Didn't say the document was created in Kenya, I said it was filled out by a Kenyan. And Kenyans in the 1960's were instructed to use "African" on official documents.

That's not an answer and never has been an answer.

When confronted with completely fair and important questions about his basic Constitutional eligibility for the job, President Obama chose to try to stonewall it for over two years. Why? Because he is a Schmuck.

When IDIOTS contend that the 9/11 attacks were somehow plotted by us against us (instead of by "them" against "us"), there is little purpose served in doing anything more than presenting the studies and the official findings.

See the difference there?

No. You probably don't.

There was no question about Obama's eligibility for the job. No question at all.

There never was. Hawaii certified it, and without an act of Congress, that was that. Case closed.

Birth Certificates weren't even in use at the time the Constitution was written, so there is absolutely no way that a "Long Form Birth Certificate" could have been a requirement for the office.

And the "official findings" in this case were already presented, as well as independent investigations into the matter, just like in the case of 9/11, so there is no "difference" there.

And, just like with 9/11, there were still a bunch of nut-bags that refused to believe the evidence presented to them. Hell there still are a bunch of nut-bags that believe this document is a fake too.

It's the nature of the conspiracy theorist. They will never, ever accept the truth, even if there is absolute, incontrovertible evidence presented to them, they will never accept it, and just create a more elaborate theory to explain it away.
African was't a race identifier in Ameica until the 80's
Now for your answer. A White African's race is African and a Black African's race is African?

That does not describe someone race it describes their ethnicity
Ethnicity refers to selected cultural and sometimes physical characteristics used to classify people into groups or categories considered to be significantly different from others. Commonly recognized American ethnic groups include American Indians, Latinos, Chinese, African Americans, European Americans, etc. In some cases, ethnicity involves merely a loose group identity with little or no cultural traditions in common. This is the case with many Irish and German Americans. In contrast, some ethnic groups are coherent subcultures with a shared language and body of tradition. Newly arrived immigrant groups often fit this pattern.

A race is a biological subspecies , or variety of a species, consisting of a more or less distinct population with anatomical traits that distinguish it clearly from other races. This biologist's definition does not fit the reality of human genetic variation today. We are an extremely homogenous species genetically. As a matter of fact, all humans today are 99.9% genetically identical, and most of the variation that does occur is in the difference between males and females and our unique personal traits. This homogeneity is very unusual in the animal kingdom. Even our closest biological relatives, the chimpanzees have 2-3 times more genetic variation than people. Orangutans have 8-10 times more variation.
Ethnicity and Race: Overview

That's great Reb, and I'm sure, as a Kenyan, Obama's father definitely agreed with "race identifiers" WHEN HE WROTE THAT ON THE FORM. Because there's simply no way that Obama's father maybe didn't want to put "Negro" on the form to identify himself, now is there? Nope, no way at all. Must be a fake. Obviously.

Where was the location he fille the document out at? It was issued in America using American government employee's from the 60's. As a matter of fact obama's father did not sign anything on the document. obama's mother did box 18a
Great at least we know that much about Bush, somehow it's not equaling out with obama.

I'm not sure when I said anything about Bush's MBA. Why is it that these types of conversations always seem to somehow get George W Bush involved in them?

Now, let me ask you, since you mentioned it, was there some sort of public outcry from the left to see Bush's college transcripts to see if he was qualified to get into Harvard?

Funny, I don't remember that at all...

No. The Left just assumed he was too stupid to earn an MBA from Harvard without his dad buying it for him. The Left wasn't any better than Trump is now.

"Cult Of Personality"...

(Yeah...here I go again...)

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7xxgRUyzgs0]YouTube - Living Colour - Cult Of Personality[/ame]
No. The Left just assumed he was too stupid to earn an MBA from Harvard without his dad buying it for him. The Left wasn't any better than Trump is now.

I agree. The left was in fact ridiculously hard on Bush.

It took me some time to see it, even I was swept up in a wave of propaganda, at the time, but I did come to my senses.

I still think Bush was a terrible president, that made some seriously shitty decisions, but some of the stuff the Olbermann crowd pulled out against him was absolute crap.
The father (BHO Sr.) wasn't an American, he was Kenyan and filled it out with what his country would have had him put in the box.

The data doesn't come from check boxes, they put in what you write in the box.


Nor was the document created in kenya, but if you like we can agree it was.

Didn't say the document was created in Kenya, I said it was filled out by a Kenyan. And Kenyans in the 1960's were instructed to use "African" on official documents.


You were hinting it was filled out in kenya because that was how Race was defined in Kenya. So which is it Kenya or Hawaii?
Now that the "birther" controversy is past, the next level has already started.

Trump has already fired the next salvo. As long as Republicans concentrated on Obama's Birth Certificate, they were able to stay away from most of the overtly racial rhetoric.

Now, Republicans will go after Obama's academic background. The two books he wrote. His getting into two Ivy League schools.

It has to be because of "Affirmative Action". Blacks don't have what it takes. Obama had to have had "help".

His books were ghost written by William Ayers. Blacks can't "write books".

The Deep South based, 90% white Republican Party is about to "wound" black Americans. It was bad enough when they pressured the first African American President in ways they never did in America's history with any other president. But what they are about to do leading into the next election cycle will ensure blacks will never become part of the Republican Party in meaningful numbers.

You can see it coming from a mile away. Let the racist hate mongering begin.
Post of the thread!

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
In the early 1960's "African" is how Kenyans were told to identify race.


The COLB isn't a kenyan document it's an American document.

An American document likely filled out by a Kenyan.

The document would have been checked to see if it had any errors on it the American 1961 government employee would have inserted to correct race?

You state as a fact something not in evidence. See your own pictures that you've used over an over shown below. "Japanese" wasn't a "race" either on the government list, yet your own prictures clearly show it being used.

But anyway not all Kenyans were black

I never claimed that all Kenyans were black. But all Kenyans were from Kenya.



I just reposted the long form COLB show me where obama's father signature is on that document?
How long has Bush been outta office now?

What does the WTC and Bush have to do with Obama producing a Bonafide B/C?

Apples/Cumquats... Price/Tea/China...Obfuscation.

Both "Truthers" and "Birthers" are conspiracy theorists who believe the President to be evil and somehow pulling a fast one on us.

Same damn thing. Same damn personality type.
Now that the "birther" controversy is past, the next level has already started.

Trump has already fired the next salvo. As long as Republicans concentrated on Obama's Birth Certificate, they were able to stay away from most of the overtly racial rhetoric.

Now, Republicans will go after Obama's academic background. The two books he wrote. His getting into two Ivy League schools.

It has to be because of "Affirmative Action". Blacks don't have what it takes. Obama had to have had "help".

His books were ghost written by William Ayers. Blacks can't "write books".

The Deep South based, 90% white Republican Party is about to "wound" black Americans. It was bad enough when they pressured the first African American President in ways they never did in America's history with any other president. But what they are about to do leading into the next election cycle will ensure blacks will never become part of the Republican Party in meaningful numbers.

You can see it coming from a mile away. Let the racist hate mongering begin.
Post of the thread!

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

Nor was the document created in kenya, but if you like we can agree it was.

Didn't say the document was created in Kenya, I said it was filled out by a Kenyan. And Kenyans in the 1960's were instructed to use "African" on official documents.


You were hinting it was filled out in kenya because that was how Race was defined in Kenya. So which is it Kenya or Hawaii?

You should read what I write, I never "hinted" that it was filled out in Kenya, I clearly said it was filled out by a Kenyan and that in Kenaya in the 1960's they were instructed to list their race as "African". It's perfectly logical then that a Kenyan filling out a form in American would follow what they were taught.

No where did I come close to implying that hospital records for a birth in Hawaii were flown to Kenya and returned to Hawaii for processing. That would be silly.

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