Obama to Show Birth Certificate

is obama a narcissist?

  • Yes

    Votes: 36 57.1%
  • hell no, he is a good president

    Votes: 11 17.5%
  • liberalism is a mental disorder

    Votes: 17 27.0%
  • don't insult my president...

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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amazing i'm putting this right on my frontpage at washamericom the music is perfect, how do they explain this away ??. thanks amigo. think this may go viral ?? LOL i'll make sure lawrence odonnell gets a copy.

Apparently BigReb didn't recognize sarcasm here.

maybe not...


funny is funny, i had to do it, been that kinda day... this will play in china, japan,, hell... everywhere...
OMG...now the race card is being pulled....STFU.....it's the same old rhetoric from the left...Race Card....If anyone around here is racist, it's Meeeshel and Hussein....and they have proved it.....2012....will be time for REAL change.
In the OP, he takes issue with the actions of a government. Nowhere does he say anything about Semites.

In fact, you've proven he's not an anti-Semite, as this is twice you've linked to him voicing an objection to the death of someone who is (in all likelihood) Semitic.

More links to come but let me ask you this...
Do you think Israel is inherently evil?
CaféAuLait;3579381 said:
I think from here on out the racism is about to rise full-force and in the open on the Reicht.
It started today, well...before today with Trump, with his..."his grades weren't good, so it must have been Affirmative Action" nonsense.


You know, you guys on the left are the ones who started these ridiculous Affirmative Action policies and now you're bitching that people are suspect of minorities being elevated because of these exact policies you created. If you want to blame someone for that, go look in the mirror.

The left also started the birther movement via Hillary Clinton and company and the Obama is a muslim movement via her releasing the photo of him in a turban and robe. YET it is the right that is 'racist'. Go figure.

That's true...the Clintons started this shit...

Birtherism: Where it all began

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I quote myself:

Read it the first time.


This information comes from worksheet filled out by parents. One of his parents is a Kenyan and they are told to put "African" on documents.

Could you provide a page in your link please, I don't plan on reading a 246 page document.


It's a pdf and you should be able to enter a page # instead of scrolling through it. If you are too lazy or too incompetent to do so, that's your problem, not mine.

A birth certificate is a government document with specific categories for vital statistics. It's odd that this one is inaccurate.

My mistake, I missed the page number the first time. Got it.

While birth certificates are government documents, what a person puts on the race box is self-identified and people can put whatever race, ethnicity, or national origin they wish.

Here are a couple of examples.

Note in the first one, if it was restricted to list you mention then it would not have listed "Caucasian". The second example that we've seen posted in this threads list Korean, German, English and Portuguese. Things not in the list at all, but what would have been written in by a parent when given the worksheets/rough to fill in.



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Now that the "birther" controversy is past, the next level has already started.

Trump has already fired the next salvo. As long as Republicans concentrated on Obama's Birth Certificate, they were able to stay away from most of the overtly racial rhetoric.

Now, Republicans will go after Obama's academic background. The two books he wrote. His getting into two Ivy League schools.

It has to be because of "Affirmative Action". Blacks don't have what it takes. Obama had to have had "help".

His books were ghost written by William Ayers. Blacks can't "write books".

The Deep South based, 90% white Republican Party is about to "wound" black Americans. It was bad enough when they pressured the first African American President in ways they never did in America's history with any other president. But what they are about to do leading into the next election cycle will ensure blacks will never become part of the Republican Party in meaningful numbers.

You can see it coming from a mile away. Let the racist hate mongering begin.
Post of the thread!

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

oh for christ sake. this has nothing to do with obama being black. so why try to make it a racist issue. the question of his birth came up and he refused to address it from the start. he could be lily white and suspected of being born in france and it would still be an issues. why don't libs want arnold running for president? is that a race issue too?

He never refused to address it from the start. He put out the same birth certificate that would be accepted from any other American. The birth certificate that Hawaii endorsed would be good enough to be accepted as part of the investigation to receive a "TOP SECRET" level clearance in the US Military.

In fact, Obama had to apply for a "special exemption" to skirt Hawaiian law. Republicans made Hawaii break their own state law to make Obama prove what they never asked another president for in American History.

This was and is all about race. And now the other attacks. African Americans will never forgive right wing deep south Republicans for this terrible insult. Hispanics and other minorities watch what Republicans are doing and will remember. And wonder, "Are they next"?

Republicans will never stop. They are a party that is 90% white. They scream they aren't racist, but their actions say otherwise.
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Obama's Grandmother started this whole thing during his campaign saying he was born in Kenya.Then the President dances around this whole thing and doesn't produce it.He could have posted this on a web site in 24-48 hrs and it would have been over with.Now we're all racists again.....

He posted the only document legally accepted in Hawaii over two years ago.

So Where IS the Original?
Are there any out there? Well maybe depends on your political affiliation.

There are a lot of them out there on the internet. Not so much in media any more. But if it had not been for internet detectives who decided to go looking for answers to questions raised, we never would have known that President Bush's military records had been forged. We wouldn't have known a whole lot of stuff that we know because there are people with questions who go looking for answers.

Why do you think our current leadership is looking for some way to shut down and shut up the internet as a source of detective work? As well as talk radio and a few other sources that are also asking questions they don't want asked and coming up with answers they don't want the people to know. It scares them what some of us might be able to find out and get the word out to people, and it is a real source of frustration to them.

We with inquiring minds are also in the front lines to intercept and expose the many many scams and manufactured attacks that are out there and those are coming from both sides.

FRAUDULENT - The official web site for Kapiolani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital says that the hospital name at the time of his birth should have been Kauikeolani Children's Hospital. The name didn't change to Kapiolani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital until Kauikeolani Children's Hospital merged with Kapiolani Maternity Home in 1978. So how could his official long form birth certificate that was generated in 1961 have the name of the hospital that wasn't created until 1978???

it's like the coin that has the date on it.... like 1961 B.C (birth certificate) check out the end of lawrence odonnell ay eleven eastern... tell me if you think he's overdoing it a touch, a whole day of patronizing and overacting.

Dude you're killing me I was going to spring this later

In 1908, Albert and Emma Kauikeolani Wilcox donated $50,000 to start a children's hospital. The community, concerned that two of every seven infants in Hawai‘i did not live to see their first birthday, rallied to match the Wilcox's gift. A year later, Kauikeolani Children's Hospital opened.

The two hospitals joined in 1978 to become Kapi‘olani Medical Center for Women & Children. Staying true to its mission, the non-profit hospital has played a vital role in the health of Hawaii's women, children and adolescents. It is staffed with highly skilled, compassionate physicians and nurses, dedicated to providing the finest care for Hawaii's families:

Kapiolani Women and Children | About Us

On the lfbc, it says neither. It says "Kapiolani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital".

Your right I had to go back to the Nordyke Twins COLB TO VERIFY IT.
the audacity of hope created his own drama, now he is passing it off. this guy is a narcissist if you ask me.... he is the reason for the distraction, and now he blames others, again and again.. what the **** is going on? is it boooooosh fault or any other convenient knot head? obama believes he is the victim...... he is the original drama queen if you ask me... the guy is a bum, smart manipulative bum who has the libs wrapped around every word he slurs.....

and the grand old oprah buys into his ********.

Obama Tells Oprah Why He Released His Full Birth Certificate NOW - FoxNews.com

We all have our theories regarding how the fake Obama birth certificates were produced. When you think of all that we have accomplished with precision printers,and "WORD".,,it's not that hard to duplicate a birth certificate of any decade and town. In Obama's case,all he had to do was order the Governor to just make a copy of any birth certificate from a particular Hawaiian hospital,then through the photo-shop process,put his name and information in the spaces. That's it!!! either that,or just reproduce a birth certificate with a 1959 or 1960 standard typewriter. WOW,,it' so easy !!! Damn,,if we can duplicate 100 dollar bills in Chicago,,a fake birth certificate is a piece of Cake !!!:clap2:
the audacity of hope created his own drama, now he is passing it off. this guy is a narcissist if you ask me.... he is the reason for the distraction, and now he blames others, again and again.. what the **** is going on? is it boooooosh fault or any other convenient knot head? obama believes he is the victim...... he is the original drama queen if you ask me... the guy is a bum, smart manipulative bum who has the libs wrapped around every word he slurs.....

and the grand old oprah buys into his ********.

Obama Tells Oprah Why He Released His Full Birth Certificate NOW - FoxNews.com

Obama put out the same birth certificate that would have been accepted from any other president. In fact, Obama needed to apply for a "special exemption" to have Hawaii release that birth certificate. Basically, Republicans made Hawaii break their own state law. Now, go ahead and explain why it wasn't about "race". G'day.
In the OP, he takes issue with the actions of a government. Nowhere does he say anything about Semites.

In fact, you've proven he's not an anti-Semite, as this is twice you've linked to him voicing an objection to the death of someone who is (in all likelihood) Semitic.

More links to come but let me ask you this...
Do you think Israel is inherently evil?

I find Judaism to be an evil religion; it's mysoginitic (punishes rape victims by forcing them to serve their rapists sexually for the rest of their lives) and it advocates genocide and the slaughter of children. Jews love to kill people. It's embraces a system of polygamy that reduces women to little more than property to be sold by their families to the highest bidder. It embraces slavery.

I also object to racial nationalism. [Jews believe that only Semitic Jews of the Twelve Tribes can ever be 'real' Jews. Judaism teaches that these tribes constituted a newly recognized race, chosen by YHWH to rule over the lesser races. In this regard, I never could tell a Zionist from a Nationalsozialistische]

Now let me ask you a question: is racism 'evil' by your working definition of the word?

Actually, wanting to live within your own kind IS racist.

Is Israel inherently evil? I'm not sure any nation-state can be said to be evil or good. Is the ideology behind its creation evil? Undoubtedly. Is the ethnic cleansing Israel's undertaking evil? Without question.

Does the average Israeli embrace Zionism and racial nationalism and advocate the actions Israel's undertaking? I don't know. My suspicion, however, is that a minority are active Zionists and most simply inherited the mess and are now striving to survive and ensure sufficient lebensraum for themselves now that they find themselves living in an area surrounded by hostile forces.
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Post of the thread!

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

oh for christ sake. this has nothing to do with obama being black. so why try to make it a racist issue. the question of his birth came up and he refused to address it from the start. he could be lily white and suspected of being born in france and it would still be an issues. why don't libs want arnold running for president? is that a race issue too?

He never refused to address it from the start. He put out the same birth certificate that would be accepted from any other American. The birth certificate that Hawaii endorsed would be good enough to be accepted as part of the investigation to receive a "TOP SECRET" level clearance in the US Military.

In fact, Obama had to apply for a "special exemption" to skirt Hawaiian law. Republicans made Hawaii break their own state law to make Obama prove what they never asked another president for in American History.

This was and is all about race. And now the other attacks. African Americans will never forgive right wing deep south Republicans for this terrible insult. Hispanics and other minorities watch what Republicans are doing and will remember. And wonder, "Are they next"?

Republicans will never stop. They are a party that is 90% white. They scream they aren't racist, but their actions say otherwise.

of course it's about race. obama has long lost the swing vote. now it appears he is even at risk of loosing the all critical black vote. they just don't have the enthusiasm they did in 2008. Mark my words - AND remember you heard it here tonight from spoonman - this is going to be turned into a racial issue. The sole purpose of obama relasing this document at this time was to rile up the black vote again. what other explaination is there. Mark my words, we are going to see a flurey of articles from the left about racism surrounding this document. Geez it should have been so frigging obvious why he released it. Now it is

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