Obama to Show Birth Certificate

is obama a narcissist?

  • Yes

    Votes: 36 57.1%
  • hell no, he is a good president

    Votes: 11 17.5%
  • liberalism is a mental disorder

    Votes: 17 27.0%
  • don't insult my president...

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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too good to be true. i don't know if it's on youtube yet. but wow. this will be the talk of the political watercooler tomorrow. i don't even know how to descibe this, i think o'donnell voted for president obama.

this post should probably be in media of the dead zone, but it's been one of those american political days. composure. this whole process after the second released bc seems to be moving too fast. now barney frank is praising michelle bachman. what is going on here ? and if you blow up the document all the way on the white house page, what is that supposed to be. what's with the whole lft side. is it a pge or a blend ?? it looks strange. i believe it's a real piece of paper. have any experts looked at it ??

It's a .pdf thing. The way it's compiled. I read an excellent explanation of it from a graphics expert on another forum, but it's against USMB rules to link to other forums.
Sorry bout that,

1. Here is some one else who thinks this is a forged document.
2. I wonder if its worth a look see?

Go to this thread. You'll see the document has layers (cut and paste) in it: BRKG NEWS 0855 ET: White House releases Obama's full "certificate of live birth" from - Page 28 - The Tree Of Liberty The PDF document the White House posted has layers in it if you save the PDF and open it up in Adobe Illustrator. Layers in the document mean that it's been manually edited. They forget to flatten the image so the layers couldn't be seen. It's completely doctored up.

3. One thing we should be aware of, this isn't the original copy of the *original*.
4. Where is the *original*?
5. When the original non-copy should of been made it should of been made by a certain type writer in Hawaii, which typed the birth certificate before and the one after the so called Obama birth certificate was typed.
6. The possibility of that type writer being found now, so to make an original forged copy, along with the critical paper form used in that time, would be more or less impossible.
7. But I am sure some ones looking.

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Israel is not about "wanting to live with your own kind"
So the Jews didn't call for the creation of a 'Jewish Homeland'? Their flag doesn't feature the Star of David, a symbol of the Jewish 'race' and religion? It wasn't based in the land they claim their god gave them and told them to conquer so the 'chosen' tribes could have a homeland?

If that was the case they would not have 1.5 Million Arab Citizens.
Look at Gaza. They have made it clear they want to get rid of the Arab population. They just haven't been entirely successful. There were non-Aryans in Germany and even Jews in the armed forces during WWII.
Israel is about having 1 Place on earth the Jews can call a home
Do we need a Christian homeland? A Catholic homeland? A Muslim homeland? A Krishna homeland? A Lutheran homeland? A Shinto country? A Buddist nation? A Jainist motherland?

Why do you want to separate people? Why do you want to send the Jews someplace else instead of making them feel at home as members of your own community?
After what happened to the Jews

Oh shut the fuck up. Nothing bad ever happened to the Jews that the Jews ever had a problem with. Name ONE THING anyone ever did to the poor, poor Jews that the Jews have a problem with. ONE THING.
not only in WWII

Oh, boo-hoo. The poor, poor Jews. Until the Jews condemn the slaughter of the Ammonites, the massacre of the Hittites, and the genocide they committed against the Jesubites, they have no room or right to complain about Hitler. Where are the monuments and museums for the homosexuals, the elderly, the sick, and the Roma? Where have the Jews lamented Hitler's slaughtering the communists, social democrats, and other political adversaries? The Jews have no problem with what Hitler did. Hell, even with planes and bombs he never wiped out entire nations and cities down to the last person- something the Jews take pride in and brag about and defend in their holy book. The Zionists only care about WWII because it's a convenient sob story to sell to stupid people like you to justify their own racial nationalism and ongoing attempts at ethnic cleansing today.

Maybe if the Jews would stop claiming to be better than everyone else and 'chosen' to rule over the gentiles, they'd be more likely to be welcomed into the fabric of society wherever they went. Jews are thrown out of place after place for the same reason NAZIs and Stalinists are chased out of place after place.
As if anything would be done if he had not been born in the USA. Get real people.

You are probably right and that is sad. Black, White, Brown, Red, or Green. If a sitting president was found to have violated our constitution, and election laws. By Covering up the fact he was not a natural born Citizen and therefore did not meet the constitutional Requirements. I would hope the Congress would have the Constitutional Discipline Impeach Said President.

If we can not uphold and respect such a basic, and clear Constitutional Rule, then we might as well toss the whole thing out. Now if you want to change it so a non Natural Born Citizen can be President. There is a process for that. Pass an amendment. Go for it, but until that time I would hope the Constitution would be upheld.

I think this whole silly birther drama has exposed a question about our Election process though.

Just exactly what process does a Candidate have to go through to prove he is a qualified candidate according to the constitution?

I mean I assume when they Become an official Candidate they have to at some point show an Original BC and valid SS number to some state or Federal Official in order get on the ballot????? Right?? I sure hope so. I mean it seems insane to me that anyone could become our President and not have proven he/she was eligible at some point.

Personally I think in order to run as president you should have to fully release not only your BC, But all your School Grade Records, and Medical Records even. Military Records as well. My god I mean you are applying to become the most powerful man on earth. We the People should demand it.
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Yes 6 85.71%
hell no, he is a good president 0 0%
liberalism is a mental disorder 1 14.29%
don't insult my president... 0 0%

I'm 14.29%...



*LIKE THE AVIE* Tells the TRUTH...

Thanks... It's a Fact that the AP and it's Children Coveniently left out the News today...

Birther Exclusive!... associalisticpress.com©... Calling The Associated Press out for the Socialists that they are!



Very cogent thoughts. I *URGE* other members to go look at your link...

Yeah...Trump won...Obama could'a been DONE with this since his Immacculation....

But what I see brewing regarding BOTH of them is a WAR of 'Cult Of Perosnalities'...

(And NO, I ain't gonna POST that Video again to the rest of you...so stand down...rest easy)....

I see a WAR brewing...
would make the whole thing easier

Some of them probably are, but really they are no different than the fringe left that tried to say McCain was not eligible because he was born in Panama.

It's a tool to attack a President who's Policies you do not like. Nothing more.

I bet you if there were a Conservative Black Republican President, who refused to release his BC, and had lived out of country for parts of his childhood. The left would become Birthers and I bet you if that happened. All of the sudden you would think this time, it's not about race. It's about the Constitution and Rule of Law!!


I know I was never a Birther. I have always taken BHO at his word. Like I said I am sure many Latent Racists Latched on to the Movement, but I am confident most of your so called Birthers care less about his race and more about his Policies.

Obama could be the whitest man on earth, with the perfect Christian Sounding Name, and ancestors who came over on the Mayflower and I would still want to see him lose in 2012. I believe his combination of utter incompetence of leadership, Indecisiveness in the face of Time sensitive problems, His Arrogance and Ego, and his leanings toward a Big Spending, Nanny state, Big government, European Style Social Democracy Model Make him extremely Dangerous and Damaging to this country.


I don't know why people who voted for him are even still supporting him. I mean Obama might well be the Worst example ever of someone who sold themselves as one thing as a Candidate, and become something wholly different as a leader. He is anything but transparent, Honest, BI- Partisan, and Civil. Far from the super intelligent Centrist who was going to change the way things were done. We got a divisive, Arrogant, Stubborn, Partisan man who talks down to half the country or more nearly every day. He may well be smart, but he certainly is not the awe inspiring superior Intellect we were told he was, and he clearly lacks practical Experience and it seems the ability to grow into the job as well.

All that said, Because the Republican Party is so pathetic, I am still betting he gets elected again, and has 4 more years to spend this Country into ruin and push his Nanny state utopia down are throats. I shiver to think of what he might do in a second term, with no need to worry about re-election. If he is willing now to sue States for passing popular laws, while failing to address the problem that led to the law. If he is willing now to Ignore Court orders on Drilling, If he is willing now to ignore public out cry against it and ram a Unwanted, and rushed together Health care law down are throats. If he is willing now to show such disdain for the constitution, Then I ask you just what will do the Next time around?

So 70% of your party is fringe? Because thats how many believe he is not born in America or was not sure.

This is mainstream republican values. They are going after him because he doesn't look White and that makes them uncomfortable. And you wonder why black people are hostile to whites? Did you think being racist had no consequences?
Now who didn't see this coming folks.

As the Obama and his comrades in arms fall more and more out of favor with the American people, the RACIST accusations are going to START FLYING.

watch some of the leftie News channels, it's ALREADY BEGUN.

I'm pretty sure most of are yawning over it all already, but that won't stop them.
So the Jews didn't call for the creation of a 'Jewish Homeland'? Their flag doesn't feature the Star of David, a symbol of the Jewish 'race' and religion? It wasn't based in the land they claim their god gave them and told them to conquer so the 'chosen' tribes could have a homeland?


None of that changes the fact that the Jews of Israeli do not exclude non Jews. there are nearly 1.5 Million NON JEWISH Israeli Citizens that is an undeniable fact. So like I said. They want to control it by remaining the Majority, but have been willing to share it.

Look at Gaza. They have made it clear they want to get rid of the Arab population. They just haven't been entirely successful. There were non-Aryans in Germany and even Jews in the armed forces during WWII.

They have made no such thing clear. There are 1.5 Million non Jew Citizens who live mostly peacefully as Israeli Citizens. Gaza and the West Bank are not part of that Number. And you say look at Gaza. Well you look at it. Over 5000 Rockets launched from Gaza into Israel last year. Threatening Both Jew, and Arab Israeli Citizens daily.

Do we need a Christian homeland? A Catholic homeland? A Muslim homeland? A Krishna homeland? A Lutheran homeland? A Shinto country? A Buddist nation? A Jainist motherland?

Um not sure if we need them, but we certainly have them. There are many Christian home lands. I would call Italy a Catholic Home Land. No Muslim Home lands? are you nuts? they are all over. Almost every Muslim country oppresses in some way Other religions living in their countries. They treat None Muslims far harsher than Israeli Non Jew Citizens are treated, or even Palestinians in the West bank or Gaza.

The Fact is that Judaism was before Israel the only Major Religion on earth that did have not at least one nation on earth that's Population was predominately Their Religion. Jews have lived as tiny Minorities in countries all around the world for centuries. Treated like unwanted guests at best, and persecuted, Oppressed and killed at worst. The only time they have ever had their own country, where they were responsible for their own defense and not totally at the mercy of others before modern Israel was in Biblical Times.

Why do you want to separate people? Why do you want to send the Jews someplace else instead of making them feel at home as members of your own community?

I am not separating anyone, I do not want to send Jews anywhere. I have no problem with them living anywhere. I was simply trying to offer some insight as to why Israel was born. I was pointing out that it was not so much about creating a nation where ONLY Jews could live. It was about Creating a Nation where Jews would be the Majority. Israeli's of complete Freedom of religion and many do worship as Christians and Muslims. I hope you realize. Unlike Muslim Dominated Countries where you can be killed for admitting you are a Christian or a Jew.

Oh shut the fuck up. Nothing bad ever happened to the Jews that the Jews ever had a problem with. Name ONE THING anyone ever did to the poor, poor Jews that the Jews have a problem with. ONE THING.
Perhaps You should Learn World History there brainiac. Lets see, Slavery, Cast out of their home land. Settled as Minorities all over the world, and were through out the last 2000 Years Singled out and Persecuted and oppressed in those countries. Nothing the Jews had a problem with? :cuckoo:

Oh, boo-hoo. The poor, poor Jews. Until the Jews condemn the slaughter of the Ammonites, the massacre of the Hittites, and the genocide they committed against the Jesubites, they have no room or right to complain about Hitler. Where are the monuments and museums for the homosexuals, the elderly, the sick, and the Roma? Where have the Jews lamented Hitler's slaughtering the communists, social democrats, and other political adversaries? The Jews have no problem with what Hitler did. Hell, even with planes and bombs he never wiped out entire nations and cities down to the last person- something the Jews take pride in and brag about and defend in their holy book. The Zionists only care about WWII because it's a convenient sob story to sell to stupid people like you to justify their own racial nationalism and ongoing attempts at ethnic cleansing today.

Maybe if the Jews would stop claiming to be better than everyone else and 'chosen' to rule over the gentiles, they'd be more likely to be welcomed into the fabric of society wherever they went. Jews are thrown out of place after place for the same reason NAZIs and Stalinists are chased out of place after place.

Wow, I wish I would have read your whole post before I wasted my time with rational responses to you. This last 2 Paragraph makes it rather clear you are a raging anti Semite. Most likely would have volunteered to drop the chemicals down the whole in the gas chamber roof eh? :clap2:
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would make the whole thing easier

Some of them probably are, but really they are no different than the fringe left that tried to say McCain was not eligible because he was born in Panama.

It's a tool to attack a President who's Policies you do not like. Nothing more.

I bet you if there were a Conservative Black Republican President, who refused to release his BC, and had lived out of country for parts of his childhood. The left would become Birthers and I bet you if that happened. All of the sudden you would think this time, it's not about race. It's about the Constitution and Rule of Law!!


I know I was never a Birther. I have always taken BHO at his word. Like I said I am sure many Latent Racists Latched on to the Movement, but I am confident most of your so called Birthers care less about his race and more about his Policies.

Obama could be the whitest man on earth, with the perfect Christian Sounding Name, and ancestors who came over on the Mayflower and I would still want to see him lose in 2012. I believe his combination of utter incompetence of leadership, Indecisiveness in the face of Time sensitive problems, His Arrogance and Ego, and his leanings toward a Big Spending, Nanny state, Big government, European Style Social Democracy Model Make him extremely Dangerous and Damaging to this country.


I don't know why people who voted for him are even still supporting him. I mean Obama might well be the Worst example ever of someone who sold themselves as one thing as a Candidate, and become something wholly different as a leader. He is anything but transparent, Honest, BI- Partisan, and Civil. Far from the super intelligent Centrist who was going to change the way things were done. We got a divisive, Arrogant, Stubborn, Partisan man who talks down to half the country or more nearly every day. He may well be smart, but he certainly is not the awe inspiring superior Intellect we were told he was, and he clearly lacks practical Experience and it seems the ability to grow into the job as well.

All that said, Because the Republican Party is so pathetic, I am still betting he gets elected again, and has 4 more years to spend this Country into ruin and push his Nanny state utopia down are throats. I shiver to think of what he might do in a second term, with no need to worry about re-election. If he is willing now to sue States for passing popular laws, while failing to address the problem that led to the law. If he is willing now to Ignore Court orders on Drilling, If he is willing now to ignore public out cry against it and ram a Unwanted, and rushed together Health care law down are throats. If he is willing now to show such disdain for the constitution, Then I ask you just what will do the Next time around?

So 70% of your party is fringe? Because thats how many believe he is not born in America or was not sure.

This is mainstream republican values. They are going after him because he doesn't look White and that makes them uncomfortable. And you wonder why black people are hostile to whites? Did you think being racist had no consequences?

And what *IS* "HIS PARTY"? Care to field this question? Assume much? Project Much?

*YOU* are an I-D-I-O-T
Yes, Obama has been kicking the proverbial can down the proverbial road for too long and it came back to bite him in the ass. Glad Trump brought it out and that it is OVER, and we can now get back to Obama's fabulous economic plans for, not this country, but the world. :eusa_whistle: Oil and American's taxpayer dollars for Bermuda. :cuckoo: "Drill baby drill."

I'm sorry, "Bite him in the ass"?

Looks to me like the only people who's asses will be bitten here are the "Birthers".

Trump himself will start receiving exponentially less news coverage starting tomorrow, until he once again fades into the relative obscurity of being a rich guy with a reality show, and bad hair.

Obama could have ended this a long time ago...WHY didn't he do it?

Why isn't he releasing other info? Records?

The onus has always been on Obama.

Why should he?
I'm sorry, "Bite him in the ass"?

Looks to me like the only people who's asses will be bitten here are the "Birthers".

Trump himself will start receiving exponentially less news coverage starting tomorrow, until he once again fades into the relative obscurity of being a rich guy with a reality show, and bad hair.

Obama could have ended this a long time ago...WHY didn't he do it?

Why isn't he releasing other info? Records?

The onus has always been on Obama.

Why should he?

oh I don't know, maybe because WE THE people who PAY HIS FRIGGEN SALARY DEMANDS IT.

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