Obama to Show Birth Certificate

is obama a narcissist?

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    Votes: 36 57.1%
  • hell no, he is a good president

    Votes: 11 17.5%
  • liberalism is a mental disorder

    Votes: 17 27.0%
  • don't insult my president...

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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You're an idiot.

You guys really are going to claim that we're talking in "code" since you can't justifiably accuse us of racism any other way. Since we don't behave and speak in a racist manner, you have to claim that we're hiding our racism in CODE and if you just crack the code, you got us!

The only racists are the idiots who are using blacks, and race, to bolster up a party that has completely sickened the world. The only way you can pull people to you is by lying, and accusing the other side of the most foul behavior you can think of. And you don't care how many black people get hurt when you do it

BTW, do a search on this site of every foul racist word you can think of. I guarantee that the huge majority of people using them are left wingers
How about all the racists who voted for Obama just because he is black?
It's been nearly 3 years and no proof, or valid evidence has come forth to prove that he was not born in HI.


Do you want obama out in '12? Of course you do. Many people do.

But if you keep grinding this stoopid birffer stuff over and over and over. All big 0 has to do is tell the moderates; "Do you want someone that sees proof and ignores it, running this country?"

Seriously, he will make this BS a front and center issue and we will have a problem keeping the House, and we can FORGET the Senate.

So STFU now, and we can get some conservatives in and hopefully take both houses of Congress, and maybe we canfix the damage you are doing and take the WH.

If you don't?

We are all fucked.

We where fucked on November 2nd 2008. It's a little too late to try and unfuck us now.
Birtherist response highlights racial undertones of ‘debate’ - Yahoo! News

And columnist Michael Tomasky wrote for The Guardian Wednesday that the birther conspiracy "had to be the only explanation for how this black man got to the White House." He added: "And if you think race isn't what this is about at its core, ask yourself if there would even be a birther conspiracy if Barack Obama were white and named Bart Oberstar. If you think there would be, you are delusional."

In a similar vein, Rev. Jesse Jackson told Politico yesterday that Donald Trump's campaign to get Obama to release his birth certificate is deeply rooted in race.

"Any discussion of [Obama's] birthplace is a code word," Jackson said. "It calls upon ancient racial fears." Jackson later added that, in his view, Trump "is now tapping into code-word fears that go far beyond a rational discourse."

Birthers emphatically deny such criticism. But it's difficult to apprehend the ongoing resistance to proof of Obama's citizenship without crediting racial fear as a significant factor. At first, after all, many adherents of birtherism argued that the administration fueled speculation by failing to release the long-form version of Obama's birth certificate, but now that this version has been released to the public, the call continues to go out for other kinds of information about Obama's past to be released--a level of scrutiny that neither McCain nor Obama's 43 predecessors in the Oval Office were expected to face.

Trump, who has railed against Obama as he floats himself as a presidential contender, on Wednesday at a press conference in New Hampshire called for Obama to release his academic transcripts:

The word is, according to what I've read, that he was a terrible student when he went to Occidental. He then gets to Columbia. He then gets to Harvard. I heard at Columbia he wasn't a very good student. He then gets to Harvard. How do you get into Harvard if you're not a good student. Maybe that's right or maybe that's wrong. But I don't know why he doesn't release his records. Why doesn't he release his Occidental records?

Trump and others have accused Obama of not authoring his memoir, while many Obama detractors continue to argue he is secretly Muslim. Both Jackson and Peniel noted that never before has a sitting president's nationality been questioned.

Meanwhile, an eye-opening recent study from the University of Delaware appears to confirm that race-minded detractors of Obama view him as "less American"--as Dan Vergano writes for USA Today.

The study, which surveyed blacks and whites on their opinions of Obama compared to Vice President Joe Biden, found that whites classified as "higher prejudice-predicted Whites" viewed Obama as "less American"--a view that, in turn, resulted in lower evaluations of the president's performance.

These fucking racist pricks make me sick when they deny their racism, no other president has ever been asked to release such information, its as if if you're black and the leader of this country you must prove something more than anyone else, who the hell is Donald Trump or any other racist prick to prove something to? The racist pricks just can't get themselves to accept that a black man sits in the WH and not as a servant or janitor.

Actually, every president is asked to release this information before running for president. It's called being vested, and congress is constitutionally mandated to do it. Only problem is, the 2008 congress failed to do it "Which should have cost them their seats" and Obama allowed it to become the sideshow that he is now saying it is. He himself created this issue, and now his followers are calling people racists for asking him what congress failed to.
How convenient for the left now isn't it?
Birtherist response highlights racial undertones of ‘debate’ - Yahoo! News

And columnist Michael Tomasky wrote for The Guardian Wednesday that the birther conspiracy "had to be the only explanation for how this black man got to the White House." He added: "And if you think race isn't what this is about at its core, ask yourself if there would even be a birther conspiracy if Barack Obama were white and named Bart Oberstar. If you think there would be, you are delusional."

In a similar vein, Rev. Jesse Jackson told Politico yesterday that Donald Trump's campaign to get Obama to release his birth certificate is deeply rooted in race.

"Any discussion of [Obama's] birthplace is a code word," Jackson said. "It calls upon ancient racial fears." Jackson later added that, in his view, Trump "is now tapping into code-word fears that go far beyond a rational discourse."

Birthers emphatically deny such criticism. But it's difficult to apprehend the ongoing resistance to proof of Obama's citizenship without crediting racial fear as a significant factor. At first, after all, many adherents of birtherism argued that the administration fueled speculation by failing to release the long-form version of Obama's birth certificate, but now that this version has been released to the public, the call continues to go out for other kinds of information about Obama's past to be released--a level of scrutiny that neither McCain nor Obama's 43 predecessors in the Oval Office were expected to face.

Trump, who has railed against Obama as he floats himself as a presidential contender, on Wednesday at a press conference in New Hampshire called for Obama to release his academic transcripts:

The word is, according to what I've read, that he was a terrible student when he went to Occidental. He then gets to Columbia. He then gets to Harvard. I heard at Columbia he wasn't a very good student. He then gets to Harvard. How do you get into Harvard if you're not a good student. Maybe that's right or maybe that's wrong. But I don't know why he doesn't release his records. Why doesn't he release his Occidental records?

Trump and others have accused Obama of not authoring his memoir, while many Obama detractors continue to argue he is secretly Muslim. Both Jackson and Peniel noted that never before has a sitting president's nationality been questioned.

Meanwhile, an eye-opening recent study from the University of Delaware appears to confirm that race-minded detractors of Obama view him as "less American"--as Dan Vergano writes for USA Today.

The study, which surveyed blacks and whites on their opinions of Obama compared to Vice President Joe Biden, found that whites classified as "higher prejudice-predicted Whites" viewed Obama as "less American"--a view that, in turn, resulted in lower evaluations of the president's performance.

These fucking racist pricks make me sick when they deny their racism, no other president has ever been asked to release such information, its as if if you're black and the leader of this country you must prove something more than anyone else, who the hell is Donald Trump or any other racist prick to prove something to? The racist pricks just can't get themselves to accept that a black man sits in the WH and not as a servant or janitor.

Actually, every president is asked to release this information before running for president. It's called being vested, and congress is constitutionally mandated to do it. Only problem is, the 2008 congress failed to do it "Which should have cost them their seats" and Obama allowed it to become the sideshow that he is now saying it is. He himself created this issue, and now his followers are calling people racists for asking him what congress failed to.
How convenient for the left now isn't it?

Name me one sitting president in the history of America who has had to release both his short form and long form birth certificates you fucking dickwad? Obama did what he was supposed to do and his presidency was upheld when he gave the necessary information to the state department, who gives a flying fuck what a bucnh of birther retards wants to see? Obama didn't create this issue the birther retards started this issue based on lies, rumors and doctored information.
You're an idiot.

You guys really are going to claim that we're talking in "code" since you can't justifiably accuse us of racism any other way. Since we don't behave and speak in a racist manner, you have to claim that we're hiding our racism in CODE and if you just crack the code, you got us!

The only racists are the idiots who are using blacks, and race, to bolster up a party that has completely sickened the world. The only way you can pull people to you is by lying, and accusing the other side of the most foul behavior you can think of. And you don't care how many black people get hurt when you do it

BTW, do a search on this site of every foul racist word you can think of. I guarantee that the huge majority of people using them are left wingers

What other President in history has had to put his birth certificate on public display..twice. There is no constitutional mandate to do this..by the way. Obama was cleared by the federal government to run for President..and won fair and square.

So..what's different about this President then every other President of the United States that the right felt compelled to hold him to a higher..and Unconstitutional standard?

Oh yeah..he's black.
Birtherist response highlights racial undertones of ‘debate’ - Yahoo! News

And columnist Michael Tomasky wrote for The Guardian Wednesday that the birther conspiracy "had to be the only explanation for how this black man got to the White House." He added: "And if you think race isn't what this is about at its core, ask yourself if there would even be a birther conspiracy if Barack Obama were white and named Bart Oberstar. If you think there would be, you are delusional."

In a similar vein, Rev. Jesse Jackson told Politico yesterday that Donald Trump's campaign to get Obama to release his birth certificate is deeply rooted in race.

"Any discussion of [Obama's] birthplace is a code word," Jackson said. "It calls upon ancient racial fears." Jackson later added that, in his view, Trump "is now tapping into code-word fears that go far beyond a rational discourse."

Birthers emphatically deny such criticism. But it's difficult to apprehend the ongoing resistance to proof of Obama's citizenship without crediting racial fear as a significant factor. At first, after all, many adherents of birtherism argued that the administration fueled speculation by failing to release the long-form version of Obama's birth certificate, but now that this version has been released to the public, the call continues to go out for other kinds of information about Obama's past to be released--a level of scrutiny that neither McCain nor Obama's 43 predecessors in the Oval Office were expected to face.

Trump, who has railed against Obama as he floats himself as a presidential contender, on Wednesday at a press conference in New Hampshire called for Obama to release his academic transcripts:

The word is, according to what I've read, that he was a terrible student when he went to Occidental. He then gets to Columbia. He then gets to Harvard. I heard at Columbia he wasn't a very good student. He then gets to Harvard. How do you get into Harvard if you're not a good student. Maybe that's right or maybe that's wrong. But I don't know why he doesn't release his records. Why doesn't he release his Occidental records?

Trump and others have accused Obama of not authoring his memoir, while many Obama detractors continue to argue he is secretly Muslim. Both Jackson and Peniel noted that never before has a sitting president's nationality been questioned.

Meanwhile, an eye-opening recent study from the University of Delaware appears to confirm that race-minded detractors of Obama view him as "less American"--as Dan Vergano writes for USA Today.

The study, which surveyed blacks and whites on their opinions of Obama compared to Vice President Joe Biden, found that whites classified as "higher prejudice-predicted Whites" viewed Obama as "less American"--a view that, in turn, resulted in lower evaluations of the president's performance.

These fucking racist pricks make me sick when they deny their racism, no other president has ever been asked to release such information, its as if if you're black and the leader of this country you must prove something more than anyone else, who the hell is Donald Trump or any other racist prick to prove something to? The racist pricks just can't get themselves to accept that a black man sits in the WH and not as a servant or janitor.

Actually, every president is asked to release this information before running for president. It's called being vested, and congress is constitutionally mandated to do it. Only problem is, the 2008 congress failed to do it "Which should have cost them their seats" and Obama allowed it to become the sideshow that he is now saying it is. He himself created this issue, and now his followers are calling people racists for asking him what congress failed to.
How convenient for the left now isn't it?

No where in the Constitution is anyone mandated to show a birth certificate.

No where.

Read this again.

Birtherist response highlights racial undertones of ‘debate’ - Yahoo! News

These fucking racist pricks make me sick when they deny their racism, no other president has ever been asked to release such information, its as if if you're black and the leader of this country you must prove something more than anyone else, who the hell is Donald Trump or any other racist prick to prove something to? The racist pricks just can't get themselves to accept that a black man sits in the WH and not as a servant or janitor.

Actually, every president is asked to release this information before running for president. It's called being vested, and congress is constitutionally mandated to do it. Only problem is, the 2008 congress failed to do it "Which should have cost them their seats" and Obama allowed it to become the sideshow that he is now saying it is. He himself created this issue, and now his followers are calling people racists for asking him what congress failed to.
How convenient for the left now isn't it?

No where in the Constitution is anyone mandated to show a birth certificate.

No where.

Read this again.


Article 2, clause 5 "Qualifications for office".

It is congresses job to make sure a candidate is eligible.
Actually, every president is asked to release this information before running for president. It's called being vested, and congress is constitutionally mandated to do it. Only problem is, the 2008 congress failed to do it "Which should have cost them their seats" and Obama allowed it to become the sideshow that he is now saying it is. He himself created this issue, and now his followers are calling people racists for asking him what congress failed to.
How convenient for the left now isn't it?

No where in the Constitution is anyone mandated to show a birth certificate.

No where.

Read this again.


Article 2, clause 5 "Qualifications for office".

It is congresses job to make sure a candidate is eligible.

And Obama did that before he was sworn in so why the fuck were you dickheads talking shit about it for years after the fact constantly asking for his birth certificate? The Constitution doesn't mandate that the President make his short and long form birth certificate available and public to a bunch of howling moronic dipshits who have no right to see his birth certificate since it is private information.
Actually, every president is asked to release this information before running for president. It's called being vested, and congress is constitutionally mandated to do it. Only problem is, the 2008 congress failed to do it "Which should have cost them their seats" and Obama allowed it to become the sideshow that he is now saying it is. He himself created this issue, and now his followers are calling people racists for asking him what congress failed to.
How convenient for the left now isn't it?

No where in the Constitution is anyone mandated to show a birth certificate.

No where.

Read this again.


Article 2, clause 5 "Qualifications for office".

It is congresses job to make sure a candidate is eligible.

You're an idiot.

You guys really are going to claim that we're talking in "code" since you can't justifiably accuse us of racism any other way. Since we don't behave and speak in a racist manner, you have to claim that we're hiding our racism in CODE and if you just crack the code, you got us!

The only racists are the idiots who are using blacks, and race, to bolster up a party that has completely sickened the world. The only way you can pull people to you is by lying, and accusing the other side of the most foul behavior you can think of. And you don't care how many black people get hurt when you do it

BTW, do a search on this site of every foul racist word you can think of. I guarantee that the huge majority of people using them are left wingers

What other President in history has had to put his birth certificate on public display..twice. There is no constitutional mandate to do this..by the way. Obama was cleared by the federal government to run for President..and won fair and square.

So..what's different about this President then every other President of the United States that the right felt compelled to hold him to a higher..and Unconstitutional standard?

Oh yeah..he's black.

I think it was all planned out a long time ago. He knew he would win, I mean come on McCain, Who couldn't beat him ? Any way, I think that he knew after his first four years a second term would be tough after the American people caught wind of who he really was and what he was about, so he came up with the birth certificate thing so he can have evidence that racism is what removed him from office and not his handling of the Presidential duties. This is nothing more then legacy protection. When he loses, Sharpton and Jackson will sat it was because the Klan turned out.
Why Obama shouldn't have had to 'show his papers'.

"Show me your papers!"
Major Blackard, then just 19 years old, dug into his trousers in search of his wallet. He padded his jacket, but could not find his billfold.
"Sir, I done left my wallet..." Blackard said. Before he could finish his sentence, the young man was posted against the brick wall, cuffed and taken to the St. Louis city jail. Unable to prove his identity, he would spend the next 21 days in a cramped, musty cell. That's where his older brother Matt found him, beaten and bloodied. Matt returned with Major's employer later that day, wallet and identification card in hand, to post bond.
The year was 1899. Major Blackard was my great, great grandfathe

Why Obama shouldn't have had to 'show his papers'

i think it is really really important to understand just how low and disgusting this has been and continues to be. has nothing changed in some circles since 1899?
Well now the "Donald" is asking him to show his grades..insinuating that there is no way he could have gotten into Harvard. He's also basically saying Obama hasn't written his own books.

Trump really isn't a racist..he hates everyone. But he's playing into the racist meme.
Yeah. Seriously. Never heard such a thing. In the USA after the civli war? Papers?

jim crow laws were in effect in some parts well into the 20th century. schools were segregated until the late 50's. blacks had to fight to register to vote until not very long ago (and don't think all this B.S. about demanding I.D. on registration isn't, at least in part, about making it difficult for minorities to vote). i don't have to tell you that it wasn't all that long ago that a black man was tied to the back of a vehicle and dragged. i don't have to tell you how many lynchings there were. yes, there were places in the country where, if you were black, they demanded your "papers". they still ask for i.d., routinely, in poor black neighborhoods. it's a way to haul them into jail if they don't have it.
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Well now the "Donald" is asking him to show his grades..insinuating that there is no way he could have gotten into Harvard. He's also basically saying Obama hasn't written his own books.

Trump really isn't a racist..he hates everyone. But he's playing into the racist meme.

i hope every advertiser on his show pulls their spots.

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