Obama to Show Birth Certificate

is obama a narcissist?

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    Votes: 36 57.1%
  • hell no, he is a good president

    Votes: 11 17.5%
  • liberalism is a mental disorder

    Votes: 17 27.0%
  • don't insult my president...

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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You're an idiot.

You guys really are going to claim that we're talking in "code" since you can't justifiably accuse us of racism any other way. Since we don't behave and speak in a racist manner, you have to claim that we're hiding our racism in CODE and if you just crack the code, you got us!

The only racists are the idiots who are using blacks, and race, to bolster up a party that has completely sickened the world. The only way you can pull people to you is by lying, and accusing the other side of the most foul behavior you can think of. And you don't care how many black people get hurt when you do it

BTW, do a search on this site of every foul racist word you can think of. I guarantee that the huge majority of people using them are left wingers

What other President in history has had to put his birth certificate on public display..twice. There is no constitutional mandate to do this..by the way. Obama was cleared by the federal government to run for President..and won fair and square.

So..what's different about this President then every other President of the United States that the right felt compelled to hold him to a higher..and Unconstitutional standard?

Oh yeah..he's black.

I think it was all planned out a long time ago. He knew he would win, I mean come on McCain, Who couldn't beat him ? Any way, I think that he knew after his first four years a second term would be tough after the American people caught wind of who he really was and what he was about, so he came up with the birth certificate thing so he can have evidence that racism is what removed him from office and not his handling of the Presidential duties. This is nothing more then legacy protection. When he loses, Sharpton and Jackson will sat it was because the Klan turned out.

Another bullshit conspiracy theory without any evidence to back it up, you turds wouldn't shut the fuck up for years, constantly talking shit about his birth certificate, now you dipshits look real dumb because you can't get around the fact that its no coincidence that the first black president is also the only one who had a movement of crazed people demanding his birth certificate and now his educational records. None of the presidents before was asked to do such, so why now? RACE!
What other President in history has had to put his birth certificate on public display..twice. There is no constitutional mandate to do this..by the way. Obama was cleared by the federal government to run for President..and won fair and square.

So..what's different about this President then every other President of the United States that the right felt compelled to hold him to a higher..and Unconstitutional standard?

Oh yeah..he's black.

I think it was all planned out a long time ago. He knew he would win, I mean come on McCain, Who couldn't beat him ? Any way, I think that he knew after his first four years a second term would be tough after the American people caught wind of who he really was and what he was about, so he came up with the birth certificate thing so he can have evidence that racism is what removed him from office and not his handling of the Presidential duties. This is nothing more then legacy protection. When he loses, Sharpton and Jackson will sat it was because the Klan turned out.

Another bullshit conspiracy theory without any evidence to back it up, you turds wouldn't shut the fuck up for years, constantly talking shit about his birth certificate, now you dipshits look real dumb because you can't get around the fact that its no coincidence that the first black president is also the only one who had a movement of crazed people demanding his birth certificate and now his educational records. None of the presidents before was asked to do such, so why now? RACE!

Every President has a conspiracy that follows them around for the rest of there lives. Mostly, they are entertaining, and that is all that they usually amount to. Like the war for oil.
Why get upset about the birthers?

Their complaints are groundless.

All they do by continuing to whine about this non-issue is alienate reality based voters.

They make the GOP look like the party of clueless conspiracy theeorists.

If I were running the DNC I'd be thanking them for making the extremists on the left look sane.
I repeat obama's father never signed anything on that doument

Didn't say he did sign it, the official typed one from a worksheet. The one created from a worksheet he may have filled out for the hospital while his wife was in labor. I know when my kids were born I did the paperwork - my wife did all the pushing so she was kind of busy.


Your post

U.S. standards for classifying race on birth certificates in 1961, see page 231 at the link.

Births in the United States in 1961 are classified for vital statistics into white, Negro, American Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Aleut, Eskimo, Hawaiian and Part-Hawaiian (combined), and "other nonwhite.


There is no category for AFRICAN.

The father (BHO Sr.) wasn't an American, he was Kenyan and filled it out with what his country would have had him put in the box.
The data doesn't come from check boxes, they put in what you write in the box.



No where did that say he signed the official typed one.

"Korean", "German", and "Portuguese" are not "races" either but that is what is clearly shown on a Long Form BC from Hawaii that YOU have been posting as gospel now for a couple of weeks.

Why get upset about the birthers?

Their complaints are groundless.

All they do by continuing to whine about this non-issue is alienate reality based voters.

They make the GOP look like the party of clueless conspiracy theeorists.

If I were running the DNC I'd be thanking them for making the extremists on the left look sane.

I think they are doing that now. It is a stupid issue, but may end up being smart politics.
I just reposted the long form COLB show me where obama's father signature is on that document?

The final typed form only requires one parent, it was signed by Stanely Dunham. Identify the block that must be signed by the father once a worksheet is transferred to the typed form if the mother already signed it.

So, in the documents you have posted so often, was "Japanese" an official "race" used from a restricted list in the 1960's?


In 1960's no where in American government or culture was African considered a race. The first Time I ever heade the term African as a race was in the mid 80's

BHO Sr. was not a product of the American government or American culture. He was born and raised in Kenya where they are told to list "African" as a race.

Can you believe they are accusing people of being racist just for asking the boyking to show a PIECE OF PAPER.

Expect more of this folks, elections coming up, HIGH Unemployment, HIGH food prices, HIGH gas prices, etc etc.
wow, so now the Obama, OUR PRESIDENT shouldn't have to comply with a request FROM THE PEOPLE WHO ELECTED HIM.


oh dear, :eusa_whistle:
Well now the "Donald" is asking him to show his grades..insinuating that there is no way he could have gotten into Harvard. He's also basically saying Obama hasn't written his own books.

Trump really isn't a racist..he hates everyone. But he's playing into the racist meme.

i hope every advertiser on his show pulls their spots.

Can you believe they are accusing people of being racist just for asking the boyking to show a PIECE OF PAPER.

Expect more of this folks, elections coming up, HIGH Unemployment, HIGH food prices, HIGH gas prices, etc etc.

Yeah, it is going to be nasty. And every little thing (like" mookaka") that is said will be picked apart to see if it can be interpreted as racist. Really, its all they can do now because Obama doesn't have allot going for him right now.
Oprah asked him the first question that popped into my head after he finally released this latest form, "Why didn't you release it earlier???"

He, of course, didn't answer.

Instead he lied "I was there.....I remember it".


If the question is too difficult to answer just lie. Everybody got a little chuckle.

Anyway, Obama had so many more important things to do yesterday. After leaving Oprah he jetted all the way across the country to attend 3 fundraisers in NYC.

I'm so happy that the President is taking care of business now.
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The final typed form only requires one parent, it was signed by Stanely Dunham. Identify the block that must be signed by the father once a worksheet is transferred to the typed form if the mother already signed it.

So, in the documents you have posted so often, was "Japanese" an official "race" used from a restricted list in the 1960's?


In 1960's no where in American government or culture was African considered a race. The first Time I ever heade the term African as a race was in the mid 80's

BHO Sr. was not a product of the American government or American culture. He was born and raised in Kenya where they are told to list "African" as a race.


Nor did he have anything to do with suppling information to the document. the mother signed and the mother provided the information.
We have laws. We have a requirement that the President be a natural born citizen. There is nothing wrong with asking him to prove it.

Claiming that asking for his birth certificate equates to Jim Crow is just another tired bullshit claim of racism cause you can't stand him being questioned.
Not the one station that paid the big bucks in court for the right to lie to their viewers without repercussions

Just how stupid are you willing to be on this forum? All you do is make comments with nothing to back them up. You may some day realize that you have a mental disorder because of your connection to liberalism.

She is going to make you look like the piece of shit fool that you are.

No she isn't she'll run when she's busted for lying. or ignore the reply to a post she doesn't like.
wow, so now the Obama, OUR PRESIDENT shouldn't have to comply with a request FROM THE PEOPLE WHO ELECTED HIM.


oh dear, :eusa_whistle:

the allegations about shrub were true.

the document wasn't real.

get over it, loon.

You keep claiming you are a lawyer and yet you make ignorant claims like this.

If it were true they wouldn't have needed to fake the papers. And you know it.

Further the family of his reporting senior claim he never did any such thing or said any such thing. That in fact he felt that Bush was a promising young officer.
In 1960's no where in American government or culture was African considered a race. The first Time I ever heade the term African as a race was in the mid 80's

BHO Sr. was not a product of the American government or American culture. He was born and raised in Kenya where they are told to list "African" as a race.


Nor did he have anything to do with suppling information to the document. the mother signed and the mother provided the information.

You are stating as a factual conclusion that for which you have supplied no evidence.

You statement is what is called in inductive fallacy:

1. Premise: A parent fills out a worksheet the hospital uses to type an original birth record.

2. Premise: The mother signed the typed birth record.

3. Conclusion: The mother filled out the worksheet.​

Since a child has two parents, you fallacy lies in concluding that the parent that signed the final copy is the one that filled out the worksheet the final copy off of which the final copy was based.

Well now the "Donald" is asking him to show his grades..insinuating that there is no way he could have gotten into Harvard. He's also basically saying Obama hasn't written his own books.

Trump really isn't a racist..he hates everyone. But he's playing into the racist meme.

i hope every advertiser on his show pulls their spots.

They should. What an embarrassing man. This on top of very public and personal feuds with women should have prompted advertisers to pull their spots..
wow, so now the Obama, OUR PRESIDENT shouldn't have to comply with a request FROM THE PEOPLE WHO ELECTED HIM.


oh dear, :eusa_whistle:

the allegations about shrub were true.

the document wasn't real.

get over it, loon.

You keep claiming you are a lawyer and yet you make ignorant claims like this.

If it were true they wouldn't have needed to fake the papers. And you know it.

Further the family of his reporting senior claim he never did any such thing or said any such thing. That in fact he felt that Bush was a promising young officer.

i love you rightwingnut losers. the minute you disagree with me, you challenge my bona fids because you have nothing else to say.

they didn't *have* to fake papers. they intentionally planted the faked papers so they'd discredit dan rather and cbs. and so imbeciles like you and your buds would have something to say.

now how about sticking to the subject of the thread, since i have never seen you to be a racist, instead of allowing that ugly cow, steffie, to derail it.

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