Obama to sign order forcing government to hire convicts

And unemployed. People who have done their time shouldn't have to have it follow and handicap their ability to earn a living forever.

nice theory..unrealistic, but "nice"....a clean record is crucial in some jobs..mandatory in some...and highly desirable in others...
people who can't manage to follow the laws deserve to have their record closely examined.
The best indicator for future behavior is ....past behavior.

Not really.


Well no, really.

You'll find that when a person's economic situation changes so does their behavior.

LMFAO...rich people don't commit crimes?

Sure do.

You folks call it "winning".
And unemployed. People who have done their time shouldn't have to have it follow them and handicap their ability to earn a living forever.

Would you hire someone with a drug conviction? You know the guy is a drug addict and will almost certainly steal from you to feed his addiction..

You'll find that when a person's economic situation changes so does their behavior.

Not so drug criminals. These people are addicts and always will be. No matter who hires them they will steal from their employer to feed their addiction.
He's also giving early release to 6,600 drug criminals right now. And that's just the start. It's gonna be like 40,000 over the next year! And then there's the 40 million illegal invaders he refuses to even try to deport. The most lawless man in america.

Obama to Sign Order Forcing Government to Hire Convicts - Breitbart

nov 2 2015 Ever in search of benefits to hand leftist constituencies, Democrats have decided to give goodies to their most natural constituency of all: criminals. According to the Associated Press, President Obama will announce executive orders Monday attempting to prevent screening for prior criminality in government hiring.

The so-called “ban the box” program would prevent government agencies from asking about criminal history until later in the interview process. Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (D-NY), Vermont Senator Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT)16%
(D-Loonbag), and former Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley have all joined Obama in calling for banning “the box” – meaning the check box for criminal conviction. Obama also wants to prevent public housing from hindering the ability for convicted criminals to gain access to subsidies.

So, in short, we all get to hire unhireable employees with criminal backgrounds, and subsidize those who wouldn’t be able to find housing because they have committed crimes

you might want to check on the specifics with an actual source.

breitbart isn't one....

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