Obama to Skip Billy Graham Funeral

Barack Obama To Skip Billy Graham Funeral

Obama is a muslim. Of course he would not attend the funeral of a predominate Christian showing him disrespect. But for some reason he seems to attract the food stamp and welfare recipients

You can be sure that the Grahams won't be brokenhearted that the most evil president in American history didn't come to Billy Graham's funeral...

Obama is a Christian.
Bullshit, he has no religion, he worships himself.
As does Cadet Bone Spurs. BIGLY!!!!!!!!
His father was a muslim, so he's muslim by default. And he doesn't wear his wedding ring during the month of Ramadan, when muslim men aren't permitted to wear jewelry. And, given muslims' hatred of Jews, anytime he was on the phone with Netanyahu, he was always photographed with his feet up on the desk, facing the camera. Showing the bottom of one's shoes is an insult in Pisslam. He wanted NASA to be about "muslim outreach" to the nn-existent scientific accomplishments of muslim filth. And why would he commit treason on behalf of fellow muslim Bowe Bergdahl if he wasn;'t a muslim himself?

My Mother was raised Catholic - does that make me Catholic by default?
His mother also posed naked for a Communist.
Leave Barron out of this.
At least she is worth looking at.
So’s Nikki Benz.
"Starting at a small Bible School in Florida, Billy Graham soon led a nationwide revival. From a large tent in Los Angeles, to one hundred thousand people in a single day at Yankee Stadium, to more than two million people at Madison Square Garden over sixteen weeks in 1957" - President Trump
Barack Obama To Skip Billy Graham Funeral

Obama is a muslim. Of course he would not attend the funeral of a predominate Christian showing him disrespect. But for some reason he seems to attract the food stamp and welfare recipients

You can be sure that the Grahams won't be brokenhearted that the most evil president in American history didn't come to Billy Graham's funeral...

he has never been a muslim you freaking loon.

and I think you probably shouldn't get your "news" from PJmedia nutters.

The school he attended in Indonesia's records disagrees.
Barack Obama To Skip Billy Graham Funeral

Obama is a muslim. Of course he would not attend the funeral of a predominate Christian showing him disrespect. But for some reason he seems to attract the food stamp and welfare recipients

You can be sure that the Grahams won't be brokenhearted that the most evil president in American history didn't come to Billy Graham's funeral...

he has never been a muslim you freaking loon.

and I think you probably shouldn't get your "news" from PJmedia nutters.

The school he attended in Indonesia's records disagrees.
You continue to sound like a goon. Do some real research, superintendent.
Billy Graham is too white for Barry and Moochelle for these kinds of events to attend

so why aren't jimmy Carter, dubya, daddy bush and bill Clinton not going, bigot boy?

Because none of them live in DC, but Ohbummer, does!

that would be Obama for the terminally stupid

and the funeral is in Charlotte, NC.

you're welcome.

Which is closer, dumbass?

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