Obama to Skip Billy Graham Funeral

Barack Obama To Skip Billy Graham Funeral

Obama is a muslim. Of course he would not attend the funeral of a predominate Christian showing him disrespect. But for some reason he seems to attract the food stamp and welfare recipients

You can be sure that the Grahams won't be brokenhearted that the most evil president in American history didn't come to Billy Graham's funeral...

he has never been a muslim you freaking loon.

and I think you probably shouldn't get your "news" from PJmedia nutters.
His father was a muslim, so he's muslim by default. And he doesn't wear his wedding ring during the month of Ramadan, when muslim men aren't permitted to wear jewelry. And, given muslims' hatred of Jews, anytime he was on the phone with Netanyahu, he was always photographed with his feet up on the desk, facing the camera. Showing the bottom of one's shoes is an insult in Pisslam. He wanted NASA to be about "muslim outreach" to the nn-existent scientific accomplishments of muslim filth. And why would he commit treason on behalf of fellow muslim Bowe Bergdahl if he wasn;'t a muslim himself?

My Mother was raised Catholic - does that make me Catholic by default?
His mother also posed naked for a Communist.
Urine idiot
His father was a muslim, so he's muslim by default. And he doesn't wear his wedding ring during the month of Ramadan, when muslim men aren't permitted to wear jewelry. And, given muslims' hatred of Jews, anytime he was on the phone with Netanyahu, he was always photographed with his feet up on the desk, facing the camera. Showing the bottom of one's shoes is an insult in Pisslam. He wanted NASA to be about "muslim outreach" to the nn-existent scientific accomplishments of muslim filth. And why would he commit treason on behalf of fellow muslim Bowe Bergdahl if he wasn;'t a muslim himself?

My Mother was raised Catholic - does that make me Catholic by default?
His mother also posed naked for a Communist.

No she didn't

New Anti-Obama Film Claims His Mother Posed for Nude Photos

it's amazing how mentally ill and delusional Obama deranged twits still are.
Barack Obama To Skip Billy Graham Funeral

Obama is a muslim. Of course he would not attend the funeral of a predominate Christian showing him disrespect. But for some reason he seems to attract the food stamp and welfare recipients

You can be sure that the Grahams won't be brokenhearted that the most evil president in American history didn't come to Billy Graham's funeral...

Obama is a Christian.
Bullshit, he has no religion, he worships himself.

Why did you say he is a Muslim?

His father was a muslim, so he's muslim by default. And he doesn't wear his wedding ring during the month of Ramadan, when muslim men aren't permitted to wear jewelry. And, given muslims' hatred of Jews, anytime he was on the phone with Netanyahu, he was always photographed with his feet up on the desk, facing the camera. Showing the bottom of one's shoes is an insult in Pisslam. He wanted NASA to be about "muslim outreach" to the nn-existent scientific accomplishments of muslim filth. And why would he commit treason on behalf of fellow muslim Bowe Bergdahl if he wasn;'t a muslim himself?
Ramadan 2015: June 17-July 17.
Photo July 1, 2015. Notice the wedding ring.


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Barack Obama To Skip Billy Graham Funeral

Obama is a muslim. Of course he would not attend the funeral of a predominate Christian showing him disrespect. But for some reason he seems to attract the food stamp and welfare recipients

You can be sure that the Grahams won't be brokenhearted that the most evil president in American history didn't come to Billy Graham's funeral...

Billy Graham was a bigot among other things. So is his son, Franklin. I wouldn't attend his funeral if it was within walking distance. Here is an interesting article on the man:

The Soul-Crushing Legacy of Billy Graham
His father was a muslim, so he's muslim by default. And he doesn't wear his wedding ring during the month of Ramadan, when muslim men aren't permitted to wear jewelry. And, given muslims' hatred of Jews, anytime he was on the phone with Netanyahu, he was always photographed with his feet up on the desk, facing the camera. Showing the bottom of one's shoes is an insult in Pisslam. He wanted NASA to be about "muslim outreach" to the nn-existent scientific accomplishments of muslim filth. And why would he commit treason on behalf of fellow muslim Bowe Bergdahl if he wasn;'t a muslim himself?

My Mother was raised Catholic - does that make me Catholic by default?
His mother also posed naked for a Communist.

No she didn't

New Anti-Obama Film Claims His Mother Posed for Nude Photos

it's amazing how mentally ill and delusional Obama deranged twits still are.

Mentally ill? Because I oppose your liberal blowjob of America's enemies, you cheap, $2 whore? You waste of fallopian tubes. GET OFF MY DICK, you stalker-bitch. You liberal maggots are the ones have psychotic, violent, mental breakdowns over putting American interests first, you human pap-smear.
Quiet down. No flames-only in Politics. Or so I'm told when my posts are taken down for that.
it's amazing how mentally ill and delusional Obama deranged twits still are.

Mentally ill? Because I oppose your liberal blowjob of America's enemies, you cheap, $2 whore? You waste of fallopian tubes. GET OFF MY DICK, you stalker-bitch. You liberal maggots are the ones have psychotic, violent, mental breakdowns over putting American interests first, you human pap-smear.

quiet, loon.... you want to talk about giving comfort to our enemies, you should probably talk to Donald.

and whatever you feel as you drip spittle on your keyboard, perhaps you shouldn't make up things so everyone won't think you're a vile and disgusting lowlife moron.

Isn't there some muslim group you should be gang-banging, you evil, anti-American, leftist, PC-crazed skank? THINGS like you are the reason I left the Democratic sewer years ago. So arrogant, so stupid, so disloyal to this country, with your sick asshole love of Pisslam's barbaric, human rights atrocities, you yeast-infected female hobgoblin. You screeching banshee.

Dud, you're breaking the rules here.
He's on crack

LOL, first time I've laughed today :)
it's amazing how mentally ill and delusional Obama deranged twits still are.

Mentally ill? Because I oppose your liberal blowjob of America's enemies, you cheap, $2 whore? You waste of fallopian tubes. GET OFF MY DICK, you stalker-bitch. You liberal maggots are the ones have psychotic, violent, mental breakdowns over putting American interests first, you human pap-smear.

quiet, loon.... you want to talk about giving comfort to our enemies, you should probably talk to Donald.

and whatever you feel as you drip spittle on your keyboard, perhaps you shouldn't make up things so everyone won't think you're a vile and disgusting lowlife moron.

Isn't there some muslim group you should be gang-banging, you evil, anti-American, leftist, PC-crazed skank? THINGS like you are the reason I left the Democratic sewer years ago. So arrogant, so stupid, so disloyal to this country, with your sick asshole love of Pisslam's barbaric, human rights atrocities, you yeast-infected female hobgoblin. You screeching banshee.

Dud, you're breaking the rules here.
He's on crack
you say that like it's a bad thing
It isn't everyday that I envy the blind, but today is one of those days.
His father was a muslim, so he's muslim by default. And he doesn't wear his wedding ring during the month of Ramadan, when muslim men aren't permitted to wear jewelry. And, given muslims' hatred of Jews, anytime he was on the phone with Netanyahu, he was always photographed with his feet up on the desk, facing the camera. Showing the bottom of one's shoes is an insult in Pisslam. He wanted NASA to be about "muslim outreach" to the nn-existent scientific accomplishments of muslim filth. And why would he commit treason on behalf of fellow muslim Bowe Bergdahl if he wasn;'t a muslim himself?

My Mother was raised Catholic - does that make me Catholic by default?
His mother also posed naked for a Communist.
Urine idiot

Barack Obama To Skip Billy Graham Funeral

Obama is a muslim. Of course he would not attend the funeral of a predominate Christian showing him disrespect. But for some reason he seems to attract the food stamp and welfare recipients

You can be sure that the Grahams won't be brokenhearted that the most evil president in American history didn't come to Billy Graham's funeral...

As soon as you say "Obama is muslim" you hurt your credibility.
His father was a muslim, so he's muslim by default. And he doesn't wear his wedding ring during the month of Ramadan, when muslim men aren't permitted to wear jewelry. And, given muslims' hatred of Jews, anytime he was on the phone with Netanyahu, he was always photographed with his feet up on the desk, facing the camera. Showing the bottom of one's shoes is an insult in Pisslam. He wanted NASA to be about "muslim outreach" to the nn-existent scientific accomplishments of muslim filth. And why would he commit treason on behalf of fellow muslim Bowe Bergdahl if he wasn;'t a muslim himself?

My Mother was raised Catholic - does that make me Catholic by default?
His mother also posed naked for a Communist.
Leave Barron out of this.
His father was a muslim, so he's muslim by default. And he doesn't wear his wedding ring during the month of Ramadan, when muslim men aren't permitted to wear jewelry. And, given muslims' hatred of Jews, anytime he was on the phone with Netanyahu, he was always photographed with his feet up on the desk, facing the camera. Showing the bottom of one's shoes is an insult in Pisslam. He wanted NASA to be about "muslim outreach" to the nn-existent scientific accomplishments of muslim filth. And why would he commit treason on behalf of fellow muslim Bowe Bergdahl if he wasn;'t a muslim himself?

My Mother was raised Catholic - does that make me Catholic by default?
His mother also posed naked for a Communist.
Leave Barron out of this.
At least she is worth looking at.

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