Obama to Skip Billy Graham Funeral

Barack Obama To Skip Billy Graham Funeral

Obama is a muslim. Of course he would not attend the funeral of a predominate Christian showing him disrespect. But for some reason he seems to attract the food stamp and welfare recipients

You can be sure that the Grahams won't be brokenhearted that the most evil president in American history didn't come to Billy Graham's funeral...

Obama is a Christian.
Bullshit, he has no religion, he worships himself.

Why did you say he is a Muslim?

His father was a muslim, so he's muslim by default. And he doesn't wear his wedding ring during the month of Ramadan, when muslim men aren't permitted to wear jewelry. And, given muslims' hatred of Jews, anytime he was on the phone with Netanyahu, he was always photographed with his feet up on the desk, facing the camera. Showing the bottom of one's shoes is an insult in Pisslam. He wanted NASA to be about "muslim outreach" to the nn-existent scientific accomplishments of muslim filth. And why would he commit treason on behalf of fellow muslim Bowe Bergdahl if he wasn;'t a muslim himself?
As a Muslim i say:

Hahahahahaha where you get your information from ?
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What's the fuss about ? not his friend, not his neighbor, not his church. Obama a private citizen is not expected to make nice, he did a pretty good job while in office of showing up where it was expected in his role as president..
What's the fuss about ? not his friend, not his neighbor, not his church. Obama a private citizen is not expected to make nice, he did a pretty good job while in office of showing up where it was expected in his role as president..
He "showed up" in MANY places he wasn't needed nor expected. The place he was needed the most, Chicago's South Side, he was curiously absent.
What's the fuss about ? not his friend, not his neighbor, not his church. Obama a private citizen is not expected to make nice, he did a pretty good job while in office of showing up where it was expected in his role as president..
He "showed up" in MANY places he wasn't needed nor expected. The place he was needed the most, Chicago's South Side, he was curiously absent.
I think the fake concern (and using dead people as political fodder) is more nauseating than lack of concern.
I bet Obama will attend "Reverend" Jeremiah Wright's funeral.

Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, and George W. Bush attended one of the viewings. President Trump attended one of the viewings and the funeral.

Where was Obama? Too busy? Maybe chatting on the phone with his long-time buddies Rasheed Khalidi or Ed Said or Bill Ayers?
Barack Obama To Skip Billy Graham Funeral

Obama is a muslim. Of course he would not attend the funeral of a predominate Christian showing him disrespect. But for some reason he seems to attract the food stamp and welfare recipients

You can be sure that the Grahams won't be brokenhearted that the most evil president in American history didn't come to Billy Graham's funeral...

Billy Graham was a bigot among other things. So is his son, Franklin. I wouldn't attend his funeral if it was within walking distance. Here is an interesting article on the ma
The Soul-Crushing Legacy of Billy Graham
This bigoted post of yours is the last I'll ever read. Permanent-ban for you bigots.. Lakhota
Me cares.

Him cares.

We cares.
Why does a person that you dont even like, bother you, for not going to a funeral you wont even be at?

He counseled Presidents since JFK. Showing up was just a sign of respect.
Did all the other presidents still alive go?

They all showed up before the event.

I don't think Obama even did that though.

Here is a man who worked with MLK during the Civil Rights movement, yet he was shunned by Obama.


disgraceful Is the orange one and Franklin graham. why on earth would President Obama stand there with those creatures?

and they did not "all go beforehand". any more lies you want to tell, Obama deranged nutter?.
I'm glad Obama didn't show up.
I should i was raised a baptist and had to memorize da Bible....My Grandmother was a Biblical scholar with her own private library...
If true, you should know enough to know Billy Graham's ministry wasn't about faith healing, which is surprising regarding your dumbass post made earlier.
obama didn't get to make a giggling laughing garoyle of himself the way he did at nelson mandela's funeral.

Sorry son of Satan. No blondes for you to feel up.
Perhaps one reason Billy Graham lived until 100 years was he was waiting on a president who would give him the honor he deserves as God would want. Obama should and would not have done this.
"Donald Trump went to Billy Graham’s funeral, but not one for the 17 who were killed in Parkland."

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