Obama to urge Congress to shutter Frannie, and Freddie


VIP Member
Feb 28, 2011
Mashpee, MA
In 2005 Pres Bush went to Congress to urge them to take control of Fannie Mae, and Freddie Mack. He warned that out of control home loans to people who couldn't afford to pay them back would burst the housing bubble, and crash the American economy. Pres. Bush, was immediately attacked by the liberal Congress, and the liberal media. They shouted from their soap boxes that Pres. Bush was being draconian, was anti middle class, and that he wanted to take away the American dream of home ownership. In 2008 the housing bubble burst, the American economy tanked, and American prosperity evaporated just like Pres. Bush warned that it would. Fast forward to today. Now we learn that Pres. Obama, is to urge Congress to shutter Fannie, and Freddie. Why does he want to do this? He wants to buffer Americans from future housing market down turns. Wow! The worm turns. Will Obama be called draconian or genius by the liberal congress and press? I can't wait to find out. My Way News - Obama to urge Congress to shutter Fannie, Freddie
Obama is Lord, Savior, Daddy and male head of household to all the Good Little Progressive Boys and Girls.
Only one reply. I didn't think that liberals would touch this one. The destruction of the American economy can be laid directly at the feet of the liberal party. We've all seen the pictures and reports from liberal bankrupted Detroit, MI. This is what is in store for the the nation under liberal/ progressive/ socialist, guidance. America is being guided to ruin. We're almost there.
The fucking government should not be guaranteeing mortgages or any private loan for that matter.
If true then it's just more proof that Bush and Obama have the same Lord and Master: The Banks.
If true then it's just more proof that Bush and Obama have the same Lord and Master: The Banks.

Correct. If obama had been a threat to the establishment, banks, extremely wealthy, large corporations, he wouldn't have had any backing. Small differences between the 2 parties. -Big diffences on transgender, abortion, guns, some safety nets like s.s. etc . When it comes to the inequality of wealth, offshoring of america's jobs, destroying the environment, all war all the time, destroying civil liberties., Obama's not much different than a republican
I still am democwat though. If anybody helps the little guy, it'll be a democrat. repubs would rather see children hungry rather than raise taxes on a multibillionaire.
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jasonfree, tell me specifically just what the "democwats" have done to help the little guy. What programs have the republicans put into place that would force children to go hungry. Listen to your fearless leader. He is proposing the very same ideas that Mitt Romney was excoriated for during the 2012 election. In this instance I agree with Obama. From your reply I can tell that liberals are still stuck on stupid. There is a fundamental difference between a republican, and a liberal. Liberals can't exist with out republicans to support them economically, and to fight for their freedom. Republicans on the other hand can get along very nicely with out democrats. :)
Translation: the house of cards is about to fall, so Obama wants a fire sale of assets to the private sector before it does.
yota5, you're a dumbass.

There is ONE political party in the U.S., and this is a nation of struggling wage slaves. Neither party has any intention of changing the status quo.

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