Obama to Urge UN to Break up Israel

It seems to me that in the Yom Kipper war (1973), the Israeli troops were on the march towards Cairo and Damascus and were only 20 miles from Damascus Syria, and only 50 miles from Cairo Egypt, When the USA convinced Israel to stop their advance.
IF we (The USA hadn't told the Israelis to stop their advance, Cairo and Damascus would be part of Israel!!!

Uh, no, they were nowhere near that. In fact, the Zionists got their asses kicked and demanded we resupply them or Golda Meir would use the nukes.

In fact, the Zionist entity actually PULLED BACK from the 1967 demarkation line in the Sinai because they realized it was impossible to defend. Six years later, they gave back the WHOLE of the Sinai.
The arabs started a civil war and lost their asses in the civil war.
The jews won the civil war.
In wars, there is always "winners" and "losers".

So let me ask the question. If the Zionists lose the next war, and Israel is wiped out and they are going to slaughter any Jews who don't go back to Europe, are you going to be so blaise about it?
So, since Obama and his goons couldn't put in a pro Muslim leader in Israel, he's going to the UN now in hopes they can force a deal between Palestine and Israel

Anyone who thinks Obama is not pro Arab is completely beyond hope


The White House hoped a new Israeli prime minister would resume peace talks with the Palestinians. With Netanyahu holding on, the administration is weighing a turn to the U.N. to help force a deal.

After years of blocking U.N. efforts to pressure Israelis and Palestinians into accepting a lasting two-state solution, the United States is edging closer toward supporting a U.N. Security Council resolution that would call for the resumption of political talks to conclude a final peace settlement, according to Western diplomats.

From Tel Aviv to Turtle Bay Foreign Policy

What precisely do you mean by "break up Israel" and where is that in the article to which you linked? For I read the article in full and did not see that passage...
Do you support a U.N. security counsel resolution creating a "Palestinian" state unilaterally ?
At some point, the zionists are either going to have to have a two-state solution, or they are going to have to live in a state where Jews are in the minority.

But they can't go on being an apartheid state forever.

That is the problem they are facing. The Arab population continues to increase within Israel. The two state solution makes all the sense in the world for the long term survival of a truly Jewish state.
It seems to me that in the Yom Kipper war (1973), the Israeli troops were on the march towards Cairo and Damascus and were only 20 miles from Damascus Syria, and only 50 miles from Cairo Egypt, When the USA convinced Israel to stop their advance.
IF we (The USA hadn't told the Israelis to stop their advance, Cairo and Damascus would be part of Israel!!!

Uh, no, they were nowhere near that. In fact, the Zionists got their asses kicked and demanded we resupply them or Golda Meir would use the nukes.

In fact, the Zionist entity actually PULLED BACK from the 1967 demarkation line in the Sinai because they realized it was impossible to defend. Six years later, they gave back the WHOLE of the Sinai.

. ..................... ROTFLMFAO
Where DO YOU liberal parrots get your terrorist-sympathizing talking points from???
You ARE a HOOT ..................... a terrorist sympathizer, but a laugh-a-minute!!!!
At some point, the zionists are either going to have to have a two-state solution, or they are going to have to live in a state where Jews are in the minority.

But they can't go on being an apartheid state forever.

Um, why not? And says who?


I doubt that. History has no seat at the table here.

I'm with Israel and respect their restraint

Where DO YOU liberal parrots get your terrorist-sympathizing talking points from???
You ARE a HOOT ..................... a terrorist sympathizer, but a laugh-a-minute!!!!

Guy, reality check. There aren't en ough Jews to sustain Zionism. Or at least, not enough who actually want to live in a desert next to people who want to kill them.
At some point, the zionists are either going to have to have a two-state solution, or they are going to have to live in a state where Jews are in the minority.

But they can't go on being an apartheid state forever.

Um, why not? And says who?


I doubt that. History has no seat at the table here.

I'm with Israel and respect their restraint


Arabs should thank God for the Israeli restraint. Can you imagine IF the Israelis fired rockets into and carpet-bombed highly populated arab areas, targeting innocent civilians????
The Irsaelis show a lot civilized restraint, where as the terrorist animals show no such restraint and target innocent civilians.
The terrorist sympathizers here, STILL cheer on the terrorists.
Arabs should thank God for the Israeli restraint.
Yeah, exactly.
Arabs should thank Jews for sixty years of ethnic cleansing.

Can you spell B-D-S?
Arabs should thank God for the Israeli restraint.
Yeah, exactly.
Arabs should thank Jews for sixty years of ethnic cleansing.

Can you spell B-D-S?

IF the Israelis DIDN'T show restraint, your map would be all white and no green on it.
If the Israelis DIDN'T show restraint in the "73" war, Cairo and Damascus would be part of Israel
The arabs should thank God that the Israelis DO show great restraint
IF the Israelis DIDN'T show restraint, your map would be all white and no green on it.
If the Israelis DIDN'T show restraint in the "73" war, Cairo and Damascus would be part of Israel
The arabs should thank God that the Israelis DO show great restraint

Uh, no, it wouldn't. The reality is, the Zionists can't hold what htey have now. They had to give back the Sinai because they couldn't hold it. They also can't let go or keep the occuppied territories. They have the tiger by the tail. They can't keep holding on and the can't let go, either.
IF the Israelis DIDN'T show restraint, your map would be all white and no green on it.
If the Israelis DIDN'T show restraint in the "73" war, Cairo and Damascus would be part of Israel
The arabs should thank God that the Israelis DO show great restraint

Uh, no, it wouldn't. The reality is, the Zionists can't hold what htey have now. They had to give back the Sinai because they couldn't hold it. They also can't let go or keep the occuppied territories. They have the tiger by the tail. They can't keep holding on and the can't let go, either.

Wishful thinking on your part.
Most of that land has been part of Israel for 40 years,
Egypt signed a peace treaty with Israel, remember? ("There is a time for war and there is a time for peace", Sadat).
There are a few hundred thousand arabs that live in Israel and the majority live in peace with the jews.
The arabs get to vote, run for office and are 10% of the Knesset.
THAT is what happens when you REALLY want peace.
BUT, leave it to you terrorists sympathizers to keep stirring the shit-pot.
IF the arabs laid down their arms, there would be no violence. IF the jews laid down their arms, there would be no Israel.
BUT, keep your hate-mongering going, It is just helping to cause more arabs to die
They can't get past this truism;

IF the arabs laid down their arms, there would be no violence. IF the jews laid down their arms, there would be no Israel.
They can't get past this truism;

IF the arabs laid down their arms, there would be no violence. IF the jews laid down their arms, there would be no Israel.

These terrorists sympathrizers just want to keep stirring the shit-pot, keep the violence going, as it were!!
The terrorist sympathizers wont be happy until every jew in Israel is DEAD!!!
There are a few hundred thousand arabs that live in Israel and the majority live in peace with the jews.
That's because racist Jews use "admissions committees" to exclude Palestinians from living in hundreds of segregated communities, often built on land expropriated from Palestinians.

Does that sound like "apartheid" to you?
If the Israelis DIDN'T show restraint in the "73" war, Cairo and Damascus would be part of Israel
"Around 83 million Egyptians live inside Egypt, while an estimated eight million live outside, based on figures from the Ministry of Foreign Afairs.Aug 30, 2012"


"That includes about 3 million who have fled the country, mostly to Lebanon, Jordan or Turkey. That's a million more than at this time last year. Another 6.5 million have been displaced within Syria, which before the outbreak of the current conflict was said to have a population of about 22 million."


"The world's core Jewish population in early 2013 was estimated at 13.9 million people(around 0.2% of the world population)"

Uh, no, it wouldn't. The reality is, the Zionists can't hold what htey have now. They had to give back the Sinai because they couldn't hold it. They also can't let go or keep the occuppied territories. They have the tiger by the tail. They can't keep holding on and the can't let go, either.
Ready for the bad news?
When the world turns on the Jewish state like it did on apartheid South Africa a generation ago, all those hundreds of thousands of illegal squatters now living in "Judea" and "Samaria" will see their economy turn into Iran's. It will be educational to see how many "Jew-firsters" on USMB offer shelter to their racist brothers and sisters?

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