Obama to Urge UN to Break up Israel

The Israelis ain't stealin' nuttin'.
The land belongs to Israel. the Israelis won it (the land) fair and square in the wars that the arabs started.
It is like going to a casino, losing all your money, THEN SAYING "OK, OK, you win, NOW I want my money back"!
Stop making up excuses for the arab terrorists

the problem is, the Arabs didn't walk into a Casino.

The Zionshits came over from Europe, because the Europeans were sick of their shit, and they went in and STOLE the land.

And then they whine when people blow their asses up.
We KNOW, in 1948, 5 arab countries attacked Israel from all sides.
The Israelis kicked their asses back beyond where they belonged.
When you start a war and lose, you also lose the territory that you lost in the war.
When the arab terrorists want to negotiate in good faith, THEN the Israelis will talk REAL peace.
Until THEN, every time the arabs open their mouth, the Israelis kick them in the teeth.
As long as the arab terrorists target innocent civilians, the Israelis will retaliate buy bombing military and terrorists targets.

Here's the problem. The Zionshits haven't won a war since 1967 without the US bailing their asses out.

What happens when the US gets sick of doing that shit?
The Israelis DON'T target innocent civilians.
It is the arab terrorists that target innocent Israeli civilians

Really? How many innocent Israeli citizens were killed by the arabs in the last year?

Is it anywhere near the 2000 mostly non-combatants killed in Gaza.

The reason so many arabs are killed is .....
Bibi Netanyahu said it best .....

"The difference between us is that we're using missile defense to protect our civilians and they're using their civilians to protect their missiles".

The arabs place their missile launchers and other military equipment on the roof of hospitals, the roof of schools and in the middle of highly populated urban places.
They don't care how many innocent civilians are killed, as long as they can lob their missiles into Israeli settlements.
"Not caring how many get killed", sound like liberal extremist as they implement their agenda!!!!!!!
We KNOW, in 1948, 5 arab countries attacked Israel from all sides.
The Israelis kicked their asses back beyond where they belonged.
When you start a war and lose, you also lose the territory that you lost in the war.
When the arab terrorists want to negotiate in good faith, THEN the Israelis will talk REAL peace.
Until THEN, every time the arabs open their mouth, the Israelis kick them in the teeth.
As long as the arab terrorists target innocent civilians, the Israelis will retaliate buy bombing military and terrorists targets.

Here's the problem. The Zionshits haven't won a war since 1967 without the US bailing their asses out.

What happens when the US gets sick of doing that shit?

It seems to me that in the Yom Kipper war (1973), the Israeli troops were on the march towards Cairo and Damascus and were only 20 miles from Damascus Syria, and only 50 miles from Cairo Egypt, When the USA convinced Israel to stop their advance.
IF we (The USA hadn't told the Israelis to stop their advance, Cairo and Damascus would be part of Israel!!! :)
Where were the British bayonets during the Bloody Passover riots?
From your link:
"The first Arab riots of the Mandate period took place in Jerusalem in the intermediary days of Passover, in March 1920 ('Bloody Passover'). They were instigated by Arabs acting on unfounded rumors of Jewish actions against Arabs. The British military authorities did not intervene in the Arab attacks, while Vladimir Jabotinsky and other Jews were arrested for organizing a self-defense league."

Jabotinsky made no secret of the Zionist intention to convert Palestine from an Arab country into a Jewish majority state.

The British were sympathetic to Jabotinsky's plan because they wanted a loyal proxy close to the Suez Canal. Their immigration policies in Palestine reflected their colonial interests.
Arabs objected to losing their land to Jews.
How would you have reacted in their place?

"There can be no voluntary agreement between ourselves and the Palestine Arabs. Not now, nor in the prospective future. I say this with such conviction, not because I want to hurt the moderate Zionists. I do not believe that they will be hurt. Except for those who were born blind, they realised long ago that it is utterly impossible to obtain the voluntary consent of the Palestine Arabs for converting 'Palestine' from an Arab country into a country with a Jewish majority."

The Iron Wall Jewish Virtual Library
The Israelis ain't stealin' nuttin'.
The land belongs to Israel. the Israelis won it (the land) fair and square in the wars that the arabs started.
It is like going to a casino, losing all your money, THEN SAYING "OK, OK, you win, NOW I want my money back"!
Stop making up excuses for the arab terrorists

the problem is, the Arabs didn't walk into a Casino.

The Zionshits came over from Europe, because the Europeans were sick of their shit, and they went in and STOLE the land.

And then they whine when people blow their asses up.

The arabs said "NO" to partitioning, the two-state plan.
The arabs "BET" they could push the jews into the Mediterean Sea.
The arabs lost their "BET", and lost the land where the State of Israel arose from the civil war that the arabs started.
And IF we didn't open our mouth during the Yom Kipper war, Egypt and Syria would be "part of Israel".
Every time the arabs open their mouth, the jews kick them in the teeth!!!
When the arabs stop murdering innocent Israeli civilians and lay down their arms, THEN there will be peace in the area, and not before!
The arabs in the area refused to abide by the "two state solution" after the war.
The arabs were the ones that were going to drive the jews into the Mediterranean Sea. It became a civil war, and the jews won.
Then in 1948
Why did Jews in Israel establish a Population Transfer Committee in 1937?

"On the heel of the Peel Committee recommendations, the Jewish Agency created the Population Transfer Committee with an impressive list of executive members, one of whom was Dr Kurt Mendelson from Holland considered to be ‘the expert on the question of population transfer’. He would divide the Palestinian Arabs into 3 categories to be cleared in the first stage of the Transfer Plan:

1. Tenant farmers.
2. Landless villagers working as agricultural labourers.
3. Farmers who owned less than 3 dunums per capita.

"To resettle these people, the Transfer Committee calculated that 1.15 million dunums would have to be purchased in Transjordan and that it would take nearly 10 years to complete the transfer.

"Ben-Gurion opted instead for a total evacuation of Arabs from the proposed Jewish state. He said that he looked at the Jewish part only as a provisional solution 'on the basis that after we build a strong force following the establishment of the state, we will abolish the partition of the country and we will expand to the whole Land of Israel'"

Why do you believe Jews from Europe were/are entitled to Arab land in Palestine?

Population Transfer Committee 1937 - 1948
The arabs in the area refused to abide by the "two state solution" after the war.
The arabs were the ones that were going to drive the jews into the Mediterranean Sea. It became a civil war, and the jews won.
Then in 1948
Why did Jews in Israel establish a Population Transfer Committee in 1937?

"On the heel of the Peel Committee recommendations, the Jewish Agency created the Population Transfer Committee with an impressive list of executive members, one of whom was Dr Kurt Mendelson from Holland considered to be ‘the expert on the question of population transfer’. He would divide the Palestinian Arabs into 3 categories to be cleared in the first stage of the Transfer Plan:

1. Tenant farmers.
2. Landless villagers working as agricultural labourers.
3. Farmers who owned less than 3 dunums per capita.

"To resettle these people, the Transfer Committee calculated that 1.15 million dunums would have to be purchased in Transjordan and that it would take nearly 10 years to complete the transfer.

"Ben-Gurion opted instead for a total evacuation of Arabs from the proposed Jewish state. He said that he looked at the Jewish part only as a provisional solution 'on the basis that after we build a strong force following the establishment of the state, we will abolish the partition of the country and we will expand to the whole Land of Israel'"

Why do you believe Jews from Europe were/are entitled to Arab land in Palestine?

Population Transfer Committee 1937 - 1948

The arabs started a civil war and lost their asses in the civil war.
The jews won the civil war.
In wars, there is always "winners" and "losers".
The losers don't say "I'm sorry, NOW can I have my money back"!!!!!!
In THIS case, The losers just keep doubling-down on their bets, and lose even MORE!!
The definition of "insanity" is doing the same thing over and over and
over ................ and expecting a different result.
Kinda like what you liberal extremists do.
You need to stop being a terrorist-sympathizer.
The arabs in the area refused to abide by the "two state solution" after the war.
The arabs were the ones that were going to drive the jews into the Mediterranean Sea. It became a civil war, and the jews won.
Then in 1948
Why did Jews in Israel establish a Population Transfer Committee in 1937?

"On the heel of the Peel Committee recommendations, the Jewish Agency created the Population Transfer Committee with an impressive list of executive members, one of whom was Dr Kurt Mendelson from Holland considered to be ‘the expert on the question of population transfer’. He would divide the Palestinian Arabs into 3 categories to be cleared in the first stage of the Transfer Plan:

1. Tenant farmers.
2. Landless villagers working as agricultural labourers.
3. Farmers who owned less than 3 dunums per capita.

"To resettle these people, the Transfer Committee calculated that 1.15 million dunums would have to be purchased in Transjordan and that it would take nearly 10 years to complete the transfer.

"Ben-Gurion opted instead for a total evacuation of Arabs from the proposed Jewish state. He said that he looked at the Jewish part only as a provisional solution 'on the basis that after we build a strong force following the establishment of the state, we will abolish the partition of the country and we will expand to the whole Land of Israel'"

Why do you believe Jews from Europe were/are entitled to Arab land in Palestine?

Population Transfer Committee 1937 - 1948

I'll bet that YOU think that we should give back the American south-west to Mexico, too, err????
The arabs started a civil war and lost their asses in the civil war.
The jews won the civil war.
In wars, there is always "winners" and "losers
Israel hasn't seen its civil war yet.
That will happen when hundreds of thousands of greedy, racist Jews are told to leave the West Bank or face the same sort of economic sanctions that were imposed on Iran and Iraq.
The arabs started a civil war and lost their asses in the civil war.
The jews won the civil war.
In wars, there is always "winners" and "losers
Israel hasn't seen its civil war yet.
That will happen when hundreds of thousands of greedy, racist Jews are told to leave the West Bank or face the same sort of economic sanctions that were imposed on Iran and Iraq.

................. ROTFLMFAO
Yeah, yeah, yeah, sure, sure, sure ............................... AND THEN YOU WOKE UP!
................. ROTFLMFAO
Yeah, yeah, yeah, sure, sure, sure ............................... AND THEN YOU WOKE UP!
Before you did.

Maybe you're not old enough to remember how rich conservatives lost in White South Africa?
The amazing things we achieved together in 2014 BDSmovement.net
First of which Israel is not South Africa, second of which the claim of being apartheid is not relevant to Israel. As for the UN dissolving or dividing Israel, a pathetic pipe dream. The UN has become a worthless corrupt organization that serves no other purpose of than that of a platform for propaganda. The current administration needs someone to deflect blame on, after 6 years of Bush this Bush that its become apparent the issue is that of the administration and their incompetence. The administration mistakenly believes that if they sacrifice or divide Israel it will quench the thirst of the beast, sound familiar? think about Poland, the polish corridor, then come to your own conclusions. The real JV team isn't ISIS its the administration.

So Obama trusts the UN to come up with the right plan.

Pretty interesting, Israel ain't gonna just roll over.


People said the same thing about South Africa.
South Africa doesn't have nukes. Lol!

South Africa did have Nukes. They dismantled them right after world-wide pressure convinced them that Apartheid couldn't last.

Israel's Apartheid can't last. It will either have to fully integrate Arabs into the body politic or it is going to have to separate the "Occupied Territories" into a Separate country.

They should probably do the latter, that will give the farce of Zionism a couple extra decades before it dies of embarrassment.
Rather silly since Israel has muslim arabs in every city in Israel, and yet the muslims can't tolerate one Jew in Gaza.
The arabs started a civil war and lost their asses in the civil war.
The jews won the civil war.
In wars, there is always "winners" and "losers
Israel hasn't seen its civil war yet.
That will happen when hundreds of thousands of greedy, racist Jews are told to leave the West Bank or face the same sort of economic sanctions that were imposed on Iran and Iraq.
No matter what the Jewish hatred of the international community does Israel isn't committing suicide.

If Israel must stand alone it will still stand.
The Israelis ain't stealin' nuttin'.
The land belongs to Israel. the Israelis won it (the land) fair and square in the wars that the arabs started
Jews "won" the land by hiding behind British bayonets in Palestine for a generation before starting their "war of independence" in 1948.

How did your heroes repay their colonial benefactors?

"In the last year of the British Mandate, the ratio of British officers dead to Jewish terrorists killed was 4 to 1 - a very high ratio even in today's standards. No wonder Britain wanted out of Palestine."

Plan Dalet and The Nakba - 1948
The British bayonets were pointed at the Jews and were used to protect the arabs.
The Israelis DON'T target innocent civilians.
It is the arab terrorists that target innocent Israeli civilians

Really? How many innocent Israeli citizens were killed by the arabs in the last year?

Is it anywhere near the 2000 mostly non-combatants killed in Gaza.
That's because Israel protect it's citizens.

The arab governments use their own people as human shields and want them to die so some fucking morons can use it as propoganda.
First of which Israel is not South Africa, second of which the claim of being apartheid is not relevant to Israel. As
Racist Jews are swirling the same drain as racist whites in South Africa.
"The Likud charter from 1999 as available on www.knesset.gov.il says:

"The Jewish communities in Judea, Samaria and Gaza are the realization of Zionist values. Settlement of the land is a clear expression of the unassailable right of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel and constitutes an important asset in the defense of the vital interests of the State of Israel. The Likud will continue to strengthen and develop these communities and will prevent their uprooting.
"The Government of Israel flatly rejects the establishment of a Palestinian Arab state west of the Jordan river."

M of A - Hamas vs. Likud Charter

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