Obama to Urge UN to Break up Israel

At some point, the zionists are either going to have to have a two-state solution, or they are going to have to live in a state where Jews are in the minority.
But they can't go on being an apartheid state forever.
The choices are three:
1. Absorb the people living in Gaza and The West Bank into Israeli society.
2. Annihilate the people living in Gaza and The West Bank.
3. Free the people living in Gaza and The West Bank to pursue their own destiny.
It's way past time for Israel to poop or get off the pot - this decades old war of attrition is REALLY getting old.

Seems that Israel already gave "land for peace" the Gaza strip and the west bank.
What did the Israelis get in return for giving those areas to the Palestinians???
Israel just gave the Palestinians more area to launch missiles into Israeli settlements.
WHEN are the Palestinians gonna bargain in good faith?????

1. They don't own the land they gave to begin with.
2. Why don't just give up the rest?
3. Why should I give something back to Israel in return??? Why?
4. For decades this has been the cause of war between Palestinians & Israel.
5. Why do you keep building houses that you don't own the land?
6. If you own a farm and I take over a portion of your farm. What would you do???

The agreement with the Palestinians was "land for peace".
Israel gave the land to the Palestinians for peace.
So much for "honest agreements with Palestinians".
You can't trust the Palestinians anymore than you can trust any other terrorist.
Don't expect any more "land for peace" deals with the Palestinian terrorists.
Egypt was the only country that REALLY wanted peace with Israel.
Of course, THAT is why Sadat was assassinated.
Netanyahu says it all "“If the Arabs put down their weapons today, there would be no more ‎violence. If the Jews put ‎down their weapons ‎today, there would be no ‎more Israel'‎".
BTW, When you start a war and lose, you LOSE!!!!
Israel has owned those lands for 50 years.
Israel can build any settlements of Israeli lands that it wants to build.
You're probably in favor of giving New Mexico, Arizona and California back to Mexico, TOO (Texas was it's own country, prior to becoming a state)!

So Obama trusts the UN to come up with the right plan.

Pretty interesting, Israel ain't gonna just roll over.


People said the same thing about South Africa.
South Africa doesn't have nukes. Lol!

South Africa did have Nukes. They dismantled them right after world-wide pressure convinced them that Apartheid couldn't last.

Israel's Apartheid can't last. It will either have to fully integrate Arabs into the body politic or it is going to have to separate the "Occupied Territories" into a Separate country.

They should probably do the latter, that will give the farce of Zionism a couple extra decades before it dies of embarrassment.

Arab-Israelis have the right to vote, the Arab-Israelis control 10% of the Israeli Knesset .
Gee, how many Jews are able to "vote" in Arab countries?
What percentage of Jews are "elected" to Arab governments?
How many Arab countries EVEN ALLOW Jews to have a synagogue to worship in?
You need to stop with your "Israel is apartheid" crap, no thinking person (THAT leaves out liberals) believes it.
Wake us up when 'the world' makes its move, George..
Jew snooze?
Jew lose.
"September – Veolia announces Israel exit as Kuwait authorities exclude it $750m contract"

Mind your manners in the presence of your betters, Achmed.
YOU don't speak for others, you hack bitch pussy.

And, as you know but are too dishonest to even admit, I didn't welsh on anything. Shit. You are overtly hostile to honesty and you lack any kind of functioning brain cells, ya worthless hack bitch.

True facts.

You said you'd go away and never come back if Romney lost.

Romney Lost.

You're still here.

Not exactly what I said and even if that was a full direct and accurate quote, changing one's mind is not at all the same thing as welshing you totally ignorant and deliberately dishonest assmuncher.

Hurry back to fucking yourself, you pathetic rancid rat twat.
Arab-Israelis have the right to vote, the Arab-Israelis control 10% of the Israeli Knesset .
Gee, how many Jews are able to "vote" in Arab countries?
What percentage of Jews are "elected" to Arab governments?
How many Arab countries EVEN ALLOW Jews to have a synagogue to worship in?
You need to stop with your "Israel is apartheid" crap, no thinking person (THAT leaves out liberals) believes it.

again, when South Africa was running ITS version of Apartheid, there were people like you who argued that blacks in South Africa had it better than blacks in other African countries. Shit, some of those countries were run by CANNIBALS!

So I'm always amused by the Cannibal Argument when I hear it to excuse Zionist Apartheid.

And a little depressed.
Not exactly what I said and even if that was a full direct and accurate quote, changing one's mind is not at all the same thing as welshing you totally ignorant and deliberately dishonest assmuncher.

Hurry back to fucking yourself, you pathetic rancid rat twat.

If what you were doing was on the up and up, why did you create a sock account to do it?
Not exactly what I said and even if that was a full direct and accurate quote, changing one's mind is not at all the same thing as welshing you totally ignorant and deliberately dishonest assmuncher.

Hurry back to fucking yourself, you pathetic rancid rat twat.

If what you were doing was on the up and up, why did you create a sock account to do it?

I am going to have to guess at whatever the fuck it was you planned on "asking," you prissy bitch.

There is no question about whether what I am doing is legitimate. wtf are you babbling about?

I created no "sock" account. Your initial assumption is wrong, like most of what passes for your "thinking."

Since it appears to cause you grave concern, I will deign to say it again. I used to be "Liability." If you look closely at my present username info, even a tool like you should be able to figure out that I make no bones about that fact.

That account, however, was forever closed as a condition required by the Admin for the right to create a new username, you fucking ass-muncher. No post by me under the username "Liability" has appeared (or even can appear) since the official start date of the Ilar account.

Try to find something important to worry about, now, you whining, braying, carping, moaning, groaning sissified asshole.


What's a "Palestinian"?
"'The Palestinians are like crocodiles, the more you give them meat, they want more'.... Ehud Barak, Prime Minister of Israel at the time - August 28, 2000. Reported in the Jerusalem Post August 30, 2000.
* ' (The Palestinians are) beasts walking on two legs.' Menahim Begin, speech to the Knesset, quoted in Amnon Kapeliouk, 'Begin and the Beasts'. New Statesman, 25 June 1982.
* 'The Palestinians' would be crushed like grasshoppers ... heads smashed against the boulders and walls. ' Isreali Prime Minister (at the time) in a speech to Jewish settlers New York Times April 1, 1988.
* "'When we have settled the land, all the Arabs will be able to do about it will be to scurry around like drugged cockroaches in a bottle.' Raphael Eitan, Chief of Staff of the Israeli Defence Forces, New York Times, 14 April 1983.
* "'How can we return the occupied territories? There is nobody to return them to.' Golda Maier, March 8, 1969.
Disturbing Quotes From Leading Zionists

Why would anyone be surprised that Israel became a racist state?
Arab-Israelis have the right to vote, the Arab-Israelis control 10% of the Israeli Knesset .
Gee, how many Jews are able to "vote" in Arab countries?
What percentage of Jews are "elected" to Arab governments?
How many Arab countries EVEN ALLOW Jews to have a synagogue to worship in?
You need to stop with your "Israel is apartheid" crap, no thinking person (THAT leaves out liberals) believes it.

again, when South Africa was running ITS version of Apartheid, there were people like you who argued that blacks in South Africa had it better than blacks in other African countries. Shit, some of those countries were run by CANNIBALS!

So I'm always amused by the Cannibal Argument when I hear it to excuse Zionist Apartheid.

And a little depressed.

NOW you are equating ME with people that were for apartheid in South Africa????
You ARE a HOOT!!!
In apartheid So. Africa, the blacks were a huge majority.
In Israel, the Israeli-arabs are just a tiny minority .....Kinda like you extremist liberals in the US.
The Palestinians in Israel, have the right to vote, they can be elected to the Knesset (10 percent of the Knesset IS Arab).
Israel treats the Israeli-Palestinians better than the surrounding countries do.
In the Arab countries, Palestinians are treated like the blacks used to be treated in apartheid South Africa.
ORIGINALLY, Israel agreed to a two-state, but the Arabs said "NO", and tried to drive the Jews into the Mediterranean sea.
The Jews WON!!!!!!!
When you win a war, you get to keep the land you won, unless you DON'T want it, like America always does.
The USA liberates, NOT occupies.
I am going to have to guess at whatever the fuck it was you planned on "asking," you prissy bitch.

There is no question about whether what I am doing is legitimate. wtf are you babbling about?

I created no "sock" account. Your initial assumption is wrong, like most of what passes for your "thinking."

Since it appears to cause you grave concern, I will deign to say it again. I used to be "Liability." If you look closely at my present username info, even a tool like you should be able to figure out that I make no bones about that fact.

That account, however, was forever closed as a condition required by the Admin for the right to create a new username, you fucking ass-muncher. No post by me under the username "Liability" has appeared (or even can appear) since the official start date of the Ilar account.

Try to find something important to worry about, now, you whining, braying, carping, moaning, groaning sissified asshole.

You tried to hide who you were for months in late 2012 /early 2013. Fessing up after everyone figured you out is no big deal, Welshie.

NOW you are equating ME with people that were for apartheid in South Africa????
You ARE a HOOT!!!
In apartheid So. Africa, the blacks were a huge majority.

In the Middle East, Arabs are a huge majority.. Within Palestine, if you count the occupied territories and Palestinians living in exile, there are more Palestinians than Israelis.

Israel treats the Israeli-Palestinians better than the surrounding countries do.
In the Arab countries, Palestinians are treated like the blacks used to be treated in apartheid South Africa.

Ah, the cannibal argument.

ORIGINALLY, Israel agreed to a two-state, but the Arabs said "NO", and tried to drive the Jews into the Mediterranean sea.
The Jews WON!!!!!!!

Why should the Palestinians agree to "Well, we'll only steal HALF your land."?
NOW you are equating ME with people that were for apartheid in South Africa????
You ARE a HOOT!!!
In apartheid So. Africa, the blacks were a huge majority.

In the Middle East, Arabs are a huge majority.. Within Palestine, if you count the occupied territories and Palestinians living in exile, there are more Palestinians than Israelis.

Israel treats the Israeli-Palestinians better than the surrounding countries do.
In the Arab countries, Palestinians are treated like the blacks used to be treated in apartheid South Africa.

Ah, the cannibal argument.

ORIGINALLY, Israel agreed to a two-state, but the Arabs said "NO", and tried to drive the Jews into the Mediterranean sea.
The Jews WON!!!!!!!

Why should the Palestinians agree to "Well, we'll only steal HALF your land."?

Arab-Israelis are only 20% of the population of Israel.
????"In EXILE"????
WE are talking about the Israeli-arabs that live in Israel, NOT the Palestinians that live all over Gods green earth.
???Can we count all the Jews that are living all over the world???
... Or do liberals only count ONE WAY???
IF you took off your marxist-colored glasses, you might see the world as it really is, instead of your fantasy-land extremist view.
Because, NOW THEY GOT NUTTIN' for their bullshit.
REMEMBER that it was Israel that has won every war the stupid arabs have started.
Every time the arabs "open their mouths", the Israelis "slap-them-in-the-cocksucka"!!!!!
MAYBE SOMEDAY, the arabs will really want peace, and then they will negotiate in good faith with the Israelis, like Sadat (Egypt) did.
THEN there will be peace between the arabs and jews.
Of course, I wont hold my breath waiting for the arabs to be truthful and negotiate in good faith.
Why don't you discuss something that you know about, like a debate about whether Mao, Ho Chi Minh or Stalin murdered more of their own countrymen.
You all could sit around and have a climax about your discussion
So, since Obama and his goons couldn't put in a pro Muslim leader in Israel, he's going to the UN now in hopes they can force a deal between Palestine and Israel

Anyone who thinks Obama is not pro Arab is completely beyond hope


The White House hoped a new Israeli prime minister would resume peace talks with the Palestinians. With Netanyahu holding on, the administration is weighing a turn to the U.N. to help force a deal.

After years of blocking U.N. efforts to pressure Israelis and Palestinians into accepting a lasting two-state solution, the United States is edging closer toward supporting a U.N. Security Council resolution that would call for the resumption of political talks to conclude a final peace settlement, according to Western diplomats.

From Tel Aviv to Turtle Bay Foreign Policy

My masters wrath will be great. How dare he go against his will. The next thing we will see is school text books not talking about the holocast.
Arab-Israelis are only 20% of the population of Israel.
????"In EXILE"????
WE are talking about the Israeli-arabs that live in Israel, NOT the Palestinians that live all over Gods green earth.

Okay, without going into your babble.

There are 11 million Palestinians in the world. Of those, 1.6 million live within the Zionist Entity's 1967 borders. (I.E. The land they stole from Palestinians before 1967). Some, not all, of them get to vote.

4.5 million live in Gaza and the West Bank. They are living under the Jackboots of the Zionists, but they don't get to vote. Zionists in illegal settlements on the West bank, do, however. That's called Apartheid.

Then you have some 5 million who live in exile in Egypt, Jordan and Syria, who were displaced by the Israelis stealing their land. This is why the "Right of Return" is always a sticking point for the Zionists. They know that there are more Palestinians than Israelis, and if there was a fair election held, the Zionists would lose.
Arab-Israelis are only 20% of the population of Israel.
????"In EXILE"????
WE are talking about the Israeli-arabs that live in Israel, NOT the Palestinians that live all over Gods green earth.

Okay, without going into your babble.

There are 11 million Palestinians in the world. Of those, 1.6 million live within the Zionist Entity's 1967 borders. (I.E. The land they stole from Palestinians before 1967). Some, not all, of them get to vote.

4.5 million live in Gaza and the West Bank. They are living under the Jackboots of the Zionists, but they don't get to vote. Zionists in illegal settlements on the West bank, do, however. That's called Apartheid.

Then you have some 5 million who live in exile in Egypt, Jordan and Syria, who were displaced by the Israelis stealing their land. This is why the "Right of Return" is always a sticking point for the Zionists. They know that there are more Palestinians than Israelis, and if there was a fair election held, the Zionists would lose.

Arabs comprise 20% of Israel's population, and ALL legal citizens get to vote and run for office, Jews AND Arabs alike.
UNLIKE the USA, illegal aliens DON'T get to vote in Israeli elections.
The West Bank and the Gaza strip were given to the Arabs for their own country, They voted for their own government. Remember the terrorist, Hamas???
Allowing the Gaza strip and west bank citizens to vote in Israeli elections would be like allowing all Mexican citizens to vote in the American elections.
Wake up to reality, the Jews ain't going nowhere.
And the terrorists ain't gonna push the Jews into the Mediterranean sea.
Calling Israel "Apartheid" is just plain stupid. Even from an extremist like YOU!!
YOU sound like a terrorist sympathizer.
The West Bank and the Gaza strip were given to the Arabs for their own country, They voted for their own government. Remember the terrorist, Hamas???
Allowing the Gaza strip and west bank citizens to vote in Israeli elections would be like allowing all Mexican citizens to vote in the American elections.
The West Bank and Gaza are not sovereign states like Mexico and the US. Every Jew living between the River and the sea of voting age is allowed to vote for those who write the laws she lives under while less than half of all Arabs living there enjoy that right. If Jews are still afraid of a two state solution, maybe they should consider allowing all Jews and Arabs living in Palestine to form a one state solution through legitimate self-determination?

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