Obama to Urge UN to Break up Israel

The West Bank and the Gaza strip were given to the Arabs for their own country, They voted for their own government. Remember the terrorist, Hamas???
Allowing the Gaza strip and west bank citizens to vote in Israeli elections would be like allowing all Mexican citizens to vote in the American elections.
The West Bank and Gaza are not sovereign states like Mexico and the US. Every Jew living between the River and the sea of voting age is allowed to vote for those who write the laws she lives under while less than half of all Arabs living there enjoy that right. If Jews are still afraid of a two state solution, maybe they should consider allowing all Jews and Arabs living in Palestine to form a one state solution through legitimate self-determination?

The Gaza is sovereign enough to elect their own terrorist government (Hamas).
The Gaza is sovereign enough to lob missiles into Israeli settlements, killing innocent Israeli civilians.
WHEN the arabs want to negotiate in good faith, THEN there will be peace in the area .................... like Egypt did, under Sadat.
IF the arabs lay down their arms, the violence will end. IF the Israelis lay down their arms, Israel will cease to exist.
The Gaza is sovereign enough to elect their own terrorist government (Hamas).
The Gaza is sovereign enough to lob missiles into Israeli settlements, killing innocent Israeli civilians.
Are you aware of where the population of Gaza currently living under Israeli occupation came from? They were driven from their homes, farms, and businesses during the ethnic cleansing that created Israel in 1948. Along with their descendants they currently number 1.8 million and they exist in the world's largest open air prison where three of their land borders, coastal waters, airspace, electromagnetic sphere, and population registry are controlled by Jews who regard Gazans as two-legged beasts. When Israel ends its illegal racist occupation of Palestine, Palestinian resistance will end. Not before.
The Gaza is sovereign enough to elect their own terrorist government (Hamas).
The Gaza is sovereign enough to lob missiles into Israeli settlements, killing innocent Israeli civilians.
Are you aware of where the population of Gaza currently living under Israeli occupation came from? They were driven from their homes, farms, and businesses during the ethnic cleansing that created Israel in 1948. Along with their descendants they currently number 1.8 million and they exist in the world's largest open air prison where three of their land borders, coastal waters, airspace, electromagnetic sphere, and population registry are controlled by Jews who regard Gazans as two-legged beasts. When Israel ends its illegal racist occupation of Palestine, Palestinian resistance will end. Not before.

When the terrorists stop lobbing missiles into Israeli settlements and the arabs start negotiating in good faith, THEN the there will be peace in the area, Not before.
UNTIL THEN, every time the arabs terrorists run their mouth (start violence), the jews will kick their asses all over the place.
Stupid arabs never learn, err???

BTW, "lobbing missiles into settlements and targeting innocent civilians" is NOT resistance, it is TERRORISM!!!!
The Gaza is sovereign enough to elect their own terrorist government (Hamas).
The Gaza is sovereign enough to lob missiles into Israeli settlements, killing innocent Israeli civilians.
Are you aware of where the population of Gaza currently living under Israeli occupation came from? They were driven from their homes, farms, and businesses during the ethnic cleansing that created Israel in 1948. Along with their descendants they currently number 1.8 million and they exist in the world's largest open air prison where three of their land borders, coastal waters, airspace, electromagnetic sphere, and population registry are controlled by Jews who regard Gazans as two-legged beasts. When Israel ends its illegal racist occupation of Palestine, Palestinian resistance will end. Not before.

When the terrorists stop lobbing missiles into Israeli settlements and the arabs start negotiating in good faith, THEN the there will be peace in the area, Not before.
UNTIL THEN, every time the arabs terrorists run their mouth (start violence), the jews will kick their asses all over the place.
Stupid arabs never learn, err???

BTW, "lobbing missiles into settlements and targeting innocent civilians" is NOT resistance, it is TERRORISM!!!!

When Jews stop stealing Arab land in Palestine, the Arab resistance will end.
The Gaza is sovereign enough to elect their own terrorist government (Hamas).
The Gaza is sovereign enough to lob missiles into Israeli settlements, killing innocent Israeli civilians.
Are you aware of where the population of Gaza currently living under Israeli occupation came from? They were driven from their homes, farms, and businesses during the ethnic cleansing that created Israel in 1948. Along with their descendants they currently number 1.8 million and they exist in the world's largest open air prison where three of their land borders, coastal waters, airspace, electromagnetic sphere, and population registry are controlled by Jews who regard Gazans as two-legged beasts. When Israel ends its illegal racist occupation of Palestine, Palestinian resistance will end. Not before.

When the terrorists stop lobbing missiles into Israeli settlements and the arabs start negotiating in good faith, THEN the there will be peace in the area, Not before.
UNTIL THEN, every time the arabs terrorists run their mouth (start violence), the jews will kick their asses all over the place.
Stupid arabs never learn, err???

BTW, "lobbing missiles into settlements and targeting innocent civilians" is NOT resistance, it is TERRORISM!!!!

When Jews stop stealing Arab land in Palestine, the Arab resistance will end.

When the arab terrorist stop killing innocent Israeli citizens, THEN the violence will end.
When they target innocent citizen, they are TERRORISTS!!!
When the arab terrorist stop killing innocent Israeli citizens, THEN the violence will end.
When they target innocent citizen, they are TERRORISTS!!!
Why do you believe Jews are entitled to steal Arab land and water in Palestine?

The Israelis ain't stealin' nuttin'.
The land belongs to Israel. the Israelis won it (the land) fair and square in the wars that the arabs started.
It is like going to a casino, losing all your money, THEN SAYING "OK, OK, you win, NOW I want my money back"!
Stop making up excuses for the arab terrorists
When the arab terrorist stop killing innocent Israeli citizens, THEN the violence will end.
When they target innocent citizen, they are TERRORISTS!!!

So when the Zionists target innocent civilians in Gaza, doesn't that make them "Terrorists"?

The Israelis DON'T target innocent civilians.
It is the arab terrorists that target innocent Israeli civilians
The Israelis ain't stealin' nuttin'.
The land belongs to Israel. the Israelis won it (the land) fair and square in the wars that the arabs started
Jews "won" the land by hiding behind British bayonets in Palestine for a generation before starting their "war of independence" in 1948.

How did your heroes repay their colonial benefactors?

"In the last year of the British Mandate, the ratio of British officers dead to Jewish terrorists killed was 4 to 1 - a very high ratio even in today's standards. No wonder Britain wanted out of Palestine."

Plan Dalet and The Nakba - 1948
The Israelis ain't stealin' nuttin'.
The land belongs to Israel. the Israelis won it (the land) fair and square in the wars that the arabs started
Jews "won" the land by hiding behind British bayonets in Palestine for a generation before starting their "war of independence" in 1948.

How did your heroes repay their colonial benefactors?

"In the last year of the British Mandate, the ratio of British officers dead to Jewish terrorists killed was 4 to 1 - a very high ratio even in today's standards. No wonder Britain wanted out of Palestine."

Plan Dalet and The Nakba - 1948

We KNOW, in 1948, 5 arab countries attacked Israel from all sides.
The Israelis kicked their asses back beyond where they belonged.
When you start a war and lose, you also lose the territory that you lost in the war.
When the arab terrorists want to negotiate in good faith, THEN the Israelis will talk REAL peace.
Until THEN, every time the arabs open their mouth, the Israelis kick them in the teeth.
As long as the arab terrorists target innocent civilians, the Israelis will retaliate buy bombing military and terrorists targets.
We KNOW, in 1948, 5 arab countries attacked Israel from all sides.
How much do you KNOW about Plan Dalet?
"Their plan was called Plan D better known as Plan Dalet, (Dalet being the fourth letter in the Hebrew alphabet) which was launched nearly six weeks prior to the end of the British Mandate in Palestine.

"It is worth noting that Plan D had been preceeded by Plan A (February 1945), Plan B (May 1947) and Plan C (November 1947). There is no mistaking their intention: the ethnic cleansing of Palestine.

"March 1948: two months before the so-called Declaration of Independence, the Zionist leadership gathered in Tel Aviv and agreed and embarked on their Plan. Over 13 military underground operations were carried out (according to The History of the Palmach archives released in full in 1972) before the Arab forces entered the areas allotted to the Palestinians by the UN in their Partition Plan. Both Menachem Begin and David Ben-Gurion wrote extensively about their underground military campaigns to cleanse Palestinian villages of their indigenous inhabitants."

Had five Arab armies not intervened in 1948, the Jews would stolen all of Palestine; instead, they had to wait until 1967 to steal the remaining 22% of the land.

Plan Dalet and The Nakba - 1948
We KNOW, in 1948, 5 arab countries attacked Israel from all sides.
How much do you KNOW about Plan Dalet?
"Their plan was called Plan D better known as Plan Dalet, (Dalet being the fourth letter in the Hebrew alphabet) which was launched nearly six weeks prior to the end of the British Mandate in Palestine.

"It is worth noting that Plan D had been preceeded by Plan A (February 1945), Plan B (May 1947) and Plan C (November 1947). There is no mistaking their intention: the ethnic cleansing of Palestine.

"March 1948: two months before the so-called Declaration of Independence, the Zionist leadership gathered in Tel Aviv and agreed and embarked on their Plan. Over 13 military underground operations were carried out (according to The History of the Palmach archives released in full in 1972) before the Arab forces entered the areas allotted to the Palestinians by the UN in their Partition Plan. Both Menachem Begin and David Ben-Gurion wrote extensively about their underground military campaigns to cleanse Palestinian villages of their indigenous inhabitants."

Had five Arab armies not intervened in 1948, the Jews would stolen all of Palestine; instead, they had to wait until 1967 to steal the remaining 22% of the land.

Plan Dalet and The Nakba - 1948

The arabs in the area refused to abide by the "two state solution" after the war.
The arabs were the ones that were going to drive the jews into the Mediterranean Sea. It became a civil war, and the jews won.
Then in 1948, the 5 arab countries tried to "drive the jews into the Mediterranean Sea. They ALSO failed.
You don't lose all your money at the poker-table then yell, "I WANT MY MONEY BACK"!
The arabs lost, the jews won,
Any time the arab terrorists want to negotiate in good faith, the violence will end.
Until then, the Israelis will retaliate when the arab terrorists taget and attack innocent civilians.
You need to stop making excuses for the arab terrorists that target and murder innocent civilians.
The Israelis ain't stealin' nuttin'.
The land belongs to Israel. the Israelis won it (the land) fair and square in the wars that the arabs started
Jews "won" the land by hiding behind British bayonets in Palestine for a generation before starting their "war of independence" in 1948.

How did your heroes repay their colonial benefactors?

"In the last year of the British Mandate, the ratio of British officers dead to Jewish terrorists killed was 4 to 1 - a very high ratio even in today's standards. No wonder Britain wanted out of Palestine."

Plan Dalet and The Nakba - 1948

Where were the British bayonets during the Bloody Passover riots?

Palestine Arab Riots 1920-21
The Israelis ain't stealin' nuttin'.
The land belongs to Israel. the Israelis won it (the land) fair and square in the wars that the arabs started
Jews "won" the land by hiding behind British bayonets in Palestine for a generation before starting their "war of independence" in 1948.

How did your heroes repay their colonial benefactors?

"In the last year of the British Mandate, the ratio of British officers dead to Jewish terrorists killed was 4 to 1 - a very high ratio even in today's standards. No wonder Britain wanted out of Palestine."

Plan Dalet and The Nakba - 1948

We KNOW, in 1948, 5 arab countries attacked Israel from all sides.
The Israelis kicked their asses back beyond where they belonged.
When you start a war and lose, you also lose the territory that you lost in the war.
When the arab terrorists want to negotiate in good faith, THEN the Israelis will talk REAL peace.
Until THEN, every time the arabs open their mouth, the Israelis kick them in the teeth.
As long as the arab terrorists target innocent civilians, the Israelis will retaliate buy bombing military and terrorists targets.

The war was well under way before the British quit the Mandate. Declarations of independence and war were mere formalities. The Israelis had a superior organization, strategy and tactics.
The Israelis ain't stealin' nuttin'.
The land belongs to Israel. the Israelis won it (the land) fair and square in the wars that the arabs started
Jews "won" the land by hiding behind British bayonets in Palestine for a generation before starting their "war of independence" in 1948.

How did your heroes repay their colonial benefactors?

"In the last year of the British Mandate, the ratio of British officers dead to Jewish terrorists killed was 4 to 1 - a very high ratio even in today's standards. No wonder Britain wanted out of Palestine."

Plan Dalet and The Nakba - 1948

We KNOW, in 1948, 5 arab countries attacked Israel from all sides.
The Israelis kicked their asses back beyond where they belonged.
When you start a war and lose, you also lose the territory that you lost in the war.
When the arab terrorists want to negotiate in good faith, THEN the Israelis will talk REAL peace.
Until THEN, every time the arabs open their mouth, the Israelis kick them in the teeth.
As long as the arab terrorists target innocent civilians, the Israelis will retaliate buy bombing military and terrorists targets.

The war was well under way before the British quit the Mandate. Declarations of independence and war were mere formalities. The Israelis had a superior organization, strategy and tactics.

Ole' Joe Blow-a-big-one, keeps making excuses for the arab terrorists that target innocent civilians.
Joe Blow-a-big-one it a typical liberal extremist.
The Israelis ain't stealin' nuttin'.
The land belongs to Israel. the Israelis won it (the land) fair and square in the wars that the arabs started
Jews "won" the land by hiding behind British bayonets in Palestine for a generation before starting their "war of independence" in 1948.

How did your heroes repay their colonial benefactors?

"In the last year of the British Mandate, the ratio of British officers dead to Jewish terrorists killed was 4 to 1 - a very high ratio even in today's standards. No wonder Britain wanted out of Palestine."

Plan Dalet and The Nakba - 1948

We KNOW, in 1948, 5 arab countries attacked Israel from all sides.
The Israelis kicked their asses back beyond where they belonged.
When you start a war and lose, you also lose the territory that you lost in the war.
When the arab terrorists want to negotiate in good faith, THEN the Israelis will talk REAL peace.
Until THEN, every time the arabs open their mouth, the Israelis kick them in the teeth.
As long as the arab terrorists target innocent civilians, the Israelis will retaliate buy bombing military and terrorists targets.

The war was well under way before the British quit the Mandate. Declarations of independence and war were mere formalities. The Israelis had a superior organization, strategy and tactics.

Ole' Joe Blow-a-big-one, keeps making excuses for the arab terrorists that target innocent civilians.
Joe Blow-a-big-one it a typical liberal extremist.

As if no Israeli extremist group ever targeted innocent Palestinian civilians.

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