Obama To Use MLK, Lincoln Bibles During Oath At Presidential Inauguration

Yea he would be shamed Zombie. Obama divides this nation using the race card.. He's done it brilliantly I might add. Kudos to you Marxists.

Except the nation is not divided. Those who are very political are, but everyone else isn't hence why the president has an approval rating of 55%.


Wilhite isn’t alone. Nearly four years into the Age of Obama, many Americans are coming to the conclusion that choosing a black man as commander in chief has done little to speed up racial progress or soothe racial tensions. In fact, some even suspect that Obama’s presence in the Oval Office may be slowing us down—and pushing us farther apart.

A Newsweek Poll Shows Americans Still Divided Over Race - Newsweek and The Daily Beast

there's nothing in your article about obama's approval rating

are you this stupid in real life, twat?
Yea he would be shamed Zombie. Obama divides this nation using the race card.. He's done it brilliantly I might add. Kudos to you Marxists.

Except the nation is not divided. Those who are very political are, but everyone else isn't hence why the president has an approval rating of 55%.


Wilhite isn’t alone. Nearly four years into the Age of Obama, many Americans are coming to the conclusion that choosing a black man as commander in chief has done little to speed up racial progress or soothe racial tensions. In fact, some even suspect that Obama’s presence in the Oval Office may be slowing us down—and pushing us farther apart.

A Newsweek Poll Shows Americans Still Divided Over Race - Newsweek and The Daily Beast

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™

Obama approval as of right now 54%

Presidential Approval Ratings -- George W. Bush

Bush, Jan 2005, 52%

You see division because you want to, we are not any more divided now than we were in 2005.
2 things the libtards just don't seem to get....

1...Lincoln was a Republican....

2...MLK was not a Dimwit and said judge a man not by his color....but by his character...

Martin Luther King Jr was not a Republican.......his father was

you libtards have fallen for so much shit....his own family says he was a Republican....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZWXmoC5CYw]Martin Luther King - Republican - YouTube[/ame]
2 things the libtards just don't seem to get....

1...Lincoln was a Republican....

2...MLK was not a Dimwit and said judge a man not by his color....but by his character...

Martin Luther King Jr was not a Republican.......his father was

you libtards have fallen for so much shit....his own family says he was a Republican....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZWXmoC5CYw]Martin Luther King - Republican - YouTube[/ame]

Was Martin Luther King a Republican? | Politic365
Yea he would be shamed Zombie. Obama divides this nation using the race card.. He's done it brilliantly I might add. Kudos to you Marxists.

Except the nation is not divided. Those who are very political are, but everyone else isn't hence why the president has an approval rating of 55%.


Wilhite isn’t alone. Nearly four years into the Age of Obama, many Americans are coming to the conclusion that choosing a black man as commander in chief has done little to speed up racial progress or soothe racial tensions. In fact, some even suspect that Obama’s presence in the Oval Office may be slowing us down—and pushing us farther apart.

A Newsweek Poll Shows Americans Still Divided Over Race - Newsweek and The Daily Beast
So what? That's not Obama's fault. It's your fault. Negro ain't jumping to your command?

I'm pretty straight forward

You honestly believe MLK would be ashamed of Obama, instead of bursting with pride at all our nation has overcome? Seriously?

What a sad person you must be.

yes, because Obama has been nothing more than a bully, he could of been a decent guy and shined as the first black President, but he hasn't...He's used it to bludgeon us people and Congress...And I don't see a nice person who wants to TRANSFORM our country and dump another huge Government program on us we can't afford, cares nothing about our dept, calls people in this country the enemy and I could go on..

sorry you don't like it, how i see it
Shined shoes? :lmao:
Martin Luther King Jr was not a Republican.......his father was

you libtards have fallen for so much shit....his own family says he was a Republican....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZWXmoC5CYw]Martin Luther King - Republican - YouTube[/ame]

Was Martin Luther King a Republican? | Politic365

that article doesn't prove a damn thing......i'll take his family's word over that any day.....
I think MLK would be ashamed of Obama and his followers..And he damned sure is nothing like Lincoln..

the real shame is the division this man has brought on our country

That's not thinking. Like MLK, you have a dream.

that article doesn't prove a damn thing......i'll take his family's word over that any day.....
I think you need to look up a little on the entity known as Alveda King.

Here's something that will blow your mind: MLK said his most prized honor was the Margaret Sanger Award.
Houston group says Martin Luther King Jr. was a Republican


PolitiFact Texas | Houston group says Martin Luther King Jr. was a Republican


According to the King Online Encyclopedia, from Stanford University's Martin Luther King Jr. Research and Education Institute, King campaigned for Johnson and welcomed his win.

Next, we wondered what the King Center in Atlanta, founded by King's wife, the late Coretta Scott King, had to say about his partisanship. In 2008, Steve Klein, the center's communications director, told the National Journal that "there is absolutely no confirmation that (King) was a Republican. ... He was never a member of any political party — and never formally endorsed any candidates."

Klein noted Coretta Scott King's recall of a 1960 phone call from Kennedy when her husband was in jail. In her book, My Life With Martin Luther King, Jr., she wrote that she took the call but was later unsure what to say about it. "My husband had a policy of not endorsing presidential candidates," her book says. "And at this point, I did not want to get him or myself identified with either party."

The 2008 AP story about the Florida and South Carolina billboards included a statement from King's son, Martin Luther King III: "It is disingenuous to imply that my father was a Republican. He never endorsed any presidential candidate, and there is certainly no evidence that he ever even voted for a Republican. It is even more outrageous to suggest that he would support the Republican Party of today, which has spent so much time and effort trying to suppress African American votes in Florida and many other states."

Friends and associates of Martin Luther King Jr. also objected. The AP article says that the Rev. Joseph Lowery, who co-founded the Southern Christian Leadership Conference with King, "said there is no reason why anyone would think King was a Republican." Lowery told the AP that King almost certainly voted for Kennedy and that the only time he openly talked about politics was when he criticized Goldwater in 1964.

The story quotes Lowery as saying: "That was not the Martin I know, and I don't think they can substantiate that by any shape, form or fashion. It's purely propaganda and poppycock. ... Even if he was, he would have nothing to do with what the Republican Party stands for today."

Finally, we checked with political experts in the states where King spent most of his adulthood. Charles Bullock, a political science professor at the University of Georgia, said King "didn't die a Republican." But Bullock speculated that King could have been Republican in his youth when Southern Democrats were intensely segregationist. William Stewart, a political scientist at the University of Alabama, said that if King was a Republican, he kept it a secret. King focused on civil rights, Stewart said, and "partisan politics wasn't relevant."

Upshot: Raging Elephants points to a King family member whose declaration lends support for its claim that King was a Republican: his niece Alveda. We didn't divine how she reached that conclusion. Another King relative, his son, disagrees, as do respected academic experts and former King associates and friends. The record shows that as a civil rights leader, King avoided partisan identification.

We rate the statement False.

that article doesn't prove a damn thing......i'll take his family's word over that any day.....

A conservative niece? Is the best ya got?

How bout his son?

PolitiFact Tennessee | Another Republican claims that Martin Luther King Jr. was part of the GOP

However, in a 2008 Associated Press story, King&#8217;s son and namesake Martin Luther King III said:"It is disingenuous to imply that my father was a Republican. He never endorsed any presidential candidate, and there is certainly no evidence that he ever even voted for a Republican. It is even more outrageous to suggest he would support the Republican Party of today, which has spent so much time and effort trying to suppress African American votes in Florida and many other states."
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that article doesn't prove a damn thing......i'll take his family's word over that any day.....
I think you need to look up a little on the entity known as Alveda King.

Here's something that will blow your mind: MLK said his most prized honor was the Margaret Sanger Award.

doesn't blow my mind at all......MLK's politics evolved over time......i believe he eventually became a communist....

his niece Alveda had a couple abortions when she was young but also evolved and became a Pro-life supporter...
that article doesn't prove a damn thing......i'll take his family's word over that any day.....
I think you need to look up a little on the entity known as Alveda King.

Here's something that will blow your mind: MLK said his most prized honor was the Margaret Sanger Award.

doesn't blow my mind at all......MLK's politics evolved over time......i believe he eventually became a communist....
...and that's why he was a republican!


that article doesn't prove a damn thing......i'll take his family's word over that any day.....

A conservative niece? Is the best ya got?

How bout his son?

PolitiFact Tennessee | Another Republican claims that Martin Luther King Jr. was part of the GOP

However, in a 2008 Associated Press story, King’s son and namesake Martin Luther King III said:"It is disingenuous to imply that my father was a Republican. He never endorsed any presidential candidate, and there is certainly no evidence that he ever even voted for a Republican. It is even more outrageous to suggest he would support the Republican Party of today, which has spent so much time and effort trying to suppress African American votes in Florida and many other states."

perhaps there is some self-interest involved in their opinions.....?

MLK started in a Republican family and became a Christian minister.....the Republicans were the most aligned with Civil Rights earlier on.....MLK was an admirer of Ghadi ....

over time things changed and civil rights issues became muddier.....MLK criticized both parties.....the Republicans stood for states rights and the Democrats were opportunistic....

...but as i mentioned before i believe MLK's politics evolved into socialism/communism...
I think you need to look up a little on the entity known as Alveda King.

Here's something that will blow your mind: MLK said his most prized honor was the Margaret Sanger Award.

doesn't blow my mind at all......MLK's politics evolved over time......i believe he eventually became a communist....
...and that's why he was a republican!


eventually neither a Republican nor a Democrat (of the time)......but he'd probably get along quite well with Marxist BO today.....
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that article doesn't prove a damn thing......i'll take his family's word over that any day.....

A conservative niece? Is the best ya got?

How bout his son?

PolitiFact Tennessee | Another Republican claims that Martin Luther King Jr. was part of the GOP

However, in a 2008 Associated Press story, King&#8217;s son and namesake Martin Luther King III said:"It is disingenuous to imply that my father was a Republican. He never endorsed any presidential candidate, and there is certainly no evidence that he ever even voted for a Republican. It is even more outrageous to suggest he would support the Republican Party of today, which has spent so much time and effort trying to suppress African American votes in Florida and many other states."

perhaps there is some self-interest involved in their opinions.....?

MLK started in a Republican family and became a Christian minister.....the Republicans were the most aligned with Civil Rights earlier on.....MLK was an admirer of Ghadi ....

over time things changed and civil rights issues became muddier.....MLK criticized both parties.....the Republicans stood for states rights and the Democrats were opportunistic....

...but as i mentioned before i believe MLK's politics evolved into socialism/communism...

And that's the bottom line

Conservatives of the day called Martin Luther King a race baiter and a communist

Now they claim him as their own

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