Obama To Wall Street: "I Do Think At A Certain Point You've Made Enough Money"

.... America has the biggest wealth disparity gap in the industrialized world. ....
That simply isn't true.

Wait, what's your argument? That Panama or Hong Kong or perhaps Namibia is a developed country? The list you provided demonstrates that America has the highest income inequality of any developed country, it proves my argument. Did you read it?

A strong enough case can be made for including Hong Kong in the "industrialized" or "developed" or "post-industrial" world that that would mean one tiny country partially ruled by China has an even higher degree of income inequality than we do, so okay, we're #2. Was that your point? We're #2 and not #1 so it renders the incredible disparity moot somehow?

code1211 said:
This is one of those truisms that the Left recklessly throws around. These things don't need to be true to gain popularity. They need only support the pardigm.

Or for the facts to support it, as they do. America's income disparity on the Gini index is 45, higher than any other industrialized nation save perhaps Hong Kong.


Mexico is not an industrialized nation. Developed country - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
If you think Singapore and China, just for example, are not industrialized countries, you are an idiot. (Mexico IS an industrialized country.)

Again, your statement simply is not true.
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That would be sweet, I dont work.

Us pro life men usually hear from you libs that we are men and don't have a right to tell women what to do with their bodies.

How about you get a job before deciding how much you think someone else should make?

How about you fuck off and dont tell me and my husband how to live.

He makes enough money for my entire family to live quite fucking well.

BTW I dont work but I do bring in money legally by managing our rental property.

Remember when the right used to praise people for putting family first?

These assholes you are defending FUCKED THIS COUNTRY!

Have fun defending these assholes "right" to rip off the American people.

You are BEYOND stupid. The only one that's fucking this country is that fuckwit YOU and your retarded ilk put in office.
Did he tell that to George Soros or the Kennedy's?

The Kennedys weren't that rich. I think that's why Jackie married Onasis. The Kennedys were more influential than rich.

Wall street is different, they took bailouts and still the ceo of Goldman Sachs took a $9,000,000 bonus last year. They gave this to him for screwing their clients especially hard.

Nobody is worth that kind of bonus money and we know that isn't all they ever get.

It's obscene.

How did Obama vote on the Wall Street bailouts as Senator?

And is what Obama made last year 'Obscene'?
Us pro life men usually hear from you libs that we are men and don't have a right to tell women what to do with their bodies.

How about you get a job before deciding how much you think someone else should make?

How about you fuck off and dont tell me and my husband how to live.

He makes enough money for my entire family to live quite fucking well.

BTW I dont work but I do bring in money legally by managing our rental property.

Remember when the right used to praise people for putting family first?

These assholes you are defending FUCKED THIS COUNTRY!

Have fun defending these assholes "right" to rip off the American people.

You are BEYOND stupid. The only one that's fucking this country is that fuckwit YOU and your retarded ilk put in office.

Boggles the mind.

Wait, what's your argument? That Panama or Hong Kong or perhaps Namibia is a developed country? The list you provided demonstrates that America has the highest income inequality of any developed country, it proves my argument. Did you read it?

A strong enough case can be made for including Hong Kong in the "industrialized" or "developed" or "post-industrial" world that that would mean one tiny country partially ruled by China has an even higher degree of income inequality than we do, so okay, we're #2. Was that your point? We're #2 and not #1 so it renders the incredible disparity moot somehow?

code1211 said:
This is one of those truisms that the Left recklessly throws around. These things don't need to be true to gain popularity. They need only support the pardigm.

Or for the facts to support it, as they do. America's income disparity on the Gini index is 45, higher than any other industrialized nation save perhaps Hong Kong.


Mexico is not an industrialized nation. Developed country - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
If you think Singapore and China, just for example, are not industrialized countries, you are an idiot. (Mexico IS an industrialized country.)

Again, your statement simply is not true.

Singapore has less wealth disparity than the U.S. does, so it's not relevant. China is 2 points higher on the Gini index and is not considered an industrialized nation. Neither is Mexico which is one point higher. Both are not recognized by the UN, IMF, or CIA as developed countries. They are both, in fact, considered developing countries where the level of industrialization relative to the population is not high and where the standard of living is low.

Developing country - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You're actually the one who doesn't know what he's talking about and is trying to insult me for knowing what I'm talking about. Click again the link on developed countries and now developing countries for further explanation of why you're mistaken. I'll admit that I was wrong in saying we had the highest disparity, it's actually the second highest, after Hong Kong. #2 among industrialized nations. Somehow, apparently, this means it doesn't matter or something that it's so incredibly and unusually high I guess was your point. If not, what was?
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If you have to screw your clients to make more, then you've probably have already made enough.
Wait, what's your argument? That Panama or Hong Kong or perhaps Namibia is a developed country? The list you provided demonstrates that America has the highest income inequality of any developed country, it proves my argument. Did you read it?

A strong enough case can be made for including Hong Kong in the "industrialized" or "developed" or "post-industrial" world that that would mean one tiny country partially ruled by China has an even higher degree of income inequality than we do, so okay, we're #2. Was that your point? We're #2 and not #1 so it renders the incredible disparity moot somehow?

Or for the facts to support it, as they do. America's income disparity on the Gini index is 45, higher than any other industrialized nation save perhaps Hong Kong.


Mexico is not an industrialized nation. Developed country - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
If you think Singapore and China, just for example, are not industrialized countries, you are an idiot. (Mexico IS an industrialized country.)

Again, your statement simply is not true.

Singapore has less wealth disparity than the U.S. does, so it's not relevant. China is 2 points higher on the Gini index and is not considered an industrialized nation. Neither is Mexico which is one point higher. Both are not recognized by the UN, IMF, or CIA as developed countries. They are both, in fact, considered developing countries where the level of industrialization relative to the population is not high and where the standard of living is low.

Developing country - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You're actually the one who doesn't know what he's talking about and is trying to insult me for knowing what I'm talking about. Click again the link on developed countries and now developing countries for further explanation of why you're mistaken. I'll admit that I was wrong in saying we had the highest disparity, it's actually the second highest, after Hong Kong. #2 among industrialized nations. Somehow, apparently, this means it doesn't matter or something that it's so incredibly and unusually high I guess was your point. If not, what was?
You are just being willfully ignorant. I provided links for you, and wasted my time, showing that you are flat wrong. The USA does not have the largest income disparity of all industrialized countries.

Deal with it.
So what you're saying is anyone who lends money to people so they can buy things like homes, cars, whatever is victimizing everyone....but someone who has a talk-show that tells us a bunch of bogus shit about how we should live our lives isn't?


Where the blazes did you get that?
Anyone who sells us our gas for our cars and provides us with electricity is victimizing us but those who make a film that sucks yet makes millions isn't.

What the fuck are you babbling about?

It all really depends on whom they support, not what they really do. Right?
Seriously, what the hell are you babbling about?
Let's just end this right here.

There is no such thing as earning too much money. period.
Its a legitimate question about whether or not it is reasonable to allow the creation of products that arguably have zero social value, or substantially less value, so that people can make literally billions of dollars on these products, as John Paulson did.

As someone who engages in speculation, I don't want my options limited. But I also don't want products that benefit the few and hurt the many.
I don't like Obama one bit, but I agree with him on this. America has the biggest wealth disparity gap in the industrialized world. To give a multi-billionaire a $100 million bonus while millions are without food, homes, or medicine is obscene.

I don't have a problem with giving billionaires $100 million bonuses. I do have a problem paying enormous amounts of money to people who exist because of the government, as much of Wall Street does, or to people who benefit because of lax corporate governance in this country.
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I don't like Obama one bit, but I agree with him on this. America has the biggest wealth disparity gap in the industrialized world. To give a multi-billionaire a $100 million bonus while millions are without food, homes, or medicine is obscene.

Those mentioned as Obama's friends as well as many of his top donors, if they weren't disingenuous would recognize that they've made far more money than they need or could ever reasonably use and try to give back to the people whose work and patronage put them there.

Middle and lower class people defending the right of the super wealthy to exploit them is perhaps the most crystallized form of serf thinking we have in this country.

Millions? Homeless? Starving? Dying?

Put down the Daily Worker and get out of the house.
What continues to astound me is the number of people who remain loyal to this system even knowing that its crooked.

Only game in town, I guess.

The investor class was cheated, folks.

Thanks to the meltdown, the more affluent you were, they more likely you got screwed.

It wasn't socialism running Goldman, folks.

It wasn't capitalism, either, that these people did.

It was fraud.

But as long as we have half the population thinking capitalism is to blame, and the other thinking socialism is the problem, the criminal class continues to manipulate both government and big capital to their advantage.
What I don't understand is why people think they need investment brokers like GS when they can buy their own investments through Schwab, TD, E Trade, Fidelity etc etc and not have to pay some fat cat broker a dime.
Repeal the 16th Amendment.

Lets the States figure out how to fund The Blob

Personal income is just none of your fucking business, especially not the Federal governments business.

Again, repeal the 16th Amendment
[You are just being willfully ignorant. I provided links for you, and wasted my time, showing that you are flat wrong. The USA does not have the largest income disparity of all industrialized countries.

Deal with it.

Just a thought in passing.

I would think that in every part of the world there are those with no income or wealth at all. In every part of the world there is the "richest guy around". If there is a big disparity, since the bottom by definition the bottom, the larger disparity must indicate a higher ceiling.

The only way to lower the disparity is to lower the ceiling.
What continues to astound me is the number of people who remain loyal to this system even knowing that its crooked.

Only game in town, I guess.

The investor class was cheated, folks.

Thanks to the meltdown, the more affluent you were, they more likely you got screwed.

It wasn't socialism running Goldman, folks.

It wasn't capitalism, either, that these people did.

It was fraud.

But as long as we have half the population thinking capitalism is to blame, and the other thinking socialism is the problem, the criminal class continues to manipulate both government and big capital to their advantage.

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