Obama To Wall Street: "I Do Think At A Certain Point You've Made Enough Money"

Why dont you go sell everything you own and send it to a wall street banker if you are sooo concerned about these poor things having their incomes restained to protect the MILLIONS of other Americans who live here from getting fleeced every couple of years which is what happened historially in this country right up until we implemented Glass steagal?

It's not about how much money anyone on Wall Street or anywhere else has made. If laws were broken, then there should be justice. The point is that the US Government, no matter who sits in the Whitehouse, does not have the right to determine how much money ANYONE in this country can make. Period.
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Okay, in regards to this line of attack, we don't have a clue how much TM and her family give to charity. So, I personally don't feel this line of attack is fair.

But, I still want to know why she hates Democracy so much.


You may be right Immie.

But its kinda hard to fly back at such a partisan person as she is. She blames Reps and the right for everything while conveniently forgetting that the left is equally to blame. Parisan .

TM is beyond the pale in my book. Jeeze.

You dont know what pale is, Where on this site have you EVER deviated from the right wing talking points?

Immie its you people who constantly refuse to even call this country a democracy.

Keep defending the wall street assholes who fucked us on purpose to make money off us a second time and see how that works for your party.

What laws were broken? Why aren't they being charged with a crime? Last time I looked, making too much money was not a crime.
obama must really be unhappy with his Presidency at this point. He appears to be doing everything in his power to make certain he is NOT reelected.

Everything he say's and does is WRONG.
You may be right Immie.

But its kinda hard to fly back at such a partisan person as she is. She blames Reps and the right for everything while conveniently forgetting that the left is equally to blame. Parisan .

TM is beyond the pale in my book. Jeeze.

You dont know what pale is, Where on this site have you EVER deviated from the right wing talking points?

Immie its you people who constantly refuse to even call this country a democracy.

Keep defending the wall street assholes who fucked us on purpose to make money off us a second time and see how that works for your party.

What laws were broken? Why aren't they being charged with a crime? Last time I looked, making too much money was not a crime.

If you haven't been watching all of these years....these people don't need a crime to make an accusation.

This is their bread & butter.

They make a living doing this to people and businesses.

I'm way past my bull-shit level on this. It seems like it's a constant thing with Democrats in Washington. The only reason they do it is because they have enough people that live here that support this kind of activity...regardless of how nasty and deceptive it is.
Obama and the Dems are doing all they can to kill NYC. It's so funny to watch the NY Congressional delegation sit by and say "I was only following orders"
This statement pretty much sums up Obama's desire to redistribute wealth, like most of us already knew. He's a good little socialist.
All about his business you little faggot. He misspoke.. what he should have said is "At a certain point you have STOLEN enough money."

The U.S. government is the NUMBER ONE corporation in this country STEALING money and misusing it. And this definitely IS our business. He should practice what he preaches. When does the government steal 'enough' from its citizens?

The government could be investing our cash in the market or something but instead choose to simply take it from us and spend it any way they see fit. They don't produce a product...they don't serve a useful purpose other then act as a burden on taxpayers.

So you won't mind then when we shut down the military, right?

And you won't mind when we close the veterans hospitals either, right?

And who needs courts?

Or roads?

Or a border patrol?

Seriously, you're overstating your case, I think.
You can never make too much money in my book. LOL

We all know there are some pretty sneaky folks out there who will do anything they can do to make as much as they can. There are some pretty high flyers out there also who live to take the big risks.

Wonder why no one on the left is screaming about Chryslers bond and shareholders? These people had 401's and pensions invested in Chrysler. People who owned shares in Chrysler.Those folks got stiffed by Obama?? They got stiffed and the Unions made out like bandits. Highway Robbery with Govt approval.

Hows that any different from anything going on on Wall St ???
The U.S. government is the NUMBER ONE corporation in this country STEALING money and misusing it. And this definitely IS our business. He should practice what he preaches. When does the government steal 'enough' from its citizens?

The government could be investing our cash in the market or something but instead choose to simply take it from us and spend it any way they see fit. They don't produce a product...they don't serve a useful purpose other then act as a burden on taxpayers.

So you won't mind then when we shut down the military, right?

And you won't mind when we close the veterans hospitals either, right?

And who needs courts?

Or roads?

Or a border patrol?

Seriously, you're overstating your case, I think.

Hey...what a great idea...turn all of that shit over to the states.

The feds aren't trustworthy...so who needs em.
I'm not surprised by his remarks. Socialists/Progressives really do think that way. Vote em all out. Make 2010 count people.
obama must really be unhappy with his Presidency at this point. He appears to be doing everything in his power to make certain he is NOT reelected.

Everything he say's and does is WRONG.

That attitude is a bit too complacent - and assumes that the Dems won't engage in voter fraud (ACORN) and creation (amnesty for illegal aliens) to manipulate the 2012 election results.
Protecting the corprations from the people.

Yeah you guys have found a real winner of an Issue here.

I think you need to work harder though.

You need to find all the RINOS and kick them out of the party.

You need to find a way to piss off other people besides just the latinos and blacks.

Cant you figure out how to piss off Asians?

So you think nothing of a President appointing himself king and making stupid satements regarding how much money one can make? Seems to me he's made a bundle and hasn't really done much for it. And you know what? Who cares. This is America.
You can never make too much money in my book. LOL

We all know there are some pretty sneaky folks out there who will do anything they can do to make as much as they can. There are some pretty high flyers out there also who live to take the big risks.

Wonder why no one on the left is screaming about Chryslers bond and shareholders? These people had 401's and pensions invested in Chrysler. People who owned shares in Chrysler.Those folks got stiffed by Obama?? They got stiffed and the Unions made out like bandits. Highway Robbery with Govt approval.

Hows that any different from anything going on on Wall St ???

There's another aspect to all of this as well.

Because Obamanomics depends so much on increasing government debt, the Feds are desperate to hold down interest rates. Many retirees with modest means keep their money in interest bearing CDs. With interest rates near zero, their meager incomes have collapsed.
Did he tell that to George Soros or the Kennedy's?

The Kennedys weren't that rich. I think that's why Jackie married Onasis. The Kennedys were more influential than rich.

Wall street is different, they took bailouts and still the ceo of Goldman Sachs took a $9,000,000 bonus last year. They gave this to him for screwing their clients especially hard.

Nobody is worth that kind of bonus money and we know that isn't all they ever get.

It's obscene.
Did he tell that to George Soros or the Kennedy's?

The Kennedys weren't that rich. I think that's why Jackie married Onasis. The Kennedys were more influential than rich.

Wall street is different, they took bailouts and still the ceo of Goldman Sachs took a $9,000,000 bonus last year. They gave this to him for screwing their clients especially hard.

Nobody is worth that kind of bonus money and we know that isn't all they ever get.

It's obscene.

While I agree with you that no one is worth that kind of money, I will say that it is not President Obama's place to comment on it or to regulate it. The responsibility lies on the shareholders of Goldman Sachs and the other corporations that pay those kinds of bonuses and the salaries in general.

I'm looking down the page here at some of the responses, it's mostly cons defending these opportunists. As if you all ever made that kind of money together or ever hope to. It's a select few and the rest of you can eat dirt for all they care.

Stop pretending they are getting rich and taking you with them.. :lol:
Using your thinking, then we should question everyone's pay:

Top earning rappers of 2009

- Jay-Z - 35 Million
- Diddy - 30 Million
- Kanye West - 25 Million
- 50 Cent - 20 Million
- Akon - 20 Million
- Lil Wayne - 18 Million
- Timbaland - 17 Million
- Pharrell - 16 Million
- T-Pain - 15 Million
- Eminem - 14 Million

We have two choices, leaving compensation arrangements and earning power to the companies and individuals involved - or living in a Pea Green With Envy Society in which anyone who is better off than someone who feels aggrieved by others' success is a target.
Did he tell that to George Soros or the Kennedy's?

The Kennedys weren't that rich. I think that's why Jackie married Onasis. The Kennedys were more influential than rich.

Wall street is different, they took bailouts and still the ceo of Goldman Sachs took a $9,000,000 bonus last year. They gave this to him for screwing their clients especially hard.

Nobody is worth that kind of bonus money and we know that isn't all they ever get.

It's obscene.

While I agree with you that no one is worth that kind of money, I will say that it is not President Obama's place to comment on it or to regulate it. The responsibility lies on the shareholders of Goldman Sachs and the other corporations that pay those kinds of bonuses and the salaries in general.


I actually agree with his opinion and he does have a place discussing too big to fail financial institutions. Not only should they be regulated, they should be broken up.

These people took bailout money.

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