Obama To Wall Street: "I Do Think At A Certain Point You've Made Enough Money"

She's been proven to be a liar in this thread and she knows it. She won't be back.


That hasn't stopped her after the uncountable other times she's been proven to be a LYANG LAIR WOO LIAIRS!

Could you go get an example of your claim?

Go to your profile. Select the statistics tab. Click on Find All Posts by Truthmatters.

There you will find all the examples of how you are a LYANG LAIR WOO LIAIRS.
Protecting the corprations from the people.

Yeah you guys have found a real winner of an Issue here.

I think you need to work harder though.

You need to find all the RINOS and kick them out of the party.

You need to find a way to piss off other people besides just the latinos and blacks.

Cant you figure out how to piss off Asians?

This isn't China lady...this is America.

Obama is not a motherfucken king.

He can't tell anyone how much they can make.

If you want to live somewhere that the leader can tell the rich that.....move the fuck out.

Yeah--I watched the video on this--I did not take it to mean--just Wall streeters--he specifically refers to goods and services also.

OK--so then--is he suggesting that government should mandate when someone has made enough money--:lol:

What about the non wall streeter--like Bill Gates a multi-billionair--and the reason for the fantastic economy in the 1990's. Is Obama to say to him O.K. Bill You've made enough money--so I want you to quit stimulating the economy with your new products--stop hiring--stop growing--doggonit--you've made enough.

Simply put--Obama had another Joe the Plumber statement. He again reveals himself as to who he really is--which is a socialist.
Simply put--Obama had another Joe the Plumber statement. He again reveals himself as to who he really is--which is a socialist.

You got that right. This is why he Needs The Teleprompter: to keep him "on script".

Whenever he ad libs, he reveals just how far left and anti-mainstream American he really is.
Golly Gee TM. You really oughta give two of your three houses to the poor and downtrodden.

You know. The poor and downtrodden that need the help of the taxpayer because they kinda sorta forgot to get a job.

While your at it. You and hubby could open up your bank account and spread YOUR wealth to all those folks who truly need a helping hand.

After all. Thats the Agenda the Dems and your glorious leader is pushing.

Just think. You could be on the ground floor. Willing to spread your wealth to help the poor and downtrodden.

Just think how good you will feel knowing your helping out.

God. Gag me. Jeeze.

I would think you would be glad I am making sure I dont need to suck off the tit of the government?

Now how many votes do you think this idiots tact will win you guys HUH?

Go ahead and pretend its good for the country to allow the wall street people to have this country by the throat and able to do what they just did to us at will.

Instead you idiots are insulting me for being a good capitalist and acting in a responsible way in my life.

I am a caplitalist and have always been one the fact that the right likes to live in the midst of a circle jerk of lies that any democrat is merely a socalist does not make it fact it just makes your face all slimey.

I am proud of my success and am proud of being a capitalist. Your LIES about me and my beliefs does not change my beliefs now does it.

Why dont you go sell everything you own and send it to a wall street banker if you are sooo concerned about these poor things having their incomes restained

This is the part that I don't understand how you are missing the BIGGER picture. If our president decides it is time to control how much money someone makes, what will keep him from doing it to someone else? What will keep him from systematically capping other industries...(insurance co's, auto makers, oil co's...).

You need to understand that this isn't about protecting Wall Street scum....this is about protecting ANYONE who has potential to make more money than the next guy.

to protect the MILLIONS of other Americans who live here from getting fleeced every couple of years which is what happened historially in this country right up until we implemented Glass steagal?

Who's gonna protect me from getting fleeced by the government? Every year I get fleeced on April 15th. They lie to me every year about where my tax dollars are going.....

Yeah--I watched the video on this--I did not take it to mean--just Wall streeters--he specifically refers to goods and services also.

OK--so then--is he suggesting that government should mandate when someone has made enough money--:lol:

What about the non wall streeter--like Bill Gates a multi-billionair--and the reason for the fantastic economy in the 1990's. Is Obama to say to him O.K. Bill You've made enough money--so I want you to quit stimulating the economy with your new products--stop hiring--stop growing--doggonit--you've made enough.

Simply put--Obama had another Joe the Plumber statement. He again reveals himself as to who he really is--which is a socialist.

YEAH!!! What is "enough"? And who the hell gave Mr. Obama the power to decide? How much of this should we sit back and swallow? If this goes the way he wants it to, who and what will keep him from doing this same thing to any or every other industry????

And FINALLY...when will the Obama apologizers realize he isn't much more than the Wizard of Oz...hiding behind the green curtain, pretending like he's the all knowing and powerful ruler.

Yeah--I watched the video on this--I did not take it to mean--just Wall streeters--he specifically refers to goods and services also.

OK--so then--is he suggesting that government should mandate when someone has made enough money--:lol:

What about the non wall streeter--like Bill Gates a multi-billionair--and the reason for the fantastic economy in the 1990's. Is Obama to say to him O.K. Bill You've made enough money--so I want you to quit stimulating the economy with your new products--stop hiring--stop growing--doggonit--you've made enough.

Simply put--Obama had another Joe the Plumber statement. He again reveals himself as to who he really is--which is a socialist.

I wonder when Obama feels he or George Sorros have made enough money?
He's not even a one-termer, you watch, Biden will be President.
What difference do you expect that to make ?
You have 535 motherfuckers that need to be taken out and strung up in trees.
The pRresident is a movie actor. Nothing more.


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It becames the nation's business when the outcome of their foolish activities demanded that we bail them out or see the meltdown of our entire economy.

If that's what you call socialism, then I'm all for it.

Of course that is not socialism, but I would expect you to understand that.
In 2009 hedge fund honcho David Tepper took $4 billion from the economy, "...enough to pay the salaries of every police officer, firefighter, and public school teacher in Chicago."

"To anyone who cries socialism at the first hint of taxes, do you want to accept a system that says someone making a clever bet on the market is 50,000 times more valuable than the person who comes rushing to your house in an emergency?"

For thousands of years before anyone coined the word "socialism", government's First Principle was to socialize loss and privatize profit.

"Choosing" between Republican OR Democrat won't change that.

It becames the nation's business when the outcome of their foolish activities demanded that we bail them out or see the meltdown of our entire economy.

If that's what you call socialism, then I'm all for it.

Of course that is not socialism, but I would expect you to understand that.

Problem is the Democrats and Obama in particular are constantly trying to encourage foolish activities just so they can cause a crisis.

Example: Lending to prospective homeowners that can't afford to repay the loan. Telling insurance companies that they must insure people with preconditions. Telling them they must throw out all of the normal rules that have kept them in business. In other words.....Throw caution to the wind and do what we say.

That is not only stupid but outright reckless behavior.

It becames the nation's business when the outcome of their foolish activities demanded that we bail them out or see the meltdown of our entire economy.

If that's what you call socialism, then I'm all for it.

Of course that is not socialism, but I would expect you to understand that.

Problem is the Democrats and Obama in particular are constantly trying to encourage foolish activities just so they can cause a crisis.

Example: Lending to prospective homeowners that can't afford to repay the loan. Telling insurance companies that they must insure people with preconditions. Telling them they must throw out all of the normal rules that have kept them in business. In other words.....Throw caution to the wind and do what we say.

That is not only stupid but outright reckless behavior.

Well I totally agree that the government has FAILED to protect us from the excesses of greed.

And I likewise agree that the Obama HC fix is going to fail, too.

Our government is captured by big CAPITAL and the outcomes are going to be disasterous for the nation as a whole.

We titter on the brink of economic disaster as a nation and yet we do nothing REAL to fix the SYSTEMIC economic injustice that this nation has become.

Our nation is plagued by cherished myths and outright lies, folks.

The belief that many of us have that there it is possible to have a market without government is one of those cherished myths.

Another is that we have inalienable rights.

Another is that we live in anything remotely approaching a meritocracy.

GIGO, folks. Garbage in Garbage out.

That's what we're dealing with.

The masters feed us a steady diet of propaganda and eventually we start to believe it.
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It becames the nation's business when the outcome of their foolish activities demanded that we bail them out or see the meltdown of our entire economy.

If that's what you call socialism, then I'm all for it.

Of course that is not socialism, but I would expect you to understand that.

Problem is the Democrats and Obama in particular are constantly trying to encourage foolish activities just so they can cause a crisis.

Example: Lending to prospective homeowners that can't afford to repay the loan. Telling insurance companies that they must insure people with preconditions. Telling them they must throw out all of the normal rules that have kept them in business. In other words.....Throw caution to the wind and do what we say.

That is not only stupid but outright reckless behavior.

Well I totally agree that the government has FAILED to protect us from the excesses of greed.

And I likewise agree that the Obama HC fix is going to fail, too.

Our government is captured by big CAPITAL and the outcomes are going to be disasterous for the nation as a whole.

We titter on the brink of economic disaster as a nation and yet we do nothing REAL to fix the SYSTEMIC economic injustice that this nation has become.

Our nation is plagued by cherished myths and outright lies, folks.

The belief that many of us have that there it is possible to have a market without government is one of those cherished myths.

Another is that we have inalienable rights.

Another is that we live in anything remotely approaching a meritocracy.

GIGO, folks. Garbage in Garbage out.

That's what we're dealing with.

The masters feed us a steady diet of propaganda and eventually we start to believe it.

I'm not gonna take that cynical approach.

I think the rules are fair for the most part...the problem is when people conspire to get around them. You know...lawyers and rich folks like Obama and friends.

All about his business you little faggot. He misspoke.. what he should have said is "At a certain point you have STOLEN enough money."

The U.S. government is the NUMBER ONE corporation in this country STEALING money and misusing it. And this definitely IS our business. He should practice what he preaches. When does the government steal 'enough' from its citizens?

All about his business you little faggot. He misspoke.. what he should have said is "At a certain point you have STOLEN enough money."

The U.S. government is the NUMBER ONE corporation in this country STEALING money and misusing it. And this definitely IS our business. He should practice what he preaches. When does the government steal 'enough' from its citizens?

The government could be investing our cash in the market or something but instead choose to simply take it from us and spend it any way they see fit. They don't produce a product...they don't serve a useful purpose other then act as a burden on taxpayers.
You dont understand philosophy which is why you worship Rand.

To suggest no one who wants life in America to be decent for all has to forgo ANY building of their own wealth is a fucking idiots arguement.

Why dont you go lie to your neighbor so you can steal his savings?

That is what you are defending when you defend these assholes.

Geez, that sounds like the socialist's idea of a perfect world--the redistribution of wealth by force. It seems more in line with what the Democrats and Obama would be scheming to attempt than Boedicca.


Only because you are a partisan hack does it sound like that to you.

You guys keep it up , these poor betrodden wall street billionares need all the support they can get because the vast majority of Americans are still trying to pull the knife out of their backs that these assholes told them was a gift.

What your blinders fail to let you see is that Obama and the US government are NO different.

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