Obama traveling to Colorado for a Photo opp with shooting victums

No we do it because we love to hear you bitch, it's non stop so we just change the subject every now and then.. loon
No. You do it because you're toxic, brain dead loons

And dishonest hypocrites

Conservatives are some of the most honest people you ever meet. Unlike liberals who will lie, cheat and steal to rob us of our liberties

she's been lying so long she wouldn't know the truth if it bit her in the ass.

Liberals generally don't care about the truth it impedes their agenda
Oh, so it's a "photo op" instead of being presidential?

I can just hear you wingnuts whining if he didn't go: "Where's Obama?"... "He doesn't care"... "He's un-American"...

The rightwing propaganda machine, when it's running smoothly, will always have two anti-Obama attacks prepared for any circumstance...

one if Obama does one thing; one if Obama does just the opposite.

That's how rightwing propaganda works. That's how guys like Limbaugh got rich.
Can you link to those sources please?And no limbaugh, fox? Are they complaining he's going?
Well I really dont mind it, sure it's a political stunt, but it is a pretty serious issue. I hope he doesnt turn it political, because then I wont be so nice. Also I'd like to hear him say he'd feed the culprit (whoever it is, not trying to blame the guy in custody yet) to sharks with fricken laser beams on their heads.

I never heard him say that about the Fort Hood shooter and KSM is STILL awaiting trial.

OK Jillian, you neg rep me for this post. Have you ever heard Obama say the foolishness that is quoted in the post that I responded to???? Obama and Bush both went to Fort Hood as they should have as Obama should go to Colorado. I didn't really see where Obama made Fort Hood political and I hope he doesn't now. It would be pretty tasteless.

BTW KSM and the Fort Hood shooters both have yet to stand trial. In the first case it is open and shut, guilty, in the latter he ADMITTED his guilt. Maybe tying this into the Co. shooting was a stretch never the less it is true. Let us just see how long this trial takes, I will bet a lot less time.
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I'd like to see the email traffic or hear phone calls inside his campaign headquarters the last 2 months in reference to Colorado.

I bet there are some scum inside their group that celebrated the chance to get a "salespitch" in Colorado Springs and now in the Denver metro area.

I recall his old Chief of Staff saying "never let a disaster/tragedy pass them by" or something to that effect.
If he speaks for more than five minutes to give condolences, it's a campaign speech and should be regarded as a classless photo op at the expense of the victims and their families. I have not doubt he go on longer than that. His narcissism won't let him stop at just condolences and we'll see his teleprompter at play.
He will sneak in his speech "America needs to come together and we need to remove the negativity and divisiveness that is found in politics today."

Code words....Republicans need to quit being mean to him and also give him what he wants. Also, the Romney campaign needs to quit attacking him, while he is a allowed to do it.

If he speaks for more than five minutes to give condolences, it's a campaign speech and should be regarded as a classless photo op at the expense of the victims and their families. I have not doubt he go on longer than that. His narcissism won't let him stop at just condolences and we'll see his teleprompter at play.
I have family in Colorado Springs. obama landed, spent only enough time to give a short campaign speech and left. This will be no different.

Count how many times obama says "I", "me" or "mine" during his condolence speech.
Once again this is something that goes with the territory of being president. Nothing to applaud nor rip him over.

You guys really need to get over this.
Oh, so it's a "photo op" instead of being presidential?

I can just hear you wingnuts whining if he didn't go: "Where's Obama?"... "He doesn't care"... "He's un-American"...

The rightwing propaganda machine, when it's running smoothly, will always have two anti-Obama attacks prepared for any circumstance...

one if Obama does one thing; one if Obama does just the opposite.

That's how rightwing propaganda works. That's how guys like Limbaugh got rich.
Can you link to those sources please?And no limbaugh, fox? Are they complaining he's going?

Limbaugh is part of the rightwing propaganda machine.
WE do it to give you libtards something NEW to bitch about.

No. You do it because you're toxic, brain dead loons

And dishonest hypocrites

Conservatives are some of the most honest people you ever meet. Unlike liberals who will lie, cheat and steal to rob us of our liberties

Yeah, Lee Atwater and Karl Rove are pillars of the community and honest as the day is long...:thup:
The rightwing propaganda machine, when it's running smoothly, will always have two anti-Obama attacks prepared for any circumstance...

one if Obama does one thing; one if Obama does just the opposite.

That's how rightwing propaganda works. That's how guys like Limbaugh got rich.
Can you link to those sources please?And no limbaugh, fox? Are they complaining he's going?

Limbaugh is part of the rightwing propaganda machine.

Yes, I thought so.

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