Obama trip to Africa June 26 could cost $60 to $100 million

There is no such thing as mandatory spending. It's a political trick so politicians, like Obama, don't have to actually do their job.

Of course there is

Money that pays for debt is mandatory. Military salaries, money already under contract

Really? Then how did Obama cut people's salary earlier this year?

You just hit a home run. but they dont consider furloughs a cut and since it is in most military contracts they can not even get a part time JOB.....to make up for it.
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Of course there is

Money that pays for debt is mandatory. Military salaries, money already under contract

Really? Then how did Obama cut people's salary earlier this year?

You just hit a home run. but they dont consider furloughs a cut and since it is in most military contracts they can not even get a part time JOB.....to make up for it.

They don't consider furloughs a cut? Well, if they just shift the money somewhere else, you're right it wouldn't be. And in truth, I rather suspect that is what they will do. I don't expect to see government spending reduced or even remain level. But the government employees, military or not, who see a 20% cut in their paycheck sure see that as a cut.
Really? Then how did Obama cut people's salary earlier this year?

You just hit a home run. but they dont consider furloughs a cut and since it is in most military contracts they can not even get a part time JOB.....to make up for it.

They don't consider furloughs a cut? Well, if they just shift the money somewhere else, you're right it wouldn't be. And in truth, I rather suspect that is what they will do. I don't expect to see government spending reduced or even remain level. But the government employees, military or not, who see a 20% cut in their paycheck sure see that as a cut.

Yup I have a few childhood friends that are nurses and doctors that work for the US Army and they are pissed off big time.
You just hit a home run. but they dont consider furloughs a cut and since it is in most military contracts they can not even get a part time JOB.....to make up for it.

They don't consider furloughs a cut? Well, if they just shift the money somewhere else, you're right it wouldn't be. And in truth, I rather suspect that is what they will do. I don't expect to see government spending reduced or even remain level. But the government employees, military or not, who see a 20% cut in their paycheck sure see that as a cut.

Yup I have a few childhood friends that are nurses and doctors that work for the US Army and they are pissed off big time.

They want to go in the doors and help their patients and do their fucking job... but they cant.
Considering Africa is a major potential investment spot of the US it is appropriate for the President to go on such a trip. quite frankly it has been a long time coming and it is a little disappointing that it took him to his second term to get around to it.

I agree.

The president will be working, at least partially, on this vacation. It's not an uncommon thing for POTUS to do because 1) presidents don't get a lot of time off and it's necearry to sometimes combine tasks when you can. And 2) if its solely a "family vacation" much of the cost is not shouldered by taxpayers.

Btw, I am as always, skeptical about the "cost", as every time I've seen estimates of past trips the cost stated has been grossly exaggerated.
Obama trip to Africa June 26 could cost $60 to $100 million

One would think after the ‘trip to India’ fiasco the right would have learned its lesson – clearly old (bad) habits die hard.

I wonder who was the source of the 'fiasco'?

Seems to me you're just reading stuff in the news and not knowing the source of it.

Fact is, Obama spends more than he should taking into consideration the state of the economy and the federal government. Nobody can tell me a trip to Africa is needed right now. Obama has way too many scandals hanging over his head for him to be of globetrotting again.
Obama's trip to Israel cost roughly $11 million. Wouldn't you think the security concerns would have been as higher or higher there as they are for sub-Saharan Africa?

Certainly not!

We trust the Israeli military and Israeli hospitals and doctors, and police.

Would you want your beloved Bush or Reagan at the mercy of a sub-Saharan medical facility? Or infiltrated police/military?

Think things out a little before typing and hitting 'submit', please.
Why do you keep calling him black when he's biracial?

I really don't get it.

Oh and its a family vacation. Not a diplomatic mission for crying out loud.

Why do you feel you must lie and make false statements?

She lies and makes false statements like it's her job. I can't even stand looking at her posts anymore.
It really reveals a lack of trust in their own ideology and arguments, that they have to lie constantly about the facts of any given situation.

Still not sure why ultra right wingers make a big deal out of this. Where does they want the President of the United States and his family to vacation at? A Howard Jhonsons in La Salle Illinois?
And you can bet your house that if there is ever another Republican president and he takes a trip that costs this much, wingnuts won't have one problem with it and will say "But Obama did it!!!"
Compared to Bush and Clinton, Obama is a slacker. GW and Bill spent 8 years traveling the world, each managed to visit well over 70 different countires in their two terms. Obama has less than half that amount.

The number of countries isn't the issue as much as the number of trips. GWB did visit a lot of countries but he only took 47 international trips during his eight years. Obama already has taken 55 in less than 4-1/2 years and has the best chance of breaking Clinton's record that dwarfs everybody else's. GHWBush did take a lot of trips during his four years though - comparable to Obamas.

According to Wikipedia:

FDR - 52 international trips
Truman - 6
Ike - 37
Johnson - 27
Nixon/Ford - 62
Carter - 31
Reagan - 49
GHW Bush - 60
Clinton - 133
GWB - 47
Obama 55
List of international trips made by the President of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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