Obama up 7 points in new national poll

Too bad the election weren't today and they used the Pew poll instead of votes to determine the winner. Then Obama would be sittin pretty.
With the 'likely voter' metric, and of course the just-proven ability of Republicans to 'get out the vote,' Oweblamer would lose in a landslide if the election were held today.
Too bad the election weren't today and they used the Pew poll instead of votes to determine the winner. Then Obama would be sittin pretty.

Too bad the GOP could have run something other than a weird Mormon Robot who says crazy shit like "I like to fire people" and "Corporations are people, too".

Obama shouldn't be this far ahead, given the state of the economy, and the best the GOP has to hope for is things getting worse by November.

When your political movement isn't based on ideas, but on hoping things will get worse, that's kind of a sad commentary on where the GOP is today.
With the 'likely voter' metric, and of course the just-proven ability of Republicans to 'get out the vote,' Oweblamer would lose in a landslide if the election were held today.

Not really, but keep telling yourself that. I know you really need to believe it.

Fact is, Obama will win even if it's a close election, because the electoral college is stacked in his favor.

Looking forward to the debates.

Holy shit, I can't believe I just said that.

Should be interesting to see how they rattle the numbers.

Too bad the election weren't today and they used the Pew poll instead of votes to determine the winner. Then Obama would be sittin pretty.

Too bad the GOP could have run something other than a weird Mormon Robot who says crazy shit like "I like to fire people" and "Corporations are people, too".

Obama shouldn't be this far ahead, given the state of the economy, and the best the GOP has to hope for is things getting worse by November.

When your political movement isn't based on ideas, but on hoping things will get worse, that's kind of a sad commentary on where the GOP is today.

I hate to burst your bubble but he isn't ahead. Your guy is an abysmal failure. Make fun of Romney all you want. I have a about a 100 people I'd rather see as President than him, Obama aint one of em. That's the problem with the system. The best candidate is rarely in the race.
Too bad the election weren't today and they used the Pew poll instead of votes to determine the winner. Then Obama would be sittin pretty.

Too bad the GOP could have run something other than a weird Mormon Robot who says crazy shit like "I like to fire people" and "Corporations are people, too".

Obama shouldn't be this far ahead, given the state of the economy, and the best the GOP has to hope for is things getting worse by November.

When your political movement isn't based on ideas, but on hoping things will get worse, that's kind of a sad commentary on where the GOP is today.

The Snips, and Crusaders, will not support America over ideology, how to sideline the radicals is the question. Romney will get the extreme right's vote, thus, he needs to move to the CENTER now.
With the 'likely voter' metric, and of course the just-proven ability of Republicans to 'get out the vote,' Oweblamer would lose in a landslide if the election were held today.

There isn't enough to BUY the entire nation Snip. This was a RECALL, unusual even to have happened. Walker STAYS in office, he WON no office.
Too bad the election weren't today and they used the Pew poll instead of votes to determine the winner. Then Obama would be sittin pretty.

Too bad the GOP could have run something other than a weird Mormon Robot who says crazy shit like "I like to fire people" and "Corporations are people, too".

Obama shouldn't be this far ahead, given the state of the economy, and the best the GOP has to hope for is things getting worse by November.

When your political movement isn't based on ideas, but on hoping things will get worse, that's kind of a sad commentary on where the GOP is today.

The Snips, and Crusaders, will not support America over ideology, how to sideline the radicals is the question. Romney will get the extreme right's vote, thus, he needs to move to the CENTER now.

Your problem, peaches, is that Romney barely gets the 'extreme right' vote because he is such a centrist.

Barry be in deep, deep do do.
With the 'likely voter' metric, and of course the just-proven ability of Republicans to 'get out the vote,' Oweblamer would lose in a landslide if the election were held today.

Not really, but keep telling yourself that.

Here's a hint. Just because you say 'nuh uhn!' does not mean the point is rebutted.


And when you bring more than your silly opinions to a conversation, I'lll actually make more of an effort than that.
With the 'likely voter' metric, and of course the just-proven ability of Republicans to 'get out the vote,' Oweblamer would lose in a landslide if the election were held today.

There isn't enough to BUY the entire nation Snip. This was a RECALL, unusual even to have happened. Walker STAYS in office, he WON no office.

yep there wasn't an election or anything.
Not really, but keep telling yourself that.

Here's a hint. Just because you say 'nuh uhn!' does not mean the point is rebutted.


And when you bring more than your silly opinions to a conversation, I'lll actually make more of an effort than that.

Sorry, Joe. You don't matter.

If you were versed on the subject, you would know that the polling had the candidates virtually tied, and the difference was the extraordinary 'get out the vote' effort - and subsequent voter response -of the Republicans.
Too bad the election weren't today and they used the Pew poll instead of votes to determine the winner. Then Obama would be sittin pretty.

Too bad the GOP could have run something other than a weird Mormon Robot who says crazy shit like "I like to fire people" and "Corporations are people, too".

Obama shouldn't be this far ahead, given the state of the economy, and the best the GOP has to hope for is things getting worse by November.

When your political movement isn't based on ideas, but on hoping things will get worse, that's kind of a sad commentary on where the GOP is today.

The Snips, and Crusaders, will not support America over ideology, how to sideline the radicals is the question. Romney will get the extreme right's vote, thus, he needs to move to the CENTER now.

How does he do that without making himself look more like a flip-flopper and oppurtunist?

This is the same problem McCain had, really. The radicals don't trust him, so he had to continually reassure them by selling his core principals.

Romney doesn't have core principals, as near as anyone can determine. But that's his big problem.

Bush was pretty far to the right, but he stuck to his guns. You might not have agreed with him, but you knew where he stood. And compared to Kerry, who tried to desperately paper over his past, it looked like a good thing.

Romney's zombie campaign is being animated by hatred of Obama, to the point where Romney can't even distance himself from a troll like Donald Trump. But a certain point, he's going to have to give people a reason to vote for Romney, and not against Obama.

I doubt he can do it.
Here's a hint. Just because you say 'nuh uhn!' does not mean the point is rebutted.


And when you bring more than your silly opinions to a conversation, I'lll actually make more of an effort than that.

Sorry, Joe. You don't matter.

If you were versed on the subject, you would know that the polling had the candidates virtually tied, and the difference was the extraordinary 'get out the vote' effort - and subsequent voter response -of the Republicans.

Polling in what? The Wisconsin recall? That had Walker ahead for quite a while.

The only thing that happened in Wisconsin is that a lot of people felt that the recall was being abused, which it was. But since the Dems did acheive their goal of retaking the Wisconsin Senate, expect both sides to keep abusing this rule.. until it is quietly changed.
RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - General Election: Romney vs. Obama

Pew Research Poll- 2388 Registered voters. Obama 49, Romney 42.

RCP Average now 2.8% in Obama's favor.

You'd think he'd be up 70 points - after all, look at the wonderful job he's doing (sarcasm off)

"All the world’s a stage, all right, and never so much as when presidential politics are in play.

But reality transcended metaphor Monday when crooner in chief Barack Obama hit Broadway. Joining him on stage was one of the greatest actors of our time — Bill Clinton. No longer playing the role of political antagonist, Clinton is now Dean Martin to Obama’s Frank Sinatra.

Okay, so there’s nothing new to see here. Hollywood likes Obama. Who didn’t know that? Some like him so much that they recently ponied up $40,000 a plate for dinner with the president at George Clooney’s house.

And, yes, clearly Clinton has changed his own tune. Where once he referred to Obama’s potential “fairy tale,” he’s now a genial warm-up act.

So goes politics, especially when your wife is being mentioned for another presidential run in 2016.

Destiny imposes certain adjustments."



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