Obama Urges Banks to Make Home Loans to People With Weak Credit... Again??

NCRC COO Addresses Attendees at NAACP?s 99th Annual Convention

Origins of the Subprime Crisis and Need for Intervention
Many observers argue that the subprime market’s foreclosure crisis is a result of moderate-income minority borrowers getting into trouble by over-extending themselves to purchase a home. But when you hear those arguments, consider these words of the rap group Public Enemy, “Don’t believe the hype”!

First, most subprime loans originated for at the past decade were for refinancing homes. Second, according to the Center for Responsible Lending, less than 10 percent were for first time homeownership. These statistics together mean that much of the subprime market damage was due to mortgage refinancing schemes that took advantage of financially vulnerable families who already owned their own homes and had already accumulated equity in their properties. Subprime lenders targeted those consumers to structure financing deals that literally flipped the equity away from their owners. And, for first time homeowners, they simply were exploited to the limits of their financial vulnerability.

Much of the resistance from policy makers to assist homebuyers going to foreclosure is the concern about creating “moral hazard”. This idea implies that bailing people out of problems that resulted from bad or risky decisions may encourage them to make those bad decisions again.

Let’s examine the bad decisions made by millions of families caught up in this foreclosure crisis.

They made the bad decision to trust their broker to be honest and help them secure the best loan for their circumstances;

They made the bad decision to trust their lender would offer them a product that was affordable to them;

They made the bad decision to trust the appraised value of their home was legitimate;

They made the bad decision to trust the regulatory supervision of the financial institutions to protect their rights as consumers;

In short, borrowers in the subprime market made the bad decision to trust that they would be treated with the same respect and protections as is the norm for the overwhelming majority of Americans who enter into homeownership through the prime market.

A moral hazard? But not in the classical economic meaning.
Tm, I knew in 1997 that it would fail. That's when I bought my house, and I bought what I needed, not what I wanted and it's paid off. I bought what I could afford, while people making what I was at the time were buying expensive houses. Come to find out some were only paying interest with the hope in the near future they would be making more money. That's when I knew we were gonna be in trouble. Tell me tm, who was the president then?
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It was banks fooling people into thinking their current home value was going to go up and up forever.

People like me and usc were telling everyone who would listen that the home prices were over inflated on purpose.

You on the right called us endless names for it.

Then we turned out to be correct.

You never recognised that fact.

NOW you think anyone wshould listen to you people?

Tm, I knew in 1997 that it would fail. That's when I bought my house, and I bought what I needed, not what I wanted and it's paid off. I bought what I could afford, while people making what I was at the time were buying expensive houses. Come to find out some were only paying interest with the hope in the near future they would be making more money. That's when I knew we were gonna be in trouble. Tell me tm, who was the president then?


hey fool in 1997 the housing prices were fine
pretending the CRA caused this mess is just stupid.

Its was lack of regulations and lack of inforcement By the Bush admin that caused this
Tm, I knew in 1997 that it would fail. That's when I bought my house, and I bought what I needed, not what I wanted and it's paid off. I bought what I could afford, while people making what I was at the time were buying expensive houses. Come to find out some were only paying interest with the hope in the near future they would be making more money. That's when I knew we were gonna be in trouble. Tell me tm, who was the president then?


hey fool in 1997 the housing prices were fine

Lol, did you even read my post? I said in 1997 bad loans were being made. You asked when did we know we were in trouble, and I told ya. Now we also see your to ignorant to understand english.
Again, TM, this post isn't about the CRA.

It's about Obama encouraging risky loans. The same thing that got us into this mess.
The Obama administration is engaged in a broad push to make more home loans available to people with weaker credit, an effort that officials say will help power the economic recovery but that skeptics say could open the door to the risky lending that caused the housing crash in the first place.

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
EVEN IF it CRA had anything to do with subprime mortgages

HAD the RisK Assements of the bonds created with SUBPRIME loans been accurate, this disaster could not have happened, folks.

Does anyone here besides me understand what I am talking about?

If your answer is NO I do not know, then START READING because you still do NOT understand the true nature of this disaster.

How many subprime motgages would these banks have written if they'd BEEN STUCK WITH THAT TOXIC PAPER?

I'll tell you....not many. My guess is the answer is a big FAT ZERO.

But because they could pass the buck, they did not give fuck.
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there are BROKER rules now dudes.


I just got through reading the Marx-Engels Reader. Every argument presented is the same as those who identify with the liberal camp in this forum. The one above not excluded. Why don't you all come out and confess? The Democrats/Progressives/Liberal are the same as those of the Labor Party in Britian. Only the Labor party doesn't have a problem with being indentified as socialists.
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I started a thread with this same story earlier this morning and it got merged with OhPooPoo's thread. I'm surprised this one hasn't yet.
Apparently Obama wants banks to do exactly the same thing that cause the housing crash in the first place.

Can you Democrats spin this into a positive light?

Obama administration pushes banks to make home loans to people with weaker credit - The Washington Post

The Obama administration is engaged in a broad push to make more home loans available to people with weaker credit, an effort that officials say will help power the economic recovery but that skeptics say could open the door to the risky lending that caused the housing crash in the first place.


If they limit the easy credit to single home buyers/owners, this is not a problem. The housing bust was caused by speculators and investors using the easy no down payment terms to buy houses to flip. There were so many of them that builders continued building homes that were not needed. All of a sudden the only people left buying houses were the speculators themselves. As soon as they realized there was nobody left to sell to, the crash hit and it pretty much happened overnight.
I've worked in banking now for 34 years. Banks are for profit institutions that function under a myriad of government regulations as well as board of directors. Banks have internal, federal and state regulation standards they must maintain in order to keep from being written up by internal, external and federal auditors. Banks don't make risky loans to people who don't have the creditworthiness to repay them. It's simple bad business and a way to put you out of business.

Granted, there is a whole lot of detail that I'm skipping over for simplifications sake.......but government do-gooders (mostly on the D side of the aisle) forced banks to make questionable home loans so as not to "discriminate" against lower income and/or minority people and give them the dream of home ownership too. These loans were to be guaranteed by the government so as to not harm the banks for making these questionable loans that wen't against sound business practice. Banks being for profit businesses looked for any way that they could squeeze a profit out of what they were forced to do.

You know what the result is. Bank's bear some of the responsibility, but it was government do-gooders who created the problem to begin with. Now we have Dear Leader wanting to skip down the same path. WTF?
Apparently Obama wants banks to do exactly the same thing that cause the housing crash in the first place.

Can you Democrats spin this into a positive light?

Obama administration pushes banks to make home loans to people with weaker credit - The Washington Post

The Obama administration is engaged in a broad push to make more home loans available to people with weaker credit, an effort that officials say will help power the economic recovery but that skeptics say could open the door to the risky lending that caused the housing crash in the first place.


Really? He wants banks and other lenders to sell ARMs on overpriced houses to dupes who could never afford the payments after the rate adjusts upward and then sell these Toxic Mortgages to large banks who in term will bundle them into Mortgage backed securties to sell as A+ to the entire world? Or does he just want to assure the banks that as long as the borrowers meet government standards, the bank will not face legal or financial recriminations?
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Apparently Obama wants banks to do exactly the same thing that cause the housing crash in the first place.

Can you Democrats spin this into a positive light?

Obama administration pushes banks to make home loans to people with weaker credit - The Washington Post

The Obama administration is engaged in a broad push to make more home loans available to people with weaker credit, an effort that officials say will help power the economic recovery but that skeptics say could open the door to the risky lending that caused the housing crash in the first place.


Really? He wants banks and other lenders to sell ARM on overpriced houses to dupes who could never afford the payments after the rate adjusts upward and then sell these Toxic Mortgages to large banks who in term will bundle them into Mortgage backed securties to sell as A+ to the entire world? Or does he just want to assure the banks that as long as the borrowers meet government standards, the bank will not face legal or financial recriminations?

That was where the original problem originated. History repeating itself.
I've worked in banking now for 34 years. Banks are for profit institutions that function under a myriad of government regulations as well as board of directors. Banks have internal, federal and state regulation standards they must maintain in order to keep from being written up by internal, external and federal auditors. Banks don't make risky loans to people who don't have the creditworthiness to repay them. It's simple bad business and a way to put you out of business.

Granted, there is a whole lot of detail that I'm skipping over for simplifications sake.......but government do-gooders (mostly on the D side of the aisle) forced banks to make questionable home loans so as not to "discriminate" against lower income and/or minority people and give them the dream of home ownership too. These loans were to be guaranteed by the government so as to not harm the banks for making these questionable loans that wen't against sound business practice. Banks being for profit businesses looked for any way that they could squeeze a profit out of what they were forced to do.

You know what the result is. Bank's bear some of the responsibility, but it was government do-gooders who created the problem to begin with. Now we have Dear Leader wanting to skip down the same path. WTF?

Yeah, and what does O care. He won't be around when this blows in a few years.

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