Obama used the FBI as his political weapon. It’s worse than Watergate.

Obama’s FBI Insiders used the Steele dossier(fake) to obtain a FISA warrant for spying on Trump’s campaign. The Democrat corruption is a threat to our democracy. The worst part about it is that the Press is supposed to protect the public not the Dirty Democratic Party.

Did Trump–Russia dossier back a FISA warrant? — RT US News

Yep, and every leftist poster on this site is going to call you a "conspiracy nut." That is ok, because when some form of what you have said is proven true, you can call all of them fools-)

This is going to take down MOST of the Democratic party, hierarchy. And for the leftists, let me tell you this------------> when it happens and your party is hosed for quite awhile, you can CURSE Hillary Clinton for one of two things,

1. for losing the race for President, thus losing the ability of covering it up, or

2. having the arrogance to get your party on board to attempt to pull this off.

In either case, I have a feeling that once you finally realize what has happened, no matter how much you claimed we hated Hillary, YOU will hate her worse!

Out to lunch nutters consoling each other - hilarious.

Say imawhosure, at what point in time will FACTS convince you that you are full of shit? How many years of "going to take down MOST of the Democratic party" will be false for before you admit that it was just nonsense you came up with while eating too many weed brownies?

Metoo, or Antontoo, whomever you are-) We aren't taking down the Democrats, the Democrats have done it themselves over Trump. Just listen to you guys/gals on here, LISTEN TO YOURSELVES!

There is no doubt that each and every one of you would try to pull off what Hillary and the Democrats did, because you hate him so badly. When you hate, you do DUMB THINGS.

You can paint it over all you want to, but-------------> if that DOSSIER had ANYTHING to do with the FISA warrants, your side is cooked! And, if you can't figure out why they would be, then you really have no idea about politics, and in essence are just a screamer..........which may be a plausible definition, lololol.

The whole Russian thing with collusion, is not only going to be redirected at your side instantly, but it will give cover to the administration to remove all those "crats" from their positions on high in the alphabet soup departments in Washington in a re-alignment because of the scandal. The POWER of appointed people installed, will be REMOVED as they are removed.

Use your head for once, and not your political brain------>why do you think that BOTH sides dislike Trump! You actually believe it is because he is Trump! NO! It is because he wants to remove the 'deep states" power. Why don't you do yourself a favor and look back in history as to how the deep state tried to control other administrations. Ever hear of J. Edgar, Hoover? He was not the only one. And as Washington has grown, it has become more prevalent.

As an American, we should all find that unacceptable, no matter which political party you belong to, don't you think!

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