Obama used the FBI as his political weapon. It’s worse than Watergate.

Markel and JGalt are stumbling now in the mindless conspiracy of theirs. Good heavens.

You of all Posters have ZERO credibility. I have read your constant postings "Trump will drop out, not get enough to in, not get thru 17 others, never win FLA, cant win Indiana...never never never" for 1.5 years.....daily.

Good bye Daisy boy.........
Only Trump and the supporters who broke the law for him are going to "rue the day" the investigation started.
Markel and JGalt are stumbling now in the mindless conspiracy of theirs. Good heavens.

You of all Posters have ZERO credibility. I have read your constant postings "Trump will drop out, not get enough to in, not get thru 17 others, never win FLA, cant win Indiana...never never never" for 1.5 years.....daily. Good bye Daisy boy.........
More lip flapping nonsense from an Alt Righty. I, unlike you, voted for the real conservative, McMullin. You voted for a lib lite Putin stooge. Yes, the Fake Alt Right Media and their sycophants like you have no cred in America.
Not only the FBI, but let's not forget: He also used the IRS to silence dissent from conservative organizations. And he used the DOJ to try to drum up support for gun-control, legislation, resulting in the deaths of an American Border Patrol agent and an estimated 600 Mexican citizens.

Whoa. That's... such a big deal. So heavy. Omg.

Like you really care about a bunch of fucking meskins, right?
Sorry, I don't speak trumptard

So you really have no problem with your former Attorney General putting assault weapons in the hands of Mexican drug cartels, as he did in "Fast & Furious"?

That American Border Patrol agent was one of your countrymen, you know.
That was started under Dubya. A cockamamie plan, maybe. I don't know.

Do I think there was a massive conspiracy by Obama to arm drug cartels in order to.... uh........... see it already stopped making any sense.

A similar plan was started and halted when it was seen to be unworkable.

Fast and Furious is all President Obama, as you well know!
Only Trump and the supporters who broke the law for him are going to "rue the day" the investigation started.

I can tell all you watch is FAKE NEWS over at

cnn and msnbc.....

You need to get your head out of your ass and

listen to Rush and Fox......
No we’ve been following it really closely. Every time Trump is in trouble you trot out these false assertions.

The IRS scandal was a phony Republican lie by FOX News to try and make Obama look bad.

No one needs to make President Obama look bad, he did that all by himself along with his cabal.

OCT 27, 2017 @ 11:56 AM
IRS Scandal Ends As It Began With An Apology


Here is the Sessions statement

Chief Justice John Marshall wrote 'that the power to tax involves the power to destroy … [is] not to be denied.' And it should also be without question that our First Amendment prohibits the federal government from treating groups differently based solely on their viewpoint or ideology.”

"But it is now clear that during the last Administration, the IRS began using inappropriate criteria to screen applications for 501(c) status. These criteria included names such as “Tea Party,” “Patriots,” or “9/12” or policy positions concerning government spending or taxes, education of the public to “make America a better place to live,” or statements criticizing how the country was being run. It is also clear these criteria disproportionately impacted conservative groups.”

IRS Scandal Ends As It Began With An Apology
And a big payout.
No we’ve been following it really closely. Every time Trump is in trouble you trot out these false assertions.

The IRS scandal was a phony Republican lie by FOX News to try and make Obama look bad.

No one needs to make President Obama look bad, he did that all by himself along with his cabal.

OCT 27, 2017 @ 11:56 AM
IRS Scandal Ends As It Began With An Apology


Here is the Sessions statement

Chief Justice John Marshall wrote 'that the power to tax involves the power to destroy … [is] not to be denied.' And it should also be without question that our First Amendment prohibits the federal government from treating groups differently based solely on their viewpoint or ideology.”

"But it is now clear that during the last Administration, the IRS began using inappropriate criteria to screen applications for 501(c) status. These criteria included names such as “Tea Party,” “Patriots,” or “9/12” or policy positions concerning government spending or taxes, education of the public to “make America a better place to live,” or statements criticizing how the country was being run. It is also clear these criteria disproportionately impacted conservative groups.”

IRS Scandal Ends As It Began With An Apology
No we’ve been following it really closely. Every time Trump is in trouble you trot out these false assertions.

There was no FISA warrant to wiretap the Trump campaign. That’s a Trump lie to deflect from the Russia investigation.

It is always so easy to prove you, shall we say wrong, with your nonsense, desperate posts.

FBI used dossier allegations to bolster Trump-Russia investigation
By Evan Perez, Shimon Prokupecz and Manu Raju, CNN

Updated 8:07 PM ET, Tue April 18, 2017


Washington (CNN)The FBI last year used a dossier of allegations of Russian ties to Donald Trump's campaign as part of the justification to win approval to secretly monitor a Trump associate, according to US officials briefed on the investigation.

The dossier has also been cited by FBI Director James Comey in some of his briefings to members of Congress in recent weeks, as one of the sources of information the bureau has used to bolster its investigation, according to US officials briefed on the probe.
This includes approval from the secret court that oversees the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) to monitor the communications of Carter Page, two of the officials said. Last year, Page was identified by the Trump campaign as an adviser on national security.

FBI used dossier allegations to bolster Trump-Russia investigation - CNNPolitics
Markle, you are not cogent when it comes to the law, the Constitution, or American history. You do not have the 'keys' for that. You lost them, remember.
Obama is not president.

Time to leave him alone and stop smearing the Intelligence Community.


Petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama blamed former President George Bush for EIGHT YEARS.

No one is smearing the Intelligence Community. We are establishing what the superiors have done to protect Democrats, not the rank and file workers.

You’ve established nothing other than you’ll believe anything that Limbaugh, Hannity and the lying right wing media feeds you.

Fast and furious has been debunked over and over but you idiots are desperate to pin your conspiracy theories on Obama, Clinton or any powerful liberal.

You’ve even tried to claim that Democrats crashed the economy, not Bush. These are proveabke lies. You broke it, you own it.

ISIS came into being in 2005 - 3 years before Obama was elected. It happened because Bush disbanded Saddams army but let them keep their weapons. But as always, you blame Obama. Some Republicans have even blamed Obama for the Hurricane Katrina debacle.

No matter what happens, right wingers blame liberals. It’s not bad enough that Republican governments run up huge deficits, crash the stock market and are general incompetent, but they refuse to accept responsibility for the messes they create.

As sure as night follows day, when Trump’s tax bill causes economic chaos, right wingers will be blaming Democrats for the disaster.
Obama used our nation and it's laws to pay back his enemies and his supporters...he used our constitution like toilet paper...and he will go down as the worst president since Carter and the most corrupt administration in the history of America...

Obama’s popularity is very high in this country and overseas. Well respected around the globe. Compared to this lousy president.

Right now record shows Trump is the worst US president ever.
Obama’s FBI Insiders used the Steele dossier(fake) to obtain a FISA warrant for spying on Trump’s campaign. The Democrat corruption is a threat to our democracy. The worst part about it is that the Press is supposed to protect the public not the Dirty Democratic Party.

Did Trump–Russia dossier back a FISA warrant? — RT US News

Really? Coming from an unknown news media must be very true.

Let say you are telling the truth. What did FISA find out about Trump? We have not heard anything about Trumpy from FISA.
We all know that Manafort was being monitored before he was even hired by Trump. Most of foreign nationals like Russian ambassador Kislyak are monitored by US agents. That is where they got Flynn.

So tell me what did FISA found about Trump?

If Obama wants to spy on Trump why not just release Trump tax returns from IRS?
Obama’s FBI Insiders used the Steele dossier(fake) to obtain a FISA warrant for spying on Trump’s campaign. The Democrat corruption is a threat to our democracy. The worst part about it is that the Press is supposed to protect the public not the Dirty Democratic Party.

Did Trump–Russia dossier back a FISA warrant? — RT US News

Yep, and every leftist poster on this site is going to call you a "conspiracy nut." That is ok, because when some form of what you have said is proven true, you can call all of them fools-)

This is going to take down MOST of the Democratic party, hierarchy. And for the leftists, let me tell you this------------> when it happens and your party is hosed for quite awhile, you can CURSE Hillary Clinton for one of two things,

1. for losing the race for President, thus losing the ability of covering it up, or

2. having the arrogance to get your party on board to attempt to pull this off.

In either case, I have a feeling that once you finally realize what has happened, no matter how much you claimed we hated Hillary, YOU will hate her worse!

Out to lunch nutters consoling each other - hilarious.

Say imawhosure, at what point in time will FACTS convince you that you are full of shit? How many years of "going to take down MOST of the Democratic party" will be false for before you admit that it was just nonsense you came up with while eating too many weed brownies?
With the extreme rightwing, anything they don't like and don't want to believe is 'fake news' and a leftist conspiracy. If we were to agree with their world view, the entire world is in a conspiracy to dupe everyone. All mainstream sources are in the conspiracy to present a vision of the world that isn't true. All law enforcement institutions are in on the conspiracy and don't charge people like Obama and Hillary Clinton for crimes. All mainstream news media and govenments in the First World are in on the conspiracy. And on an on. That is if we look at the world from the rightwing nutter perspective.
Watergate was like an employee taking office pens and paperclips from the office compared to Obama's crimes...

Barry illegally spied on American citizens, on reporters, on the media, on the U.S. Senate, and on the UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT JUSTICES.

Barry illegally used the IRS as his own political weapon (2nd President to do so, both Democrats) to help him win / ensure re-election.

Barry used the FBI and DOJ as both weapons againat enemies and shields to protect the Russians and Democrsts alike from punishment for their crimes...
Obama used our nation and it's laws to pay back his enemies and his supporters...he used our constitution like toilet paper...and he will go down as the worst president since Carter and the most corrupt administration in the history of America...

Obama’s popularity is very high in this country and overseas. Well respected around the globe. Compared to this lousy president.

Right now record shows Trump is the worst US president ever.
There Democrats go again thinking popularity contests decide preidential elections and who the most criminal Presidents are...

Obama used our nation and it's laws to pay back his enemies and his supporters...he used our constitution like toilet paper...and he will go down as the worst president since Carter and the most corrupt administration in the history of America...

Obama’s popularity is very high in this country and overseas. Well respected around the globe. Compared to this lousy president.

Right now record shows Trump is the worst US president ever.
There Democrats go again thinking popularity contests decide preidential elections and who the most criminal Presidents are...


Better American Democrats make these decisions than Russian trolls like you, Evgeny.
Obama used our nation and it's laws to pay back his enemies and his supporters...he used our constitution like toilet paper...and he will go down as the worst president since Carter and the most corrupt administration in the history of America...

Obama’s popularity is very high in this country and overseas. Well respected around the globe. Compared to this lousy president.

Right now record shows Trump is the worst US president ever.
There Democrats go again thinking popularity contests decide preidential elections and who the most criminal Presidents are...


Better American Democrats make these decisions than Russian trolls like you, Evgeny.
FL, you have already been exposed as a lying liberal troll who defends seditious Constitutoonal violators and law-breakers who have hidden Russian crimes on multiple occasions while victimizing Americans by violating their rights.

The only ones who have aided the Russians are your previous criminal Democrats, Troll. That has been PROVEN! So fo us a favor, comrade - STFU already. Stop pointing fingers, denying evidence, and blaming others.
Obama’s FBI Insiders used the Steele dossier(fake) to obtain a FISA warrant for spying on Trump’s campaign. The Democrat corruption is a threat to our democracy. The worst part about it is that the Press is supposed to protect the public not the Dirty Democratic Party.

Did Trump–Russia dossier back a FISA warrant? — RT US News
Just what are you doing to get rid of the filthy corrupt bitch who is now in the Oval Office and is wrecking not just the U.S., but the entire world? Obama is old news.

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