Obama used the FBI as his political weapon. It’s worse than Watergate.

Bull shit. They had a gun running where they actually followed the damn guns, Operation Wide Receiver.
The differences-

Here are the differences in simplest terms:

  • Wide Receiver (WR) was active from 2005 to 2007 (Oct.). Number of guns involved: 400
  • Fast & Furious (F&F) was active from Fall 2009 – 2011. Number of guns involved: 2,000

Electronic tracking
WR — RFID trackers installed in guns.
F&F — No electronic tracking.

WR — Actively tracked by airborn surveillance.
F&F — No active surveillance of any kind.

WR — Straw purchases recorded & surveilled.
F&F — No recording or surveillance of straw purchasers

Differences Between Bush's 'Wide Receiver' Program and Obama's 'Fast & Furious' - Publius Forum
Not only the FBI, but let's not forget: He also used the IRS to silence dissent from conservative organizations. And he used the DOJ to try to drum up support for gun-control, legislation, resulting in the deaths of an American Border Patrol agent and an estimated 600 Mexican citizens.

Whoa. That's... such a big deal. So heavy. Omg.

Like you really care about a bunch of fucking meskins, right?
Sorry, I don't speak trumptard

So you really have no problem with your former Attorney General putting assault weapons in the hands of Mexican drug cartels, as he did in "Fast & Furious"?

That American Border Patrol agent was one of your countrymen, you know.
That was started under Dubya. A cockamamie plan, maybe. I don't know.

Do I think there was a massive conspiracy by Obama to arm drug cartels in order to.... uh........... see it already stopped making any sense.
You're proving the old adage that a lunatic doesn't know that he's insane.

So ironic

Ironic? Quit being idiotic, man. People are trying to tell you something here for your own edification, so wake the fuck up and smell the fucking coffee already.

Do you think we're saying this shit just to hear our own lips flapping?
I think you're saying it because you seek out and listen to people who make their living from lying to you and whipping you into a deranged frenzy for profit.

The only "profit" I seek is for you leftist shitheads to be kicked to the curb, and for America to regain the greatness we had before Obama crawled out from under a rock.

That magnificent orange bastard President Donald J. Trump will assuredly see to that, regardless of how loudly you leftists screech.
Obama’s FBI Insiders used the Steele dossier(fake) to obtain a FISA warrant for spying on Trump’s campaign. The Democrat corruption is a threat to our democracy. The worst part about it is that the Press is supposed to protect the public not the Dirty Democratic Party.

Did Trump–Russia dossier back a FISA warrant? — RT US News

The press has been protecting those who pays it: Dirty Democratic Party, not the public.

Not only the FBI, but let's not forget: He also used the IRS to silence dissent from conservative organizations. And he used the DOJ to try to drum up support for gun-control, legislation, resulting in the deaths of an American Border Patrol agent and an estimated 600 Mexican citizens.

Let's just face it: Obama's presidency was a clusterfuck of biblical proportions.

Obama is not president.

Time to leave him alone and stop smearing the Intelligence Community.

Why? He can still be impeached and stripped of all of his benefits as a former president. Protection, pension, everything. Take it all away.

Obama is not president.

Time to leave him alone and stop smearing the Intelligence Community.

You mean, better stop before finding the real dirt on Obama and Clinton

You see fellas, the left refuses to admit the truth, the forest through the trees as it were----------> They have Roy Moore; and that is maybe......................we have their gonads in a vice, and that is definite!

The only reason the leftists on here can even come here and pretend, is because their whole party's stance is only wavering, but when it comes down around their heads, the party is over. This is going to go very bad for their heroes, and the independents are going to hose them WORSE than last time.

The Democratic party is already tied to the DOSSIER, is it not leftists-) Now all that has to be done, is tie the DOSSIER to the FISA warrants, and it is "Katie, bar the door!"

Know what, many of you might be oblivious to how close your side is to being hosed. Don't believe me? Then open PMs to your leftist friends on here, and ask them-------->how bad will it actually be if the DOSSIER was used as the pretense for the FISA warrants, lololol. Yep, that DOSSIER that came from the Russians, paid for by Hillary, that went through the FBI, when Comey was in charge, and then he RELEASED CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS through a friend to the media to FORCE an independent counsel....by his OWN ADDMISION... through Rosenstein named Muehller, and all 3 are friends-)

You think we have a problem, lololol! Whatever God you pray to, you better pray........eventhough most of you are heathens.............that somehow, someway, that DOSSIER was NOT the impetus for the FISA warrant into team Trump. For if it was, your whole house of cards will come crashing down on you! And let me tell you------->it is more likely than not, that it was-)
You're proving the old adage that a lunatic doesn't know that he's insane.

So ironic

Ironic? Quit being idiotic, man. People are trying to tell you something here for your own edification, so wake the fuck up and smell the fucking coffee already.

Do you think we're saying this shit just to hear our own lips flapping?
I think you're saying it because you seek out and listen to people who make their living from lying to you and whipping you into a deranged frenzy for profit.

The only "profit" I seek is for you leftist shitheads to be kicked to the curb, and for America to regain the greatness we had before Obama crawled out from under a rock.

That magnificent orange bastard President Donald J. Trump will assuredly see to that, regardless of how loudly you leftists screech.
American 'greatness' will not be 'regained' by the Alt Right and Trumpdardian stupidity which we have been witnessing the last two years.
You're proving the old adage that a lunatic doesn't know that he's insane.

So ironic

Ironic? Quit being idiotic, man. People are trying to tell you something here for your own edification, so wake the fuck up and smell the fucking coffee already.

Do you think we're saying this shit just to hear our own lips flapping?
I think you're saying it because you seek out and listen to people who make their living from lying to you and whipping you into a deranged frenzy for profit.

The only "profit" I seek is for you leftist shitheads to be kicked to the curb, and for America to regain the greatness we had before Obama crawled out from under a rock.

That magnificent orange bastard President Donald J. Trump will assuredly see to that, regardless of how loudly you leftists screech.
You're proving the old adage that a lunatic doesn't know that he's insane.

So ironic

Ironic? Quit being idiotic, man. People are trying to tell you something here for your own edification, so wake the fuck up and smell the fucking coffee already.

Do you think we're saying this shit just to hear our own lips flapping?
I think you're saying it because you seek out and listen to people who make their living from lying to you and whipping you into a deranged frenzy for profit.

The only "profit" I seek is for you leftist shitheads to be kicked to the curb, and for America to regain the greatness we had before Obama crawled out from under a rock.

That magnificent orange bastard President Donald J. Trump will assuredly see to that, regardless of how loudly you leftists screech.
You're proving the old adage that a lunatic doesn't know that he's insane.

So ironic

Ironic? Quit being idiotic, man. People are trying to tell you something here for your own edification, so wake the fuck up and smell the fucking coffee already.

Do you think we're saying this shit just to hear our own lips flapping?
I think you're saying it because you seek out and listen to people who make their living from lying to you and whipping you into a deranged frenzy for profit.

The only "profit" I seek is for you leftist shitheads to be kicked to the curb, and for America to regain the greatness we had before Obama crawled out from under a rock.

That magnificent orange bastard President Donald J. Trump will assuredly see to that, regardless of how loudly you leftists screech.
You're proving the old adage that a lunatic doesn't know that he's insane.

So ironic

Ironic? Quit being idiotic, man. People are trying to tell you something here for your own edification, so wake the fuck up and smell the fucking coffee already.

Do you think we're saying this shit just to hear our own lips flapping?
I think you're saying it because you seek out and listen to people who make their living from lying to you and whipping you into a deranged frenzy for profit.

The only "profit" I seek is for you leftist shitheads to be kicked to the curb, and for America to regain the greatness we had before Obama crawled out from under a rock.

That magnificent orange bastard President Donald J. Trump will assuredly see to that, regardless of how loudly you leftists screech.
I strongly disagree on attribution. LBJ did all of the evil stuff you are claiming for Obama and a decent case can be made that it goes back to at least Wilson.
You're proving the old adage that a lunatic doesn't know that he's insane.

So ironic

Ironic? Quit being idiotic, man. People are trying to tell you something here for your own edification, so wake the fuck up and smell the fucking coffee already.

Do you think we're saying this shit just to hear our own lips flapping?
I think you're saying it because you seek out and listen to people who make their living from lying to you and whipping you into a deranged frenzy for profit.

The only "profit" I seek is for you leftist shitheads to be kicked to the curb, and for America to regain the greatness we had before Obama crawled out from under a rock.

That magnificent orange bastard President Donald J. Trump will assuredly see to that, regardless of how loudly you leftists screech.
You're proving the old adage that a lunatic doesn't know that he's insane.

So ironic

Ironic? Quit being idiotic, man. People are trying to tell you something here for your own edification, so wake the fuck up and smell the fucking coffee already.

Do you think we're saying this shit just to hear our own lips flapping?
I think you're saying it because you seek out and listen to people who make their living from lying to you and whipping you into a deranged frenzy for profit.

The only "profit" I seek is for you leftist shitheads to be kicked to the curb, and for America to regain the greatness we had before Obama crawled out from under a rock.

That magnificent orange bastard President Donald J. Trump will assuredly see to that, regardless of how loudly you leftists screech.
You're proving the old adage that a lunatic doesn't know that he's insane.

So ironic

Ironic? Quit being idiotic, man. People are trying to tell you something here for your own edification, so wake the fuck up and smell the fucking coffee already.

Do you think we're saying this shit just to hear our own lips flapping?
I think you're saying it because you seek out and listen to people who make their living from lying to you and whipping you into a deranged frenzy for profit.

The only "profit" I seek is for you leftist shitheads to be kicked to the curb, and for America to regain the greatness we had before Obama crawled out from under a rock.

That magnificent orange bastard President Donald J. Trump will assuredly see to that, regardless of how loudly you leftists screech.
You're proving the old adage that a lunatic doesn't know that he's insane.

So ironic

Ironic? Quit being idiotic, man. People are trying to tell you something here for your own edification, so wake the fuck up and smell the fucking coffee already.

Do you think we're saying this shit just to hear our own lips flapping?
I think you're saying it because you seek out and listen to people who make their living from lying to you and whipping you into a deranged frenzy for profit.

The only "profit" I seek is for you leftist shitheads to be kicked to the curb, and for America to regain the greatness we had before Obama crawled out from under a rock.

That magnificent orange bastard President Donald J. Trump will assuredly see to that, regardless of how loudly you leftists screech.
I strongly disagree on attribution. LBJ did all of the evil stuff you are claiming for Obama and a decent case can be made that it goes back to at least Wilson.

I agree with you. LBJ was the worst in modern times.

From everything I hear, Obama is a decent guy. Their politics suck,( Barack and Michelle) but the Obama's are very nice people.

LBJ was a rotten bastard, lol. He hated all of the NEW Democratic, coalition people. Times have changed, but isn't it amazing the policies LBJ put in place to keep the people he actually hated on HIS and Democrats plantation, now give them power. I find that, fascinating!

If black people actually wanted to tear down a statue of someone who despised them for the color of their skin, they would have to start with LBJ for sure, and that is a fact!
You're proving the old adage that a lunatic doesn't know that he's insane.

So ironic

Ironic? Quit being idiotic, man. People are trying to tell you something here for your own edification, so wake the fuck up and smell the fucking coffee already.

Do you think we're saying this shit just to hear our own lips flapping?
I think you're saying it because you seek out and listen to people who make their living from lying to you and whipping you into a deranged frenzy for profit.

The only "profit" I seek is for you leftist shitheads to be kicked to the curb, and for America to regain the greatness we had before Obama crawled out from under a rock.

That magnificent orange bastard President Donald J. Trump will assuredly see to that, regardless of how loudly you leftists screech.
You're proving the old adage that a lunatic doesn't know that he's insane.

So ironic

Ironic? Quit being idiotic, man. People are trying to tell you something here for your own edification, so wake the fuck up and smell the fucking coffee already.

Do you think we're saying this shit just to hear our own lips flapping?
I think you're saying it because you seek out and listen to people who make their living from lying to you and whipping you into a deranged frenzy for profit.

The only "profit" I seek is for you leftist shitheads to be kicked to the curb, and for America to regain the greatness we had before Obama crawled out from under a rock.

That magnificent orange bastard President Donald J. Trump will assuredly see to that, regardless of how loudly you leftists screech.
You're proving the old adage that a lunatic doesn't know that he's insane.

So ironic

Ironic? Quit being idiotic, man. People are trying to tell you something here for your own edification, so wake the fuck up and smell the fucking coffee already.

Do you think we're saying this shit just to hear our own lips flapping?
I think you're saying it because you seek out and listen to people who make their living from lying to you and whipping you into a deranged frenzy for profit.

The only "profit" I seek is for you leftist shitheads to be kicked to the curb, and for America to regain the greatness we had before Obama crawled out from under a rock.

That magnificent orange bastard President Donald J. Trump will assuredly see to that, regardless of how loudly you leftists screech.
You're proving the old adage that a lunatic doesn't know that he's insane.

So ironic

Ironic? Quit being idiotic, man. People are trying to tell you something here for your own edification, so wake the fuck up and smell the fucking coffee already.

Do you think we're saying this shit just to hear our own lips flapping?
I think you're saying it because you seek out and listen to people who make their living from lying to you and whipping you into a deranged frenzy for profit.

The only "profit" I seek is for you leftist shitheads to be kicked to the curb, and for America to regain the greatness we had before Obama crawled out from under a rock.

That magnificent orange bastard President Donald J. Trump will assuredly see to that, regardless of how loudly you leftists screech.
I strongly disagree on attribution. LBJ did all of the evil stuff you are claiming for Obama and a decent case can be made that it goes back to at least Wilson.

Agreed: LBJ was one evil son of a bitch.
So ironic

Ironic? Quit being idiotic, man. People are trying to tell you something here for your own edification, so wake the fuck up and smell the fucking coffee already.

Do you think we're saying this shit just to hear our own lips flapping?
I think you're saying it because you seek out and listen to people who make their living from lying to you and whipping you into a deranged frenzy for profit.

The only "profit" I seek is for you leftist shitheads to be kicked to the curb, and for America to regain the greatness we had before Obama crawled out from under a rock.

That magnificent orange bastard President Donald J. Trump will assuredly see to that, regardless of how loudly you leftists screech.
So ironic

Ironic? Quit being idiotic, man. People are trying to tell you something here for your own edification, so wake the fuck up and smell the fucking coffee already.

Do you think we're saying this shit just to hear our own lips flapping?
I think you're saying it because you seek out and listen to people who make their living from lying to you and whipping you into a deranged frenzy for profit.

The only "profit" I seek is for you leftist shitheads to be kicked to the curb, and for America to regain the greatness we had before Obama crawled out from under a rock.

That magnificent orange bastard President Donald J. Trump will assuredly see to that, regardless of how loudly you leftists screech.
So ironic

Ironic? Quit being idiotic, man. People are trying to tell you something here for your own edification, so wake the fuck up and smell the fucking coffee already.

Do you think we're saying this shit just to hear our own lips flapping?
I think you're saying it because you seek out and listen to people who make their living from lying to you and whipping you into a deranged frenzy for profit.

The only "profit" I seek is for you leftist shitheads to be kicked to the curb, and for America to regain the greatness we had before Obama crawled out from under a rock.

That magnificent orange bastard President Donald J. Trump will assuredly see to that, regardless of how loudly you leftists screech.
So ironic

Ironic? Quit being idiotic, man. People are trying to tell you something here for your own edification, so wake the fuck up and smell the fucking coffee already.

Do you think we're saying this shit just to hear our own lips flapping?
I think you're saying it because you seek out and listen to people who make their living from lying to you and whipping you into a deranged frenzy for profit.

The only "profit" I seek is for you leftist shitheads to be kicked to the curb, and for America to regain the greatness we had before Obama crawled out from under a rock.

That magnificent orange bastard President Donald J. Trump will assuredly see to that, regardless of how loudly you leftists screech.
I strongly disagree on attribution. LBJ did all of the evil stuff you are claiming for Obama and a decent case can be made that it goes back to at least Wilson.

I agree with you. LBJ was the worst in modern times.

From everything I hear, Obama is a decent guy. Their politics suck,( Barack and Michelle) but the Obama's are very nice people.

LBJ was a rotten bastard, lol. He hated all of the NEW Democratic, coalition people. Times have changed, but isn't it amazing the policies LBJ put in place to keep the people he actually hated on HIS and Democrats plantation, now give them power. I find that, fascinating!

If black people actually wanted to tear down a statue of someone who despised them for the color of their skin, they would have to start with LBJ for sure, and that is a fact!

Obama like Jimmy Carter, probably meant well. But their incompetence far overshadowed their good intentions. It was Carter whose incompetence gave way for the rise of radical Islam in Iran, and Obama's who allowed the rise of ISIS.

That being said, both will be remembered as "well-meaning" boobs.
Not only the FBI, but let's not forget: He also used the IRS to silence dissent from conservative organizations. And he used the DOJ to try to drum up support for gun-control, legislation, resulting in the deaths of an American Border Patrol agent and an estimated 600 Mexican citizens.

Whoa. That's... such a big deal. So heavy. Omg.

It really is! The Department of Justice smuggling tons of guns (literally) to Mexican Cartel gangs? Tell me where that's in the DOJ's job description.
Not only the FBI, but let's not forget: He also used the IRS to silence dissent from conservative organizations. And he used the DOJ to try to drum up support for gun-control, legislation, resulting in the deaths of an American Border Patrol agent and an estimated 600 Mexican citizens.

Let's just face it: Obama's presidency was a clusterfuck of biblical proportions.
You have a cute b******* conspiracy theory for everything, just like most GOP voters, and the GOP propaganda machine is where you get it, dupe. All these things have been investigated and there's nothing to them. You brainwashed functional morons and inhabit an imaginary universe. The world's laughing stock and horror. The world doesn't realize that you're just fools of greedy idiot billionaire brainwashers.
Last edited:
Bull shit. They had a gun running where they actually followed the damn guns, Operation Wide Receiver.
The differences-

Here are the differences in simplest terms:

  • Wide Receiver (WR) was active from 2005 to 2007 (Oct.). Number of guns involved: 400
  • Fast & Furious (F&F) was active from Fall 2009 – 2011. Number of guns involved: 2,000

Electronic tracking
WR —
RFID trackers installed in guns.
F&F — No electronic tracking.

WR —
Actively tracked by airborn surveillance.
F&F — No active surveillance of any kind.

WR —
Straw purchases recorded & surveilled.
F&F — No recording or surveillance of straw purchasers

Differences Between Bush's 'Wide Receiver' Program and Obama's 'Fast & Furious' - Publius Forum
Whoa. That's... such a big deal. So heavy. Omg.

Like you really care about a bunch of fucking meskins, right?
Sorry, I don't speak trumptard

So you really have no problem with your former Attorney General putting assault weapons in the hands of Mexican drug cartels, as he did in "Fast & Furious"?

That American Border Patrol agent was one of your countrymen, you know.
That was started under Dubya. A cockamamie plan, maybe. I don't know.

Do I think there was a massive conspiracy by Obama to arm drug cartels in order to.... uh........... see it already stopped making any sense.
And the ATF guy who was in charge of it said that neither the Obama nor the bush administration's new about the gun-running, dumbass dupe.
So ironic

Ironic? Quit being idiotic, man. People are trying to tell you something here for your own edification, so wake the fuck up and smell the fucking coffee already.

Do you think we're saying this shit just to hear our own lips flapping?
I think you're saying it because you seek out and listen to people who make their living from lying to you and whipping you into a deranged frenzy for profit.

The only "profit" I seek is for you leftist shitheads to be kicked to the curb, and for America to regain the greatness we had before Obama crawled out from under a rock.

That magnificent orange bastard President Donald J. Trump will assuredly see to that, regardless of how loudly you leftists screech.
So ironic

Ironic? Quit being idiotic, man. People are trying to tell you something here for your own edification, so wake the fuck up and smell the fucking coffee already.

Do you think we're saying this shit just to hear our own lips flapping?
I think you're saying it because you seek out and listen to people who make their living from lying to you and whipping you into a deranged frenzy for profit.

The only "profit" I seek is for you leftist shitheads to be kicked to the curb, and for America to regain the greatness we had before Obama crawled out from under a rock.

That magnificent orange bastard President Donald J. Trump will assuredly see to that, regardless of how loudly you leftists screech.
So ironic

Ironic? Quit being idiotic, man. People are trying to tell you something here for your own edification, so wake the fuck up and smell the fucking coffee already.

Do you think we're saying this shit just to hear our own lips flapping?
I think you're saying it because you seek out and listen to people who make their living from lying to you and whipping you into a deranged frenzy for profit.

The only "profit" I seek is for you leftist shitheads to be kicked to the curb, and for America to regain the greatness we had before Obama crawled out from under a rock.

That magnificent orange bastard President Donald J. Trump will assuredly see to that, regardless of how loudly you leftists screech.
So ironic

Ironic? Quit being idiotic, man. People are trying to tell you something here for your own edification, so wake the fuck up and smell the fucking coffee already.

Do you think we're saying this shit just to hear our own lips flapping?
I think you're saying it because you seek out and listen to people who make their living from lying to you and whipping you into a deranged frenzy for profit.

The only "profit" I seek is for you leftist shitheads to be kicked to the curb, and for America to regain the greatness we had before Obama crawled out from under a rock.

That magnificent orange bastard President Donald J. Trump will assuredly see to that, regardless of how loudly you leftists screech.
I strongly disagree on attribution. LBJ did all of the evil stuff you are claiming for Obama and a decent case can be made that it goes back to at least Wilson.

I agree with you. LBJ was the worst in modern times.

From everything I hear, Obama is a decent guy. Their politics suck,( Barack and Michelle) but the Obama's are very nice people.

LBJ was a rotten bastard, lol. He hated all of the NEW Democratic, coalition people. Times have changed, but isn't it amazing the policies LBJ put in place to keep the people he actually hated on HIS and Democrats plantation, now give them power. I find that, fascinating!

If black people actually wanted to tear down a statue of someone who despised them for the color of their skin, they would have to start with LBJ for sure, and that is a fact!
Tried looking at the policies he passed, not a lot of stupid GOP gossip and propaganda, dupe.
Not only the FBI, but let's not forget: He also used the IRS to silence dissent from conservative organizations. And he used the DOJ to try to drum up support for gun-control, legislation, resulting in the deaths of an American Border Patrol agent and an estimated 600 Mexican citizens.

Whoa. That's... such a big deal. So heavy. Omg.

It really is! The Department of Justice smuggling tons of guns (literally) to Mexican Cartel gangs? Tell me where that's in the DOJ's job description.
It was the Arizona ATF, brainwash functional boron, and the doj never knew anything about it. Your media is pure crap.
Not only the FBI, but let's not forget: He also used the IRS to silence dissent from conservative organizations. And he used the DOJ to try to drum up support for gun-control, legislation, resulting in the deaths of an American Border Patrol agent and an estimated 600 Mexican citizens.

Whoa. That's... such a big deal. So heavy. Omg.

Are you kidding? Oh right, forgive me, I forgot you're a Progressive so the lives of an American Border Patrol agent and up to 600 Mexicans being murdered are irrelevant. The end justifies the means, right?

Not only the FBI, but let's not forget: He also used the IRS to silence dissent from conservative organizations. And he used the DOJ to try to drum up support for gun-control, legislation, resulting in the deaths of an American Border Patrol agent and an estimated 600 Mexican citizens.

Whoa. That's... such a big deal. So heavy. Omg.

Are you kidding? Oh right, forgive me, I forgot you're a Progressive so the lives of an American Border Patrol agent and up to 600 Mexicans being murdered are irrelevant. The end justifies the means, right?

Evidently they never achieved those ends. I don't know of any successful gun-control legislation Obama was able to pass.

Yet another dismal failure of the Obama presidency. :laugh:
Not only the FBI, but let's not forget: He also used the IRS to silence dissent from conservative organizations. And he used the DOJ to try to drum up support for gun-control, legislation, resulting in the deaths of an American Border Patrol agent and an estimated 600 Mexican citizens.

Whoa. That's... such a big deal. So heavy. Omg.

Are you kidding? Oh right, forgive me, I forgot you're a Progressive so the lives of an American Border Patrol agent and up to 600 Mexicans being murdered are irrelevant. The end justifies the means, right?

Neither the bush nor Obama administration's new about gun walking by the ATF, and as soon as the doj under Obama found out they stopped it. You are a brainwashed functional moron.
Markel and JGalt are stumbling now in the mindless conspiracy of theirs. Good heavens.
Obama is not president.

Time to leave him alone and stop smearing the Intelligence Community.


Petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama blamed former President George Bush for EIGHT YEARS.

No one is smearing the Intelligence Community. We are establishing what the superiors have done to protect Democrats, not the rank and file workers.
That’s the reason why Obama claimed executive privilege, which to this day, all the documents still have not been released.
Not only the FBI, but let's not forget: He also used the IRS to silence dissent from conservative organizations. And he used the DOJ to try to drum up support for gun-control, legislation, resulting in the deaths of an American Border Patrol agent and an estimated 600 Mexican citizens.

Whoa. That's... such a big deal. So heavy. Omg.

Are you kidding? Oh right, forgive me, I forgot you're a Progressive so the lives of an American Border Patrol agent and up to 600 Mexicans being murdered are irrelevant. The end justifies the means, right?

Neither the bush nor Obama administration's new about gun walking by the ATF, and as soon as the doj under Obama found out they stopped it. You are a brainwashed functional moron.
Not only the FBI, but let's not forget: He also used the IRS to silence dissent from conservative organizations. And he used the DOJ to try to drum up support for gun-control, legislation, resulting in the deaths of an American Border Patrol agent and an estimated 600 Mexican citizens.

Whoa. That's... such a big deal. So heavy. Omg.

Your dumb retorts match your stupid cartoon.

Everything you dumb ass's try comes back at

you 10 times harder......

You will rue the day you started the Russian investigation...

It's all going to fly back up your ass.......

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