Obama usurps legislative authority again, extends health-care enrollment deadline

Remember, there was no Bible anywhere in sight when He swore to uphold the constitution, etc.
Presidents generally enforce laws they agree with or feel they should enforce politically. They do not enforce all laws equally, and some laws get little executive enforcement. Even Jackson at one time is supposed to have told the Supreme Court to stuff their decision.

Well no that isnt true. It's true about Jackson. But that was 150 years ago.

It's true. People believe government operates in a textbook manner as they were taught in school, but in actuality there is a lot of difference between school-government and real government. Lots of differences.

Jake, is that you?
the shoe is differing when it is on the other foot. Then a republican is in the white house they are full of constitutional niceties
Presidents generally enforce laws they agree with or feel they should enforce politically. They do not enforce all laws equally, and some laws get little executive enforcement. Even Jackson at one time is supposed to have told the Supreme Court to stuff their decision.

But here we are talking about a president arbitrarily usurping power to change a law!


“He has erected a multitude of new offices (Washington‘s existing political plum job Empire) , and sent hither swarms of officers, to harass our people, and eat out their substance” ___Declaration of Independence

CORRECTION: It was Representative John Boehner who allowed the bill to come to the floor which would give line item veto powers to the president. And that other snake Paul Ryan was all for it!

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OP- Total BS, for hater dupes only...if you think Pubs would allow him to do anything illegal, you're out of your tiny, brainwashed little minds- but we knew that lol....

Total BS is your calling card. All I need to do is see it is your post and I know that it will have one of five phrases in it.

You are one ignorant ass.

I hope things get better for you in 2014.
Obama usurps legislative authority

He can't do anything of the sort.

But he does have the executive authority to manage the program.
Obama usurps legislative authority

He can't do anything of the sort.

But he does have the executive authority to manage the program.

Horse shit Fakey, he has ZERO authority to pull the shit he has pulled...

Just because you a self styled radical progressive loves the man in no way gives him any such powers.
Obama usurps legislative authority

He can't do anything of the sort.

But he does have the executive authority to manage the program.

Horse shit Fakey, he has ZERO authority to pull the shit he has pulled... Just because you a self styled radical progressive loves the man in no way gives him any such powers.

Antares, your far right anti-American reactionary agenda fails every time.

You are entitled to your opinion, and I am happy you deliver it, because you make the case for your opponents almost every time.

Tis what tis, podjo.
Obama usurps legislative authority

He can't do anything of the sort.

But he does have the executive authority to manage the program.

Horse shit Fakey, he has ZERO authority to pull the shit he has pulled... Just because you a self styled radical progressive loves the man in no way gives him any such powers.

Antares, your far right anti-American reactionary agenda fails every time.

You are entitled to your opinion, and I am happy you deliver it, because you make the case for your opponents almost every time.

Tis what tis, podjo.

Keep pushing the Kingmen position Fakey.

You are a discredit to all those who've died for our liberty.

Calling you scum would be an insult to scum.
So if we were going to change the hours at a post office, we'd have to go through Congress for that?
Horse shit Fakey, he has ZERO authority to pull the shit he has pulled... Just because you a self styled radical progressive loves the man in no way gives him any such powers.

Antares, your far right anti-American reactionary agenda fails every time.

You are entitled to your opinion, and I am happy you deliver it, because you make the case for your opponents almost every time.

Tis what tis, podjo.

Keep pushing the Kingmen position Fakey.

You are a discredit to all those who've died for our liberty.

Calling you scum would be an insult to scum.

You've already done that--insulted scum by showing back up.
Antares, your far right anti-American reactionary agenda fails every time.

You are entitled to your opinion, and I am happy you deliver it, because you make the case for your opponents almost every time.

Tis what tis, podjo.

Keep pushing the Kingmen position Fakey.

You are a discredit to all those who've died for our liberty.

Calling you scum would be an insult to scum.

You've already done that--insulted scum by showing back up.

Awww......thanks for sharing.

I hope you got your Xmas wish to not catch a Social Disease this season.
Think about it. If the President continues to solve problems in the ACA as they crop up, then the ACA may just work, and there will be egg all over 'Conservative' face. Not to worry, however. After the government shutdown, you really won't notice the new egg.

Constantly meddling and changing policy on how insurance companies assess risk pools, their underwriting standards, plans offered, is not what I call "fixing" the problem. When the government constantly tweaks by changing coverage "promises" needed to be met by insurance companies, it directly effects insurance premiums and those financial assets needed with long term liabilities. As a result health insurance companies become more financially unstable to meet with the fluctuating demands of the Federal Government, while the smart companies quietly withdrawal themselves from the exchange market altogether. As a result there will be fewer insurance companies for consumers and patients to choose from, leaving less competition and (as a result of the constant tampering and meddling of these insurance coverage "promises") a greater increase of insurance premium costs on those hoping for health care coverage. ACA is a health insurance disaster that only gets worse with every lie and contradiction that comes from this President's mouth.

SEE: Obama to Health Insurance Companies: Merry Christmas. Now, Drop Dead. - Forbes
Obama--usurping his constitutional authority is fairly common place in this administration. No surprise and he will continue to do it.

Obama--usurping his constitutional authority is fairly common place in this administration. No surprise and he will continue to do it.

How many here remember the crocodile tears of progressive loving John Boehner who is all in favor of legislating from the Oval Office?
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=MN-HKgkREyE#t=14[/video]See John Boehner’s crocodile tears - YouTube[/ame]


Reaching across the aisle and bipartisanship is Washington Newspeak to subvert the Constitution and screw the American People.

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No one is complaining that obama is acting outside his authority in illegally changing the law. Republicans in Congress aren't saying much.

obama is slowly and systematically dismantling his own system. Sit back and let him. He is doing what Ted Cruz went on a 25 hour filibuster to do.

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