Obama usurps legislative authority again, extends health-care enrollment deadline

Some presidents have done well going beyond the usual limits and a few not so well. Why do we remember, Lincoln, FDR, Jefferson and even Nixon? But who remembers Benjamin Harrison?
Some presidents have done well going beyond the usual limits and a few not so well. Why do we remember, Lincoln, FDR, Jefferson and even Nixon? But who remembers Benjamin Harrison?

Lincoln: suspended habeas corpus
FDR: Created Great Depression
Nixon: nuff said.

Yeah, Jefferson's Louisiana Purchase is entirely comparable to Obama's Louisiana Purchase. Sure it is.
Some presidents have done well going beyond the usual limits and a few not so well. Why do we remember, Lincoln, FDR, Jefferson and even Nixon? But who remembers Benjamin Harrison?

This is not about past presidents. This is about Obama trampling upon our Constitution and ignoring existing law!

Some presidents have done well going beyond the usual limits and a few not so well. Why do we remember, Lincoln, FDR, Jefferson and even Nixon? But who remembers Benjamin Harrison?

This is not about past presidents. This is about Obama trampling upon our Constitution and ignoring existing law!


Many government procedures are built upon past government procedures. I

Who decides that Obama or any president has trampled the Constitution.
Existing laws are often ignored by presidents. Do presidents even have the means to be aware of all the thousands of laws in the US, and to make sure they are all obeyed?
Truman integrated the military could a future president now segregate the military?
Obama usurps legislative authority

He can't do anything of the sort.

But he does have the executive authority to manage the program.

Horse shit Fakey, he has ZERO authority to pull the shit he has pulled... Just because you a self styled radical progressive loves the man in no way gives him any such powers.

Antares, your far right anti-American reactionary agenda fails every time.

You are entitled to your opinion, and I am happy you deliver it, because you make the case for your opponents almost every time.

Tis what tis, podjo.

Sorry Jake, by your logic (?) ANY President can change any law any way he wants to.

You just aren't very bright, but then...we all know that.
Antares, your far right anti-American reactionary agenda fails every time.

You are entitled to your opinion, and I am happy you deliver it, because you make the case for your opponents almost every time.

Tis what tis, podjo.

Keep pushing the Kingmen position Fakey.

You are a discredit to all those who've died for our liberty.

Calling you scum would be an insult to scum.

You've already done that--insulted scum by showing back up.

Speaking of scum, where shall I send your free condoms to?
The Obama administration confirmed on Monday, December, 23rd, that it has decided to once again ignore the Affordable Healthcare Act as written and will allow Americans to sign up for new health insurance plans through Christmas Eve and such new coverage will become effective on January 1st of the New Year. Of course, this action defies the separation of powers of our Constitution in that our President and its Administration is forbidden amend laws to its own liking, and this was specifically pointed out by our very own Supreme Court.

In Clinton v. City of New York, 524 U.S. 417 (1998) our Supreme Court struck down Line Item veto powers being exercise by the president because it would allow the president an arbitrary power to adjust laws to his own liking without having to go through Congress. Under our Constitution “ All legislative Powers” are “vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.”

If we look at Obama’s continual disregard of Obamacare as written and his countless striking some parts of the law down while leaving others parts to be enforced, he is not only spitting upon our Constitution and its separation of powers, but he is knowingly and willfully ignoring that our Supreme Court has already stuck down a proposed power to allow “line item veto powers” to be exercised by the president! Are Obama’s current actions in which he arbitrarily refuses to enforce Obamacare as written not the very act of exercising line item veto powers?

And why did out founders refuse to grant such power to Congress? Madison`s Notes on the Convention of 1787 informs us that only three of the original 13 states allowed their executive to exercise a veto power (Massachusetts, South Carolina and New York), and, in discussing veto power during the framing of our Constitutio, Benjamin Franklin, on June 4th of the Constitutional Convention reminds the delegates how veto power had been exercised by royal governors and why the convention should not grant such power to the president:

''The negative of the governor was constantly made use of to extort money. No good law whatever could be passed without a private bargain with him. An increase of salary or some donation, was always made a condition; till at last, it became the regular practice to have orders in his favor on the treasury presented along with the bills to be signed, so that he might actually receive the former before he should sign the latter. When the Indians were scalping the Western people, and notice of it arrived, the concurrence of the governor in the means of self-defense could not be got, until it was agreed that the people were to fight for the security of his property, whilst he was to have no share of the burdens of taxation.''

And who has been complicit in the past of wanting to allow our President to exercise line item veto power? None other than our Republican Party Leadership in Congress who has sole authority to write law. CLICK HERE for the roll call vote to allow line item veto power to be exercised by Obama.

And who is at the top of this list? None other than John Bonner, the Republican Speaker of the House!

Instead of jealously guarding Congress’ legislative authority, we have a despotic Speaker of the House who not only neglects to take Obama into court for impinging upon Congress’ legislative authority, he has shown an intentional desire to allow Obama to exercise this unconstitutional power! This snake needs to be removed from office and then severely punished for his complicit acts of tyranny!


"If the Constitution was ratified under the belief, sedulously propagated on all sides, that such protection was afforded, would it not now be a fraud upon the whole people to give a different construction to its powers?"___ Justice Story

JEsus, stay out of a courtroom. Your logic is frighteningly pathetic
Horse shit Fakey, he has ZERO authority to pull the shit he has pulled... Just because you a self styled radical progressive loves the man in no way gives him any such powers.

Antares, your far right anti-American reactionary agenda fails every time.

You are entitled to your opinion, and I am happy you deliver it, because you make the case for your opponents almost every time.

Tis what tis, podjo.

Sorry Jake, by your logic (?) ANY President can change any law any way he wants to. You just aren't very bright, but then...we all know that.

:lol: That's you in the mirror, buddy. Your logic is that president's don't administer and execute the government and the programs. You are simply silly, and you know it.
You far right reactionaries speak your opinion, which is great, because you continually undermine your positions with your clear lack of understanding of the Constitution and how our government functions.

Tis what tis.
Changing the rules isn't administering the program. It's illegal and unconstitutional. No one should complain though. The overall result is that he's dismantling his own program bit by bit.
#114 trumps #115. You reactionaries on the far right are completely wrong.
Democraps during the shutdown claimed "it was the law of the land and couldn't be changed," yet obama has made numerous changes on his own.....which is illegal.
Antares, your far right anti-American reactionary agenda fails every time.

You are entitled to your opinion, and I am happy you deliver it, because you make the case for your opponents almost every time.

Tis what tis, podjo.

Sorry Jake, by your logic (?) ANY President can change any law any way he wants to. You just aren't very bright, but then...we all know that.

:lol: That's you in the mirror, buddy. Your logic is that president's don't administer and execute the government and the programs. You are simply silly, and you know it.

Poor Jake...poor poor Jake.

You are a joke pop.
Yup, Antares, you were weighed in the balance and found wanting . . . again.

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