Obama wants enhanced background checks for gun sales

Only a matter of time before the NRA and some dumbass NeoCons come out and say this bill is more nonsense from the Nanny state. Hell, there are some fools who oppose reducing the size of clips. :rolleyes:

Well, I don't know about that.

But I will tell you one thing:

This bill is just more nonsense from the Nanny State.

And I don't care about clips, but I think we need bigger magazines.

My 2 cents....

So the mentally disturbed should be able to purchase a gun? I wouldn't say keeping the guns out the hands of sociopaths would be considered infringement of the 2nd Amendment.

The hurdle to prove that somebody is mentally ill is high for a reason. For example, in the past, inconvenient women could be declared insane and institutionalized, thus relieving disinterested husbands from the burden of their company.

It's also a hallmark of a totalitarian society to declare insane the Inconvenient People who care to criticize the policies of The Regime.

I'd rather err on the side of protecting people's individual liberty than to give the state the power to declare us mentally unfit on the merest pretext.
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The last gun I bought was sold to me by a family member He bought it from a friend about 30 years before that. Knowing the friend he bought it from I don't want to know anymore, But I can promise that it has never been registered and never will be. And I don't care what Obama has to say about it......
Well, I don't know about that.

But I will tell you one thing:

This bill is just more nonsense from the Nanny State.

And I don't care about clips, but I think we need bigger magazines.

My 2 cents....

So the mentally disturbed should be able to purchase a gun? I wouldn't say keeping the guns out the hands of sociopaths would be considered infringement of the 2nd Amendment.

The hurdle to prove that somebody is mentally ill is high for a reason. For example, in the past, inconvenient women could be declared insane and institutionalized, thus relieving disinterested husbands from the burden of their company.

It's also a hallmark of a totalitarian society to declare insane the Inconvenient People who care to criticize the policies of The Regime.

I'd rather err on the side of protecting people's individual liberty than to give the state the power to declare us mentally unfit on the merest pretext.

So than that will always leave the door open for sociopaths like Cho, Loughner, Harris, and Klebold to go on their sprees. I wouldn't mind if the government made background checks even more intrusive. Than again, I don't have the urge to go around and kill things, so I guess I don't have much at stake.
And really folks, WHO DIDN'T SEE THIS COMING from the Obama and his COMRADES in Arms.

people better WAKE UP.

Stephanie, what guns that were legal in '08 are not legal now?

Not saying the right to own guns is not important. I just feel it is a non-issue with Obama. Even the Clinton assault rifle ban was more pandering to the Brady bunch vs effective.

Sort of like Republicans and abortion. The Democrats pander to the gun banning crowd and mostly ignore them. I bet we could have 5 of the next 6 Presidents be Democrats and not have more than lip service paid to banning guns.
How about taxing and registering abortions? The tax money could be used to fund education programs to curb abortion, just like the tobacco tax does.

I don't know how you "register" an abortion, but I actually don't think the idea is half bad if done at the state level. Put a tax on abortions, and use the funds for (comprehensive) sex education in schools, making condoms more easily available, maybe even see if there's a way to turn some of it into helping to make adoptions easier.
Outlaw abortions, no sex for teenies period. If obamaturd wants more regs for gun sales it can't be good. Considering his track record there is something more to it considering he is a pathological liar.
The last gun I bought was sold to me by a family member He bought it from a friend about 30 years before that. Knowing the friend he bought it from I don't want to know anymore, But I can promise that it has never been registered and never will be. And I don't care what Obama has to say about it......

That scenario comprises probably 90% of the 250,000,000+ privately held guns in the US.

I'll have to go back and re-read his statement, but I got the impression he made a distinct delineation between existing guns and new manufactures (probably just from the 4473 process, I assume). But it is the foot in the door, IMO. I don't think there is any question that "Reward those States" is the beginning of Federal registration.

But I'm biased.

I just want to sell more guns. If a narcissistic liar like Obama is going to be my best salesman, I'll happily pay his commissions!
So the mentally disturbed should be able to purchase a gun? I wouldn't say keeping the guns out the hands of sociopaths would be considered infringement of the 2nd Amendment.

The hurdle to prove that somebody is mentally ill is high for a reason. For example, in the past, inconvenient women could be declared insane and institutionalized, thus relieving disinterested husbands from the burden of their company.

It's also a hallmark of a totalitarian society to declare insane the Inconvenient People who care to criticize the policies of The Regime.

I'd rather err on the side of protecting people's individual liberty than to give the state the power to declare us mentally unfit on the merest pretext.

So than that will always leave the door open for sociopaths like Cho, Loughner, Harris, and Klebold to go on their sprees. I wouldn't mind if the government made background checks even more intrusive. Than again, I don't have the urge to go around and kill things, so I guess I don't have much at stake.

Ahhh...you would rather live in a Minority Report type of society where we punish people for things they haven't done because we're afraid they "may" do something.

The government cannot keep us perfectly safe; but it can destroy our liberty in the futile attempt to do so. We already have laws against convicted criminals and certified insane people getting guns.
Onto the actual subject here, I think that "enhanced" background checks is entirely irrelevant when there are plenty of ways to get around needing a background check in the first place. But the thing I've never understood is why do people want control over the guns themselves, and a free for all with ammunition? There are relatively easy ways to get around laws to obtain a gun. But the gun ceases to be dangerous without the ammunition. If you can get a gun illegally, then stock up to the brim on ammo, what does any regulation accomplish? The ammunition is the part that gets expended. Once you have a gun, you always have it.

I would be more interested in seeing an emphasis on regulating ammo sales. Forget state permits to own a gun, issue state permits to buy ammunition instead. Forget background checks to buy guns. Maybe have distributors conduct initial checks for ammo purchases, and maintain their own system to keep track of their customers who come in and restock their ammo supplies. I'm sure that those who don't like any kind of gun control will still not like these ideas. But I think that they'd at least be more effective and more logical approaches, than exerting regulation over the guns themselves.
Socialist pig!
Only a matter of time before the NRA and some dumbass NeoCons come out and say this bill is more nonsense from the Nanny state. Hell, there are some fools who oppose reducing the size of clips. :rolleyes:
Obamaturd's nanny state can kiss my.......and you are right, obamaturd does want a nanny state.
How about increased background checks for abortions? Wouldn't want any woman getting an abortion if she's "mentally unbalanced" would we?

How about taxing and registering abortions? The tax money could be used to fund education programs to curb abortion, just like the tobacco tax does.

THe important thing here is that each of us, every single one of us:


I predict that they will ALL be GONE by Noon on Tuesday.
Not going to happen, But I do buy from a local Ma & Pop when I can. They actually remember your name.......
Not going to happen, But I do buy from a local Ma & Pop when I can. They actually remember your name.......



On Tuesday.....

at noon.....

BUY NOW NOW NOW!!!!!!!!!!
Only a matter of time before the NRA and some dumbass NeoCons come out and say this bill is more nonsense from the Nanny state. Hell, there are some fools who oppose reducing the size of clips. :rolleyes:
Obamaturd's nanny state can kiss my.......and you are right, obamaturd does want a nanny state.

Laughable. Yeah, nothing screams nanny state like extending all the GOP legislatures that have been in place well before Obama took office. :rolleyes:

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