Obama wants to raise taxes on the American people once again

So which is worse, raising taxes, or tax cuts producing deficits?

There is another option that Libtards are too dumb to understand.

Cut spending so you have no deficits. That way you have no deficits and no higher taxes.

Ever think of that? It ain't rocket science.
I didn't ask that, so fly away....

I know you didn't ask that as an option. No Libtard would ever consider the best option
because they are not that smart.
Obama ends the gravy train for the one percent and stands up for the middle class

Can't wait for Republicans to justify why they killed it
There is no gravy train.
Obama puts thousands of financial service workers out of business. Let's see Democrats defend that.
You missed out on the Reagan Gravy Train?

Financial service workers? You are kidding right?
The poster you're replying to shows that they either can't read and understand plain english or is too lazy to find information themselves or they just like to lie.

The president is removing a loophole break called "step-up" that allows people to avoid capital gains taxes on LARGE inheritances.

That means that people like the children of Bill & Melinda Gates won't have that loophole to use to get out of paying taxes on their inheritance.

It doesn't mean that it applies to over 90% of the citizens of our nation.

That person is so self involved that they think that they will have to pay taxes on any inheritance they receive below 2 million dollars.

That's one thing I've noticed about right wingers and conservatives. They're so very wrapped up in their own self importance.

What Obama is proposing to do is to use the force of government steal money from the Gates to give to somebody else. That is thievery.

If he thinks the "middle class" (who he has screwed many other ways) deserve a tax break why not cut spending and give them the tax cuts instead of stealing it from somebody else?
The Rabbi believes in "trickle down" economics. The rich will trickle their jizm into his throat, he will swallow it, and become rich just like them.
You seem obsessed with fellatio. Why not excuse yourself and head to the bus station mens room like you usually do and leave the rest of us alone?

Nothing you post is worthy of anything more than ridicule. Notice how you end up alone in these threads defending your points? It's because you SUCK at debating. Your arguments are so useless that none of your fellow Republicans come to your defense. You argue in circles, until the other guy gives up in frustration.

Just admit that you are the biggest partisan tool on this board. Call anybody a RINO that you want, but you will vote for ANY Republican who gets the nomination no matter what. If Biden became a Republican tomorrow and received the nomination you would praise him as the second coming of Christ, and vote for him without question.

You are one of the biggest jokes on this forum.
You are a complete fool. Your desperation is showing. Review my recent thread where I applaud Eric Holder. SHow me any thread where you've said anything positive about any Republican espousing Republican ideas.
And obviously you cannot grapple with the ideas and issues here.

Just about any thread about Ron or Rand Paul. In fact, I've never supported anybody but Republicans in my life.

I support actual conservatives. You support establishment tools.
Ron and Rand Paul are not conservatives.

Tell us where your candidate will cut spending. Name three departments. :lol:
You seem obsessed with fellatio. Why not excuse yourself and head to the bus station mens room like you usually do and leave the rest of us alone?

Nothing you post is worthy of anything more than ridicule. Notice how you end up alone in these threads defending your points? It's because you SUCK at debating. Your arguments are so useless that none of your fellow Republicans come to your defense. You argue in circles, until the other guy gives up in frustration.

Just admit that you are the biggest partisan tool on this board. Call anybody a RINO that you want, but you will vote for ANY Republican who gets the nomination no matter what. If Biden became a Republican tomorrow and received the nomination you would praise him as the second coming of Christ, and vote for him without question.

You are one of the biggest jokes on this forum.
You are a complete fool. Your desperation is showing. Review my recent thread where I applaud Eric Holder. SHow me any thread where you've said anything positive about any Republican espousing Republican ideas.
And obviously you cannot grapple with the ideas and issues here.

Just about any thread about Ron or Rand Paul. In fact, I've never supported anybody but Republicans in my life.

I support actual conservatives. You support establishment tools.
Ron and Rand Paul are not conservatives.

Tell us where your candidate will cut spending. Name three departments. :lol:
I dont have a candidate, dildo.
Obama is just fucking with the Republicans

He knows they will never agree to anything that hurts the one percent and they will never agree to anything that helps the middle class

He just wants to hear them say it
Obama ends the gravy train for the one percent and stands up for the middle class

Can't wait for Republicans to justify why they killed it

"Standing up for the Middle Class" by using the force of government to steal money from somebody else to finance a tax cut? That is thevery, isn't it?

Why not just cut spending to finance the tax cut?

If this shithead Obama really wanted to "stand up for the middle class" he wouldn't have created the 21 Obamacare tax increases and he wouldn't have put them in debt to the tune of about $9 trillion.
Obama is just fucking with the Republicans

He knows they will never agree to anything that hurts the one percent and they will never agree to anything that helps the middle class

He just wants to hear them say it
So Obama is wasting our time? I agree. How do we get a refund on his salary?
Obama ends the gravy train for the one percent and stands up for the middle class

Can't wait for Republicans to justify why they killed it

"Standing up for the Middle Class" by using the force of government to steal money from somebody else to finance a tax cut? That is thevery, isn't it?

Why not just cut spending to finance the tax cut?

If this shithead Obama really wanted to "stand up for the middle class" he wouldn't have created the 21 Obamacare tax increases and he wouldn't have put them in debt to the tune of about $9 trillion.
Obama "stands up for the middle class" about the way a rapist stands up for women's rights.
The guy has promised free college and a tax rebate paid for by someone else. This is the same guy who promised if you like your doctor you can keep him.
Obama ends the gravy train for the one percent and stands up for the middle class

Can't wait for Republicans to justify why they killed it

"Standing up for the Middle Class" by using the force of government to steal money from somebody else to finance a tax cut? That is thevery, isn't it?

Why not just cut spending to finance the tax cut?

If this shithead Obama really wanted to "stand up for the middle class" he wouldn't have created the 21 Obamacare tax increases and he wouldn't have put them in debt to the tune of about $9 trillion.
Stop your petty whining

Congress gets to set the tax code. I see you didn't complain when they set historically low rates for the wealthy

Shifting the tax structure to favor the middle class is long overdue
Obama is just fucking with the Republicans

He knows they will never agree to anything that hurts the one percent and they will never agree to anything that helps the middle class

He just wants to hear them say it
So Obama is wasting our time? I agree. How do we get a refund on his salary?

Not wasting our time

Just setting the agenda for the 2016 election. Let Republicans run on why they blocked tax cuts for the middle class
"Standing up for the Middle Class" by using the force of government to steal money from somebody else to finance a tax cut? That is thevery, isn't it?

What is it called when I have enough money to give to a politician that the politician will pass the legislation I want to see passed. Like legislation that allows me favorable tax treatment that no one else gets. What is that called? And why is that right?
Obama is just fucking with the Republicans

He knows they will never agree to anything that hurts the one percent and they will never agree to anything that helps the middle class

He just wants to hear them say it
So Obama is wasting our time? I agree. How do we get a refund on his salary?

Not wasting our time

Just setting the agenda for the 2016 election. Let Republicans run on why they blocked tax cuts for the middle class

Because people for sure are going to remember a failed proposal two years later. Right?
Stop your petty whining

Congress gets to set the tax code. I see you didn't complain when they set historically low rates for the wealthy

Shifting the tax structure to favor the middle class is long overdue

It is not Congress that is proposing to steal the money and give it away. It is that shithead Obama.

The way to cut taxes on the Middle Class is for the government to reduce spending and return the money to the people that earned it.

Ever think of that? Obama didn't.
It is total nonsense. Every policy based on that has been a failiure. Demand side policies fail all the time.

So, Bush's tax cuts were a failure?

Supply side policies succeed.

Your supply side bullshit is the nonsense. If supply is what drives the economy, then why do recessions happen ever?
Bush's tax cuts were the very definition of supply side economics. By lowering cap gains taxes he not only fueled larger payouts of dividiends to shareholders but also unlocked value that was reinvested.
Not supply, moron. Supply side policies. Surely you grok the difference.
Again. That's putting money into the pockets of consumers. It has absolutely nothing to do with "supply", unless you mean the "supply of money flowing within the economy".
I see this is going to be tough.
Supply side focuses on creating incentives for people to save and invest. Doing so increases economic activity and grows the economy.
Demand side focuses on "putting money in the hands of consumers." The only way to do that is to take money from someone else, as we see in Obama's stupid proposal. It fails every single time. We have had three examples of "rebates"--the government just sending people money. Every time it has failed to stimulate anything.
You do NOT create "demand" by simply putting ( giving ) money in the pockets of consumers. That will fail every single time. It's akin to the saying, " you can give a man a fish and feed him for a day, or you can teach him to fish, and feed him for a lifetime". What is missing in the "demand side", is creating self-supporting opportunities for all education and skill levels. You do NOT "give" consumers money to line their pockets, you provide means for them to earn the money and be self-supporting members of society. This is accomplished by putting America back to work, producing what America uses and consumes.

We have created a poor and dependent society, living off of government assistance programs and unemployment checks. We accomplished that by closing our plants and factories, and becoming import dependent. We are users ( consumers ) and not producers. For many decades now, we have supported foreign economies at the expense of our own. In addition, we off-shore out-source jobs, import labor, and have millions of illegal immigrants living and working in this country. Where are we to work? Added to that, innovation, technology, and automation has replaced some workers. Meanwhile, our population has been rapidly growing. We do NOT have an adequate number of living wage jobs to meet the demand of our rapidly growing work force.

The ill effects of having a poor and dependent society are lost tax revenue, astronomical government debt, lost work place skills, increased dependency on the government, and an overall lower standard of living. We're taking two steps back for every one step we take forward. Whether one favors "demand side" or "supply side", it's not going to solve our many socioeconomic problems until we have a self-supporting citizenry, and a self-supporting nation. At present, government debt is the only catalyst keeping us afloat.

The obvious solutions to our many socioeconomic problems are to put America back to work, producing what America uses and consumes. This can easily be accomplished by re-writing our unfair, unjust, and one-sided foreign trade agreements and policies, so they become fair, equal, and balanced foreign trade agreements and policies. In addition, we need to severely penalize the off-shore out-sourcing of jobs, severely penalize the importing of labor, and deport illegal immigrants. Also, the main key to all of this is of course, elect pro-America representatives to serve in government. Americans need to clear the fog from their political vision, get a clear view of the situation, and realize that professional politicians have sold us out for over 50 plus years now, if not longer.

The answer to most of our problems, according to the government, is to raise taxes. Taxation is the first weapon they reach for when things go wrong with the economy. They never look at, nor consider, the astronomical amount of tax dollars wasted, given away to foreign governments, shot out into the far reaches of the universe, subsidies to rich farmers, subsidies to big oil, building worthless stupid fences, engaging in senseless deadly costly wars, building mosques on foreign soil, paying bribes to North Korea and Iran, and other obvious abuses of taxpayers' hard earned dollars. Besides, we have "Taxation Without Representation", and most citizens never realize that fact.
"Standing up for the Middle Class" by using the force of government to steal money from somebody else to finance a tax cut? That is thevery, isn't it?

What is it called when I have enough money to give to a politician that the politician will pass the legislation I want to see passed. Like legislation that allows me favorable tax treatment that no one else gets. What is that called? And why is that right?

You certainly can vote for shitheads that promise to use the government to steal for you.

It is still thievery you greedy SOB.

The more you cut government spending the more you cut the opportunity for thievery.

Ever think of that?

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