Obama wants to raise taxes on the American people once again

Stop your petty whining

Congress gets to set the tax code. I see you didn't complain when they set historically low rates for the wealthy

Shifting the tax structure to favor the middle class is long overdue

It is not Congress that is proposing to steal the money and give it away. It is that shithead Obama.

The way to cut taxes on the Middle Class is for the government to reduce spending and return the money to the people that earned it.

Ever think of that? Obama didn't.

Slashing spending removes money from the economy
Obamas plan shifts the burden of our tax structure away from the middle class
The way to cut taxes on the Middle Class is for the government to reduce spending and return the money to the people that earned it.

All liberals are traitors

Bookend dumb fucks. Oh boy. Rabbit, you in good company tonight.
Now, back to football.
Talk about a collapse. GB, Obama's fault cause I think he likes Green Bay.
Of course, a major come back from the Seahawks side. Again. no thanks to Obama. He liked Green Bay.
ANYTHING can be Obama's fault. If you got the ODS like you all do.
Slashing spending removes money from the economy
Obamas plan shifts the burden of our tax structure away from the middle class

My god you are stupid.

Every dollar that the government spends comes from money that was earned and would be spent in the productive economy if the filthy ass bureaucrats didn't steal it.

Either that or it is stolen from the future earnings of our children if it is debt.
That's exactly what the American people get when they elect professional politicians to serve in government. The voters get exactly what they deserve. They continually vote professional politicians into office, then continually complain. Go figure. Anyone that has voted professional politicians into office, has absolutely no room to say a word, regardless of what happens. Voters get exactly what they ask for, and then some.

I had my head up my ass for many years voting for bad government. I thought voting for candidates that claimed to be conservatives would get me good government.

Then one day about ten years ago I pulled my head out of my ass and realized that Democrats promise bad government and deliver bad government while Republicans promise good government but deliver the same bad government that the Democrats do.

I have stopped voting for candidates that produce bad government.
Good move. Very smart. I'm proud of you. Thanks.

Good move. Very smart. I'm proud of you. Thanks.

Libtards have a very hard time understanding that the government doesn't produce anything.

The government only takes from the people that did produce something.

The government then uses that money that was lost in the productive economy to buy what the greedy special interest groups wanted the government elected officials to buy for them.

Instead of shifting the tax burden from one group to another the much better thing to do is simply cut government spending so that the burden doesn't hit anybody very hard.

The combined (fed, state and local) government spending in this country is over 40% of the GNP and it hurts all of us. The answer is not to change the mix of winners and losers but to simply stop spending so much money.

It ain't rocket science.
Stop your petty whining

Congress gets to set the tax code. I see you didn't complain when they set historically low rates for the wealthy

Shifting the tax structure to favor the middle class is long overdue

It is not Congress that is proposing to steal the money and give it away. It is that shithead Obama.

The way to cut taxes on the Middle Class is for the government to reduce spending and return the money to the people that earned it.

Ever think of that? Obama didn't.

Slashing spending removes money from the economy
Obamas plan shifts the burden of our tax structure away from the middle class
Obama has ramped up spending to record levels and the economy sucks. If what you said were true we would be roaring. Instead we have sub 3% growth.
Stop your petty whining

Congress gets to set the tax code. I see you didn't complain when they set historically low rates for the wealthy

Shifting the tax structure to favor the middle class is long overdue

It is not Congress that is proposing to steal the money and give it away. It is that shithead Obama.

The way to cut taxes on the Middle Class is for the government to reduce spending and return the money to the people that earned it.

Ever think of that? Obama didn't.

Slashing spending removes money from the economy
Obamas plan shifts the burden of our tax structure away from the middle class
Obama has ramped up spending to record levels and the economy sucks. If what you said were true we would be roaring. Instead we have sub 3% growth.

When you are 0-3 in the statements you just made, I am not even going to bother to respond. You will just make more shit up
It is not enough that the American people are already taxed to the hilt and that the filthy ass combined government already takes over 40% of the GNP for the cost of government but this piece of shit in the White House wants to once again raise taxes on the American people.

Yea, we really need more taxes now, don't we? The stupid idiots in the White House can't cut back on spending but they sure as hell can call for more taxes.

This is the type of bead government you get when you elect Democrats. Of course if history is any indication the Republicans will probably give him what he wants.

His stupid tax plan is taking money from Americans that earned the money and giving to Americans that didn't earn it while keeping spending and the tax burden at the already astronomical high. Stupid Libtardeconomics.

Obama to call for new tax increases in State of the Union address Fox News

Obama to call for new tax increases in State of the Union address

Why should capital gains taxes be so much lower than income tax rates? I can understand why politically.....most rich folks make their money that way. But practically, it makes no sense. We should go back to capital gains rates we had under Reagan. Treat Capital Gains like normal income.
Stop your petty whining

Congress gets to set the tax code. I see you didn't complain when they set historically low rates for the wealthy

Shifting the tax structure to favor the middle class is long overdue

It is not Congress that is proposing to steal the money and give it away. It is that shithead Obama.

The way to cut taxes on the Middle Class is for the government to reduce spending and return the money to the people that earned it.

Ever think of that? Obama didn't.

Slashing spending removes money from the economy
Obamas plan shifts the burden of our tax structure away from the middle class
Obama has ramped up spending to record levels and the economy sucks. If what you said were true we would be roaring. Instead we have sub 3% growth.

When you are 0-3 in the statements you just made, I am not even going to bother to respond. You will just make more shit up
Gosh it's just tough to be as stupid and clueless as you are.
It is not enough that the American people are already taxed to the hilt and that the filthy ass combined government already takes over 40% of the GNP for the cost of government but this piece of shit in the White House wants to once again raise taxes on the American people.

Yea, we really need more taxes now, don't we? The stupid idiots in the White House can't cut back on spending but they sure as hell can call for more taxes.

This is the type of bead government you get when you elect Democrats. Of course if history is any indication the Republicans will probably give him what he wants.

His stupid tax plan is taking money from Americans that earned the money and giving to Americans that didn't earn it while keeping spending and the tax burden at the already astronomical high. Stupid Libtardeconomics.

Obama to call for new tax increases in State of the Union address Fox News

Obama to call for new tax increases in State of the Union address

Why should capital gains taxes be so much lower than income tax rates? I can understand why politically.....most rich folks make their money that way. But practically, it makes no sense. We should go back to capital gains rates we had under Reagan. Treat Capital Gains like normal income.
Because capital formation is the lifeblood of business. Further, reducing capital gains rates actually increases the amount paid by high income people because the incentive to hold investments is less.
Even Obama understands this.
Why should capital gains taxes be so much lower than income tax rates? I can understand why politically.....most rich folks make their money that way. But practically, it makes no sense. We should go back to capital gains rates we had under Reagan. Treat Capital Gains like normal income.

The Rabbi did a good job of explaining it in the post above.

However, to me the answer is not changing the mix of winners and losers but to cut the tax burden on everybody by reducing the massive amount of government spending.

That is the sensible thing to do.
It is not enough that the American people are already taxed to the hilt and that the filthy ass combined government already takes over 40% of the GNP for the cost of government but this piece of shit in the White House wants to once again raise taxes on the American people.

Yea, we really need more taxes now, don't we? The stupid idiots in the White House can't cut back on spending but they sure as hell can call for more taxes.

This is the type of bead government you get when you elect Democrats. Of course if history is any indication the Republicans will probably give him what he wants.

His stupid tax plan is taking money from Americans that earned the money and giving to Americans that didn't earn it while keeping spending and the tax burden at the already astronomical high. Stupid Libtardeconomics.

Obama to call for new tax increases in State of the Union address Fox News

Obama to call for new tax increases in State of the Union address

Why should capital gains taxes be so much lower than income tax rates? I can understand why politically.....most rich folks make their money that way. But practically, it makes no sense. We should go back to capital gains rates we had under Reagan. Treat Capital Gains like normal income.
Because capital formation is the lifeblood of business. Further, reducing capital gains rates actually increases the amount paid by high income people because the incentive to hold investments is less.
Even Obama understands this.
Please explain how that works, if you don't mind. Let me see if I have this right. By reducing capital gain rates ( taxes ), the high income folks pay more in taxes? And, exactly how does "holding investments less" affect income and taxes? Do not high income folks change their investments, and the way they invest all the time? Whether they are invested in stocks, bonds, currency, real estate, commodities, etc., they keep up with the economic trends, move their money accordingly, and by doing so, they protect their investments ( money). Am I wrong here? If so, please explain where I failed to understand investments and taxes. Thanks.
Stop your petty whining

Congress gets to set the tax code. I see you didn't complain when they set historically low rates for the wealthy

Shifting the tax structure to favor the middle class is long overdue

It is not Congress that is proposing to steal the money and give it away. It is that shithead Obama.

The way to cut taxes on the Middle Class is for the government to reduce spending and return the money to the people that earned it.

Ever think of that? Obama didn't.

Slashing spending removes money from the economy
Obamas plan shifts the burden of our tax structure away from the middle class
Obama has ramped up spending to record levels and the economy sucks. If what you said were true we would be roaring. Instead we have sub 3% growth.

When you are 0-3 in the statements you just made, I am not even going to bother to respond. You will just make more shit up
Gosh it's just tough to be as stupid and clueless as you are.
Cool....this is the part where we get to post graphs?
Stop your petty whining

Congress gets to set the tax code. I see you didn't complain when they set historically low rates for the wealthy

Shifting the tax structure to favor the middle class is long overdue

It is not Congress that is proposing to steal the money and give it away. It is that shithead Obama.

The way to cut taxes on the Middle Class is for the government to reduce spending and return the money to the people that earned it.

Ever think of that? Obama didn't.

Slashing spending removes money from the economy
Obamas plan shifts the burden of our tax structure away from the middle class
Obama has ramped up spending to record levels and the economy sucks. If what you said were true we would be roaring. Instead we have sub 3% growth.

When you are 0-3 in the statements you just made, I am not even going to bother to respond. You will just make more shit up
Gosh it's just tough to be as stupid and clueless as you are.

Cool, this is the part where we get to insert graphs

It is not Congress that is proposing to steal the money and give it away. It is that shithead Obama.

The way to cut taxes on the Middle Class is for the government to reduce spending and return the money to the people that earned it.

Ever think of that? Obama didn't.

Slashing spending removes money from the economy
Obamas plan shifts the burden of our tax structure away from the middle class
Obama has ramped up spending to record levels and the economy sucks. If what you said were true we would be roaring. Instead we have sub 3% growth.

When you are 0-3 in the statements you just made, I am not even going to bother to respond. You will just make more shit up
Gosh it's just tough to be as stupid and clueless as you are.
Cool....this is the part where we get to post graphs?
It is not Congress that is proposing to steal the money and give it away. It is that shithead Obama.

The way to cut taxes on the Middle Class is for the government to reduce spending and return the money to the people that earned it.

Ever think of that? Obama didn't.

Slashing spending removes money from the economy
Obamas plan shifts the burden of our tax structure away from the middle class
Obama has ramped up spending to record levels and the economy sucks. If what you said were true we would be roaring. Instead we have sub 3% growth.

When you are 0-3 in the statements you just made, I am not even going to bother to respond. You will just make more shit up
Gosh it's just tough to be as stupid and clueless as you are.

Cool, this is the part where we get to insert graphs

Just curious here. Does that chart also include the amount borrowed? Our debt? Or, is that just deficits, or lack of?
Why should capital gains taxes be so much lower than income tax rates? I can understand why politically.....most rich folks make their money that way. But practically, it makes no sense. We should go back to capital gains rates we had under Reagan. Treat Capital Gains like normal income.

Why should you be taxing our income at all?
Why should capital gains taxes be so much lower than income tax rates? I can understand why politically.....most rich folks make their money that way. But practically, it makes no sense. We should go back to capital gains rates we had under Reagan. Treat Capital Gains like normal income.

Why should you be taxing our income at all?

Why should I be taxing your income? You may have me confused with congress.

As for why income tax might be taxed by congress, the reason is simple: as a method of collecting revenue for the funding of the federal government.
It is not Congress that is proposing to steal the money and give it away. It is that shithead Obama.

The way to cut taxes on the Middle Class is for the government to reduce spending and return the money to the people that earned it.

Ever think of that? Obama didn't.

Slashing spending removes money from the economy
Obamas plan shifts the burden of our tax structure away from the middle class
Obama has ramped up spending to record levels and the economy sucks. If what you said were true we would be roaring. Instead we have sub 3% growth.

When you are 0-3 in the statements you just made, I am not even going to bother to respond. You will just make more shit up
Gosh it's just tough to be as stupid and clueless as you are.
Cool....this is the part where we get to post graphs?
It is not Congress that is proposing to steal the money and give it away. It is that shithead Obama.

The way to cut taxes on the Middle Class is for the government to reduce spending and return the money to the people that earned it.

Ever think of that? Obama didn't.

Slashing spending removes money from the economy
Obamas plan shifts the burden of our tax structure away from the middle class
Obama has ramped up spending to record levels and the economy sucks. If what you said were true we would be roaring. Instead we have sub 3% growth.

When you are 0-3 in the statements you just made, I am not even going to bother to respond. You will just make more shit up
Gosh it's just tough to be as stupid and clueless as you are.

Cool, this is the part where we get to insert graphs

I love it when you post charts that prove my point, as well as showing you dont know what the fuck you're talking about. Keep it up. I need entertainemnt.
It is not enough that the American people are already taxed to the hilt and that the filthy ass combined government already takes over 40% of the GNP for the cost of government but this piece of shit in the White House wants to once again raise taxes on the American people.

Yea, we really need more taxes now, don't we? The stupid idiots in the White House can't cut back on spending but they sure as hell can call for more taxes.

This is the type of bead government you get when you elect Democrats. Of course if history is any indication the Republicans will probably give him what he wants.

His stupid tax plan is taking money from Americans that earned the money and giving to Americans that didn't earn it while keeping spending and the tax burden at the already astronomical high. Stupid Libtardeconomics.

Obama to call for new tax increases in State of the Union address Fox News

Obama to call for new tax increases in State of the Union address

Why should capital gains taxes be so much lower than income tax rates? I can understand why politically.....most rich folks make their money that way. But practically, it makes no sense. We should go back to capital gains rates we had under Reagan. Treat Capital Gains like normal income.
Because capital formation is the lifeblood of business. Further, reducing capital gains rates actually increases the amount paid by high income people because the incentive to hold investments is less.
Even Obama understands this.
Please explain how that works, if you don't mind. Let me see if I have this right. By reducing capital gain rates ( taxes ), the high income folks pay more in taxes? And, exactly how does "holding investments less" affect income and taxes? Do not high income folks change their investments, and the way they invest all the time? Whether they are invested in stocks, bonds, currency, real estate, commodities, etc., they keep up with the economic trends, move their money accordingly, and by doing so, they protect their investments ( money). Am I wrong here? If so, please explain where I failed to understand investments and taxes. Thanks.
Look, Im not here to educate you on basics. But even Obama understands that lowering the cap gains tax produced more revenue because it unlocked gains in older investments.

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