Obama wants to raise taxes on the American people once again

Dayum rabbit. You winning friends and influencing people all over the place you dumb fuck. Better head back to the hidy hole. Or are you working overtime today?
Your surrender here is noted.
You can't possibly explain it,beyond "money in the hands of consumers drives the economy"--a nonsense statement if there ever was one.

Are you seriously that full of bullshit?

Yes, he is. If any Republican told The Rabbi that the only solution to our problems was to gurgle Rick Perry's cum, he would not only gurgle, but he would gurgle, spit, rinse and repeat. There's no need for logic behind it.
Please post an example of such a policy succeeding.
Which people? Who? What examples? Where? When?
I'm sorry but if you can't follow the argument then there's no point. Move on.
No. Go ahead and explain to me, please. I would very much like to hear it from your own words. I have followed it enough to know what I'm talking about, and to see that your opinion is full of empty holes. And, I have explained why they're empty.
Thanks for the heads-up. Much appreciated.

Yea, I tried also. Now I just like to insult the stupid fucker. He's to willfully stupid to have a real conversation with.
And he's an easy target with what, 50k plus posts. All of them stupid if not equally so.

As I said earlier, when The Rabbi starts debating even his fellow Republicans abandon the thread. This message board is majority conservatives, but count how many came to his defense once he started posting. He is a joke. Actual debate is useless. Just ridicule him for a while, and move on.
My favorite thing about The Rabbi is his undying support for Rick Perry, and his constant ridicule of Ron Paul at the same time. Had to love his debate performance in 2012.

"What three departments of government would you get rid of, Mr. Perry?"

"Um... um..."

*looks to Ron Paul*

"Ron... Ron... RON!!!!"
It is total nonsense. Every policy based on that has been a failiure. Demand side policies fail all the time.

So, Bush's tax cuts were a failure?

Supply side policies succeed.

Your supply side bullshit is the nonsense. If supply is what drives the economy, then why do recessions happen ever?
Bush's tax cuts were the very definition of supply side economics. By lowering cap gains taxes he not only fueled larger payouts of dividiends to shareholders but also unlocked value that was reinvested.
Not supply, moron. Supply side policies. Surely you grok the difference.
Again. That's putting money into the pockets of consumers. It has absolutely nothing to do with "supply", unless you mean the "supply of money flowing within the economy".
I see this is going to be tough.
Supply side focuses on creating incentives for people to save and invest. Doing so increases economic activity and grows the economy.
Demand side focuses on "putting money in the hands of consumers." The only way to do that is to take money from someone else, as we see in Obama's stupid proposal. It fails every single time. We have had three examples of "rebates"--the government just sending people money. Every time it has failed to stimulate anything.
The Rabbi believes in "trickle down" economics. The rich will trickle their jizm into his throat, he will swallow it, and become rich just like them.
You seem obsessed with fellatio. Why not excuse yourself and head to the bus station mens room like you usually do and leave the rest of us alone?

Nothing you post is worthy of anything more than ridicule. Notice how you end up alone in these threads defending your points? It's because you SUCK at debating. Your arguments are so useless that none of your fellow Republicans come to your defense. You argue in circles, until the other guy gives up in frustration.

Just admit that you are the biggest partisan tool on this board. Call anybody a RINO that you want, but you will vote for ANY Republican who gets the nomination no matter what. If Biden became a Republican tomorrow and received the nomination you would praise him as the second coming of Christ, and vote for him without question.

You are one of the biggest jokes on this forum.
You are a complete fool. Your desperation is showing. Review my recent thread where I applaud Eric Holder. SHow me any thread where you've said anything positive about any Republican espousing Republican ideas.
And obviously you cannot grapple with the ideas and issues here.
My favorite thing about The Rabbi is his undying support for Rick Perry, and his constant ridicule of Ron Paul at the same time. Had to love his debate performance in 2012.

"What three departments of government would you get rid of, Mr. Perry?"

"Um... um..."

*looks to Ron Paul*

"Ron... Ron... RON!!!!"
Wow you manage to pick one moment and repeat it endlessly. This shows you cannot grasp complex ideas.
Policies like Reagan's that increased incentives to work and produce more. Those are a flatter, simpler tax code and less regulation. Special temporary giveaways do nothing to achieve that. Which is why the stimulus failed so badly.
FYI - Economic health and stability depends on consumer spending, period. Demand for goods and services encourage a positive cash flow, and creates jobs. You can have all of the "supply" you want, but if no one has the money to buy, the supply just sits there. If there's no demand, the supply may sit untouched forever.
You are clueless.
There is no supply without demand in the aggregate.
Business investment is the real driver of the economy. And that comes when businesses sense good prospects for profit. WHich is why we have seen pitiful growth.
Ah, but before anyone is going to invest in "supply", there has to be a demand, or at least a reasonable expectation of demand. That expectation is triggered by demand. If businesses see that no one is buying, they're certainly not going to invest money in inventory. No one is going to build up a "supply" ( inventory ) with a strong indication that they can move that inventory. They see a strong possibility of demand before they invest money in products or services. No business is going to fill warehouse space with goods unless the economy warrants it.
How much demand was there for iPhones before the first one appeared? Yeah, none.
Businesses anticipate future sales and act accordingly. When they see tax and regulatory blockage cutting into profits they will not invest. Invest here means expanding plants, adding product lines, hiring people for production or advertising. A ll of that is investment in future sales.
And that is what produces those future sales which produce profit which produces growth in the economy. And we havent gotten much of it over the last 8years.
FYI - An iphone is electronics, a very useful and common electronics devise. Before iphones, people were using portable phones all over the world. It was a hot commodity. The demand was there for new and innovative phones. Also, businesses have been dealing with taxes and regulations every since there were businesses, nothing new. And investment only works when there is a very strong possibility of sales. There has to be some positive signs before anyone is going to invest $Millions. Businesses do NOT invest unless there is a reasonable possibility that their investment will generate a profit.
Well that last is certainly true. And it explains why the economy has sucked for the last 6 years. Businesses rightly see a hostile administration hustling them for fines and threatening them with more. WHo wants to invest in a country run like a banana republic?
Bush's tax cuts were the very definition of supply side economics. By lowering cap gains taxes he not only fueled larger payouts of dividiends to shareholders but also unlocked value that was reinvested.
Not supply, moron. Supply side policies. Surely you grok the difference.

Considering the majority of the Bush tax cuts were not reductions to capital gains taxes, you're response shows your dedication to willful ignorance and dishonesty in pursuit of defending your idiotic ideas.
I focued on one aspect. But the rest of the package, at elast the parts not inserted by Democrats, were supply side.
Remind me how you're a conservative again. I need a laugh.
Bush's tax cuts were the very definition of supply side economics. By lowering cap gains taxes he not only fueled larger payouts of dividiends to shareholders but also unlocked value that was reinvested.
Not supply, moron. Supply side policies. Surely you grok the difference.

Considering the majority of the Bush tax cuts were not reductions to capital gains taxes, you're response shows your dedication to willful ignorance and dishonesty in pursuit of defending your idiotic ideas.
I focued on one aspect. But the rest of the package, at elast the parts not inserted by Democrats, were supply side.
Remind me how you're a conservative again. I need a laugh.

Reducing personal income taxes so that people can have more money to spend is a supply side policy? :lmao:
Bush's tax cuts were the very definition of supply side economics. By lowering cap gains taxes he not only fueled larger payouts of dividiends to shareholders but also unlocked value that was reinvested.
Not supply, moron. Supply side policies. Surely you grok the difference.

Considering the majority of the Bush tax cuts were not reductions to capital gains taxes, you're response shows your dedication to willful ignorance and dishonesty in pursuit of defending your idiotic ideas.
I focued on one aspect. But the rest of the package, at elast the parts not inserted by Democrats, were supply side.
Remind me how you're a conservative again. I need a laugh.

Reducing personal income taxes so that people can have more money to spend is a supply side policy? :lmao:
Reducing personal income taxes encourages people to work more, thereby saving and investing more. I know you are an economic illiterate and that accounts for many of your posts. Perhaps you need to read Sowell's Economics A Citizens Guide so you dont come off looking stupid every time.
I love it when they day they want to "raise funds" for something by taxing people.

With trillions in deficit spending every year? Really? Seems to me they should just print another billion or so. It's all just monopoly money now anyway.
The Rabbi believes in "trickle down" economics. The rich will trickle their jizm into his throat, he will swallow it, and become rich just like them.
You seem obsessed with fellatio. Why not excuse yourself and head to the bus station mens room like you usually do and leave the rest of us alone?

Nothing you post is worthy of anything more than ridicule. Notice how you end up alone in these threads defending your points? It's because you SUCK at debating. Your arguments are so useless that none of your fellow Republicans come to your defense. You argue in circles, until the other guy gives up in frustration.

Just admit that you are the biggest partisan tool on this board. Call anybody a RINO that you want, but you will vote for ANY Republican who gets the nomination no matter what. If Biden became a Republican tomorrow and received the nomination you would praise him as the second coming of Christ, and vote for him without question.

You are one of the biggest jokes on this forum.
You are a complete fool. Your desperation is showing. Review my recent thread where I applaud Eric Holder. SHow me any thread where you've said anything positive about any Republican espousing Republican ideas.
And obviously you cannot grapple with the ideas and issues here.

Just about any thread about Ron or Rand Paul. In fact, I've never supported anybody but Republicans in my life.

I support actual conservatives. You support establishment tools.
Obama ends the gravy train for the one percent and stands up for the middle class

Can't wait for Republicans to justify why they killed it
So which is worse, raising taxes, or tax cuts producing deficits?

There is another option that Libtards are too dumb to understand.

Cut spending so you have no deficits. That way you have no deficits and no higher taxes.

Ever think of that? It ain't rocket science.
The Rabbi believes in "trickle down" economics. The rich will trickle their jizm into his throat, he will swallow it, and become rich just like them.
You seem obsessed with fellatio. Why not excuse yourself and head to the bus station mens room like you usually do and leave the rest of us alone?

Nothing you post is worthy of anything more than ridicule. Notice how you end up alone in these threads defending your points? It's because you SUCK at debating. Your arguments are so useless that none of your fellow Republicans come to your defense. You argue in circles, until the other guy gives up in frustration.

Just admit that you are the biggest partisan tool on this board. Call anybody a RINO that you want, but you will vote for ANY Republican who gets the nomination no matter what. If Biden became a Republican tomorrow and received the nomination you would praise him as the second coming of Christ, and vote for him without question.

You are one of the biggest jokes on this forum.
You are a complete fool. Your desperation is showing. Review my recent thread where I applaud Eric Holder. SHow me any thread where you've said anything positive about any Republican espousing Republican ideas.
And obviously you cannot grapple with the ideas and issues here.

Just about any thread about Ron or Rand Paul. In fact, I've never supported anybody but Republicans in my life.

I support actual conservatives. You support establishment tools.
Ron and Rand Paul are not conservatives.
Obama ends the gravy train for the one percent and stands up for the middle class

Can't wait for Republicans to justify why they killed it
There is no gravy train.
Obama puts thousands of financial service workers out of business. Let's see Democrats defend that.
That's exactly what the American people get when they elect professional politicians to serve in government. The voters get exactly what they deserve. They continually vote professional politicians into office, then continually complain. Go figure. Anyone that has voted professional politicians into office, has absolutely no room to say a word, regardless of what happens. Voters get exactly what they ask for, and then some.

I had my head up my ass for many years voting for bad government. I thought voting for candidates that claimed to be conservatives would get me good government.

Then one day about ten years ago I pulled my head out of my ass and realized that Democrats promise bad government and deliver bad government while Republicans promise good government but deliver the same bad government that the Democrats do.

I have stopped voting for candidates that produce bad government.

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