Obama wants to raise taxes on the American people once again

Great, maybe we can fix some of the bridges that are about to collapse, build truly high speed rail, highways and more.
It is not enough that the American people are already taxed to the hilt and that the filthy ass combined government already takes over 40% of the GNP for the cost of government but this piece of shit in the White House wants to once again raise taxes on the American people.

Yea, we really need more taxes now, don't we? The stupid idiots in the White House can't cut back on spending but they sure as hell can call for more taxes.

This is the type of bead government you get when you elect Democrats. Of course if history is any indication the Republicans will probably give him what he wants.

His stupid tax plan is taking money from Americans that earned the money and giving to Americans that didn't earn it while keeping spending and the tax burden at the already astronomical high. Stupid Libtardeconomics.

Obama to call for new tax increases in State of the Union address Fox News

Obama to call for new tax increases in State of the Union address
That's exactly what the American people get when they elect professional politicians to serve in government. The voters get exactly what they deserve. They continually vote professional politicians into office, then continually complain. Go figure. Anyone that has voted professional politicians into office, has absolutely no room to say a word, regardless of what happens. Voters get exactly what they ask for, and then some.
They haven't been getting what they want since Washington, what's new?
They don't get what they want because they continually vote the self-serving crooks into office. All voters do is vote and complain, vote and complain, vote and complain. Yet, they never stop to figure out what the problem is. The solution is way over their heads. They continue to do the same thing, yet expect a different result. Go figure.
For years they said to not vote independent, you were throwing away your vote, I told them it was being thrown away voting on the two party system anyway..
It's much better and much wiser to write-in a vote. That way you send a very strong message to professional politicians that you've wised up and will no longer play their game, nor play into their dishonest anti-America hands. It'll take a few election cycle to get the point across, but in the long run, it'll be worth it. There's power in numbers. Voters need to wake up and smell the coffee.
Utterly absurd. Plenty of people write in votes. No politician takes notice of it at all.
That's exactly what the American people get when they elect professional politicians to serve in government. The voters get exactly what they deserve. They continually vote professional politicians into office, then continually complain. Go figure. Anyone that has voted professional politicians into office, has absolutely no room to say a word, regardless of what happens. Voters get exactly what they ask for, and then some.
They haven't been getting what they want since Washington, what's new?
They don't get what they want because they continually vote the self-serving crooks into office. All voters do is vote and complain, vote and complain, vote and complain. Yet, they never stop to figure out what the problem is. The solution is way over their heads. They continue to do the same thing, yet expect a different result. Go figure.
For years they said to not vote independent, you were throwing away your vote, I told them it was being thrown away voting on the two party system anyway..
It's much better and much wiser to write-in a vote. That way you send a very strong message to professional politicians that you've wised up and will no longer play their game, nor play into their dishonest anti-America hands. It'll take a few election cycle to get the point across, but in the long run, it'll be worth it. There's power in numbers. Voters need to wake up and smell the coffee.
Utterly absurd. Plenty of people write in votes. No politician takes notice of it at all.
The only write ins he is interested in is on the check....
Considering our highways are ranked in the mid to high thirties world wide, how are we going to make our highway system competitive on the world stage? Bad highways hurt our businesses competitiveness with other developed countries. Plus our highways are becoming more dangerous as we rank 37th in highways safely re: deaths per capita.
That's a joke, right? So a company will decide to use German highways instead of US highways? Please.

I honestly think you need to step away from your addiction of reading only partisan/biased talking point resources.
Go to Google and type in "benefits of good infrastructure" and maybe, just maybe you'll learn something, that is if you can open your mind.
In other words you cannot defend your statement. We got it.

Why would I want to waste my time on a lazy, closed-minded no-mind. It's quite evident you are clueless on the subject. So instead of educating your self on the subject, you decided it was less work to continue with posts that contribute nothing to this thread.
Your surrender here is noted.
You can't possibly explain it,beyond "money in the hands of consumers drives the economy"--a nonsense statement if there ever was one.
There is NO surrender. How many times must I remind you that this forum is not a sporting event where anyone keeps score. This forum is debates and discussions. This forum is conversations. No one "surrenders" here. We merely exchange views and opinions, period. --------- Secondly, for your information, money in the pockets of consumers is exactly what drives our economy, or any economy. The only nonsense is your obvious inability to grasp simple economics. Serious question: If consumer spending doesn't drive the economy, what does? Have an answer? I'm very interested in your answer.
That's a joke, right? So a company will decide to use German highways instead of US highways? Please.

I honestly think you need to step away from your addiction of reading only partisan/biased talking point resources.
Go to Google and type in "benefits of good infrastructure" and maybe, just maybe you'll learn something, that is if you can open your mind.
In other words you cannot defend your statement. We got it.

Why would I want to waste my time on a lazy, closed-minded no-mind. It's quite evident you are clueless on the subject. So instead of educating your self on the subject, you decided it was less work to continue with posts that contribute nothing to this thread.
Your surrender here is noted.
You can't possibly explain it,beyond "money in the hands of consumers drives the economy"--a nonsense statement if there ever was one.
There is NO surrender. How many times must I remind you that this forum is not a sporting event where anyone keeps score. This forum is debates and discussions. This forum is conversations. No one "surrenders" here. We merely exchange views and opinions, period. --------- Secondly, for your information, money in the pockets of consumers is exactly what drives our economy, or any economy. The only nonsense is your obvious inability to grasp simple economics. Serious question: If consumer spending doesn't drive the economy, what does? Have an answer? I'm very interested in your answer.
Obama's fault...
That's exactly what the American people get when they elect professional politicians to serve in government. The voters get exactly what they deserve. They continually vote professional politicians into office, then continually complain. Go figure. Anyone that has voted professional politicians into office, has absolutely no room to say a word, regardless of what happens. Voters get exactly what they ask for, and then some.
They haven't been getting what they want since Washington, what's new?
They don't get what they want because they continually vote the self-serving crooks into office. All voters do is vote and complain, vote and complain, vote and complain. Yet, they never stop to figure out what the problem is. The solution is way over their heads. They continue to do the same thing, yet expect a different result. Go figure.
For years they said to not vote independent, you were throwing away your vote, I told them it was being thrown away voting on the two party system anyway..
It's much better and much wiser to write-in a vote. That way you send a very strong message to professional politicians that you've wised up and will no longer play their game, nor play into their dishonest anti-America hands. It'll take a few election cycle to get the point across, but in the long run, it'll be worth it. There's power in numbers. Voters need to wake up and smell the coffee.
Utterly absurd. Plenty of people write in votes. No politician takes notice of it at all.
Not absurd at all, it's a great way to send a very strong message. And, what exactly do you call "plenty"? I do it, and I know of a few more that do it, but we are obviously very few in number. It take numbers to get the message across. There aren't nearly enough of us doing it, else it would have been noticed already. There's still way too many voters stuck on the Republican and Democrat band wagons. That fact is obvious by the results of elections.
Your surrender here is noted.
You can't possibly explain it,beyond "money in the hands of consumers drives the economy"--a nonsense statement if there ever was one.

Are you seriously that full of bullshit?
It is total nonsense. Every policy based on that has been a failiure. Demand side policies fail all the time. Supply side policies succeed.
Your surrender here is noted.
You can't possibly explain it,beyond "money in the hands of consumers drives the economy"--a nonsense statement if there ever was one.

Are you seriously that full of bullshit?

Yes, he is. If any Republican told The Rabbi that the only solution to our problems was to gurgle Rick Perry's cum, he would not only gurgle, but he would gurgle, spit, rinse and repeat. There's no need for logic behind it.
They haven't been getting what they want since Washington, what's new?
They don't get what they want because they continually vote the self-serving crooks into office. All voters do is vote and complain, vote and complain, vote and complain. Yet, they never stop to figure out what the problem is. The solution is way over their heads. They continue to do the same thing, yet expect a different result. Go figure.
For years they said to not vote independent, you were throwing away your vote, I told them it was being thrown away voting on the two party system anyway..
It's much better and much wiser to write-in a vote. That way you send a very strong message to professional politicians that you've wised up and will no longer play their game, nor play into their dishonest anti-America hands. It'll take a few election cycle to get the point across, but in the long run, it'll be worth it. There's power in numbers. Voters need to wake up and smell the coffee.
Utterly absurd. Plenty of people write in votes. No politician takes notice of it at all.
Not absurd at all, it's a great way to send a very strong message. And, what exactly do you call "plenty"? I do it, and I know of a few more that do it, but we are obviously very few in number. It take numbers to get the message across. There aren't nearly enough of us doing it, else it would have been noticed already. There's still way too many voters stuck on the Republican and Democrat band wagons. That fact is obvious by the results of elections.
The only "message" politiicans hear is who wins and who loses. Period.
Your surrender here is noted.
You can't possibly explain it,beyond "money in the hands of consumers drives the economy"--a nonsense statement if there ever was one.

Are you seriously that full of bullshit?

Yes, he is. If any Republican told The Rabbi that the only solution to our problems was to gurgle Rick Perry's cum, he would not only gurgle, but he would gurgle, spit, rinse and repeat. There's no need for logic behind it.
Please post an example of such a policy succeeding.
Your surrender here is noted.
You can't possibly explain it,beyond "money in the hands of consumers drives the economy"--a nonsense statement if there ever was one.

Are you seriously that full of bullshit?
It is total nonsense. Every policy based on that has been a failiure. Demand side policies fail all the time. Supply side policies succeed.
What supply side policies are you speaking of ?
Your surrender here is noted.
You can't possibly explain it,beyond "money in the hands of consumers drives the economy"--a nonsense statement if there ever was one.

Are you seriously that full of bullshit?
It is total nonsense. Every policy based on that has been a failiure. Demand side policies fail all the time. Supply side policies succeed.
What supply side policies are you speaking of ?
Policies like Reagan's that increased incentives to work and produce more. Those are a flatter, simpler tax code and less regulation. Special temporary giveaways do nothing to achieve that. Which is why the stimulus failed so badly.
It is not enough that the American people are already taxed to the hilt and that the filthy ass combined government already takes over 40% of the GNP for the cost of government but this piece of shit in the White House wants to once again raise taxes on the American people.

Yea, we really need more taxes now, don't we? The stupid idiots in the White House can't cut back on spending but they sure as hell can call for more taxes.

This is the type of bead government you get when you elect Democrats. Of course if history is any indication the Republicans will probably give him what he wants.

His stupid tax plan is taking money from Americans that earned the money and giving to Americans that didn't earn it while keeping spending and the tax burden at the already astronomical high. Stupid Libtardeconomics.

Obama to call for new tax increases in State of the Union address Fox News

Obama to call for new tax increases in State of the Union address

No wonder you're confused. You don't have the whole story. You're not going to get it at fox news.

Here's the whole story:

Obama To Propose Tax Hikes On Wealthy, Breaks For Middle Class

Here's the part that you don't know:

During his State of the Union address on Tuesday, President Barack Obama will lay out a plan to extend tax credits to the middle class by hiking taxes on wealthier Americans and big banks, according to senior administration officials.

Under the plan, the capital gains tax for couples with income over $500,000 per year would be raised from its current level of 23.8 percent up to 28. The plan would also strip a tax break, known as a "step-up," that allows heirs to avoid capital gains taxes on large inheritances.

In addition, the plan would institute a new tax on the biggest financial institutions, basing the fee on liabilities in order to discourage risky borrowing. The administration says the fee would hit the roughly 100 banks that have assets of $50 billion or more.

The president's plan would use revenues from those tax code changes to finance credits aimed at the middle class, officials said. That includes extending the earned income tax credits to families without children, which would benefit an estimated 13 million low-income workers, while also tripling the maximum tax credits for child care in low- and middle-income homes.

According to officials, the capital gains tax reforms would impact "almost exclusively" the top 1 percent of earners, carving out the majority of middle-income families from the hikes.
They don't get what they want because they continually vote the self-serving crooks into office. All voters do is vote and complain, vote and complain, vote and complain. Yet, they never stop to figure out what the problem is. The solution is way over their heads. They continue to do the same thing, yet expect a different result. Go figure.
For years they said to not vote independent, you were throwing away your vote, I told them it was being thrown away voting on the two party system anyway..
It's much better and much wiser to write-in a vote. That way you send a very strong message to professional politicians that you've wised up and will no longer play their game, nor play into their dishonest anti-America hands. It'll take a few election cycle to get the point across, but in the long run, it'll be worth it. There's power in numbers. Voters need to wake up and smell the coffee.
Utterly absurd. Plenty of people write in votes. No politician takes notice of it at all.
Not absurd at all, it's a great way to send a very strong message. And, what exactly do you call "plenty"? I do it, and I know of a few more that do it, but we are obviously very few in number. It take numbers to get the message across. There aren't nearly enough of us doing it, else it would have been noticed already. There's still way too many voters stuck on the Republican and Democrat band wagons. That fact is obvious by the results of elections.
The only "message" politiicans hear is who wins and who loses. Period.
Exactly. And why is that? It's because stupid voters play into their anti-America hands, elect them, and allow them to continue the ruin of this once great nation, as evident by the daily headlines. Also, not enough voters are sending the message for it have an effect.
It is not enough that the American people are already taxed to the hilt and that the filthy ass combined government already takes over 40% of the GNP for the cost of government but this piece of shit in the White House wants to once again raise taxes on the American people.

Yea, we really need more taxes now, don't we? The stupid idiots in the White House can't cut back on spending but they sure as hell can call for more taxes.

This is the type of bead government you get when you elect Democrats. Of course if history is any indication the Republicans will probably give him what he wants.

His stupid tax plan is taking money from Americans that earned the money and giving to Americans that didn't earn it while keeping spending and the tax burden at the already astronomical high. Stupid Libtardeconomics.

Obama to call for new tax increases in State of the Union address Fox News

Obama to call for new tax increases in State of the Union address

No wonder you're confused. You don't have the whole story. You're not going to get it at fox news.

Here's the whole story:

Obama To Propose Tax Hikes On Wealthy, Breaks For Middle Class

Here's the part that you don't know:

During his State of the Union address on Tuesday, President Barack Obama will lay out a plan to extend tax credits to the middle class by hiking taxes on wealthier Americans and big banks, according to senior administration officials.

Under the plan, the capital gains tax for couples with income over $500,000 per year would be raised from its current level of 23.8 percent up to 28. The plan would also strip a tax break, known as a "step-up," that allows heirs to avoid capital gains taxes on large inheritances.

In addition, the plan would institute a new tax on the biggest financial institutions, basing the fee on liabilities in order to discourage risky borrowing. The administration says the fee would hit the roughly 100 banks that have assets of $50 billion or more.

The president's plan would use revenues from those tax code changes to finance credits aimed at the middle class, officials said. That includes extending the earned income tax credits to families without children, which would benefit an estimated 13 million low-income workers, while also tripling the maximum tax credits for child care in low- and middle-income homes.

According to officials, the capital gains tax reforms would impact "almost exclusively" the top 1 percent of earners, carving out the majority of middle-income families from the hikes.
It's an idiotic idea.
Fortunately it's dead on arrival. Congress will never pass such a monstrosity.
What supply side policies are you speaking of ?

dear, supply side is when you cut capital gains taxes on venture capital so venture capital firms have more venture capital to invest in companies like google apple intel twitter that supply goods and services.

Do you understand??

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