Obama wants to raise taxes on the American people once again

Isn't the gop trying to raise gas taxes? How is that not just as bad?

Considering our highways are ranked in the mid to high thirties world wide, how are we going to make our highway system competitive on the world stage? Bad highways hurt our businesses competitiveness with other developed countries. Plus our highways are becoming more dangerous as we rank 37th in highways safely re: deaths per capita.
That's a joke, right? So a company will decide to use German highways instead of US highways? Please.
was just reading this

Middle class decline looms over final years of Obama presidency

By Howard Schneider

DALTON, Georgia (Reuters) - Barack Obama enters the final two years of his presidency with a blemish on his legacy that looks impossible to erase: the decline of the middle class he has promised to rescue.

The revival of middle-class jobs has been one of Obama's mantras since he took office in 2009 fighting the worst economic crisis in generations. It was a major theme of his last State of the Union address and is expected to feature in the one scheduled for Tuesday.

Administration officials said on Saturday the president would propose higher capital gains taxes, new fees on large financial firms, and other measures to raise $320 billion for programs and tax breaks aimed at the middle class.

Obama's administration can take credit for stabilizing the U.S. economy, which is growing again and last year added jobs at the fastest clip since 1999.

But for the middle class the scars of the recession still run deep. Federal Reserve survey data show families in the middle fifth of the income scale now earn less and their net worth is lower than when Obama took office.
all of it here:
Middle class decline looms over final years of Obama presidency - Yahoo News Canada
was just reading this

Middle class decline looms over final years of Obama presidency

By Howard Schneider

DALTON, Georgia (Reuters) - Barack Obama enters the final two years of his presidency with a blemish on his legacy that looks impossible to erase: the decline of the middle class he has promised to rescue.

The revival of middle-class jobs has been one of Obama's mantras since he took office in 2009 fighting the worst economic crisis in generations. It was a major theme of his last State of the Union address and is expected to feature in the one scheduled for Tuesday.

Administration officials said on Saturday the president would propose higher capital gains taxes, new fees on large financial firms, and other measures to raise $320 billion for programs and tax breaks aimed at the middle class.

Obama's administration can take credit for stabilizing the U.S. economy, which is growing again and last year added jobs at the fastest clip since 1999.

But for the middle class the scars of the recession still run deep. Federal Reserve survey data show families in the middle fifth of the income scale now earn less and their net worth is lower than when Obama took office.
all of it here:
Middle class decline looms over final years of Obama presidency - Yahoo News Canada
But it must be Bush's fault.
was just reading this

Middle class decline looms over final years of Obama presidency

By Howard Schneider

DALTON, Georgia (Reuters) - Barack Obama enters the final two years of his presidency with a blemish on his legacy that looks impossible to erase: the decline of the middle class he has promised to rescue.

The revival of middle-class jobs has been one of Obama's mantras since he took office in 2009 fighting the worst economic crisis in generations. It was a major theme of his last State of the Union address and is expected to feature in the one scheduled for Tuesday.

Administration officials said on Saturday the president would propose higher capital gains taxes, new fees on large financial firms, and other measures to raise $320 billion for programs and tax breaks aimed at the middle class.

Obama's administration can take credit for stabilizing the U.S. economy, which is growing again and last year added jobs at the fastest clip since 1999.

But for the middle class the scars of the recession still run deep. Federal Reserve survey data show families in the middle fifth of the income scale now earn less and their net worth is lower than when Obama took office.
all of it here:
Middle class decline looms over final years of Obama presidency - Yahoo News Canada
But it must be Bush's fault.

this was one comment with the article:

Obama spent $800 BILLION dollars to stimulate the economy. He claimed it created or SAVED (What defines a saved job? people working for Solyndra? Fisker Car Co?) 3 million jobs. That comes to $245,000.00 per each job created or saved. Obama always lies and he made this claim before the 2012 election. The GAo and CBO both did not agree with Obama's math. they said only 300.000 jobs were created or saved, which comes to $2.45 MILLION spent for each job created or saved. Where did the money go? There were no shovel ready jobs. How much of the money went to Obama's donors, and cronies?

I don't want Obama raising taxes on the rich to " save the middle class.' It is a ploy. The top 15% of income earners already pay 65% of Federal income taxes. I Look ata Obama's track record. He said there were no new taxes in ObamaCare. What a blatant lie. he lies about everything. Have you or friends had your insurance cancelled thanks to ObamaCare? I have
a friend whose insurance was recently cancelled and is now agonizing to find a plan that allows her to keep her out of state doctor she has had for 15 years. The deductible which was $2,000.00 a year will be either $4,000 or $6,000.00 So far she has failed to find an insurance policy that allows her to keep her internal Medicine Physician. The premiums are 2 to 3 times what the old policy's premiums were. Anyone else going through this hell?
another comment:

This article is bias BS there is no proof that Barack Obama rescued anything in this lousy economy. He takes credit for things he has never done. Including GM. If you were told GM paid the Government back you were lied to look it up. This guy has been murder on small business and the middle class, i know personally. Now he wants to tax them even more, calling them the rich. He wants to tax and spend on new programns instead of paying on the debt. He is a desaster for this country he either doesn't know what the hell he is doing or he understands perfectly. If you don't understand what he is doing you better start investigating and find out.
I want nothing that this man proposes. Unless he proposes he RESIGN

Administration officials said on Saturday the president would propose higher capital gains taxes, new fees on large financial firms, and other measures to raise $320 billion for programs and tax breaks aimed at the middle class.

That is like prescribing arsenic to treat cyanide poisoning!

Middle class decline looms over final years of Obama presidency
Why does the far right hate the Middle Class? I often wonder how many of the haters of the Middle Class are Middle Class themselves.
Over thirty years of flat wage growth and that's OK with some.
In a economy driven that is over 70% by consumer spending and the working Middle Class is the largest segment of the consumer class. This hurts the stability of the US economy. But hey, that's alright.
Og geez, not this shit again. Seventy percent blahblahblah.
Demand side economics has been the biggest failure every time it's been tried. Supply side economics has succeeded every time.
Do the math.

Rabbi (Mr talking points echo chamber), again adds nothing to the conversation.
Why does the far right hate the Middle Class? I often wonder how many of the haters of the Middle Class are Middle Class themselves.
Over thirty years of flat wage growth and that's OK with some.
In a economy driven that is over 70% by consumer spending and the working Middle Class is the largest segment of the consumer class. This hurts the stability of the US economy. But hey, that's alright.
Og geez, not this shit again. Seventy percent blahblahblah.
Demand side economics has been the biggest failure every time it's been tried. Supply side economics has succeeded every time.
Do the math.

Rabbi (Mr talking points echo chamber), again adds nothing to the conversation.
LOL. That's rich coming from Mr.Graph himself. You couldn't possibly explain why it is a good idea.
Isn't the gop trying to raise gas taxes? How is that not just as bad?

Considering our highways are ranked in the mid to high thirties world wide, how are we going to make our highway system competitive on the world stage? Bad highways hurt our businesses competitiveness with other developed countries. Plus our highways are becoming more dangerous as we rank 37th in highways safely re: deaths per capita.
That's a joke, right? So a company will decide to use German highways instead of US highways? Please.

I honestly think you need to step away from your addiction of reading only partisan/biased talking point resources.
Go to Google and type in "benefits of good infrastructure" and maybe, just maybe you'll learn something, that is if you can open your mind.
Isn't the gop trying to raise gas taxes? How is that not just as bad?

Considering our highways are ranked in the mid to high thirties world wide, how are we going to make our highway system competitive on the world stage? Bad highways hurt our businesses competitiveness with other developed countries. Plus our highways are becoming more dangerous as we rank 37th in highways safely re: deaths per capita.
That's a joke, right? So a company will decide to use German highways instead of US highways? Please.

I honestly think you need to step away from your addiction of reading only partisan/biased talking point resources.
Go to Google and type in "benefits of good infrastructure" and maybe, just maybe you'll learn something, that is if you can open your mind.
In other words you cannot defend your statement. We got it.
It is not enough that the American people are already taxed to the hilt and that the filthy ass combined government already takes over 40% of the GNP for the cost of government but this piece of shit in the White House wants to once again raise taxes on the American people.

Yea, we really need more taxes now, don't we? The stupid idiots in the White House can't cut back on spending but they sure as hell can call for more taxes.

This is the type of bead government you get when you elect Democrats. Of course if history is any indication the Republicans will probably give him what he wants.

His stupid tax plan is taking money from Americans that earned the money and giving to Americans that didn't earn it while keeping spending and the tax burden at the already astronomical high. Stupid Libtardeconomics.

Obama to call for new tax increases in State of the Union address Fox News

Obama to call for new tax increases in State of the Union address
That's exactly what the American people get when they elect professional politicians to serve in government. The voters get exactly what they deserve. They continually vote professional politicians into office, then continually complain. Go figure. Anyone that has voted professional politicians into office, has absolutely no room to say a word, regardless of what happens. Voters get exactly what they ask for, and then some.
It is not enough that the American people are already taxed to the hilt and that the filthy ass combined government already takes over 40% of the GNP for the cost of government but this piece of shit in the White House wants to once again raise taxes on the American people.

Yea, we really need more taxes now, don't we? The stupid idiots in the White House can't cut back on spending but they sure as hell can call for more taxes.

This is the type of bead government you get when you elect Democrats. Of course if history is any indication the Republicans will probably give him what he wants.

His stupid tax plan is taking money from Americans that earned the money and giving to Americans that didn't earn it while keeping spending and the tax burden at the already astronomical high. Stupid Libtardeconomics.

Obama to call for new tax increases in State of the Union address Fox News

Obama to call for new tax increases in State of the Union address
That's exactly what the American people get when they elect professional politicians to serve in government. The voters get exactly what they deserve. They continually vote professional politicians into office, then continually complain. Go figure. Anyone that has voted professional politicians into office, has absolutely no room to say a word, regardless of what happens. Voters get exactly what they ask for, and then some.
They haven't been getting what they want since Washington, what's new?
It is not enough that the American people are already taxed to the hilt and that the filthy ass combined government already takes over 40% of the GNP for the cost of government but this piece of shit in the White House wants to once again raise taxes on the American people.

Yea, we really need more taxes now, don't we? The stupid idiots in the White House can't cut back on spending but they sure as hell can call for more taxes.

This is the type of bead government you get when you elect Democrats. Of course if history is any indication the Republicans will probably give him what he wants.

His stupid tax plan is taking money from Americans that earned the money and giving to Americans that didn't earn it while keeping spending and the tax burden at the already astronomical high. Stupid Libtardeconomics.

Obama to call for new tax increases in State of the Union address Fox News

Obama to call for new tax increases in State of the Union address
That's exactly what the American people get when they elect professional politicians to serve in government. The voters get exactly what they deserve. They continually vote professional politicians into office, then continually complain. Go figure. Anyone that has voted professional politicians into office, has absolutely no room to say a word, regardless of what happens. Voters get exactly what they ask for, and then some.
They haven't been getting what they want since Washington, what's new?
They don't get what they want because they continually vote the self-serving crooks into office. All voters do is vote and complain, vote and complain, vote and complain. Yet, they never stop to figure out what the problem is. The solution is way over their heads. They continue to do the same thing, yet expect a different result. Go figure.
It is not enough that the American people are already taxed to the hilt and that the filthy ass combined government already takes over 40% of the GNP for the cost of government but this piece of shit in the White House wants to once again raise taxes on the American people.

Yea, we really need more taxes now, don't we? The stupid idiots in the White House can't cut back on spending but they sure as hell can call for more taxes.

This is the type of bead government you get when you elect Democrats. Of course if history is any indication the Republicans will probably give him what he wants.

His stupid tax plan is taking money from Americans that earned the money and giving to Americans that didn't earn it while keeping spending and the tax burden at the already astronomical high. Stupid Libtardeconomics.

Obama to call for new tax increases in State of the Union address Fox News

Obama to call for new tax increases in State of the Union address
That's exactly what the American people get when they elect professional politicians to serve in government. The voters get exactly what they deserve. They continually vote professional politicians into office, then continually complain. Go figure. Anyone that has voted professional politicians into office, has absolutely no room to say a word, regardless of what happens. Voters get exactly what they ask for, and then some.
They haven't been getting what they want since Washington, what's new?
They don't get what they want because they continually vote the self-serving crooks into office. All voters do is vote and complain, vote and complain, vote and complain. Yet, they never stop to figure out what the problem is. The solution is way over their heads. They continue to do the same thing, yet expect a different result. Go figure.
For years they said to not vote independent, you were throwing away your vote, I told them it was being thrown away voting on the two party system anyway..
Isn't the gop trying to raise gas taxes? How is that not just as bad?

Considering our highways are ranked in the mid to high thirties world wide, how are we going to make our highway system competitive on the world stage? Bad highways hurt our businesses competitiveness with other developed countries. Plus our highways are becoming more dangerous as we rank 37th in highways safely re: deaths per capita.
That's a joke, right? So a company will decide to use German highways instead of US highways? Please.

I honestly think you need to step away from your addiction of reading only partisan/biased talking point resources.
Go to Google and type in "benefits of good infrastructure" and maybe, just maybe you'll learn something, that is if you can open your mind.
In other words you cannot defend your statement. We got it.

Why would I want to waste my time on a lazy, closed-minded no-mind. It's quite evident you are clueless on the subject. So instead of educating your self on the subject, you decided it was less work to continue with posts that contribute nothing to this thread.
It is not enough that the American people are already taxed to the hilt and that the filthy ass combined government already takes over 40% of the GNP for the cost of government but this piece of shit in the White House wants to once again raise taxes on the American people.

Yea, we really need more taxes now, don't we? The stupid idiots in the White House can't cut back on spending but they sure as hell can call for more taxes.

This is the type of bead government you get when you elect Democrats. Of course if history is any indication the Republicans will probably give him what he wants.

His stupid tax plan is taking money from Americans that earned the money and giving to Americans that didn't earn it while keeping spending and the tax burden at the already astronomical high. Stupid Libtardeconomics.

Obama to call for new tax increases in State of the Union address Fox News

Obama to call for new tax increases in State of the Union address
That's exactly what the American people get when they elect professional politicians to serve in government. The voters get exactly what they deserve. They continually vote professional politicians into office, then continually complain. Go figure. Anyone that has voted professional politicians into office, has absolutely no room to say a word, regardless of what happens. Voters get exactly what they ask for, and then some.
They haven't been getting what they want since Washington, what's new?
They don't get what they want because they continually vote the self-serving crooks into office. All voters do is vote and complain, vote and complain, vote and complain. Yet, they never stop to figure out what the problem is. The solution is way over their heads. They continue to do the same thing, yet expect a different result. Go figure.
For years they said to not vote independent, you were throwing away your vote, I told them it was being thrown away voting on the two party system anyway..
It's much better and much wiser to write-in a vote. That way you send a very strong message to professional politicians that you've wised up and will no longer play their game, nor play into their dishonest anti-America hands. It'll take a few election cycle to get the point across, but in the long run, it'll be worth it. There's power in numbers. Voters need to wake up and smell the coffee.
Aside from funding new tax credits including a tax credit for working families and expanding the child care tax credit ...

I have a better idea. Instead of creating new tax "credits" for working families so they'll owe less tax, let's just stop taxing their income altogether. That way, they'll have even more cash in their paychecks.
Isn't the gop trying to raise gas taxes? How is that not just as bad?

Considering our highways are ranked in the mid to high thirties world wide, how are we going to make our highway system competitive on the world stage? Bad highways hurt our businesses competitiveness with other developed countries. Plus our highways are becoming more dangerous as we rank 37th in highways safely re: deaths per capita.
That's a joke, right? So a company will decide to use German highways instead of US highways? Please.

I honestly think you need to step away from your addiction of reading only partisan/biased talking point resources.
Go to Google and type in "benefits of good infrastructure" and maybe, just maybe you'll learn something, that is if you can open your mind.
In other words you cannot defend your statement. We got it.

Why would I want to waste my time on a lazy, closed-minded no-mind. It's quite evident you are clueless on the subject. So instead of educating your self on the subject, you decided it was less work to continue with posts that contribute nothing to this thread.
Your surrender here is noted.
You can't possibly explain it,beyond "money in the hands of consumers drives the economy"--a nonsense statement if there ever was one.

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