Obama wants to raise the minimum wage when we're on the verge of a second recession?

two of your examples are companies that are in bed with government......BO saved GM remember....? and that money he's printing through the roof is going to the banks.....

Walmart execs are making money playing by the rules.....you don't have to work there or are you just jealous..?

A sidenote of the corporatocracy is that laws will be written and government will be influenced in order to benefit the largest corporations.

My examples illustrate that no matter how effed up a company is, the execs will always make sure that they get top dollar. Is this really the way free enterprise is supposed to work?

as long as a company is not in bed with government and is playing by the rules laid out for everyone in a free market.....capitalism is all about making profit....and the owners and the talent at the top will be taking the most risk and therefore the most winnings if successful....however if they are successful the employees win cause they keep their jobs and can move up and investors win because their stock goes up....

on the other hand... if they are in bed with BO/government and getting 'free' taxpayer money and subsidies like your auto company and banks.....THEN you can call them 'greedy mofos'....because they are taking tax money directly from YOU that you did not approve....and BO/government is playing favorites in what is no longer a free market...

corporate socialism is just another form of SOCIALISM....at the heart of which is controlling force...which is what 'progressive' marxists like BO are ultimately all about...control....

I agree with your statement about corporate socialism because that's pretty easy to spot. On the other hand, our whole economy has become so intertwined that I don't think you can justify this level of greed and dysfunction even if a corporation is ostensibly private. The largest players will make sure they push nearly everyone else out of a market to the point that private citizens have no choice but to patronize them.

For instance, I would love to boycott Monsanto. How do I do it? Same for Murray Energy Corporation.
A sidenote of the corporatocracy is that laws will be written and government will be influenced in order to benefit the largest corporations.

My examples illustrate that no matter how effed up a company is, the execs will always make sure that they get top dollar. Is this really the way free enterprise is supposed to work?

as long as a company is not in bed with government and is playing by the rules laid out for everyone in a free market.....capitalism is all about making profit....and the owners and the talent at the top will be taking the most risk and therefore the most winnings if successful....however if they are successful the employees win cause they keep their jobs and can move up and investors win because their stock goes up....

on the other hand... if they are in bed with BO/government and getting 'free' taxpayer money and subsidies like your auto company and banks.....THEN you can call them 'greedy mofos'....because they are taking tax money directly from YOU that you did not approve....and BO/government is playing favorites in what is no longer a free market...

corporate socialism is just another form of SOCIALISM....at the heart of which is controlling force...which is what 'progressive' marxists like BO are ultimately all about...control....

I agree with your statement about corporate socialism because that's pretty easy to spot. On the other hand, our whole economy has become so intertwined that I don't think you can justify this level of greed and dysfunction even if a corporation is ostensibly private. The largest players will make sure they push nearly everyone else out of a market to the point that private citizens have no choice but to patronize them.

For instance, I would love to boycott Monsanto. How do I do it? Same for Murray Energy Corporation.

you got a real point there about being intertwined.....subsidies and favored legislation are the result of all those lobbyists pressuring our congressmen....we really need to revamp Washington....but that is not going to happen with BO in office....he has his own plans to rip off the energy sector and establish his 'green' watermelon vision....
as long as a company is not in bed with government and is playing by the rules laid out for everyone in a free market.....capitalism is all about making profit....and the owners and the talent at the top will be taking the most risk and therefore the most winnings if successful....however if they are successful the employees win cause they keep their jobs and can move up and investors win because their stock goes up....

on the other hand... if they are in bed with BO/government and getting 'free' taxpayer money and subsidies like your auto company and banks.....THEN you can call them 'greedy mofos'....because they are taking tax money directly from YOU that you did not approve....and BO/government is playing favorites in what is no longer a free market...

corporate socialism is just another form of SOCIALISM....at the heart of which is controlling force...which is what 'progressive' marxists like BO are ultimately all about...control....

I agree with your statement about corporate socialism because that's pretty easy to spot. On the other hand, our whole economy has become so intertwined that I don't think you can justify this level of greed and dysfunction even if a corporation is ostensibly private. The largest players will make sure they push nearly everyone else out of a market to the point that private citizens have no choice but to patronize them.

For instance, I would love to boycott Monsanto. How do I do it? Same for Murray Energy Corporation.

you got a real point there about being intertwined.....subsidies and favored legislation are the result of all those lobbyists pressuring our congressmen....we really need to revamp Washington....but that is not going to happen with BO in office....he has his own plans to rip off the energy sector and establish his 'green' watermelon vision....

I would go so far as to say it's not going to happen with anyone who stands the ghost of a chance of actually getting elected.

Maybe after everything comes crashing down, there'll be an America 2.0. ...Or not.
A sidenote of the corporatocracy is that laws will be written and government will be influenced in order to benefit the largest corporations.

My examples illustrate that no matter how effed up a company is, the execs will always make sure that they get top dollar. Is this really the way free enterprise is supposed to work?

as long as a company is not in bed with government and is playing by the rules laid out for everyone in a free market.....capitalism is all about making profit....and the owners and the talent at the top will be taking the most risk and therefore the most winnings if successful....however if they are successful the employees win cause they keep their jobs and can move up and investors win because their stock goes up....

on the other hand... if they are in bed with BO/government and getting 'free' taxpayer money and subsidies like your auto company and banks.....THEN you can call them 'greedy mofos'....because they are taking tax money directly from YOU that you did not approve....and BO/government is playing favorites in what is no longer a free market...

corporate socialism is just another form of SOCIALISM....at the heart of which is controlling force...which is what 'progressive' marxists like BO are ultimately all about...control....

I agree with your statement about corporate socialism because that's pretty easy to spot. On the other hand, our whole economy has become so intertwined that I don't think you can justify this level of greed and dysfunction even if a corporation is ostensibly private. The largest players will make sure they push nearly everyone else out of a market to the point that private citizens have no choice but to patronize them.

For instance, I would love to boycott Monsanto. How do I do it? Same for Murray Energy Corporation.

Why is it greed when I want to keep more of my money yet it is not greed when you want to take my money and give it to someone else?
I see boycotting certain businesses and companies as a good thing and part of the american way but their power is so absolute and powerful that they can simply run over the average working people. They are totally run amok and laugh at those of us who actually work hard for a living.
I see boycotting certain businesses and companies as a good thing and part of the american way but their power is so absolute and powerful that they can simply run over the average working people. They are totally run amok and laugh at those of us who actually work hard for a living.

What separates an "average" worker from an "unaverage" worker?

What specific distinction is their difference other than skill level and the wages that reflect that skill level?
All you communists believe others should work for free.
I, unlike you, hate no one.
I do not dispense justice. You need a little education there Joe. We have a jury system that dispenses the justice.
I do a lot of pro bono work. Just 3 weeks ago a jury found my client NOT GUILTY in a case where the last offer was 5 to serve.
Because the government, your dispenser of "public service", failed to prove a damn thing.
You would rather see my client go to jail for something he did not do. That is your form of justice. And I should work for free investigating his case.
As you are so naive and gullible Joe, you actually believe there is some police force out there with investigators that actually investigate the case FOR THE ACCUSED!
We have become a nation of village idiots and Chief Joe A NO IT ALL sits on the throne.
That is justice is what happened in that case, something communists will never know about. You are more interested in telling me I am greedy all the while you deny being greedy wanting to take my $$$ and give it to someone else.
Like the good communist you are.

The Jury system is a joke.

Juries convicted Rolando Cruz twice after anotehr guy fessed up to the crime while another jury let O.J. Simpson go when he was guilty as a cat in a Canary Cage. Just because people like you are very good at manufacturing and manipulating "evidence" to sway morons too stupid to get out of jury duty is an indictment of a bad system.

Frankly, if someone hires a sleaze like you, he's probably already guilty in my book. Another rich person escaping accountabiity for his actions.
Why is it greed when I want to keep more of my money yet it is not greed when you want to take my money and give it to someone else?

Depends on what you are using it for, doesn't it?

If we are taking money you would use to buy a dressage pony and give it to a family so they can put food on the table, that isn't greed, it's common fucking decency, but I don't think you understand the concept.

ooooh a whopping $12 an hour. For that I show up...and do what is asked, no MORE, no less. If you are traineed beyond high school (which is one's ONLY shot at things now) you surely dont stay long at a job that pays that measely wage. That is simply a stepping stone. And a short lived one at that.

That's the whole problem isn't it? This self centered mentality of "I'm only going to do the minimum of whatever my job requires. After all, I'm only in it for the paycheck and myself ..... I don't care about the company that has provided me with the work." Usually people with a bit more motivation and determination to make it on their own, actually take the time to "learn" something (maybe from those who ARE successful, dare we even suggest you can better yourself), show some initiative.... THEY are the ones who earn their way to creating a better life for themselves. To simply ask for more, simply because you "think" you deserve it without making any efforts to apply yourself towards "self achievement", really shows a rather selfish lazy mentality.... if I am to be blunt. Where does it ever say we are to enjoy "life, liberty, and the GUARANTEE of Happiness"?
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ooooh a whopping $12 an hour. For that I show up...and do what is asked, no MORE, no less. If you are traineed beyond high school (which is one's ONLY shot at things now) you surely dont stay long at a job that pays that measely wage. That is simply a stepping stone. And a short lived one at that.

That's the whole problem isn't it? This self centered mentality of "I'm only going to do the minimum of whatever my job requires. After all, I'm only in it for the paycheck and myself ..... I don't care about the company that has provided me with the work." Usually people with a bit more motivation and determination to make it on their own, actually take the time to "learn" something (maybe from those who ARE successful, dare we even suggest you can better yourself), show some initiative.... THEY are the ones who earn their way to creating a better life for themselves. To simply ask for more, simply because you "think" you deserve it without making any efforts to apply yourself towards "self achievement", really shows a rather selfish lazy mentality.... if I am to be blunt. Where does it ever say we are to enjoy "life, liberty, and the GUARANTEE of Happiness"?

I've seen people who busted their asses get shit on by companies and I've seen useless slugs who were kept around no matter how incompetetant they were, making me wonder if they had pictures of the CEO and a farm animal in a comprimising position.

The whole notion that companies reward good behavior is laughable. Companies will do to its employees whatever they think they can get away with, which is why we need strong regulation and strong unions.
Why is it greed when I want to keep more of my money yet it is not greed when you want to take my money and give it to someone else?

Depends on what you are using it for, doesn't it?

If we are taking money you would use to buy a dressage pony and give it to a family so they can put food on the table, that isn't greed, it's common fucking decency, but I don't think you understand the concept.

So are you willing to give up your internet connection for someone else? Just curious.

What gets me is you and others don't really care other than they have alot of money. I bet those you have such disdain for you haven't even bothered to see what their charitable contributions are. And direct contributions provide much more than government controlled bureaucracy does.
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If one shows up for work on time, does not already have 3 kids that they do not know how to raise, can make change out of a $10 for a $6.37 tab immediately, grooms themselves well, does not have 17 tatoos on their face, hands and arms, is not pregnant with their 4th child, does not have creditors wanting to garnish their first pay check and dresses appropriately:
These basket case thieves that have been pampered and spoiled by the American safety net program now as it is:
Fuck em. As soon as they get their shit together I may consider hiring them.

The fact is you are running your mouth and don't have data to back your bullshit.

I have data that Elvis is alive serving hash browns at the Waffle House in Hahira, Ga.
Scatterd, smothered, chunked, topped, covered and plastered.
Just like your posts.
I have cash to back up my bullshit.
What do you have?

Its almost impossible to explain things like: work ethics, self motivation, hard working achievements through lessons of failure... to someone who is content with the concept of "allowing" someone else [government] to simply step in and hand things to them without question. Very seldom do you find people in this generation who are motivated, hard working achievers who don't want to simply settle with what someone ELSE provides for them..... but want to achieve and fight towards self reliance and success. Where success and personal accomplishments are not considered dirty words, with the perception that you've managed to achieve something "taboo" in our society.
All you communists believe others should work for free.
I, unlike you, hate no one.
I do not dispense justice. You need a little education there Joe. We have a jury system that dispenses the justice.
I do a lot of pro bono work. Just 3 weeks ago a jury found my client NOT GUILTY in a case where the last offer was 5 to serve.
Because the government, your dispenser of "public service", failed to prove a damn thing.
You would rather see my client go to jail for something he did not do. That is your form of justice. And I should work for free investigating his case.
As you are so naive and gullible Joe, you actually believe there is some police force out there with investigators that actually investigate the case FOR THE ACCUSED!
We have become a nation of village idiots and Chief Joe A NO IT ALL sits on the throne.
That is justice is what happened in that case, something communists will never know about. You are more interested in telling me I am greedy all the while you deny being greedy wanting to take my $$$ and give it to someone else.
Like the good communist you are.

The Jury system is a joke.

Juries convicted Rolando Cruz twice after anotehr guy fessed up to the crime while another jury let O.J. Simpson go when he was guilty as a cat in a Canary Cage. Just because people like you are very good at manufacturing and manipulating "evidence" to sway morons too stupid to get out of jury duty is an indictment of a bad system.

Frankly, if someone hires a sleaze like you, he's probably already guilty in my book. Another rich person escaping accountabiity for his actions.

You communists have a hard time with the American jury system. I fully understand that.
Firing squad and mobs to round up folks for mass killings without trial is your preferred way.
I would be arrested and imprisoned if I manufactured or manipulated the evidence you fool.
That is a crime.
Pro bono means I worked for free on that case dumb ass. The defendant was indigent and works a job as a janitor at a church.
You are an angry, envious and jealous old man.
The reality of micro-economics is having the working class lose purchasing power isn't profitable for your business. An economist looking at our economy can easily see wages drifting lower with time and that will reduce the size of our market and make business less profitable. It's just common sense that wages are not the only cost of doing business, so paying your people a little less doesn't help enough when the amount of business is declining due to nearly everybody losing purchasing power.

It's the same thing with outsourcing. It's profitable if only you are doing it to cut labor costs, but it isn't profitable, when too many corporations are doing it and the market shrinks for your business. It removes all the stimulus created by people making higher wages and passing money around in the economy. It screws the business that can't outsource.
The fact is you are running your mouth and don't have data to back your bullshit.

I have data that Elvis is alive serving hash browns at the Waffle House in Hahira, Ga.
Scatterd, smothered, chunked, topped, covered and plastered.
Just like your posts.
I have cash to back up my bullshit.
What do you have?

Its almost impossible to explain things like: work ethics, self motivation, hard working achievements through lessons of failure... to someone who is content with the concept of "allowing" someone else [government] to simply step in and hand things to them without question. Very seldom do you find people in this generation who are motivated, hard working achievers who don't want to simply settle with what someone ELSE provides for them..... but want to achieve and fight towards self reliance and success. Where success and personal accomplishments are not considered dirty words, with the perception that you've managed to achieve something "taboo" in our society.

Very well said.
I earned everything I have and have ever had. Nothing was ever given to me. I worked for it and still do.
Been that way since my first paper route in a small town in Tennessee in 1966 at age 11.
Then many years playing ball. That taught me the hard lessons in life, mainly I was not as good as I thought I was and would have to work harder than anyone else just to get a chance.
And then in my work where I wondered if I would make it as the first 2 years I made less than 10K a year in the early 80s.
The fact is you are running your mouth and don't have data to back your bullshit.

I have data that Elvis is alive serving hash browns at the Waffle House in Hahira, Ga.
Scatterd, smothered, chunked, topped, covered and plastered.
Just like your posts.
I have cash to back up my bullshit.
What do you have?

Its almost impossible to explain things like: work ethics, self motivation, hard working achievements through lessons of failure... to someone who is content with the concept of "allowing" someone else [government] to simply step in and hand things to them without question. Very seldom do you find people in this generation who are motivated, hard working achievers who don't want to simply settle with what someone ELSE provides for them..... but want to achieve and fight towards self reliance and success. Where success and personal accomplishments are not considered dirty words, with the perception that you've managed to achieve something "taboo" in our society.

Great post.

Recently we were honored with meeting a young man that on his own day off was roaming the neighborhood to see what business he could round up for he and his dad for spreading and delivering fill. Due to slow times at his dads business he got a job as a machinist, rather than sit around crying because his dad didn't have enough work and yet was paying him still. That is motivation which gave me hope not all are simply unmotivated. He will be successful in his life, even if there are rough spots along the way.
Auto execs trying to keep the gravy train rolling while apparently ignoring the effect that even a moderate uptick in gas prices would have on their industry.

Bank execs taking foolish risks (probably thinking that they live such charmed lives that nothing bad would ever happen) and then nearly collapsing the entire monetary system.

Walmart execs making bank while their workers are paid so little that they're encouraged to take advantage of government assistance.

two of your examples are companies that are in bed with government......BO saved GM remember....? and that money he's printing through the roof is going to the banks.....

Walmart execs are making money playing by the rules.....you don't have to work there or are you just jealous..?

A sidenote of the corporatocracy is that laws will be written and government will be influenced in order to benefit the largest corporations.

My examples illustrate that no matter how effed up a company is, the execs will always make sure that they get top dollar. Is this really the way free enterprise is supposed to work?

Question. Do you happen to shop at Walmart? Are consumers not the enablers of the situation of how much an employee makes, through their own choices of where to spend their money? By seeking out those cheaper prices and encouraging those very work practices, many seem to overlook paying just a bit more through another store whose policies more fit with their ethics. Are you guilty of the same choices?
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ooooh a whopping $12 an hour. For that I show up...and do what is asked, no MORE, no less. If you are traineed beyond high school (which is one's ONLY shot at things now) you surely dont stay long at a job that pays that measely wage. That is simply a stepping stone. And a short lived one at that.

That's the whole problem isn't it? This self centered mentality of "I'm only going to do the minimum of whatever my job requires. After all, I'm only in it for the paycheck and myself ..... I don't care about the company that has provided me with the work." Usually people with a bit more motivation and determination to make it on their own, actually take the time to "learn" something (maybe from those who ARE successful, dare we even suggest you can better yourself), show some initiative.... THEY are the ones who earn their way to creating a better life for themselves. To simply ask for more, simply because you "think" you deserve it without making any efforts to apply yourself towards "self achievement", really shows a rather selfish lazy mentality.... if I am to be blunt. Where does it ever say we are to enjoy "life, liberty, and the GUARANTEE of Happiness"?

I've seen people who busted their asses get shit on by companies and I've seen useless slugs who were kept around no matter how incompetetant they were, making me wonder if they had pictures of the CEO and a farm animal in a comprimising position.

The whole notion that companies reward good behavior is laughable. Companies will do to its employees whatever they think they can get away with, which is why we need strong regulation and strong unions.

Unfortunately unions aren't what they used to be, they lost their purpose . To suggest that unions today look out for their members and not after their own self interests [their own wallets], is laughable. They can, have in some cases, become just as easily corrupt as those corporations and CEOs you loath. What new regulations exactly has unions done to help with workers and improve working conditions within the past 10 years? Please provide me with some specifics of these new achievements unions have made recently, to help with the workers' environment.
I have data that Elvis is alive serving hash browns at the Waffle House in Hahira, Ga.
Scatterd, smothered, chunked, topped, covered and plastered.
Just like your posts.
I have cash to back up my bullshit.
What do you have?

Its almost impossible to explain things like: work ethics, self motivation, hard working achievements through lessons of failure... to someone who is content with the concept of "allowing" someone else [government] to simply step in and hand things to them without question. Very seldom do you find people in this generation who are motivated, hard working achievers who don't want to simply settle with what someone ELSE provides for them..... but want to achieve and fight towards self reliance and success. Where success and personal accomplishments are not considered dirty words, with the perception that you've managed to achieve something "taboo" in our society.

Very well said.
I earned everything I have and have ever had. Nothing was ever given to me. I worked for it and still do.
Been that way since my first paper route in a small town in Tennessee in 1966 at age 11.
Then many years playing ball. That taught me the hard lessons in life, mainly I was not as good as I thought I was and would have to work harder than anyone else just to get a chance.
And then in my work where I wondered if I would make it as the first 2 years I made less than 10K a year in the early 80s.

How would you clowns know?

There were lazy people working when I was making minimum wage as a child and it was at it's record high in real dollars. There are still people unemployed, so if the person is lazy, get rid of them.
as long as a company is not in bed with government and is playing by the rules laid out for everyone in a free market.....capitalism is all about making profit....and the owners and the talent at the top will be taking the most risk and therefore the most winnings if successful....however if they are successful the employees win cause they keep their jobs and can move up and investors win because their stock goes up....

on the other hand... if they are in bed with BO/government and getting 'free' taxpayer money and subsidies like your auto company and banks.....THEN you can call them 'greedy mofos'....because they are taking tax money directly from YOU that you did not approve....and BO/government is playing favorites in what is no longer a free market...

corporate socialism is just another form of SOCIALISM....at the heart of which is controlling force...which is what 'progressive' marxists like BO are ultimately all about...control....

I agree with your statement about corporate socialism because that's pretty easy to spot. On the other hand, our whole economy has become so intertwined that I don't think you can justify this level of greed and dysfunction even if a corporation is ostensibly private. The largest players will make sure they push nearly everyone else out of a market to the point that private citizens have no choice but to patronize them.

For instance, I would love to boycott Monsanto. How do I do it? Same for Murray Energy Corporation.

Why is it greed when I want to keep more of my money yet it is not greed when you want to take my money and give it to someone else?

How long has this talking point been around? It's been in re-runs for at least 5 years.

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