Obama wants to raise the minimum wage when we're on the verge of a second recession?

I see boycotting certain businesses and companies as a good thing and part of the american way but their power is so absolute and powerful that they can simply run over the average working people. They are totally run amok and laugh at those of us who actually work hard for a living.

What separates an "average" worker from an "unaverage" worker?

What specific distinction is their difference other than skill level and the wages that reflect that skill level?

As I said before, the only outstanding characteristic a lot of these people have is that they know how to work the system. Doesn't have anything to do with competency or stellar talent. I can't make a blanket statement because some people at high levels really do know their shit but paradoxically, they seem to be the more down-to-earth ones.
I have data that Elvis is alive serving hash browns at the Waffle House in Hahira, Ga.
Scatterd, smothered, chunked, topped, covered and plastered.
Just like your posts.
I have cash to back up my bullshit.
What do you have?

Its almost impossible to explain things like: work ethics, self motivation, hard working achievements through lessons of failure... to someone who is content with the concept of "allowing" someone else [government] to simply step in and hand things to them without question. Very seldom do you find people in this generation who are motivated, hard working achievers who don't want to simply settle with what someone ELSE provides for them..... but want to achieve and fight towards self reliance and success. Where success and personal accomplishments are not considered dirty words, with the perception that you've managed to achieve something "taboo" in our society.

Very well said.
I earned everything I have and have ever had. Nothing was ever given to me. I worked for it and still do.
Been that way since my first paper route in a small town in Tennessee in 1966 at age 11.
Then many years playing ball. That taught me the hard lessons in life, mainly I was not as good as I thought I was and would have to work harder than anyone else just to get a chance.
And then in my work where I wondered if I would make it as the first 2 years I made less than 10K a year in the early 80s.

I have a lot if respect and admiration towards those who chose to take the risk and invest in themselves to build a better life. I have never favored a government that takes the role of being the provider, using what they deem to be "good judgement" of who should have what, and who could do without. Government is the reason people in lower income levels become less motivated, and more content with "this is all that I'm going to get it achieve anyways." A government that seeks to provide everything, really cheapens the abilities as well as their intellect, and dampens the individual dream. A dream that they could have a much better life for themselves, if they only learn to seek those tools that would assist them in making the hard work of achieving a goal towards a personal dream, a reality. Unfortunately our current Big Government concept, supported by the left, THRIVES on the notion of dependence.... you simply can not survive on your own without Government. Self reliance is the true power antithesis of Big Government.
Last edited:
two of your examples are companies that are in bed with government......BO saved GM remember....? and that money he's printing through the roof is going to the banks.....

Walmart execs are making money playing by the rules.....you don't have to work there or are you just jealous..?

A sidenote of the corporatocracy is that laws will be written and government will be influenced in order to benefit the largest corporations.

My examples illustrate that no matter how effed up a company is, the execs will always make sure that they get top dollar. Is this really the way free enterprise is supposed to work?

Question. Do you happen to shop at Walmart? Are consumers not the enablers of the situation of how much an employee makes, through their own choices of where to spend their money? By seeking out those cheaper prices and encouraging those very work practices, many seem to overlook paying just a bit more through another store whose policies more fit with their ethics. Are you guilty of the same choices?

Consumers are definitely enablers of Walmart so I shop there as infrequently as possible. They have a few things that I can't get anywhere else which accounts for maybe $30 per year from me and once in a while my wife will be nagged into buying a video game for our boys. That's about it.
Its almost impossible to explain things like: work ethics, self motivation, hard working achievements through lessons of failure... to someone who is content with the concept of "allowing" someone else [government] to simply step in and hand things to them without question. Very seldom do you find people in this generation who are motivated, hard working achievers who don't want to simply settle with what someone ELSE provides for them..... but want to achieve and fight towards self reliance and success. Where success and personal accomplishments are not considered dirty words, with the perception that you've managed to achieve something "taboo" in our society.

Very well said.
I earned everything I have and have ever had. Nothing was ever given to me. I worked for it and still do.
Been that way since my first paper route in a small town in Tennessee in 1966 at age 11.
Then many years playing ball. That taught me the hard lessons in life, mainly I was not as good as I thought I was and would have to work harder than anyone else just to get a chance.
And then in my work where I wondered if I would make it as the first 2 years I made less than 10K a year in the early 80s.

How would you clowns know?

There were lazy people working when I was making minimum wage as a child and it was at it's record high in real dollars. There are still people unemployed, so if the person is lazy, get rid of them.

Do you really want to look into reforming our current welfare system, and ensuring that people are not just sitting there on the couch accepting another government check? When the rubber hits the road [in the realm of politics] I don't think you are really serious about making "if the person is lazy, getting rid of them" a reality.
I have data that Elvis is alive serving hash browns at the Waffle House in Hahira, Ga.
Scatterd, smothered, chunked, topped, covered and plastered.
Just like your posts.
I have cash to back up my bullshit.
What do you have?

Its almost impossible to explain things like: work ethics, self motivation, hard working achievements through lessons of failure... to someone who is content with the concept of "allowing" someone else [government] to simply step in and hand things to them without question. Very seldom do you find people in this generation who are motivated, hard working achievers who don't want to simply settle with what someone ELSE provides for them..... but want to achieve and fight towards self reliance and success. Where success and personal accomplishments are not considered dirty words, with the perception that you've managed to achieve something "taboo" in our society.

Great post.

Recently we were honored with meeting a young man that on his own day off was roaming the neighborhood to see what business he could round up for he and his dad for spreading and delivering fill. Due to slow times at his dads business he got a job as a machinist, rather than sit around crying because his dad didn't have enough work and yet was paying him still. That is motivation which gave me hope not all are simply unmotivated. He will be successful in his life, even if there are rough spots along the way.

It's those hard times that shapes our values, as well as our determination. These are the kinds of life lessons that needs to be passed down to our kids. My own dad is a stroke survivor in his 30s, he refused to let any limitations dictate his possibilities of what he could achieve. He worked through his difficulties and never complained about it, or allow himself to feel defeated. It's witnessing that kind of determination that carries me through whatever life throws at me. No obstacle is too great, if you have the willingness and the drive to accept absolutely nothing less than the goals you set for yourself in life. Sounds like you have a strong example that fuels your drive to succeed. Don't let anyone deter you from what you hope to achieve in your life.
Post --549
Gadawg73 Gadawg73 -declares
If you believe government CAN fix things you would be a Democrat.
The 8 most dangerous words in America that have fucked things up for the last 80 years:


You do know that brain-dead Reagan had a diseased brain? :confused:

I am proud of my country. If you don't like it, your free to leave.

You have nothing to say about the historical data that shows that republicans lie about
the minimum wage increasing unemployment.
You cant handle the truth.

Post --550
Gadawg73 Gadawg73 -declares
10,000 millionaires have left Britain since 2009.
16,000 filed taxes of a million or more in income in 2009.
6,000 filed taxes of a million or more in income in 2011.

They left.

British millionaires leave for many reasons | Whichoffshore
March 2012 News ›
Britain’s millionaires are increasingly likely to abandon the UK for a better life overseas,
and although money is a key factor, a big factor is that old bastion of bleak Britain- the

Around 50 percent of Britain’s wealthiest businesspeople are said to be considering a
foreign move, and 21 percent pinpoint the poor weather as a driving factor, with 20
looking for a greater standard of life.

Below that, 11 percent blame the high cost of UK life,
and ten percent are sick of high UK taxes.

ten percent are sick of high UK taxes????:confused:

Increasing number of millionaires planning to leave the UK

Increasing number of millionaires planning to leave the UK

Posted On: 17 December 2012

More British millionaires than ever are ready to wave goodbye to their life in the UK
and move overseas, according to a new survey
carried out on behalf of Lloyds TSB International.

The survey found that 22 per cent of British people worth £1 million or more are
considering leaving the UK over the next two years, compared to just 19 per cent a year
ago and 18 per cent 18 months ago.

However, it does not appear to be high taxes that are driving increasing numbers of
wealthy Britons to consider a new life, but rather the UK’s poor weather. Almost two
in three of the respondents who plan to leave Britain, cited the country’s poor weather
as their main motivation for wanting to emigrate, while 49 per cent named crime, 45 per
cent named the high cost of living and just 41 per cent said taxes
(down from 45 per cent in the previous survey.)

Lloyds TSB International Director Richard Musty said: “Wealthy Britons are increasingly
considering emigrating, not necessarily for financial reasons, but because they feel
their quality of life may be better elsewhere.”

France topped the list of countries that wealthy Brits would most like to move to,
followed by Spain, the United States, Australia and New Zealand.

France (with a 75% tax rate) topped the list of countries??????:confused:


Budget 2011: More millionaires than ever in UK as wealthy bounce back from credit crunch | Mail Online

Who wants to be a millionaire? There are more than ever in UK now as wealthy
bounce back from the credit crunch

By Daily Mail Reporter
21 March 2011

The number of millionaires living in Britain has risen
by 17 per cent over the last two

years as the wealthy start to recover from the 2008 credit crisis,
a survey revealed today

Barclays Wealth said there were 619,000 millionaires - including property assets --
currently living in the UK at the end of 2010, up from 528,000 in 2008.

It added that the number of millionaires in the UK would grow by a third by 2020,
meaning that Britain would be home to 826,000 millionaires.

826,000 millionaires, in a country of 63 million????
Maybe they should tax them more to get rid of the excessive millionaire population???

Almost all burger-flippers know that there are two reasons for people paying less than
last year.
(one) They prepaid their taxes last year.
(Two) Because of the recession, they did not make a million this year.
As any burger-flipper knows, 10,000 people don't disappear with anyone knowing
where they went. --Countries keep records these days.-- :ahole-1:

It must be hell for you, being dumber than a burger-flipper. :confused:

For Republicans, Lying is a way of life.


-------Bluecoller--the grumpy old kraut -----:evil:
He wants to raise the minimum wage so that the government can take it on the mandate for insurance coverage.
Just think

If we raise the minimum wage high enough....all those people would have to pay federal taxes

Conservatives should be thrilled
Just think

If we raise the minimum wage high enough....all those people would have to pay federal taxes

Conservatives should be thrilled

Sure, I'm up for paying $25 for a super sized Big Mac extra "value" meal. Why not? What else should we tack onto the things we buy, that will help with our shrinking economy?
Just think

If we raise the minimum wage high enough....all those people would have to pay federal taxes

Conservatives should be thrilled

Sure, I'm up for paying $25 for a super sized Big Mac extra "value" meal. Why not? What else should we tack onto the things we buy, that will help with our shrinking economy?

So all that whining about the 47% who do not pay taxes is bullshit
Post --549
Gadawg73 Gadawg73 -declares
If you believe government CAN fix things you would be a Democrat.
The 8 most dangerous words in America that have fucked things up for the last 80 years:


You do know that brain-dead Reagan had a diseased brain? :confused:

I am proud of my country. If you don't like it, your free to leave.

You have nothing to say about the historical data that shows that republicans lie about
the minimum wage increasing unemployment.
You cant handle the truth.

Post --550
Gadawg73 Gadawg73 -declares
10,000 millionaires have left Britain since 2009.
16,000 filed taxes of a million or more in income in 2009.
6,000 filed taxes of a million or more in income in 2011.

They left.

Increasing number of millionaires planning to leave the UK

Increasing number of millionaires planning to leave the UK

Posted On: 17 December 2012

More British millionaires than ever are ready to wave goodbye to their life in the UK
and move overseas, according to a new survey
carried out on behalf of Lloyds TSB International.

The survey found that 22 per cent of British people worth £1 million or more are
considering leaving the UK over the next two years, compared to just 19 per cent a year
ago and 18 per cent 18 months ago.

However, it does not appear to be high taxes that are driving increasing numbers of
wealthy Britons to consider a new life, but rather the UK’s poor weather. Almost two
in three of the respondents who plan to leave Britain, cited the country’s poor weather
as their main motivation for wanting to emigrate, while 49 per cent named crime, 45 per
cent named the high cost of living and just 41 per cent said taxes
(down from 45 per cent in the previous survey.)

Lloyds TSB International Director Richard Musty said: “Wealthy Britons are increasingly
considering emigrating, not necessarily for financial reasons, but because they feel
their quality of life may be better elsewhere.”

France topped the list of countries that wealthy Brits would most like to move to,
followed by Spain, the United States, Australia and New Zealand.

France (with a 75% tax rate) topped the list of countries??????:confused:


Budget 2011: More millionaires than ever in UK as wealthy bounce back from credit crunch | Mail Online

Who wants to be a millionaire? There are more than ever in UK now as wealthy
bounce back from the credit crunch

By Daily Mail Reporter
21 March 2011

The number of millionaires living in Britain has risen
by 17 per cent over the last two

years as the wealthy start to recover from the 2008 credit crisis,
a survey revealed today

Barclays Wealth said there were 619,000 millionaires - including property assets --
currently living in the UK at the end of 2010, up from 528,000 in 2008.

It added that the number of millionaires in the UK would grow by a third by 2020,
meaning that Britain would be home to 826,000 millionaires.

826,000 millionaires, in a country of 63 million????
Maybe they should tax them more to get rid of the excessive millionaire population???

Almost all burger-flippers know that there are two reasons for people paying less than
last year.
(one) They prepaid their taxes last year.
(Two) Because of the recession, they did not make a million this year.
As any burger-flipper knows, 10,000 people don't disappear with anyone knowing
where they went. --Countries keep records these days.-- :ahole-1:

It must be hell for you, being dumber than a burger-flipper. :confused:

For Republicans, Lying is a way of life.


-------Bluecoller--the grumpy old kraut -----:evil:

I don't think anyone who claims to be proud of their country should be suggesting that others leave. That sounds narrow and exclusionary which is the exact opposite of what our country stands for.
Just think

If we raise the minimum wage high enough....all those people would have to pay federal taxes

Conservatives should be thrilled

Sure, I'm up for paying $25 for a super sized Big Mac extra "value" meal. Why not? What else should we tack onto the things we buy, that will help with our shrinking economy?

So all that whining about the 47% who do not pay taxes is bullshit

Well, it's true, but it's not a good evaluation imho. Romney brought that fail upon himself by not understanding that in this personal connected media age, mum is definitely not the word. There was a time when you could be pretty safe in the environment he said those words.

Those days are over and a new breed of personal media savvy politician is arising.
Its almost impossible to explain things like: work ethics, self motivation, hard working achievements through lessons of failure... to someone who is content with the concept of "allowing" someone else [government] to simply step in and hand things to them without question. Very seldom do you find people in this generation who are motivated, hard working achievers who don't want to simply settle with what someone ELSE provides for them..... but want to achieve and fight towards self reliance and success. Where success and personal accomplishments are not considered dirty words, with the perception that you've managed to achieve something "taboo" in our society.

Very well said.
I earned everything I have and have ever had. Nothing was ever given to me. I worked for it and still do.
Been that way since my first paper route in a small town in Tennessee in 1966 at age 11.
Then many years playing ball. That taught me the hard lessons in life, mainly I was not as good as I thought I was and would have to work harder than anyone else just to get a chance.
And then in my work where I wondered if I would make it as the first 2 years I made less than 10K a year in the early 80s.

How would you clowns know?

There were lazy people working when I was making minimum wage as a child and it was at it's record high in real dollars. There are still people unemployed, so if the person is lazy, get rid of them.

WTF are you asking?
Know what? I made no statements on anything other than MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCES.

Call me what you want, clown, whatever.
I earned every cent I make and have made and had to bust my ass for many years to step on the field.
I agree with your statement about corporate socialism because that's pretty easy to spot. On the other hand, our whole economy has become so intertwined that I don't think you can justify this level of greed and dysfunction even if a corporation is ostensibly private. The largest players will make sure they push nearly everyone else out of a market to the point that private citizens have no choice but to patronize them.

For instance, I would love to boycott Monsanto. How do I do it? Same for Murray Energy Corporation.

Why is it greed when I want to keep more of my money yet it is not greed when you want to take my money and give it to someone else?

How long has this talking point been around? It's been in re-runs for at least 5 years.

It has been around a long time.
And to date and your non answer there is no answer to it as it is gospel truth.
Your team calls me greedy for wanting to hold on to my cash but do not consider your pompous selves greedy when you plunder my money and give it to someone else that votes for the candidates you support.
Truthful claims never die.
Just think

If we raise the minimum wage high enough....all those people would have to pay federal taxes

Conservatives should be thrilled

LOL, no they wouldn't.
They would just spit out another yard ape for the extra government handouts and deductions.
Why is it greed when I want to keep more of my money yet it is not greed when you want to take my money and give it to someone else?

How long has this talking point been around? It's been in re-runs for at least 5 years.

It has been around a long time.
And to date and your non answer there is no answer to it as it is gospel truth.
Your team calls me greedy for wanting to hold on to my cash but do not consider your pompous selves greedy when you plunder my money and give it to someone else that votes for the candidates you support.
Truthful claims never die.

I didn't plunder a dime from you. I make six figures and pay taxes accordingly. And I've never even considered sheltering my money in an offshore account.

Here's the thing that is tiresome about this argument. Not everyone who wants a more level playing field is what you would consider a parasite. Some of us do well but can see a larger picture in which unbridled free market capitalism is fueling a race to the bottom. There are some very negative consequences that you'd see if you weren't so thoroughly vested in a fucked up system.

You think you've worked hard playing the system for what it's worth. Maybe you have but have you ever considered whether there was any intrinsic value in that hard work?
How long has this talking point been around? It's been in re-runs for at least 5 years.

It has been around a long time.
And to date and your non answer there is no answer to it as it is gospel truth.
Your team calls me greedy for wanting to hold on to my cash but do not consider your pompous selves greedy when you plunder my money and give it to someone else that votes for the candidates you support.
Truthful claims never die.

I didn't plunder a dime from you. I make six figures and pay taxes accordingly. And I've never even considered sheltering my money in an offshore account.

Here's the thing that is tiresome about this argument. Not everyone who wants a more level playing field is what you would consider a parasite. Some of us do well but can see a larger picture in which unbridled free market capitalism is fueling a race to the bottom. There are some very negative consequences that you'd see if you weren't so thoroughly vested in a fucked up system.

You think you've worked hard playing the system for what it's worth. Maybe you have but have you ever considered whether there was any intrinsic value in that hard work?

The playing field is flat.
That is as level as it can ever get.
It has been around a long time.
And to date and your non answer there is no answer to it as it is gospel truth.
Your team calls me greedy for wanting to hold on to my cash but do not consider your pompous selves greedy when you plunder my money and give it to someone else that votes for the candidates you support.
Truthful claims never die.

I didn't plunder a dime from you. I make six figures and pay taxes accordingly. And I've never even considered sheltering my money in an offshore account.

Here's the thing that is tiresome about this argument. Not everyone who wants a more level playing field is what you would consider a parasite. Some of us do well but can see a larger picture in which unbridled free market capitalism is fueling a race to the bottom. There are some very negative consequences that you'd see if you weren't so thoroughly vested in a fucked up system.

You think you've worked hard playing the system for what it's worth. Maybe you have but have you ever considered whether there was any intrinsic value in that hard work?

The playing field is flat.
That is as level as it can ever get.

It's nowhere near flat. It's certainly not as flat as it was between the end of WWII and the start of Reaganism. I'm just surprised it hasn't fallen apart until now.
Why is it greed when I want to keep more of my money yet it is not greed when you want to take my money and give it to someone else?

Depends on what you are using it for, doesn't it?

If we are taking money you would use to buy a dressage pony and give it to a family so they can put food on the table, that isn't greed, it's common fucking decency, but I don't think you understand the concept.

So are you willing to give up your internet connection for someone else? Just curious.

What gets me is you and others don't really care other than they have alot of money. I bet those you have such disdain for you haven't even bothered to see what their charitable contributions are. And direct contributions provide much more than government controlled bureaucracy does.

My internet connection is necessary to two of the three jobs I have... so it isn't a luxury.

NOr do I care that rich douchebags give to charities after they've spent their lives taking food out of the mouths of working people. Just because Mitt Romney gave money to some Mormon Charity Scam doesn't make up for the fact his greed killed Joe Soptic's wife.
How long has this talking point been around? It's been in re-runs for at least 5 years.

It has been around a long time.
And to date and your non answer there is no answer to it as it is gospel truth.
Your team calls me greedy for wanting to hold on to my cash but do not consider your pompous selves greedy when you plunder my money and give it to someone else that votes for the candidates you support.
Truthful claims never die.

I didn't plunder a dime from you. I make six figures and pay taxes accordingly. And I've never even considered sheltering my money in an offshore account.

Here's the thing that is tiresome about this argument. Not everyone who wants a more level playing field is what you would consider a parasite. Some of us do well but can see a larger picture in which unbridled free market capitalism is fueling a race to the bottom. There are some very negative consequences that you'd see if you weren't so thoroughly vested in a fucked up system.

You think you've worked hard playing the system for what it's worth. Maybe you have but have you ever considered whether there was any intrinsic value in that hard work?

Don't tell anyone here how much $$$ you make.
Joe and his communist friends will negatively call you out on being the productive citizen you are.

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