Obama wants to raise the minimum wage when we're on the verge of a second recession?

Nice drip of BS there.
I do not take pictures of any kind and do not chase ambulances.
You have no argument so you are left with BS.
What else is new?

The fact is, you dig up the evidence your clients want...

Which may or may not be the truth... but they didn't pay for the truth... just facts that benefit their position. It isn't the same thing.

You did breeze over the whole need to dump on others who haven't had your luck in life's lottery, though. I'm just not sure why you feel the need to do that, frankly.
Nice drip of BS there.
I do not take pictures of any kind and do not chase ambulances.
You have no argument so you are left with BS.
What else is new?

The fact is, you dig up the evidence your clients want...

Which may or may not be the truth... but they didn't pay for the truth... just facts that benefit their position. It isn't the same thing.

You did breeze over the whole need to dump on others who haven't had your luck in life's lottery, though. I'm just not sure why you feel the need to do that, frankly.

LOL, no, I give my clients what the evidence IS.

All good and experienced trial lawyers send me out to tell them the weaknesses of their case and the facts that are going to hurt them the most.

Unlike you and your charade of smoke and mirrors that you live your life by my job is the real world. Most of my work is tracking down witnesses that were interviewed many years ago long before litigation.
The lawyers want to know exactly what they are going to testify to and hire me to find them and ask them:

"What do you know?"

You live in La La land where TV and cable has warped your fucking mind.
Along with whatever dope you ingest and alcohol you snort.
Nice drip of BS there.
I do not take pictures of any kind and do not chase ambulances.
You have no argument so you are left with BS.
What else is new?

The fact is, you dig up the evidence your clients want...

Which may or may not be the truth... but they didn't pay for the truth... just facts that benefit their position. It isn't the same thing.

You did breeze over the whole need to dump on others who haven't had your luck in life's lottery, though. I'm just not sure why you feel the need to do that, frankly.

LOL, no, I give my clients what the evidence IS.

All good and experienced trial lawyers send me out to tell them the weaknesses of their case and the facts that are going to hurt them the most.

Unlike you and your charade of smoke and mirrors that you live your life by my job is the real world. Most of my work is tracking down witnesses that were interviewed many years ago long before litigation.
The lawyers want to know exactly what they are going to testify to and hire me to find them and ask them:

"What do you know?"

You live in La La land where TV and cable has warped your fucking mind.
Along with whatever dope you ingest and alcohol you snort.

Well, if your snorting your booze and ingesting your dope, you're doing it wrong.

But please don't call what you do a public service. Justice for only those who can afford it is not justice.

You did skip over your pathological need to hate on people who aren't rich. It makes me kind of wonder about you.
The fact is, you dig up the evidence your clients want...

Which may or may not be the truth... but they didn't pay for the truth... just facts that benefit their position. It isn't the same thing.

You did breeze over the whole need to dump on others who haven't had your luck in life's lottery, though. I'm just not sure why you feel the need to do that, frankly.

LOL, no, I give my clients what the evidence IS.

All good and experienced trial lawyers send me out to tell them the weaknesses of their case and the facts that are going to hurt them the most.

Unlike you and your charade of smoke and mirrors that you live your life by my job is the real world. Most of my work is tracking down witnesses that were interviewed many years ago long before litigation.
The lawyers want to know exactly what they are going to testify to and hire me to find them and ask them:

"What do you know?"

You live in La La land where TV and cable has warped your fucking mind.
Along with whatever dope you ingest and alcohol you snort.

Well, if your snorting your booze and ingesting your dope, you're doing it wrong.

But please don't call what you do a public service. Justice for only those who can afford it is not justice.

You did skip over your pathological need to hate on people who aren't rich. It makes me kind of wonder about you.

All you communists believe others should work for free.
I, unlike you, hate no one.
I do not dispense justice. You need a little education there Joe. We have a jury system that dispenses the justice.
I do a lot of pro bono work. Just 3 weeks ago a jury found my client NOT GUILTY in a case where the last offer was 5 to serve.
Because the government, your dispenser of "public service", failed to prove a damn thing.
You would rather see my client go to jail for something he did not do. That is your form of justice. And I should work for free investigating his case.
As you are so naive and gullible Joe, you actually believe there is some police force out there with investigators that actually investigate the case FOR THE ACCUSED!
We have become a nation of village idiots and Chief Joe A NO IT ALL sits on the throne.
That is justice is what happened in that case, something communists will never know about. You are more interested in telling me I am greedy all the while you deny being greedy wanting to take my $$$ and give it to someone else.
Like the good communist you are.
Of course it's never been said. Most people don't have humble egos. An eight figure salary is a sign that a person was able to build and run a company well enough to earn an eight figure salary.

No, an 8 figure salary is a sign of how sick American culture corprate culture is.

This doesn't happen with Japanese, British or German companies. (I currently work for a British Company, and have worked for a Japanese one in the past.)

While CEO's in these countries make an average of 10-15 times what a line worker makes, American CEO's make 400 times what line workers make.

As usual, America is the retard of the industrialized world, writing 2+2=Cat and wondering why the world laughs at us.

Amen. These opportunistic frat boys do have one or two outstanding characteristics. They're very good at jockeying themselve into positions where they can manipulate the system and they'll suck dick harder than anyone if it gets them where they want to be.

The right wing ideologues eat it up. Business the American way.
Of course it's never been said. Most people don't have humble egos. An eight figure salary is a sign that a person was able to build and run a company well enough to earn an eight figure salary.

No, an 8 figure salary is a sign of how sick American culture corprate culture is.

This doesn't happen with Japanese, British or German companies. (I currently work for a British Company, and have worked for a Japanese one in the past.)

While CEO's in these countries make an average of 10-15 times what a line worker makes, American CEO's make 400 times what line workers make.

As usual, America is the retard of the industrialized world, writing 2+2=Cat and wondering why the world laughs at us.

Amen. These opportunistic frat boys do have one or two outstanding characteristics. They're very good at jockeying themselve into positions where they can manipulate the system and they'll suck dick harder than anyone if it gets them where they want to be.

The right wing ideologues eat it up. Business the American way.

the hell we eat it up......corporate socialism is alive and well.....and thriving under BO...your corporatist socialist prez....GE and GM are a couple of the more blatant examples....we conservatives are for capitalism.....NOT corporate socialism....:eusa_hand:
What planet do you live on where you believe this to be a good idea?

Beyond that when I take on commercial work I often have to hire temporary help. Help that picks up debris or does simple meanial tasks. Definitely not worthy of the 20+ dollar an hour cost it would end up being going though a temp agency. I simply wouldnt hire while others would resort to illegal under the table practices.

Perhaps unemployment isn't high enough for him.
No, an 8 figure salary is a sign of how sick American culture corprate culture is.

This doesn't happen with Japanese, British or German companies. (I currently work for a British Company, and have worked for a Japanese one in the past.)

While CEO's in these countries make an average of 10-15 times what a line worker makes, American CEO's make 400 times what line workers make.

As usual, America is the retard of the industrialized world, writing 2+2=Cat and wondering why the world laughs at us.

Amen. These opportunistic frat boys do have one or two outstanding characteristics. They're very good at jockeying themselve into positions where they can manipulate the system and they'll suck dick harder than anyone if it gets them where they want to be.

The right wing ideologues eat it up. Business the American way.

the hell we eat it up......corporate socialism is alive and well.....and thriving under BO...your corporatist socialist prez....GE and GM are a couple of the more blatant examples....we conservatives are for capitalism.....NOT corporate socialism....:eusa_hand:

Maybe you don't eat it up but I see lots of defenders of the 7 and 8 figure corporate executive salaries on here.
What planet do you live on where you believe this to be a good idea?

Beyond that when I take on commercial work I often have to hire temporary help. Help that picks up debris or does simple meanial tasks. Definitely not worthy of the 20+ dollar an hour cost it would end up being going though a temp agency. I simply wouldnt hire while others would resort to illegal under the table practices.

Why don't you just directly hire some temps? I bet you'd still have your pick of the grunts.
Amen. These opportunistic frat boys do have one or two outstanding characteristics. They're very good at jockeying themselve into positions where they can manipulate the system and they'll suck dick harder than anyone if it gets them where they want to be.

The right wing ideologues eat it up. Business the American way.

the hell we eat it up......corporate socialism is alive and well.....and thriving under BO...your corporatist socialist prez....GE and GM are a couple of the more blatant examples....we conservatives are for capitalism.....NOT corporate socialism....:eusa_hand:

Maybe you don't eat it up but I see lots of defenders of the 7 and 8 figure corporate executive salaries on here.

It is the business of the shareholders and management what they pay employees.
None of yours but your jealousy and envy are noted.
Amen. These opportunistic frat boys do have one or two outstanding characteristics. They're very good at jockeying themselve into positions where they can manipulate the system and they'll suck dick harder than anyone if it gets them where they want to be.

The right wing ideologues eat it up. Business the American way.

the hell we eat it up......corporate socialism is alive and well.....and thriving under BO...your corporatist socialist prez....GE and GM are a couple of the more blatant examples....we conservatives are for capitalism.....NOT corporate socialism....:eusa_hand:

Maybe you don't eat it up but I see lots of defenders of the 7 and 8 figure corporate executive salaries on here.

that's because they are defending salaries earned under free market capitalism....the sky is the limit for salaries earned honestly under that....

HOWEVER.....when huge salaries are 'earned' (or should i say ripped off the American taxpayer) because they are in bed with politicians like BO and taking part in his corporate socialism......that is a different matter entirely....that is the antithesis of free market capitalism....
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the hell we eat it up......corporate socialism is alive and well.....and thriving under BO...your corporatist socialist prez....GE and GM are a couple of the more blatant examples....we conservatives are for capitalism.....NOT corporate socialism....:eusa_hand:

Maybe you don't eat it up but I see lots of defenders of the 7 and 8 figure corporate executive salaries on here.

that's because they are defending salaries earned under free market capitalism....the sky is the limit for salaries earned honestly under that....

HOWEVER.....when huge salaries are 'earned' (or should i say ripped off the American taxpayer) because they are in bed with politicians like BO and taking part in his corporate socialism......that is a different matter entirely....that is the antithesis of free market capitalism....

Why is intra-corporate cronyism any less loathsome than corporate/government cronyism (or intra-government cronyism for that matter)? The results are all the same. The guys who've acquired a certain position feather their own nests.
Maybe you don't eat it up but I see lots of defenders of the 7 and 8 figure corporate executive salaries on here.

that's because they are defending salaries earned under free market capitalism....the sky is the limit for salaries earned honestly under that....

HOWEVER.....when huge salaries are 'earned' (or should i say ripped off the American taxpayer) because they are in bed with politicians like BO and taking part in his corporate socialism......that is a different matter entirely....that is the antithesis of free market capitalism....

Why is intra-corporate cronyism any less loathsome than corporate/government cronyism (or intra-government cronyism for that matter)? The results are all the same. The guys who've acquired a certain position feather their own nests.

private deals are private deals.....ok as long as they don't break any laws...

deals between a company and the government is another matter altogether....
that's because they are defending salaries earned under free market capitalism....the sky is the limit for salaries earned honestly under that....

HOWEVER.....when huge salaries are 'earned' (or should i say ripped off the American taxpayer) because they are in bed with politicians like BO and taking part in his corporate socialism......that is a different matter entirely....that is the antithesis of free market capitalism....

Why is intra-corporate cronyism any less loathsome than corporate/government cronyism (or intra-government cronyism for that matter)? The results are all the same. The guys who've acquired a certain position feather their own nests.

private deals are private deals.....ok as long as they don't break any laws...

deals between a company and the government is another matter altogether....

If you can't see the fundamental problem in a system where greedy mofo's write their own checks, I don't know how to make it any more clear.
Why is intra-corporate cronyism any less loathsome than corporate/government cronyism (or intra-government cronyism for that matter)? The results are all the same. The guys who've acquired a certain position feather their own nests.

private deals are private deals.....ok as long as they don't break any laws...

deals between a company and the government is another matter altogether....

If you can't see the fundamental problem in a system where greedy mofo's write their own checks, I don't know how to make it any more clear.

perhaps you can elucidate your position with an example....?
Hell, what could possibly be wrong with our current set up of having bank executives run the Security and Exchange Commission. What could possible go wrong having Congressional staffers becoming lobbyists. What could go wrong with former health insurance staffers becomeing congressional staffers writing health care law.

I mean, look at the evidence. Our government runs like a well oiled machine. Problems? What fuking problems. We spit on problems. Our rich people are getting much richer at a real nice pace. Ain't no fuking problems.
private deals are private deals.....ok as long as they don't break any laws...

deals between a company and the government is another matter altogether....

If you can't see the fundamental problem in a system where greedy mofo's write their own checks, I don't know how to make it any more clear.

perhaps you can elucidate your position with an example....?

Auto execs trying to keep the gravy train rolling while apparently ignoring the effect that even a moderate uptick in gas prices would have on their industry.

Bank execs taking foolish risks (probably thinking that they live such charmed lives that nothing bad would ever happen) and then nearly collapsing the entire monetary system.

Walmart execs making bank while their workers are paid so little that they're encouraged to take advantage of government assistance.
If you can't see the fundamental problem in a system where greedy mofo's write their own checks, I don't know how to make it any more clear.

perhaps you can elucidate your position with an example....?

Auto execs trying to keep the gravy train rolling while apparently ignoring the effect that even a moderate uptick in gas prices would have on their industry.

Bank execs taking foolish risks (probably thinking that they live such charmed lives that nothing bad would ever happen) and then nearly collapsing the entire monetary system.

Walmart execs making bank while their workers are paid so little that they're encouraged to take advantage of government assistance.

two of your examples are companies that are in bed with government......BO saved GM remember....? and that money he's printing through the roof is going to the banks.....

Walmart execs are making money playing by the rules.....you don't have to work there or are you just jealous..?
perhaps you can elucidate your position with an example....?

Auto execs trying to keep the gravy train rolling while apparently ignoring the effect that even a moderate uptick in gas prices would have on their industry.

Bank execs taking foolish risks (probably thinking that they live such charmed lives that nothing bad would ever happen) and then nearly collapsing the entire monetary system.

Walmart execs making bank while their workers are paid so little that they're encouraged to take advantage of government assistance.

two of your examples are companies that are in bed with government......BO saved GM remember....? and that money he's printing through the roof is going to the banks.....

Walmart execs are making money playing by the rules.....you don't have to work there or are you just jealous..?

A sidenote of the corporatocracy is that laws will be written and government will be influenced in order to benefit the largest corporations.

My examples illustrate that no matter how effed up a company is, the execs will always make sure that they get top dollar. Is this really the way free enterprise is supposed to work?
Auto execs trying to keep the gravy train rolling while apparently ignoring the effect that even a moderate uptick in gas prices would have on their industry.

Bank execs taking foolish risks (probably thinking that they live such charmed lives that nothing bad would ever happen) and then nearly collapsing the entire monetary system.

Walmart execs making bank while their workers are paid so little that they're encouraged to take advantage of government assistance.

two of your examples are companies that are in bed with government......BO saved GM remember....? and that money he's printing through the roof is going to the banks.....

Walmart execs are making money playing by the rules.....you don't have to work there or are you just jealous..?

A sidenote of the corporatocracy is that laws will be written and government will be influenced in order to benefit the largest corporations.

My examples illustrate that no matter how effed up a company is, the execs will always make sure that they get top dollar. Is this really the way free enterprise is supposed to work?

as long as a company is not in bed with government and is playing by the rules laid out for everyone in a free market.....capitalism is all about making profit....and the owners and the talent at the top will be taking the most risk and therefore the most winnings if successful....however if they are successful the employees win cause they keep their jobs and can move up and investors win because their stock goes up....

on the other hand... if they are in bed with BO/government and getting 'free' taxpayer money and subsidies like your auto company and banks.....THEN you can call them 'greedy mofos'....because they are taking tax money directly from YOU that you did not approve....and BO/government is playing favorites in what is no longer a free market...

corporate socialism is just another form of SOCIALISM....at the heart of which is controlling force...which is what 'progressive' marxists like BO are ultimately all about...control....

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