Obama wants to raise the minimum wage when we're on the verge of a second recession?

You make the choice to view the issue of people making minimum wage the way you do. According to you, it has to do with the person making a choice. The reality is life requires those choices. It's impossible to educate the masses and do away with those jobs, because the jobs are needed, you dumbass! No amount of education can change that reality.

The 8 lowest-paying jobs in America - Business - Careers | NBC News

Of course they're needed. Teenagers getting their first jobs. Supplemental income. etc. What they are NOT needed for nor what they are intended for is to ensure that people have enough to live on.

Reality requires existence to work those needed jobs.

Table #1 shows 29.4% of minimum wage workers are ages 16 to 19. The way reality works is that mean 70.6% of minimum wage workers aren't ages 16 to 19. Claiming minimum wage workers are teenagers is not facing reality. Some minimum wage worker are teenagers, but the vast majority aren't. 62.7% of minimum wage workers are high school graduates or have higher education.

Now let's examine Table #10 back in 2006 when the economy was doing better. 59.7% of workers received hourly wages and 2.2% of those were paid minimum wage or less. That means 1.3% of the total people who worked were paid minimum wage or less. By 2009, that number has increased to a little less than 2.9%.

Tables 1 - 10; Characteristics of Minimum Wage Workers: 2009

According to Table #7, page 20, of this report, 8,792,000 families had an average poverty deficit $9,042 or $79.497 billion in 2009. That's chicken feed to a $14 trillion economy.

Source: http://www.census.gov/prod/2010pubs/p60-238.pdf

I never said all them were teenagers. Nor is accurate for you to imply 70.6% of min wage earners are trying to live off of that. A good chumnk of that is going to be supplemental income, or wait stuff who's min wage is supplemented in tips. I would be the number of people making min wage trying to live off of it is well under 50%. At that point you have to start examining the characteristics of these people. If you don't have any type of education, whether it be a trade skill or degree, post high school your income working for someone else isn't going to warrant much more than min wage. Not doing so is on you, not on your employer. We're talking about people that have made bad choices at that point. Fixing that is what our goal ought to be. Not simply giving people money and ignoring why they don't have more earning potential.
The Minimum Wage is Too Damn Low

It is coming up on three years since the last increase in the federal
minimum wage – to $7.25 per hour – in July 2009. By all of the most
commonly used benchmarks – inflation, average wages, and productivity
– the minimum wage is now far below its historical level.
By all of these benchmarks, the value of the minimum wage peaked in
1968. If the minimum wage in that year had been indexed to the official
Consumer Price Index (CPI-U), the minimum wage in 2012 (using the
Congressional Budget Office’s estimates for inflation in 2012) would be
at $10.52. Even if we applied the current methodology (CPI-U-RS) for
calculating inflation – which generally shows a lower rate of inflation than
the older measure – to the whole period since 1968, the 2012 value of the
minimum wage would be $9.22.

Using wages as a benchmark, in 1968 the federal minimum stood at 53
percent of the average production worker earnings. During much of the
1960s, the minimum wage was close to 50 percent of the same wage
benchmark. If the minimum wage were at 50 percent of the production
worker wage in 2012 (again, using CBO projections to produce a full-year
2012 estimate), the federal minimum would be $10.01 per hour.

A final benchmark for the minimum wage is productivity growth. Figure
2 (see link) below compares growth in average labor productivity
with the real value of the minimum wage between the late 1940s and the end of the
last decade. Between the end of World War II and 1968, the minimum
wage tracked average productivity growth fairly closely. Since 1968,
however, productivity growth has far outpaced the minimum wage. If the
minimum wage had continued to move with average productivity after
1968, it would have reached $21.72 per hour in 2012 – a rate well above
the average production worker wage. If minimum-wage workers received
only half of the productivity gains over the period, the federal minimum
would be $15.34. Even if the minimum wage only grew at one-fourth the
rate of productivity, in 2012 it would be set at $12.25.


less taxes and less regulations = more and better paying jobs.....but try telling that to your 'BRILLIANT & CARING' dear leader who is doing just the opposite....or else stop your whining......:lol:
Of course they're needed. Teenagers getting their first jobs. Supplemental income. etc. What they are NOT needed for nor what they are intended for is to ensure that people have enough to live on.

Reality requires existence to work those needed jobs.

Table #1 shows 29.4% of minimum wage workers are ages 16 to 19. The way reality works is that mean 70.6% of minimum wage workers aren't ages 16 to 19. Claiming minimum wage workers are teenagers is not facing reality. Some minimum wage worker are teenagers, but the vast majority aren't. 62.7% of minimum wage workers are high school graduates or have higher education.

Now let's examine Table #10 back in 2006 when the economy was doing better. 59.7% of workers received hourly wages and 2.2% of those were paid minimum wage or less. That means 1.3% of the total people who worked were paid minimum wage or less. By 2009, that number has increased to a little less than 2.9%.

Tables 1 - 10; Characteristics of Minimum Wage Workers: 2009

According to Table #7, page 20, of this report, 8,792,000 families had an average poverty deficit $9,042 or $79.497 billion in 2009. That's chicken feed to a $14 trillion economy.

Source: http://www.census.gov/prod/2010pubs/p60-238.pdf

I never said all them were teenagers. Nor is accurate for you to imply 70.6% of min wage earners are trying to live off of that. A good chumnk of that is going to be supplemental income, or wait stuff who's min wage is supplemented in tips. I would be the number of people making min wage trying to live off of it is well under 50%. At that point you have to start examining the characteristics of these people. If you don't have any type of education, whether it be a trade skill or degree, post high school your income working for someone else isn't going to warrant much more than min wage. Not doing so is on you, not on your employer. We're talking about people that have made bad choices at that point. Fixing that is what our goal ought to be. Not simply giving people money and ignoring why they don't have more earning potential.

I've posted that data, too. 67.2% of minimum wage workers are high school graduates or have a higher education. That doesn't stop you from bringing up education and you keep ignoring the fact that all these jobs are needed. Then you run your mouth like a typical right-winger and start talking about choices.

A good chumnk of that is going to be supplemental income, or wait stuff who's min wage is supplemented in tips.

Why would people with supplemental income like tips be given minimum wage? They would be paid less than minimum wage.

The fact is the Fed has a mandate from Congress to prevent a wage/price spiral and we are always going to have at least 1 in 25 people unemployed and a population having to settle for minimum wage or nothing. It's built into the economic system, so claiming it's a choice isn't true. The Fed cools down the economy long before unemployment reaches 4%.
Funny how we are based on judeo christian values...my pastors sunday sermons mention nothing about the ultra wealthy being christians. Something about passing through a needle...lol
I like having my millions.
How else could I get so many people here to hate and despise me?

I hated you long before I knew you were pretending to be a millionaire.

You really wonder about these people who come on the internet and brag about how successful they are..

No way better to expose the hate, envy and jealousy of the moocher class than to rub it in on how much more we have than they do.
Reality requires existence to work those needed jobs.

Table #1 shows 29.4% of minimum wage workers are ages 16 to 19. The way reality works is that mean 70.6% of minimum wage workers aren't ages 16 to 19. Claiming minimum wage workers are teenagers is not facing reality. Some minimum wage worker are teenagers, but the vast majority aren't. 62.7% of minimum wage workers are high school graduates or have higher education.

Now let's examine Table #10 back in 2006 when the economy was doing better. 59.7% of workers received hourly wages and 2.2% of those were paid minimum wage or less. That means 1.3% of the total people who worked were paid minimum wage or less. By 2009, that number has increased to a little less than 2.9%.

Tables 1 - 10; Characteristics of Minimum Wage Workers: 2009

According to Table #7, page 20, of this report, 8,792,000 families had an average poverty deficit $9,042 or $79.497 billion in 2009. That's chicken feed to a $14 trillion economy.

Source: http://www.census.gov/prod/2010pubs/p60-238.pdf

I never said all them were teenagers. Nor is accurate for you to imply 70.6% of min wage earners are trying to live off of that. A good chumnk of that is going to be supplemental income, or wait stuff who's min wage is supplemented in tips. I would be the number of people making min wage trying to live off of it is well under 50%. At that point you have to start examining the characteristics of these people. If you don't have any type of education, whether it be a trade skill or degree, post high school your income working for someone else isn't going to warrant much more than min wage. Not doing so is on you, not on your employer. We're talking about people that have made bad choices at that point. Fixing that is what our goal ought to be. Not simply giving people money and ignoring why they don't have more earning potential.

I've posted that data, too. 67.2% of minimum wage workers are high school graduates or have a higher education. That doesn't stop you from bringing up education and you keep ignoring the fact that all these jobs are needed. Then you run your mouth like a typical right-winger and start talking about choices.

A good chumnk of that is going to be supplemental income, or wait stuff who's min wage is supplemented in tips.

Why would people with supplemental income like tips be given minimum wage? They would be paid less than minimum wage.

The fact is the Fed has a mandate from Congress to prevent a wage/price spiral and we are always going to have at least 1 in 25 people unemployed and a population having to settle for minimum wage or nothing. It's built into the economic system, so claiming it's a choice isn't true. The Fed cools down the economy long before unemployment reaches 4%.

If one shows up for work on time, does not already have 3 kids that they do not know how to raise, can make change out of a $10 for a $6.37 tab immediately, grooms themselves well, does not have 17 tatoos on their face, hands and arms, is not pregnant with their 4th child, does not have creditors wanting to garnish their first pay check and dresses appropriately:
These basket case thieves that have been pampered and spoiled by the American safety net program now as it is:
Fuck em. As soon as they get their shit together I may consider hiring them.

ooooh a whopping $12 an hour. For that I show up...and do what is asked, no MORE, no less. If you are traineed beyond high school (which is one's ONLY shot at things now) you surely dont stay long at a job that pays that measely wage. That is simply a stepping stone. And a short lived one at that.

ooooh a whopping $12 an hour. For that I show up...and do what is asked, no MORE, no less. If you are traineed beyond high school (which is one's ONLY shot at things now) you surely dont stay long at a job that pays that measely wage. That is simply a stepping stone. And a short lived one at that.

If you do no more no matter what you make you are a sorry excuse for an employee.
I never said all them were teenagers. Nor is accurate for you to imply 70.6% of min wage earners are trying to live off of that. A good chumnk of that is going to be supplemental income, or wait stuff who's min wage is supplemented in tips. I would be the number of people making min wage trying to live off of it is well under 50%. At that point you have to start examining the characteristics of these people. If you don't have any type of education, whether it be a trade skill or degree, post high school your income working for someone else isn't going to warrant much more than min wage. Not doing so is on you, not on your employer. We're talking about people that have made bad choices at that point. Fixing that is what our goal ought to be. Not simply giving people money and ignoring why they don't have more earning potential.

I've posted that data, too. 67.2% of minimum wage workers are high school graduates or have a higher education. That doesn't stop you from bringing up education and you keep ignoring the fact that all these jobs are needed. Then you run your mouth like a typical right-winger and start talking about choices.

A good chumnk of that is going to be supplemental income, or wait stuff who's min wage is supplemented in tips.

Why would people with supplemental income like tips be given minimum wage? They would be paid less than minimum wage.

The fact is the Fed has a mandate from Congress to prevent a wage/price spiral and we are always going to have at least 1 in 25 people unemployed and a population having to settle for minimum wage or nothing. It's built into the economic system, so claiming it's a choice isn't true. The Fed cools down the economy long before unemployment reaches 4%.

If one shows up for work on time, does not already have 3 kids that they do not know how to raise, can make change out of a $10 for a $6.37 tab immediately, grooms themselves well, does not have 17 tatoos on their face, hands and arms, is not pregnant with their 4th child, does not have creditors wanting to garnish their first pay check and dresses appropriately:
These basket case thieves that have been pampered and spoiled by the American safety net program now as it is:
Fuck em. As soon as they get their shit together I may consider hiring them.

The fact is you are running your mouth and don't have data to back your bullshit.
I've posted that data, too. 67.2% of minimum wage workers are high school graduates or have a higher education. That doesn't stop you from bringing up education and you keep ignoring the fact that all these jobs are needed. Then you run your mouth like a typical right-winger and start talking about choices.

Why would people with supplemental income like tips be given minimum wage? They would be paid less than minimum wage.

The fact is the Fed has a mandate from Congress to prevent a wage/price spiral and we are always going to have at least 1 in 25 people unemployed and a population having to settle for minimum wage or nothing. It's built into the economic system, so claiming it's a choice isn't true. The Fed cools down the economy long before unemployment reaches 4%.

If one shows up for work on time, does not already have 3 kids that they do not know how to raise, can make change out of a $10 for a $6.37 tab immediately, grooms themselves well, does not have 17 tatoos on their face, hands and arms, is not pregnant with their 4th child, does not have creditors wanting to garnish their first pay check and dresses appropriately:
These basket case thieves that have been pampered and spoiled by the American safety net program now as it is:
Fuck em. As soon as they get their shit together I may consider hiring them.

The fact is you are running your mouth and don't have data to back your bullshit.

I have data that Elvis is alive serving hash browns at the Waffle House in Hahira, Ga.
Scatterd, smothered, chunked, topped, covered and plastered.
Just like your posts.
I have cash to back up my bullshit.
What do you have?
If one shows up for work on time, does not already have 3 kids that they do not know how to raise, can make change out of a $10 for a $6.37 tab immediately, grooms themselves well, does not have 17 tatoos on their face, hands and arms, is not pregnant with their 4th child, does not have creditors wanting to garnish their first pay check and dresses appropriately:
These basket case thieves that have been pampered and spoiled by the American safety net program now as it is:
Fuck em. As soon as they get their shit together I may consider hiring them.

The fact is you are running your mouth and don't have data to back your bullshit.

I have data that Elvis is alive serving hash browns at the Waffle House in Hahira, Ga.
Scatterd, smothered, chunked, topped, covered and plastered.
Just like your posts.
I have cash to back up my bullshit.
What do you have?

I've provided links that have census data on family size. You've provided mouth that doesn't agree with the stats.
"If you do no more no matter what you make you are a sorry excuse for an employee. "

If you believe that your employees owe you more than a good days work you are a very sorry excuse for an employer. If you pretend to pay someone then you should expect them to PRETEND they really care." Cant have it both ways.
you had better figure out that working a job is a means to an end for the vast majority of people. An employer that has half a brain cell knows this and does every thing he can even if it means less profit to make his employers happy.
I hated you long before I knew you were pretending to be a millionaire.

You really wonder about these people who come on the internet and brag about how successful they are..

No way better to expose the hate, envy and jealousy of the moocher class than to rub it in on how much more we have than they do.

1) I don't think anyone in the "moocher class" (those of us who work real jobs for a living and don't take dirty pictures for ambulance chasers) really thinks you are rich.

2) Frankly, if you are successful and feel a need to piss on people who aren't, it kind of shows you have some pretty deeply seeded insecurities.
"If you do no more no matter what you make you are a sorry excuse for an employee. "

If you believe that your employees owe you more than a good days work you are a very sorry excuse for an employer. If you pretend to pay someone then you should expect them to PRETEND they really care." Cant have it both ways.

No one cares about how much YOU KNOW.
They want to know how much YOU CARE.

And they know how much I care so they do more.
You want it both ways. They appreciate the job.
You really wonder about these people who come on the internet and brag about how successful they are..

No way better to expose the hate, envy and jealousy of the moocher class than to rub it in on how much more we have than they do.

1) I don't think anyone in the "moocher class" (those of us who work real jobs for a living and don't take dirty pictures for ambulance chasers) really thinks you are rich.

2) Frankly, if you are successful and feel a need to piss on people who aren't, it kind of shows you have some pretty deeply seeded insecurities.

Nice drip of BS there.
I do not take pictures of any kind and do not chase ambulances.
You have no argument so you are left with BS.
What else is new?
you had better figure out that working a job is a means to an end for the vast majority of people. An employer that has half a brain cell knows this and does every thing he can even if it means less profit to make his employers happy.

Working a job has been downgraded to exactly what you state.
No wonder folks can not make enough to live on.
They have little to no work ethic. They are narcissists that only think about what makes them happy.
I make employees happy that make me happy.
Does not work any other way. Sorry. Go join a fucking union and be happy.

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