Obama wants to raise the minimum wage when we're on the verge of a second recession?

You proved my point.
Thank you.
Children do not need to make a living wage and do not need a raise in the minimum wage.
Same with adults that ONLY have the skills and education OF A CHILD.

I gave you the stats on minimum wage and it isn't children receiving it. More than two thirds of minimum wage earners have a high school diploma or more. Setting a minimum wage is not setting any wage. There is no law requiring a business to pay people the minimum wage. You claim to have knowledge about these people not being worth $7 a hour and you don't even know who these people are. 55.6% of minimum wage workers are in the South (Table #2). The stereotype of the true minimum wage worker is a young unmarried woman and not a child. Why would a business keep someone on the payroll who wasn't worth what they paid them, when it's so easy to find a replacement?

Characteristics of Minimum Wage Workers: 2009

Tables 1 - 10; Characteristics of Minimum Wage Workers: 2009

The next time you try to make shit up, be more creative in your fabrication.

High school diploma.
So what do we do for a young woman that in most cases has been irresponsible having kids she can not afford with NO husband around?
We give her free health care, subsidized housing, food stamps, utility credits, free day care and what else?
And you want to increase the incentives she gets already for being irresponsible in most cases and immediately strip small business a 20% increase in their payroll.

So where did you come up with that bullshit?

Since you are running your mouth about small business, what percentage of the cost of doing business is labor for a small business? Let's start off with some basic math skills which prove that an increase from $7.25 to $9.00 represents a 24.14% increase, so you have failed the math part of your minimum wage interview. I guess we'll have to put your ass picking crops in the fields and keep you away from a cash register.


Minimum wage in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
EVERYONE got a tax cut ya blowhard.

Why are you such a partisan hack?

1) The Majority of the Tax Cuts went to the rich.

2) They weren't really tax cuts in that we just had to borrow that money from someone to pay for wars and governmetn services, which we are NOW paying interest on on top of the original costs.

  1. Nor according to the CBO.
  2. You cannot claim that spending went up because we cut taxes, that is even dumber than arguing that most of the tax cuts went to the rich.

There were tens of millions of lower middle class and middle class with a lot of kids for exemptions that were ELIMINATED from the Federal tax roles with the Bush tax cuts.
For every dollar someone that makes over 250K received in a tax cut someone with a taxable income of less than 125K got 2 dollars in tax cuts.
And the net result of the entire cuts was for those making over 250K they got about 40% of the cuts and those under got 60%.
But you can not get these fools to look at that. They believe anyone that makes over 250K a year STOLE IT.
Amazing how these mental midgets can not figure out why folks that make more money get more tax cuts.
Look at the states with the high minimum wages and look at how bad their economic growth is.
The way I see it is if they dont want to pay a decent wage they should pack up and leave. We dont need those jobs. Pack your bags to China, or Mexico, I dont care. The minimum wage should be $20/hour. That is about what one person needs to make in this world to live outside of a freaking ghetto. It turns out slavery didnt end in 1865, because they still got people working for slave wages in america. $7/hour, really? May as well start sending black people out in the fields again.

3 socks now Dainty? Wow You ARE special.
The way I see it is if they dont want to pay a decent wage they should pack up and leave. We dont need those jobs. Pack your bags to China, or Mexico, I dont care. The minimum wage should be $20/hour. That is about what one person needs to make in this world to live outside of a freaking ghetto. It turns out slavery didnt end in 1865, because they still got people working for slave wages in america. $7/hour, really? May as well start sending black people out in the fields again.

$20 an hour? That's what my single mom neighbor makes. She does pretty well. Nice clothes, new car, nice house. She's not wealthy and she has to save all year for her yearly week-long cruise, but it's way beyond basic life.

Anyone who can't do okay on half that needs to refocus their priorities. Budget, only spend on necessities, live within your means.
Look at the states with the high minimum wages and look at how bad their economic growth is.

Look at the states without a state minimum wage or a state minimum wage lower than the federal!

Name them. The federal minimum wage is the lowest one can be paid.

Bull, fucking, shit!

Table #2: There were 1,176,000 people in the South receiving below minimum wage in 2009.

Tables 1 - 10; Characteristics of Minimum Wage Workers: 2009
Look at the states with the high minimum wages and look at how bad their economic growth is.

Look at the states without a state minimum wage or a state minimum wage lower than the federal!
Yes, let's!
Federal average unemployment rate is 7.9% Alabama with no state minimum wage, 7.1%
Louisiana 5.5% as of December Shall I go on?
Last edited:
Look at the states without a state minimum wage or a state minimum wage lower than the federal!

Name them. The federal minimum wage is the lowest one can be paid.

Bull, fucking, shit!

Table #2: There were 1,176,000 people in the South receiving below minimum wage in 2009.

Tables 1 - 10; Characteristics of Minimum Wage Workers: 2009

Agricultural workers and workers who derive their income from tips are exempt from minimum wage in virtually all states.
Name them. The federal minimum wage is the lowest one can be paid.

Bull, fucking, shit!

Table #2: There were 1,176,000 people in the South receiving below minimum wage in 2009.

Tables 1 - 10; Characteristics of Minimum Wage Workers: 2009

Agricultural workers and workers who derive their income from tips are exempt from minimum wage in virtually all states.

There is a federal minimum wage for agriculture and I remember receiving it as a kid. The minimum wage was $1.65 and $1.60 for agriculture, back then. It turns out that was the highest it ever was in terms of real dollars. You wouldn't have known that by earning it.
Look at the states with the high minimum wages and look at how bad their economic growth is.

Look at the states without a state minimum wage or a state minimum wage lower than the federal!
Yes, let's!
Federal average unemployment rate is 7.9% Alabama with no state minimum wage, 7.1%
Louisiana 5.5% as of December Shall I go on?

That's just cherry picking your data to make a bullshit point.


If I wanted to make a correlation of that unemployment data, I see a pattern of high unemployment in areas affected more by the housing crisis.

Unemployment in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


That map is based on November, 2012 data with 7.8% unemployment.
The way I see it is if they dont want to pay a decent wage they should pack up and leave. We dont need those jobs. Pack your bags to China, or Mexico, I dont care. The minimum wage should be $20/hour. That is about what one person needs to make in this world to live outside of a freaking ghetto. It turns out slavery didnt end in 1865, because they still got people working for slave wages in america. $7/hour, really? May as well start sending black people out in the fields again.

$20 an hour? That's what my single mom neighbor makes. She does pretty well. Nice clothes, new car, nice house. She's not wealthy and she has to save all year for her yearly week-long cruise, but it's way beyond basic life.

Anyone who can't do okay on half that needs to refocus their priorities. Budget, only spend on necessities, live within your means.

That depends on where you live.
I'm just cutting your Stockholm Sydrome Rant off here before you make a bigger fool of yourself.

CEO of GM. Got paid 12 million dollars. Ran the company into the ground, required a government bailout. The skills and hard work this guy had RUINED the company. Can't blame the unions, they made a shitload of concessions to keep the company afloat.

So the governmetn comes in, Saves GM, it's profitable again. But they guys running it want to get the government out so they can start paying those 8 figure salaries again.

That's one company dumb ass. In a country of thousands with thousands of owners that haven't made mistakes. The only one making a fool of themselves here is by pointing to single or even handful of instances and pretending that constitutes how business owners typically are.

I think GM was a worst case scenario. But the thing is, the 8 figure salary is not a sign of merit, it's a sign of the inmates taking over the asylum.

And actually, most business owners are like these assholes.

Words never spoken in a working class bar. "Man, my boss is a fucking genius".

This has never been said.

Of course it's never been said. Most people don't have humble egos. An eight figure salary is a sign that a person was able to build and run a company well enough to earn an eight figure salary.
"don't really like self accountability"


According the record of this thread at least and those of you arguing for a living wage. It apparently isn't. No argument any of you living wage advocates have made indicates you believe in that concept. If you did you wouldn't be arguing that someone else be responsible for providing enough for you to live on when you're perfectly capable of doing so on your own.

Not only do we desire self accountability........we wish to accept some measure of accountability for others. Liberals grasp the fact that this NATION will only succeed If we work together. We are only as strong as the weakest among us.


That is contradiction then to advocating a living wage. That isn't working together. That is again insisting that providing for your basic needs is someone elses responsibility. That's asking someone else to earn enough for themselves and you and not holding yourself to the same standard.
Well that was an intelligent counter argument. Never said I did not anything about you. What I do know for fact is that the choices in life people make have consequences. I know for a fact you libs don't really like self accountability because you avoid talking about it like the plague. You avoid admitting what we all know has to be true, that a lot of people are poor because of poor decisions. The FACT is you morons think the best thing to do for these people is for them to ignore the choices that got them where they are and just give them more money and you think that's a good solution to a problem. Those are the fucking facts.

"don't really like self accountability"


According the record of this thread at least and those of you arguing for a living wage. It apparently isn't. No argument any of you living wage advocates have made indicates you believe in that concept. If you did you wouldn't be arguing that someone else be responsible for providing enough for you to live on when you're perfectly capable of doing so on your own.

So you are claiming all those unemployed people have chosen to be unemployed, right?
Hey, where did the fuking know it all come from? Better life coaches eh? What, and you are the dude to be the coach I bet. How many poor people are you helping out coach?

Just what the fuk have you done in your life that would seem to make you think your shit don't stink? Just curious on that one.

But fuk you and your horse if you think you know anything about me.

Or poor people for that matter.

And keep in mind, rethugs NEED poor people. They're the ones you all like to ridicule and denigrate. Just part of your Christian calling I guess.

Well that was an intelligent counter argument. Never said I did not anything about you. What I do know for fact is that the choices in life people make have consequences. I know for a fact you libs don't really like self accountability because you avoid talking about it like the plague. You avoid admitting what we all know has to be true, that a lot of people are poor because of poor decisions. The FACT is you morons think the best thing to do for these people is for them to ignore the choices that got them where they are and just give them more money and you think that's a good solution to a problem. Those are the fucking facts.

You make the choice to view the issue of people making minimum wage the way you do. According to you, it has to do with the person making a choice. The reality is life requires those choices. It's impossible to educate the masses and do away with those jobs, because the jobs are needed, you dumbass! No amount of education can change that reality.

The 8 lowest-paying jobs in America - Business - Careers | NBC News

Of course they're needed. Teenagers getting their first jobs. Supplemental income. etc. What they are NOT needed for nor what they are intended for is to ensure that people have enough to live on.
The way I see it is if they dont want to pay a decent wage they should pack up and leave. We dont need those jobs. Pack your bags to China, or Mexico, I dont care. The minimum wage should be $20/hour. That is about what one person needs to make in this world to live outside of a freaking ghetto. It turns out slavery didnt end in 1865, because they still got people working for slave wages in america. $7/hour, really? May as well start sending black people out in the fields again.

Categorically false. I know from first hand experience one can live, pretty comforatably as a matter of fact, on less than that. I think the only place you need is back to the class room. Specifically an econ class.
"don't really like self accountability"


According the record of this thread at least and those of you arguing for a living wage. It apparently isn't. No argument any of you living wage advocates have made indicates you believe in that concept. If you did you wouldn't be arguing that someone else be responsible for providing enough for you to live on when you're perfectly capable of doing so on your own.

So you are claiming all those unemployed people have chosen to be unemployed, right?

Ummm, no. I thought we were talking about minimum wage. Being unemployed and who's at fault for that is an entirely different topic.

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