Obama wants to raise the minimum wage when we're on the verge of a second recession?

Well that was an intelligent counter argument. Never said I did not anything about you. What I do know for fact is that the choices in life people make have consequences. I know for a fact you libs don't really like self accountability because you avoid talking about it like the plague. You avoid admitting what we all know has to be true, that a lot of people are poor because of poor decisions. The FACT is you morons think the best thing to do for these people is for them to ignore the choices that got them where they are and just give them more money and you think that's a good solution to a problem. Those are the fucking facts.

You make the choice to view the issue of people making minimum wage the way you do. According to you, it has to do with the person making a choice. The reality is life requires those choices. It's impossible to educate the masses and do away with those jobs, because the jobs are needed, you dumbass! No amount of education can change that reality.

The 8 lowest-paying jobs in America - Business - Careers | NBC News

Of course they're needed. Teenagers getting their first jobs. Supplemental income. etc. What they are NOT needed for nor what they are intended for is to ensure that people have enough to live on.

Reality requires existence to work those needed jobs.

Table #1 shows 29.4% of minimum wage workers are ages 16 to 19. The way reality works is that mean 70.6% of minimum wage workers aren't ages 16 to 19. Claiming minimum wage workers are teenagers is not facing reality. Some minimum wage worker are teenagers, but the vast majority aren't. 62.7% of minimum wage workers are high school graduates or have higher education.

Now let's examine Table #10 back in 2006 when the economy was doing better. 59.7% of workers received hourly wages and 2.2% of those were paid minimum wage or less. That means 1.3% of the total people who worked were paid minimum wage or less. By 2009, that number has increased to a little less than 2.9%.

Tables 1 - 10; Characteristics of Minimum Wage Workers: 2009

According to Table #7, page 20, of this report, 8,792,000 families had an average poverty deficit $9,042 or $79.497 billion in 2009. That's chicken feed to a $14 trillion economy.

Source: http://www.census.gov/prod/2010pubs/p60-238.pdf
I imagine these morning morning business jockey QBs have forgotten another large expense this 20% rise in payroll for small business has to endure.
A 20% increase in the matching social security payments they have to make on the employees.
Liberals just go with their first thought "they need more $$$ to live on"
And never sit and THINK of what bad things can happen to business.
Just like spoiled undisciplined children.

Well, dingbat, if it had been up to the GOP there would have been NO payroll tax holiday. Ay caramba, how dumb can you get, dupes?

but thanks for the idiot arrogant Pub dupe psychobabble "common sense" LOL.

I like the fact that you closed this post with a laugh.
Because it is laughable, a barrel of laughs.
Similar to the joke you are.
But I will laugh with you!

Any argument, hyena? LOL
According the record of this thread at least and those of you arguing for a living wage. It apparently isn't. No argument any of you living wage advocates have made indicates you believe in that concept. If you did you wouldn't be arguing that someone else be responsible for providing enough for you to live on when you're perfectly capable of doing so on your own.

So you are claiming all those unemployed people have chosen to be unemployed, right?

Ummm, no. I thought we were talking about minimum wage. Being unemployed and who's at fault for that is an entirely different topic.

People can only take advantage of the limted opportunity our economy has and the fact is the FED will cool our economy down as unemployment approaches 4%, so we will always have at least 1 in 25 of our people unemployed. That means someone will always have to take those minimum wage jobs, if they want to work and there will be less jobs available than the population wants.
Avatar4321 shoots his know nothing mouth off
Because raising the minimum wage increases the cost of labor. Increasing the cost of labor
means there will be less people hired. Less people hired means more people will be out of
work and looking to the government for support.

It's called common sense.

If what the lying republicans say about raising the minimum wage, increases
unemployment, then cutting the minimum wage should reduce unemployment.

Almost all economists agree that teens are the grope most affected by
changes in the minimum wage. Here is all the relevant historical data.

Top Picks (Most Requested Statistics) : U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Unemployment Rate - Civilian Labor Force - LNS14000000
Unemployment Rate - 16-19 Yrs. - LNS14000012

year----nominal $--2012$----2000 hours---teen unemployment

1960-----1.00----- 7.76------15,520------- 14.6--REC
1961-----1.15----- 8.83------17,660------- 17.1--
1962-----1.15----- 8.74------17,480------- 16.2--
1963-----1.25----- 9.38------18,760------- 15.8--
1964-----1.25----- 9.26------18,520------- 16.7--
1965-----1.25----- 9.11------18,220------- 16.8--
1966-----1.25----- 8.86------17,720------- 13.0--
1967-----1.40----- 9.62------19,240------- 11.9--
1968-----1.60---- 10.56------21,120------- 12.0--3.4-UnEmployment
1969-----1.60---- 10.01------20,020------- 12.0--REC
1970-----1.60----- 9.47------18,940------- 13.5--
1971-----1.60----- 9.07------18,140------- 16.8--
1972-----1.60----- 8.79------17,580------- 16.9--
1973-----1.60----- 8.27------16,540------- 13.7--REC
1974-----2.00----- 9.31------18,640------- 14.6--
1975-----2.10----- 8.96------17,920------- 19.5--
1976-----2.30----- 9.28------18,560------- 19.6--
1977-----2.30----- 8.71------17,420------- 18.9--
1978-----2.65----- 9.33------18,660------- 16.7--
1979-----2.90----- 9.17------18,340------- 16.1--5.9-UnEmployment
1980-----3.10----- 8.64------17,280------- 16.5--
1981-----3.35----- 8.46------16,920------- 19.1--REC
1982-----3.35----- 7.97------15,940------- 22.0--
1983-----3.35----- 7.72------15,440------- 23.1--
1984-----3.35----- 7.40------14,800------- 19.5--
1985-----3.35----- 7.15------14,300--------18.8--
1986-----3.35----- 7.02------14,040------- 18.1--
1987-----3.35----- 6.77------13,540------- 17.7--
1988-----3.35----- 6.50------13,000------- 16.1--
1989-----3.35----- 6.20------12,400------- 16.4--5.4-UnEmployment
1990-----3.80----- 6.68------13,360------- 14.8--REC
1991-----4.25----- 7.16------14,320------- 18.6--
1992-----4.25----- 6.95------13,900------- 19.2--
1993-----4.25----- 6.75------13,500------- 19.9--
1994-----4.25----- 6.58------13,160------- 18.3--
1995-----4.25----- 6.40------12,800------- 16.5--
1996-----4.75----- 6.95------13,900------- 17.7--
1997-----5.15----- 7.37------14.740------- 16.8--
1998-----5.15----- 7.25------14,500------- 13.9--
1999-----5.15----- 7.10------14.200--------15.2--
2000-----5.15----- 6.87------13,740--------12.7--4.0 -UnEmployment
2001-----5.15----- 6.68------13,360--------13.8--REC
2002-----5.15----- 6.57------13,140--------16.6--
2003-----5.15----- 6.43------12,860--------17.2--
2004-----5.15----- 6.26------12,520--------17.0--
2005-----5.15------6.05----- 12,100--------16.2--

1960-1969 -----18,426

1960-1969 --14.61

1970-1979 -----18,074_____-1.91% -MW yearly income was down from the sixty's

1970-1979 --16.63______+13.8% -Teen unemployment was higher than the sixty's

1980-1989 -----13,666_____-25.8% -MW yearly income was down from the sixty's

1980-1989 --18.73______+28.2% -Teen unemployment was higher than the sixty's

1990 1999 -----13,838_____-24.8% -MW yearly income was down from the sixty's

1990 1999 --17.09______+17.0% -Teen unemployment was higher than the sixty's

2000-2009 -----13,190_____-28.4% -MW yearly income was down from the sixty's

2000-2009 --16.21______+11.0% -Teen unemployment was higher than the sixty s

After Bush let inflation eat away at Clinton's 5.15 per hour minimum wage,
the yearly value in 2006 was a whooping 44.4% below its 1968 level.

1968 -21,120
2006 -11,740 ___-44.4%

After 40 of inflation eating up the yearly value of the minimum wage,
teen unemployment NEVER got lower than the 1960s.

No matter how many times the republicans about lie the minimum wage
increasing unemployment, It's still a fucking lie.

For Republicans, Lying is a way of life.


-------Bluecoller--the grumpy old kraut -----:evil:
Avatar4321 shoots his know nothing mouth off
Because raising the minimum wage increases the cost of labor. Increasing the cost of labor
means there will be less people hired. Less people hired means more people will be out of
work and looking to the government for support.

It's called common sense.

If what the lying republicans say about raising the minimum wage, increases
unemployment, then cutting the minimum wage should reduce unemployment.

Almost all economists agree that teens are the grope most affected by
changes in the minimum wage. Here is all the relevant historical data.

Top Picks (Most Requested Statistics) : U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Unemployment Rate - Civilian Labor Force - LNS14000000
Unemployment Rate - 16-19 Yrs. - LNS14000012

year----nominal $--2012$----2000 hours---teen unemployment

1960-----1.00----- 7.76------15,520------- 14.6--REC
1961-----1.15----- 8.83------17,660------- 17.1--
1962-----1.15----- 8.74------17,480------- 16.2--
1963-----1.25----- 9.38------18,760------- 15.8--
1964-----1.25----- 9.26------18,520------- 16.7--
1965-----1.25----- 9.11------18,220------- 16.8--
1966-----1.25----- 8.86------17,720------- 13.0--
1967-----1.40----- 9.62------19,240------- 11.9--
1968-----1.60---- 10.56------21,120------- 12.0--3.4-UnEmployment
1969-----1.60---- 10.01------20,020------- 12.0--REC
1970-----1.60----- 9.47------18,940------- 13.5--
1971-----1.60----- 9.07------18,140------- 16.8--
1972-----1.60----- 8.79------17,580------- 16.9--
1973-----1.60----- 8.27------16,540------- 13.7--REC
1974-----2.00----- 9.31------18,640------- 14.6--
1975-----2.10----- 8.96------17,920------- 19.5--
1976-----2.30----- 9.28------18,560------- 19.6--
1977-----2.30----- 8.71------17,420------- 18.9--
1978-----2.65----- 9.33------18,660------- 16.7--
1979-----2.90----- 9.17------18,340------- 16.1--5.9-UnEmployment
1980-----3.10----- 8.64------17,280------- 16.5--
1981-----3.35----- 8.46------16,920------- 19.1--REC
1982-----3.35----- 7.97------15,940------- 22.0--
1983-----3.35----- 7.72------15,440------- 23.1--
1984-----3.35----- 7.40------14,800------- 19.5--
1985-----3.35----- 7.15------14,300--------18.8--
1986-----3.35----- 7.02------14,040------- 18.1--
1987-----3.35----- 6.77------13,540------- 17.7--
1988-----3.35----- 6.50------13,000------- 16.1--
1989-----3.35----- 6.20------12,400------- 16.4--5.4-UnEmployment
1990-----3.80----- 6.68------13,360------- 14.8--REC
1991-----4.25----- 7.16------14,320------- 18.6--
1992-----4.25----- 6.95------13,900------- 19.2--
1993-----4.25----- 6.75------13,500------- 19.9--
1994-----4.25----- 6.58------13,160------- 18.3--
1995-----4.25----- 6.40------12,800------- 16.5--
1996-----4.75----- 6.95------13,900------- 17.7--
1997-----5.15----- 7.37------14.740------- 16.8--
1998-----5.15----- 7.25------14,500------- 13.9--
1999-----5.15----- 7.10------14.200--------15.2--
2000-----5.15----- 6.87------13,740--------12.7--4.0 -UnEmployment
2001-----5.15----- 6.68------13,360--------13.8--REC
2002-----5.15----- 6.57------13,140--------16.6--
2003-----5.15----- 6.43------12,860--------17.2--
2004-----5.15----- 6.26------12,520--------17.0--
2005-----5.15------6.05----- 12,100--------16.2--

1960-1969 -----18,426

1960-1969 --14.61

1970-1979 -----18,074_____-1.91% -MW yearly income was down from the sixty's

1970-1979 --16.63______+13.8% -Teen unemployment was higher than the sixty's

1980-1989 -----13,666_____-25.8% -MW yearly income was down from the sixty's

1980-1989 --18.73______+28.2% -Teen unemployment was higher than the sixty's

1990 1999 -----13,838_____-24.8% -MW yearly income was down from the sixty's

1990 1999 --17.09______+17.0% -Teen unemployment was higher than the sixty's

2000-2009 -----13,190_____-28.4% -MW yearly income was down from the sixty's

2000-2009 --16.21______+11.0% -Teen unemployment was higher than the sixty s

After Bush let inflation eat away at Clinton's 5.15 per hour minimum wage,
the yearly value in 2006 was a whooping 44.4% below its 1968 level.

1968 -21,120
2006 -11,740 ___-44.4%

After 40 of inflation eating up the yearly value of the minimum wage,
teen unemployment NEVER got lower than the 1960s.

No matter how many times the republicans about lie the minimum wage
increasing unemployment, It's still a fucking lie.

For Republicans, Lying is a way of life.


-------Bluecoller--the grumpy old kraut -----:evil:

I did a similar analysis back in the early Bush days when lying ass Republicans were claiming increasing the minimum wage increases unemployment. I used the whole record of minimum wage to compare against unemployment changes within a year of two and even converted the data to show the percentage increase of minimum wage and percentage change in unemployment rate. The data actually showed more jobs were created by the stimulus to the economy and less jobs were a product of scheduled minimum wage increases that preceded recessions.

The federal minimum wage in 1968 was $1.65 and $1.60 for agriculture. I've seen various links use the wrong figure.

That's one company dumb ass. In a country of thousands with thousands of owners that haven't made mistakes. The only one making a fool of themselves here is by pointing to single or even handful of instances and pretending that constitutes how business owners typically are.

I think GM was a worst case scenario. But the thing is, the 8 figure salary is not a sign of merit, it's a sign of the inmates taking over the asylum.

And actually, most business owners are like these assholes.

Words never spoken in a working class bar. "Man, my boss is a fucking genius".

This has never been said.

I think I understand why you aren't successful and why you think it's all someone else's fault.

Too much truth for you to handle, guy?

You all need to stop worshipping these douchebags. They aren't geniuses and they aren't saints. You people on the right suffer from a form of Stockholm Syndrome. You sympathize with your abusers because they have the guns.
Of course it's never been said. Most people don't have humble egos. An eight figure salary is a sign that a person was able to build and run a company well enough to earn an eight figure salary.

No, an 8 figure salary is a sign of how sick American culture corprate culture is.

This doesn't happen with Japanese, British or German companies. (I currently work for a British Company, and have worked for a Japanese one in the past.)

While CEO's in these countries make an average of 10-15 times what a line worker makes, American CEO's make 400 times what line workers make.

As usual, America is the retard of the industrialized world, writing 2+2=Cat and wondering why the world laughs at us.
Avatar4321 shoots his know nothing mouth off
Because raising the minimum wage increases the cost of labor. Increasing the cost of labor
means there will be less people hired. Less people hired means more people will be out of
work and looking to the government for support.

It's called common sense.

If what the lying republicans say about raising the minimum wage, increases
unemployment, then cutting the minimum wage should reduce unemployment.

Almost all economists agree that teens are the grope most affected by
changes in the minimum wage. Here is all the relevant historical data.

Top Picks (Most Requested Statistics) : U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Unemployment Rate - Civilian Labor Force - LNS14000000
Unemployment Rate - 16-19 Yrs. - LNS14000012

year----nominal $--2012$----2000 hours---teen unemployment

1960-----1.00----- 7.76------15,520------- 14.6--REC
1961-----1.15----- 8.83------17,660------- 17.1--
1962-----1.15----- 8.74------17,480------- 16.2--
1963-----1.25----- 9.38------18,760------- 15.8--
1964-----1.25----- 9.26------18,520------- 16.7--
1965-----1.25----- 9.11------18,220------- 16.8--
1966-----1.25----- 8.86------17,720------- 13.0--
1967-----1.40----- 9.62------19,240------- 11.9--
1968-----1.60---- 10.56------21,120------- 12.0--3.4-UnEmployment
1969-----1.60---- 10.01------20,020------- 12.0--REC
1970-----1.60----- 9.47------18,940------- 13.5--
1971-----1.60----- 9.07------18,140------- 16.8--
1972-----1.60----- 8.79------17,580------- 16.9--
1973-----1.60----- 8.27------16,540------- 13.7--REC
1974-----2.00----- 9.31------18,640------- 14.6--
1975-----2.10----- 8.96------17,920------- 19.5--
1976-----2.30----- 9.28------18,560------- 19.6--
1977-----2.30----- 8.71------17,420------- 18.9--
1978-----2.65----- 9.33------18,660------- 16.7--
1979-----2.90----- 9.17------18,340------- 16.1--5.9-UnEmployment
1980-----3.10----- 8.64------17,280------- 16.5--
1981-----3.35----- 8.46------16,920------- 19.1--REC
1982-----3.35----- 7.97------15,940------- 22.0--
1983-----3.35----- 7.72------15,440------- 23.1--
1984-----3.35----- 7.40------14,800------- 19.5--
1985-----3.35----- 7.15------14,300--------18.8--
1986-----3.35----- 7.02------14,040------- 18.1--
1987-----3.35----- 6.77------13,540------- 17.7--
1988-----3.35----- 6.50------13,000------- 16.1--
1989-----3.35----- 6.20------12,400------- 16.4--5.4-UnEmployment
1990-----3.80----- 6.68------13,360------- 14.8--REC
1991-----4.25----- 7.16------14,320------- 18.6--
1992-----4.25----- 6.95------13,900------- 19.2--
1993-----4.25----- 6.75------13,500------- 19.9--
1994-----4.25----- 6.58------13,160------- 18.3--
1995-----4.25----- 6.40------12,800------- 16.5--
1996-----4.75----- 6.95------13,900------- 17.7--
1997-----5.15----- 7.37------14.740------- 16.8--
1998-----5.15----- 7.25------14,500------- 13.9--
1999-----5.15----- 7.10------14.200--------15.2--
2000-----5.15----- 6.87------13,740--------12.7--4.0 -UnEmployment
2001-----5.15----- 6.68------13,360--------13.8--REC
2002-----5.15----- 6.57------13,140--------16.6--
2003-----5.15----- 6.43------12,860--------17.2--
2004-----5.15----- 6.26------12,520--------17.0--
2005-----5.15------6.05----- 12,100--------16.2--

1960-1969 -----18,426

1960-1969 --14.61

1970-1979 -----18,074_____-1.91% -MW yearly income was down from the sixty's

1970-1979 --16.63______+13.8% -Teen unemployment was higher than the sixty's

1980-1989 -----13,666_____-25.8% -MW yearly income was down from the sixty's

1980-1989 --18.73______+28.2% -Teen unemployment was higher than the sixty's

1990 1999 -----13,838_____-24.8% -MW yearly income was down from the sixty's

1990 1999 --17.09______+17.0% -Teen unemployment was higher than the sixty's

2000-2009 -----13,190_____-28.4% -MW yearly income was down from the sixty's

2000-2009 --16.21______+11.0% -Teen unemployment was higher than the sixty s

After Bush let inflation eat away at Clinton's 5.15 per hour minimum wage,
the yearly value in 2006 was a whooping 44.4% below its 1968 level.

1968 -21,120
2006 -11,740 ___-44.4%

After 40 of inflation eating up the yearly value of the minimum wage,
teen unemployment NEVER got lower than the 1960s.

No matter how many times the republicans about lie the minimum wage
increasing unemployment, It's still a fucking lie.

For Republicans, Lying is a way of life.


-------Bluecoller--the grumpy old kraut -----:evil:

If you believe government CAN fix things you would be a Democrat.
The 8 most dangerous words in America that have fucked things up for the last 80 years:

Of course it's never been said. Most people don't have humble egos. An eight figure salary is a sign that a person was able to build and run a company well enough to earn an eight figure salary.

No, an 8 figure salary is a sign of how sick American culture corprate culture is.

This doesn't happen with Japanese, British or German companies. (I currently work for a British Company, and have worked for a Japanese one in the past.)

While CEO's in these countries make an average of 10-15 times what a line worker makes, American CEO's make 400 times what line workers make.

As usual, America is the retard of the industrialized world, writing 2+2=Cat and wondering why the world laughs at us.

Britain does having a missing millionaire population.
They all left Britain to avoid the massive taxes.
Her Majesty's Customs Revenue and Customs annual report for 2010-2001 showed tax payers that reported 1 million pounds or more in income dropped by 60%.
And to economic mental midgets like your dumb ass that is a good thing.
10,000 millionaires have left Britain since 2009.
16,000 filed taxes of a million or more in income in 2009.
6,000 filed taxes of a million or more in income in 2011.

They left.
2009 those millionaires paid 13.4 billion to the public coffers.
2011 they paid 6.5 billion.

All as a result of yet another government that claimed that by raising taxes they would raise revenues.
Tax raises always result IN LESS REVENUE.

Yawn... Please don't tax the rich people...

They are really nice people who lord it over us...

Seriously, your Stockholm Syndrome aside, the reason why those revenues dropped is not so much because the Millionaires left but because they took a bath in stocks in that time period just like everyone else did.

Tax raises always result IN LESS REVENUE.

Clinton raised taxes on the wealthy. We went from deficits to surpluses, and 8% unemployment to 4% unemployment.

Argument fail.
Of course it's never been said. Most people don't have humble egos. An eight figure salary is a sign that a person was able to build and run a company well enough to earn an eight figure salary.

No, an 8 figure salary is a sign of how sick American culture corprate culture is.

This doesn't happen with Japanese, British or German companies. (I currently work for a British Company, and have worked for a Japanese one in the past.)

While CEO's in these countries make an average of 10-15 times what a line worker makes, American CEO's make 400 times what line workers make.

As usual, America is the retard of the industrialized world, writing 2+2=Cat and wondering why the world laughs at us.

Britain does having a missing millionaire population.
They all left Britain to avoid the massive taxes.
Her Majesty's Customs Revenue and Customs annual report for 2010-2001 showed tax payers that reported 1 million pounds or more in income dropped by 60%.
And to economic mental midgets like your dumb ass that is a good thing.
10,000 millionaires have left Britain since 2009.
16,000 filed taxes of a million or more in income in 2009.
6,000 filed taxes of a million or more in income in 2011.

They left.
2009 those millionaires paid 13.4 billion to the public coffers.
2011 they paid 6.5 billion.

All as a result of yet another government that claimed that by raising taxes they would raise revenues.
Tax raises always result IN LESS REVENUE.


London is full of Russian criminals come here because the taxes are so low. Americans are so brainwashed their ears drip.
No, an 8 figure salary is a sign of how sick American culture corprate culture is.

This doesn't happen with Japanese, British or German companies. (I currently work for a British Company, and have worked for a Japanese one in the past.)

While CEO's in these countries make an average of 10-15 times what a line worker makes, American CEO's make 400 times what line workers make.

As usual, America is the retard of the industrialized world, writing 2+2=Cat and wondering why the world laughs at us.

Britain does having a missing millionaire population.
They all left Britain to avoid the massive taxes.
Her Majesty's Customs Revenue and Customs annual report for 2010-2001 showed tax payers that reported 1 million pounds or more in income dropped by 60%.
And to economic mental midgets like your dumb ass that is a good thing.
10,000 millionaires have left Britain since 2009.
16,000 filed taxes of a million or more in income in 2009.
6,000 filed taxes of a million or more in income in 2011.

They left.
2009 those millionaires paid 13.4 billion to the public coffers.
2011 they paid 6.5 billion.

All as a result of yet another government that claimed that by raising taxes they would raise revenues.
Tax raises always result IN LESS REVENUE.


London is full of Russian criminals come here because the taxes are so low. Americans are so brainwashed their ears drip.

50% tax rate low?
I like having my millions.
How else could I get so many people here to hate and despise me?
I like having my millions.
How else could I get so many people here to hate and despise me?

Your personality and that you're kind of a douchebag?

That you think selfishiness and greed are virtues.

I might have contempt for the Christian Right, but at least they have values they are fighting for, misguided as they are.

Your motivation seems to be your own self-gratification. I've got mine, and fuck you.

It's going to be a horrible day for your sort when the Christians figure out Jesus' central message wasn't "Tax cuts for rich people".
The Minimum Wage is Too Damn Low

It is coming up on three years since the last increase in the federal
minimum wage – to $7.25 per hour – in July 2009. By all of the most
commonly used benchmarks – inflation, average wages, and productivity
– the minimum wage is now far below its historical level.
By all of these benchmarks, the value of the minimum wage peaked in
1968. If the minimum wage in that year had been indexed to the official
Consumer Price Index (CPI-U), the minimum wage in 2012 (using the
Congressional Budget Office’s estimates for inflation in 2012) would be
at $10.52. Even if we applied the current methodology (CPI-U-RS) for
calculating inflation – which generally shows a lower rate of inflation than
the older measure – to the whole period since 1968, the 2012 value of the
minimum wage would be $9.22.

Using wages as a benchmark, in 1968 the federal minimum stood at 53
percent of the average production worker earnings. During much of the
1960s, the minimum wage was close to 50 percent of the same wage
benchmark. If the minimum wage were at 50 percent of the production
worker wage in 2012 (again, using CBO projections to produce a full-year
2012 estimate), the federal minimum would be $10.01 per hour.

A final benchmark for the minimum wage is productivity growth. Figure
2 (see link) below compares growth in average labor productivity
with the real value of the minimum wage between the late 1940s and the end of the
last decade. Between the end of World War II and 1968, the minimum
wage tracked average productivity growth fairly closely. Since 1968,
however, productivity growth has far outpaced the minimum wage. If the
minimum wage had continued to move with average productivity after
1968, it would have reached $21.72 per hour in 2012 – a rate well above
the average production worker wage. If minimum-wage workers received
only half of the productivity gains over the period, the federal minimum
would be $15.34. Even if the minimum wage only grew at one-fourth the
rate of productivity, in 2012 it would be set at $12.25.
Britain does having a missing millionaire population.
They all left Britain to avoid the massive taxes.
Her Majesty's Customs Revenue and Customs annual report for 2010-2001 showed tax payers that reported 1 million pounds or more in income dropped by 60%.
And to economic mental midgets like your dumb ass that is a good thing.
10,000 millionaires have left Britain since 2009.
16,000 filed taxes of a million or more in income in 2009.
6,000 filed taxes of a million or more in income in 2011.

They left.
2009 those millionaires paid 13.4 billion to the public coffers.
2011 they paid 6.5 billion.

All as a result of yet another government that claimed that by raising taxes they would raise revenues.
Tax raises always result IN LESS REVENUE.


London is full of Russian criminals come here because the taxes are so low. Americans are so brainwashed their ears drip.

50% tax rate low?

The rich don't pay TAXES man - they pay accountants. Starbucks, for instance, has been working here for many years and making NOTHING - apparently. How do they get you so brainwashed? McCarthy's been dead for years, after all.
London is full of Russian criminals come here because the taxes are so low. Americans are so brainwashed their ears drip.

50% tax rate low?

The rich don't pay TAXES man - they pay accountants. Starbucks, for instance, has been working here for many years and making NOTHING - apparently. How do they get you so brainwashed? McCarthy's been dead for years, after all.

I paid 30K in taxes last year Moe.
You are misinformed. The rich pay their fair share and more.
On top of providing you with a job.
A simple "thank you" would be appreciated instead of your envy and jeaolusy.
I was poor once in the 1970s. Then I worked 2 jobs and then I worked 3 jobs.
Get off the internet and go to work. Be rich and happy.
It is lots of fun!

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