Obama wants to raise the minimum wage when we're on the verge of a second recession?

Very well said.
I earned everything I have and have ever had. Nothing was ever given to me. I worked for it and still do.
Been that way since my first paper route in a small town in Tennessee in 1966 at age 11.
Then many years playing ball. That taught me the hard lessons in life, mainly I was not as good as I thought I was and would have to work harder than anyone else just to get a chance.
And then in my work where I wondered if I would make it as the first 2 years I made less than 10K a year in the early 80s.

How would you clowns know?

There were lazy people working when I was making minimum wage as a child and it was at it's record high in real dollars. There are still people unemployed, so if the person is lazy, get rid of them.

WTF are you asking?
Know what? I made no statements on anything other than MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCES.

Call me what you want, clown, whatever.
I earned every cent I make and have made and had to bust my ass for many years to step on the field.

Do you need me to quote you talking about how lazy "these" people are too? I'm sure plenty of them work harder than you clowns and that goes all the way back through college and whatever it took to pay for it. You ought to be thankful you had the opportunity and understand everybody doesn't.
I didn't plunder a dime from you. I make six figures and pay taxes accordingly. And I've never even considered sheltering my money in an offshore account.

Here's the thing that is tiresome about this argument. Not everyone who wants a more level playing field is what you would consider a parasite. Some of us do well but can see a larger picture in which unbridled free market capitalism is fueling a race to the bottom. There are some very negative consequences that you'd see if you weren't so thoroughly vested in a fucked up system.

You think you've worked hard playing the system for what it's worth. Maybe you have but have you ever considered whether there was any intrinsic value in that hard work?

The playing field is flat.
That is as level as it can ever get.

It's nowhere near flat. It's certainly not as flat as it was between the end of WWII and the start of Reaganism. I'm just surprised it hasn't fallen apart until now.

At the end of WWII government spending was 42% of GNP.
Socialists in government cried that ANY CUT in government spending would spiral the economy down into a deep recession.
Within 2 years deep government cuts slashed the government spending to 14% of GNP and guess what:
More $$$ left in the economy for people to get rich creates jobs and opportunity.
And that created the middle class we have today, not government.
When people get rich the economy booms.
When you tax them too much they leave or put their money where it is tax free and not in capital investments that create jobs.

On to the BS here about "it is not fair we do not have a level playing field"
Total BS.

I hear this all the time and am amazed you fall for it.
I have been in business for over 30 years self employed and I own 2 other businesses.
My main business provides 90% of my income.
I lost a good client recently. The firm is very big with over 30 lawyers. I started working with them 25 years ago doing work for their litigation side which is civil and criminal litigation. They just hired a new a partner that is a former politician and that will bring in a lot of corporate work for their corporate attorneys. This new lawyer has a nephew that worked 2 years at the jail in the sheriffs department and is automatically granted a license in my field of work because of over 1 year in law enforcement. Other than a few classes at POST he has no field work but he is the nephew of the woman that used to be a politician that was brought in as a rain maker in the corporate work there.
So he gets the litigation work now as he just received his private license there.
Fair? No
A level playing field? No
Does this happen all the time all over America? Yes
Should government play any role to make things "fair".
Life is not fair and then you die.
Some people cry and bitch about it.
I move on and work to obtain new clients daily as that is how capitalism always works.
An imperfect system but it beats an ounce of socialism every day.
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How would you clowns know?

There were lazy people working when I was making minimum wage as a child and it was at it's record high in real dollars. There are still people unemployed, so if the person is lazy, get rid of them.

WTF are you asking?
Know what? I made no statements on anything other than MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCES.

Call me what you want, clown, whatever.
I earned every cent I make and have made and had to bust my ass for many years to step on the field.

Do you need me to quote you talking about how lazy "these" people are too? I'm sure plenty of them work harder than you clowns and that goes all the way back through college and whatever it took to pay for it. You ought to be thankful you had the opportunity and understand everybody doesn't.

Lazy, irresponsible, moochers, plunderers, manipulators, uneducated, undisciplined and unskilled is what many of these folks that are over the age of 25 and making the minimum wage.
The typical Democrat voter.
How would you clowns know?

There were lazy people working when I was making minimum wage as a child and it was at it's record high in real dollars. There are still people unemployed, so if the person is lazy, get rid of them.

WTF are you asking?
Know what? I made no statements on anything other than MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCES.

Call me what you want, clown, whatever.
I earned every cent I make and have made and had to bust my ass for many years to step on the field.

Do you need me to quote you talking about how lazy "these" people are too? I'm sure plenty of them work harder than you clowns and that goes all the way back through college and whatever it took to pay for it. You ought to be thankful you had the opportunity and understand everybody doesn't.

One makes their own opportunity and if one does not do it themselves they have only themselves to blame.
What planet do you live on where you believe this to be a good idea?

Beyond that when I take on commercial work I often have to hire temporary help. Help that picks up debris or does simple meanial tasks. Definitely not worthy of the 20+ dollar an hour cost it would end up being going though a temp agency. I simply wouldnt hire while others would resort to illegal under the table practices.
You are not McDonalds, et al, which the proposed raise is aimed at.

But in yours and similar examples, if you are among those independent tradesmen who manage to find more work than you can handle alone, but you cannot afford to pay a living wage, our dilemma is not sufficient cause to ignore the benefit of raising the minimum wage.
In the end the undeniable, inarguable truth is it is truly about the employer VERSUS the employee and frankly you cannot argue the system is designed to be anything else. If you want more then open your own business and do all the work yourself. Pretty simply. Any business owner who hires others needs to understand that it is designed to be somewhat of an adversarial relationship. The two are supposed to be at odds. To argue this point means you are a total moron and may I say idiot.
What planet do you live on where you believe this to be a good idea?

Beyond that when I take on commercial work I often have to hire temporary help. Help that picks up debris or does simple meanial tasks. Definitely not worthy of the 20+ dollar an hour cost it would end up being going though a temp agency. I simply wouldnt hire while others would resort to illegal under the table practices.
You are not McDonalds, et al, which the proposed raise is aimed at.

But the shot has a wide "spread". Regardless of who these kinds of laws are "aimed" at, they have a more damaging impact on smaller companies without the resources to absorb increases in operating costs.
The playing field is flat.
That is as level as it can ever get.

It's nowhere near flat. It's certainly not as flat as it was between the end of WWII and the start of Reaganism. I'm just surprised it hasn't fallen apart until now.

At the end of WWII government spending was 42% of GNP.
Socialists in government cried that ANY CUT in government spending would spiral the economy down into a deep recession.
Within 2 years deep government cuts slashed the government spending to 14% of GNP and guess what:
More $$$ left in the economy for people to get rich creates jobs and opportunity.
And that created the middle class we have today, not government.
When people get rich the economy booms.
When you tax them too much they leave or put their money where it is tax free and not in capital investments that create jobs.

On to the BS here about "it is not fair we do not have a level playing field"
Total BS.

I hear this all the time and am amazed you fall for it.
I have been in business for over 30 years self employed and I own 2 other businesses.
My main business provides 90% of my income.
I lost a good client recently. The firm is very big with over 30 lawyers. I started working with them 25 years ago doing work for their litigation side which is civil and criminal litigation. They just hired a new a partner that is a former politician and that will bring in a lot of corporate work for their corporate attorneys. This new lawyer has a nephew that worked 2 years at the jail in the sheriffs department and is automatically granted a license in my field of work because of over 1 year in law enforcement. Other than a few classes at POST he has no field work but he is the nephew of the woman that used to be a politician that was brought in as a rain maker in the corporate work there.
So he gets the litigation work now as he just received his private license there.
Fair? No
A level playing field? No
Does this happen all the time all over America? Yes
Should government play any role to make things "fair".
Life is not fair and then you die.
Some people cry and bitch about it.
I move on and work to obtain new clients daily as that is how capitalism always works.
An imperfect system but it beats an ounce of socialism every day.

The top tier tax rate remained at 91% until Kennedy 'slashed' it to 70%. There was less money for 'investors' to pump into job creation then than there is now. What there was was a shared sense of community and citizenship and a whole lot less greedy douchery.
It's nowhere near flat. It's certainly not as flat as it was between the end of WWII and the start of Reaganism. I'm just surprised it hasn't fallen apart until now.

At the end of WWII government spending was 42% of GNP.
Socialists in government cried that ANY CUT in government spending would spiral the economy down into a deep recession.
Within 2 years deep government cuts slashed the government spending to 14% of GNP and guess what:
More $$$ left in the economy for people to get rich creates jobs and opportunity.
And that created the middle class we have today, not government.
When people get rich the economy booms.
When you tax them too much they leave or put their money where it is tax free and not in capital investments that create jobs.

On to the BS here about "it is not fair we do not have a level playing field"
Total BS.

I hear this all the time and am amazed you fall for it.
I have been in business for over 30 years self employed and I own 2 other businesses.
My main business provides 90% of my income.
I lost a good client recently. The firm is very big with over 30 lawyers. I started working with them 25 years ago doing work for their litigation side which is civil and criminal litigation. They just hired a new a partner that is a former politician and that will bring in a lot of corporate work for their corporate attorneys. This new lawyer has a nephew that worked 2 years at the jail in the sheriffs department and is automatically granted a license in my field of work because of over 1 year in law enforcement. Other than a few classes at POST he has no field work but he is the nephew of the woman that used to be a politician that was brought in as a rain maker in the corporate work there.
So he gets the litigation work now as he just received his private license there.
Fair? No
A level playing field? No
Does this happen all the time all over America? Yes
Should government play any role to make things "fair".
Life is not fair and then you die.
Some people cry and bitch about it.
I move on and work to obtain new clients daily as that is how capitalism always works.
An imperfect system but it beats an ounce of socialism every day.

The top tier tax rate remained at 91% until Kennedy 'slashed' it to 70%. There was less money for 'investors' to pump into job creation then than there is now. What there was was a shared sense of community and citizenship and a whole lot less greedy douchery.

Was there? Really? How many people, do you suppose, actually paid 90%? or 70% for that matter? We've allowed our leaders to create a byzantine tax code that fails to generate meaningful revenue and serves primarily to enhance their power.
WTF are you asking?
Know what? I made no statements on anything other than MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCES.

Call me what you want, clown, whatever.
I earned every cent I make and have made and had to bust my ass for many years to step on the field.

Do you need me to quote you talking about how lazy "these" people are too? I'm sure plenty of them work harder than you clowns and that goes all the way back through college and whatever it took to pay for it. You ought to be thankful you had the opportunity and understand everybody doesn't.

Lazy, irresponsible, moochers, plunderers, manipulators, uneducated, undisciplined and unskilled is what many of these folks that are over the age of 25 and making the minimum wage.
The typical Democrat voter.

You claim to know how to research, but take it from someone who was trained in the field of science and you don't allow the data to speak for itself. You've been in the con business so long you've learned to con yourself to not even knowing the truth. Added to that, you don't know a damned thing about economics, because an increase in minimum wage would help small business by increasing the amount of business they do. That would more than offset the additional labor cost, which is only a portion of the total business costs. Consider the costs involved in owning and operating a traditional McDonald's fast food operation. You're going to need a few million bucks to get started, so how much of the total operating expenses is increased by paying something closer to a living wage? Why wouldn't a small increase in prices and the additional sales volume more than offset the additional operating costs? Plenty of minimum wage workers go to McDonald's when they have money in their pockets. The same logic applies to WalMart. Why should the taxpayer have to subsidize these business with social programs? The business should pay it's workers enough so they would be directly paid by the people needing their services. Someone should pay for their own hamburger or store item.

Don't you have a concept of what the overhead costs are in doing business?

You were given this data, so use it to prove your bullshit case:

Table 1. Employed wage and salary workers paid hourly rates with earnings at or below the prevailing Federal minimum wage by selected characteristics, 2009 annual averages

Table 2. Employed wage and salary workers paid hourly rates with earnings at or below the prevailing Federal minimum wage by census region and division, 2009 annual averages

Table 3. Employed wage and salary workers paid hourly rates with earnings at or below the prevailing Federal minimum wage by State, 2009 annual averages

Table 4. Employed wage and salary workers paid hourly rates with earnings at or below the prevailing Federal minimum wage by major occupation group, 2009 annual averages

Table 5. Employed wage and salary workers paid hourly rates with earnings at or below the prevailing Federal minimum wage by major industry group, 2009 annual averages

Table 6. Employed wage and salary workers paid hourly rates with earnings at or below the prevailing Federal minimum wage by educational attainment, 2009 annual averages

Table 7. Employed wage and salary workers paid hourly rates with earnings at or below the prevailing Federal minimum wage by age and sex, 2009 annual averages

Table 8. Employed wage and salary workers paid hourly rates with earnings at or below the prevailing Federal minimum wage by marital status, age, and sex, 2009 annual averages

Table 9. Employed wage and salary workers paid hourly rates with earnings at or below the prevailing Federal minimum wage by usual hours worked on primary job, 2009 annual averages

Table 10. Employed wage and salary workers paid hourly rates with earnings at or below the prevailing Federal minimum wage by sex, 1979-2009 annual averages (Numbers in thousands)

Source: Tables 1 - 10; Characteristics of Minimum Wage Workers: 2009

Start off with your claim that minimum wage workers who are 25 or older (48.2% of minimum and 52.6 of below minimum wage) are uneducated and show me why low wage workers are uneducated, when 62.7% of minimum wage workers and 74.1% of below minimum wage workers are high school graduates or more! 3.4% of minimum wage workers and 10.1% of below minimum wage workers have a Bachelor's degree or higher education. 1.2% of below minimum wage workers have a Master's degree, like you claim you do. You appear to be uneducated, because you don't use facts to form opinions.

What you are is an arrogant asshole, who knows you need people to do those jobs, but wants to pretend you are superior to them, because you were fortunate enough to find a way to avoid doing it. Guess what, fool, if the whole country had a PhD, we would still need people doing those jobs! Is money any good if you can't buy something with it? What is wrong with being a man and paying your own way for the goods and services you buy?
It's nowhere near flat. It's certainly not as flat as it was between the end of WWII and the start of Reaganism. I'm just surprised it hasn't fallen apart until now.

At the end of WWII government spending was 42% of GNP.
Socialists in government cried that ANY CUT in government spending would spiral the economy down into a deep recession.
Within 2 years deep government cuts slashed the government spending to 14% of GNP and guess what:
More $$$ left in the economy for people to get rich creates jobs and opportunity.
And that created the middle class we have today, not government.
When people get rich the economy booms.
When you tax them too much they leave or put their money where it is tax free and not in capital investments that create jobs.

On to the BS here about "it is not fair we do not have a level playing field"
Total BS.

I hear this all the time and am amazed you fall for it.
I have been in business for over 30 years self employed and I own 2 other businesses.
My main business provides 90% of my income.
I lost a good client recently. The firm is very big with over 30 lawyers. I started working with them 25 years ago doing work for their litigation side which is civil and criminal litigation. They just hired a new a partner that is a former politician and that will bring in a lot of corporate work for their corporate attorneys. This new lawyer has a nephew that worked 2 years at the jail in the sheriffs department and is automatically granted a license in my field of work because of over 1 year in law enforcement. Other than a few classes at POST he has no field work but he is the nephew of the woman that used to be a politician that was brought in as a rain maker in the corporate work there.
So he gets the litigation work now as he just received his private license there.
Fair? No
A level playing field? No
Does this happen all the time all over America? Yes
Should government play any role to make things "fair".
Life is not fair and then you die.
Some people cry and bitch about it.
I move on and work to obtain new clients daily as that is how capitalism always works.
An imperfect system but it beats an ounce of socialism every day.

The top tier tax rate remained at 91% until Kennedy 'slashed' it to 70%. There was less money for 'investors' to pump into job creation then than there is now. What there was was a shared sense of community and citizenship and a whole lot less greedy douchery.

You are right, there is less of a shared sense of community these days.
Citizens that vote for government that steals from producers to give to the moocher and parasite class is the reason why.
At the end of WWII government spending was 42% of GNP.
Socialists in government cried that ANY CUT in government spending would spiral the economy down into a deep recession.
Within 2 years deep government cuts slashed the government spending to 14% of GNP and guess what:
More $$$ left in the economy for people to get rich creates jobs and opportunity.
And that created the middle class we have today, not government.
When people get rich the economy booms.
When you tax them too much they leave or put their money where it is tax free and not in capital investments that create jobs.

On to the BS here about "it is not fair we do not have a level playing field"
Total BS.

I hear this all the time and am amazed you fall for it.
I have been in business for over 30 years self employed and I own 2 other businesses.
My main business provides 90% of my income.
I lost a good client recently. The firm is very big with over 30 lawyers. I started working with them 25 years ago doing work for their litigation side which is civil and criminal litigation. They just hired a new a partner that is a former politician and that will bring in a lot of corporate work for their corporate attorneys. This new lawyer has a nephew that worked 2 years at the jail in the sheriffs department and is automatically granted a license in my field of work because of over 1 year in law enforcement. Other than a few classes at POST he has no field work but he is the nephew of the woman that used to be a politician that was brought in as a rain maker in the corporate work there.
So he gets the litigation work now as he just received his private license there.
Fair? No
A level playing field? No
Does this happen all the time all over America? Yes
Should government play any role to make things "fair".
Life is not fair and then you die.
Some people cry and bitch about it.
I move on and work to obtain new clients daily as that is how capitalism always works.
An imperfect system but it beats an ounce of socialism every day.

The top tier tax rate remained at 91% until Kennedy 'slashed' it to 70%. There was less money for 'investors' to pump into job creation then than there is now. What there was was a shared sense of community and citizenship and a whole lot less greedy douchery.

Was there? Really? How many people, do you suppose, actually paid 90%? or 70% for that matter? We've allowed our leaders to create a byzantine tax code that fails to generate meaningful revenue and serves primarily to enhance their power.

Exactly, amazing the left does not admit to this.
VERY FEW, if any paid that 90%.
The wealthy that are subject to that 90% shift their focus from income producers to investing their wealth.
They put their money into TAX FREE municipal bonds, draw their interest and pay NO taxes or just sit on their $$$ and live off of their capital investments that have large amounts of deductible depreciation to make their net income at or below taxable income.
Because of the tax code that Democrats refuse to change as there are more millionaire Democrats in Congress than Republicans.
FAIR TAX and watch the revenues roll in!
When has Nancy Pelosi offered any changes in the tax code that would force her to pay more taxes?
So business owners are either going to stop hiring or start hiring illegal workers, because they don't want to pay Americans over $7.25 an hour? We should all look up to these patriotic "job creators".


Look no further than any business that cares about their bottom line.

In other words every business thats run by a sane person.

Where's your link to the US being on the verge of another recession?
So business owners are either going to stop hiring or start hiring illegal workers, because they don't want to pay Americans over $7.25 an hour? We should all look up to these patriotic "job creators".


Look no further than any business that cares about their bottom line.

In other words every business thats run by a sane person.

Where's your link to the US being on the verge of another recession?

Let me appeal to your reason and common sense as I believe you have a lot of both:
The bond market:
With low interest rates there has been the largest shift of investment dollars into the bond market over the last 3 years ever.
California is about bankrupt and many bond holders, primarily middle class retirees and investment holdings for company retirement accounts, are invested in California and other state bond funds where the states have been running large deficits for many years.
So how are the states different than the Federal government when it comes with dealing with debt?
The states CAN NOT print currency and THEY MUST pay all of their debts off. They reach a point where they MUST cut services and/or raise taxes.
And the states are now at the tipping point.
So what is the problem?
As soon as the interest rates rise, and they will rise sooner or later, there will be a mass exodus of investment dollars OUT of municipal bonds into other areas of investment because of the rise in interest rates.
And when that happens the states will get a lower rating on their bonds and will have less $$$ coming in to finance their debt.
And that will cause a MASSIVE recession. Coming soon.
It gets even worse. Guess how the Federal government and the Obama administration is keeping interest rates low?
They are printing more money and more and more and more.
And guess what does to the value of the dollar when the money supply gets flooded with all this government printed cash?
IT DEVALUES THE DOLLAR and your $$$ is worth less every day.
That is the SOLE reason gasoline is so high, Obama printing so much cash it devalues the dollar against other world currencies.
He wants to raise the minimum wage so that the government can take it on the mandate for insurance coverage.

Jokes on him, raise minimum age = small businesses to lay-off workers or shut down.
It gets even worse. Guess how the Federal government and the Obama administration is keeping interest rates low?
They are printing more money and more and more and more.
And guess what does to the value of the dollar when the money supply gets flooded with all this government printed cash?
IT DEVALUES THE DOLLAR and your $$$ is worth less every day.
That is the SOLE reason gasoline is so high, Obama printing so much cash it devalues the dollar against other world currencies.

Some people wonder if this administration is doing things on purpose?
why is this administration buying up so much ammunition?
Reality requires existence to work those needed jobs.

Table #1 shows 29.4% of minimum wage workers are ages 16 to 19. The way reality works is that mean 70.6% of minimum wage workers aren't ages 16 to 19. Claiming minimum wage workers are teenagers is not facing reality. Some minimum wage worker are teenagers, but the vast majority aren't. 62.7% of minimum wage workers are high school graduates or have higher education.

Now let's examine Table #10 back in 2006 when the economy was doing better. 59.7% of workers received hourly wages and 2.2% of those were paid minimum wage or less. That means 1.3% of the total people who worked were paid minimum wage or less. By 2009, that number has increased to a little less than 2.9%.

Tables 1 - 10; Characteristics of Minimum Wage Workers: 2009

According to Table #7, page 20, of this report, 8,792,000 families had an average poverty deficit $9,042 or $79.497 billion in 2009. That's chicken feed to a $14 trillion economy.

Source: http://www.census.gov/prod/2010pubs/p60-238.pdf

I never said all them were teenagers. Nor is accurate for you to imply 70.6% of min wage earners are trying to live off of that. A good chumnk of that is going to be supplemental income, or wait stuff who's min wage is supplemented in tips. I would be the number of people making min wage trying to live off of it is well under 50%. At that point you have to start examining the characteristics of these people. If you don't have any type of education, whether it be a trade skill or degree, post high school your income working for someone else isn't going to warrant much more than min wage. Not doing so is on you, not on your employer. We're talking about people that have made bad choices at that point. Fixing that is what our goal ought to be. Not simply giving people money and ignoring why they don't have more earning potential.

I've posted that data, too. 67.2% of minimum wage workers are high school graduates or have a higher education. That doesn't stop you from bringing up education and you keep ignoring the fact that all these jobs are needed. Then you run your mouth like a typical right-winger and start talking about choices.

A good chumnk of that is going to be supplemental income, or wait stuff who's min wage is supplemented in tips.

Why would people with supplemental income like tips be given minimum wage? They would be paid less than minimum wage.

The fact is the Fed has a mandate from Congress to prevent a wage/price spiral and we are always going to have at least 1 in 25 people unemployed and a population having to settle for minimum wage or nothing. It's built into the economic system, so claiming it's a choice isn't true. The Fed cools down the economy long before unemployment reaches 4%.

It's not a choice to acquire skills that the current market pays more than minimum wage for? The problem for you Dubya is a lot of what you are stating is based on presumptions that simply aren't so. For example the 67.2 min wage earners have a high school diploma or better. What you are implying is that a person ought to be able to make a living wage with no more than a high school education. That simply doesn't mesh with reality. Most jobs require a specific learned skill set that isn't taught in high school.

The facutal reality is you want an assured outcome. The outcome being that everyone has at least enough to live on. Further the fact is you believe it is the responsibility of someone other than the individual needing enough to live to provide them enough to live on. That is immoral. It is immoral to obligate someone to that which you are able to provide for yourself. The fact is you lefties simply can not fathom that individuals are responsible for where they are in life, including their incomes. No one is responsible for their own outcomes in your world. A mentality that unfortuantely seems to be spreading. Which is why it is hilarious to me that people like you wonder why income disparity is what it is when you insist that ensuring yourself a living income shouldn't require effort on your own part.
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The fact is you are running your mouth and don't have data to back your bullshit.

I have data that Elvis is alive serving hash browns at the Waffle House in Hahira, Ga.
Scatterd, smothered, chunked, topped, covered and plastered.
Just like your posts.
I have cash to back up my bullshit.
What do you have?

I've provided links that have census data on family size. You've provided mouth that doesn't agree with the stats.

Your data doesn't prove anything is the problem. No one here is arguing about the number of people who make minimum wage. No one here is contesting your figures. Your figures do nothing to support what we have been talking about the whole time and that is whether or not an employee is ENTITLED to a living wage.
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It's nowhere near flat. It's certainly not as flat as it was between the end of WWII and the start of Reaganism. I'm just surprised it hasn't fallen apart until now.

At the end of WWII government spending was 42% of GNP.
Socialists in government cried that ANY CUT in government spending would spiral the economy down into a deep recession.
Within 2 years deep government cuts slashed the government spending to 14% of GNP and guess what:
More $$$ left in the economy for people to get rich creates jobs and opportunity.
And that created the middle class we have today, not government.
When people get rich the economy booms.
When you tax them too much they leave or put their money where it is tax free and not in capital investments that create jobs.

On to the BS here about "it is not fair we do not have a level playing field"
Total BS.

I hear this all the time and am amazed you fall for it.
I have been in business for over 30 years self employed and I own 2 other businesses.
My main business provides 90% of my income.
I lost a good client recently. The firm is very big with over 30 lawyers. I started working with them 25 years ago doing work for their litigation side which is civil and criminal litigation. They just hired a new a partner that is a former politician and that will bring in a lot of corporate work for their corporate attorneys. This new lawyer has a nephew that worked 2 years at the jail in the sheriffs department and is automatically granted a license in my field of work because of over 1 year in law enforcement. Other than a few classes at POST he has no field work but he is the nephew of the woman that used to be a politician that was brought in as a rain maker in the corporate work there.
So he gets the litigation work now as he just received his private license there.
Fair? No
A level playing field? No
Does this happen all the time all over America? Yes
Should government play any role to make things "fair".
Life is not fair and then you die.
Some people cry and bitch about it.
I move on and work to obtain new clients daily as that is how capitalism always works.
An imperfect system but it beats an ounce of socialism every day.

The top tier tax rate remained at 91% until Kennedy 'slashed' it to 70%. There was less money for 'investors' to pump into job creation then than there is now. What there was was a shared sense of community and citizenship and a whole lot less greedy douchery.

For about the billionth time.. why not look at what was considered income, what was deductible, etc... nobody was paying anywhere close to 90% or 70%

You idiots fall for the 90% myth.. hook line and sinker, every time

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