Obama Wants us to be Independent of Coal and Oil

But, he won't let us buy cheap solar panels from China!

Why would we want cheap panels anyway? Sounds like the government trying to protect me in the grand plan of Nanny America. So why is this new, it isn't as though Obama is the first President to pull this kind of nonsense.

longknife said:
All because a German manufacturer with branches in the USA complained about it.

Nah. It just makes sense, in the grand plan of nanny America.
Translation: Obama wants us to be Poor.

It's so much easier to control Poor people, especially when they are dependent upon the government for their meager sustenance.
Russia just signed a 30 year deal with China to supply them with fossil based fuel while Barry Hussein claims that the United States will be a hunter gatherer civilization in ten years.
Got news for Obama and the ecowhacks. This country has been energy independent for ELECTRICITY, pretty much since Tesla and Edison were feuding. With any luck, THESE horrendous policy will make us energy serfs for electricity in short order. We have already given up the lead on nuclear, and for the most part renewables as well...... Good job.. Mission accomplished....
We all know we can trust Chinese made items...

Flip Flops From China Skin Reaction Warning - Hawaiian Sandals Rash Images
Flip Flops From China Skin Reaction Warning - Hawaiian Sandals Rash Images

Toxic jerky treats linked to more than 1,000 dog deaths
The FDA is still unsure of the specific cause for the reported illnesses and deaths, but most cases reportedly occurred after the pets had eaten chicken, duck or sweet potato jerky treats imported from China.
Toxic jerky treats linked to more than 1,000 dog deaths | Fox News
Not to worry....The Government is in charge. Remember, these are the same people who run the VA and the IRS. :lol:

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