Obama warns Arizona civil rights violations will be investigated by Justice Dept.

The Arizona law does not require you to do anything illegal or provocative for an officer to demand you prove your citizenship under threat of arrest.

Yes it does. It has been grossly misrepresented by the pro-illegal crowd, but an officer can't pull you over just because you look like somebody who just arrived from the desert. You have to have illegal tags or some other violation on your car or commit some other infraction or do something suspicious like turning around before arriving at a checkpoint or running when you see a cop in order for him to have reason to pull you over. He can't just stop you on the street and ask you for ID. You have to break the law in some way.

And, if you can produce a valid drivers' license or whatever, you get a ticket or a warning or a reprimand and you are sent on your way. If you can't, then he can check you out futher.

The ONLY real change in the Arizona law is that law enforcement officers are now ordered to ask for a person's address, citizenship, or whatever. In many states, they have been ordered to not ask.

What bullshit, Foxfyre. It almost sounds like you could know what the fuck you're takiing about...and yet...you clearly have not got a clue.

No cop has to think too hard to pull over any vehicle he wants. "Weaving in your lane" is the usual excuse, but there are others. You're delusional if you think any cop in the US cannot pull over anyone, anywhere for any fucking reason he wants.

Cops can stop pedestrians just as easily. "Stop and frisk" ring any bells for you?

A cop can ask anyone for ID. And if yours looks fake to him, he can bust you. Fake ID possession is a crime everywhere I have ever heard of.

If you are pulled over and cannot show a drivers' license, a cop can bust you. What state do you think allows unlicensed drivers on their roads? No ID = probable cause to think you are unlicensed.

Think people, just stop and think.....We are talking about AZ here, what do you think the percentage is of Latino Police officers in Arizona?
Isn't it flat out amazing how the right, the presumed lovers of freedom and haters of government, turn so quickly to police state tactics when it suits their narrow minded ideology.

Yeah...especially when there are murderers, drug traffickers and coyotes killing people, flooding the streets with tar heroin and smuggling humans. Heavens to Betsy!!!! We should just let them all run around and do whatever they want. Great post you fucking moron.
In this part of Arizona, we elected a man of both Navajo and hispanic descent.

Apache County Arizona - Website

here is his mission statement;

"The Apache County Sheriff's Office is dedicated to providing equal protection and fair service to all property and citizens of Apache County in a timely and professional manner. We will be accessible and accountable to the citizens of our communities. We are committed to the education of our youth about responsible conduct, and forming a partnership with our citizenry to combat crime and violence. We will constantly strive for improvement on these principles through ongoing training, an alliance with other criminal justice agencies, and a working relationship with all residents of the County."

The banner below has a picture of Sheriff Joe Dedman, click it, it will get bigger.

We elected him and he is doing a great job for our county. He is a good, kind, fair and decent man.

I think some of the comments on this board prove that there are a lot of people that distrust, even hate, the police. Maybe the policemen in your neck of the woods act like gestapo goons, but I have not seen our policemen act in that manner.

In fact, we rely on on our sheriff's deputies and the DPS, even the town cops for help when we need it.

Our cops are members of our communities. When one of them is hurt, it makes us all sad. Our policemen are members of our community. They are sons, fathers, uncles and brothers. There are several hispanic, black and native officers. They are all worthy of respect both for the job they do and for being a great example for our children.

Our policemen work to protect and serve our community, and they do a damn good job of it. I am sorry that some of you seem to live in an area where the cops abuse their power, that's the only excuse for some of these anti-law enforcement comments.


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I would hope these "Juan Crow" laws would be put to a end. Anyone who cherishes freedom and liberty should be against such laws that are not only racial profiling but a offense to any true civil libertarian.

Live in AZ for a while before you get on your high horse! I lived there for 4 years while I was an undergrad. Here is what I saw (from Tucson):

(1) Illegal Theft:
You couldn't have a nice bike. Didn't matter what type of lock you had or where you locked it up, it got stolen. The report given by the school was 90% of the bikes stolen from campus were by illegal aliens that don't speak english and were violent, so don't engage them if your bike is being stolen. Everyone I knew had their bike stolen, that's 100%! I personally had 2 bikes stolen, which blew since its was gigantic campus!

(2) Stolen Car Capital of the World:
You couldn't have a nice car parked on the street. We lived in a middle class neighborhood and many of friends had their cars stolen. Everyone I knew with a nice system had it stolen. There is a reason AZ is the stolen car capital of the US - its illegals. PLAIN and SIMPLE!

(3) Injust for Farmer's on the BORDER:
A classmate of mine's (the Son of LEGAL immigrants from Mexico) family owned a cattle farm close to the border. He stated its was hell. Illegal constantly cut his fence and he was constantly chasing his cattle down. It wasn't safe to go outside at night, esp for his sisters and mother. Their house was burglarize by illegals on too many occassions. And they littered like crazy, like its was their own personal garbage dump.

(4) home Burglary:
I personally had to fight off a few wetbacks and hold them down for the police to arrive that broke into my frat house and tried to steal whatever wasn't bolted down. This was not an unique experience for people in AZ, it was a common accurance!

(5) Ethnic Cleasing of White and Blacks:
There is ethnic cleasing in parts of AZ. The closer you get to the border, Whites and Blacks can't go into. Its overly dangerous, the signs are in Spanish and NO ONE speaks English. The crime is "being White (or Black)" nothing more.

(6) Hospital Crisis created solely by Illegals:
Hospital emergency rooms are SO over-burden with Illegals that don't pay their bils that many shut down, rely on public fund "charity and charge the people with insurance astronical amounts its highway robbery. It's beyond an injustice and beyond unfair.

(7) Unjust Burden on Schools:
Then comes the schools. I was suckered into doing tutoring in college (by a liberal chick I was banging) at a local AZ school. The school was majority White, but I only tutored Mexicans. The director of the program told me to go slow with these kids, because they don't speak English well (since the majority of their parents don't speak English and had "immigrated" from Mexico). Another burden on the AZ tax payor.

(8) Check the food stamp and welfare receiptants:
You will see a LARGE chunk of the receiptants in AZ are illegal aliens.

This crap needs to stop. FUCK THE OPEN BORDER DOUCHE BAG hypocrites. The Republicans don't need to cater to them anyways, because regardless of this bill or not, they aren't going to vote for them. I hope more states get smart and enact similar legislation.
Making white people second guess themselves as they are robbed blind on the pretence they may offend somebody or be considered a racist. got your race card handy? amigo

I was feeling ya right up to the "white people" part. I know it's shorthand all of us use to mean "American citizen" but it is worth reminding you of this.

The American citizen who is black, Asian or Native he has no "special love" for illegals from Mexico anymore than any white citizen has.

Most folks don't seem to know this, but "Latinos" have extremely antagonistic attitudes among their subgroups. Most resent being referred to a "a Latino" because it implies that you might be a Puerto Rican when in fact you are a Cuban, or a Dominican when you are Haitian, or a Peurvian when you are Brazilian, etc. etc. etc. I cannot explain why....this is all about history, conflict, competition, culture and I myself am not any version of Latino. So I do not have the inside dope, but I lived in NY (Puerto Ricans) and Florida (Cubans) and so, having made a few friends of these nationalities, I occassionally commited the faux paus of using "Spanish-speaking" to refer to all "Latinos" and got the lecture.

The use of the term "Latino" is so new, I think we all said "Hispanic" like last week. For example, "Hispanic" is on the 2010 Census questionaire form, which was only printed late last year. I suspect "Latino" is media codespeak for "I am a voter, pander to me". Kinda sorta like calling yourself a "Senior" in Florida.

No one wants to square off with a monolithilic voting bloc, and the bigger one is the scarier they seem to politicans. It's Political Science 101 stuff, this use of colorful phrases that really mean nothing.

Yes I understand, but I just meant it in that white people are the ones whom the term racist is most often applied be it justly or unjustly, I see it at my job all the time, and everytime it is a misunderstanding by a highly sensitive person who is always looking at things in terms of race. saw a person at work being called a racist because of a comment he made, unbeknowst to the person he was married to a black lady. Haven't seen very many asians or blacks, or native people trying to defend that they are not racist or walking on eggshells trying not to offend somebody or justifying what they meant as to what the person thinks they meant. I see it as being out of control for some overly sensitive people and I see the news/media stiring it up all the time just for ratings i would guess. No offense to other peoples in the USA, seems like the term racist has turned into the white mans N word, I think it is retarded that we continue down the same race road, We are all americans after all, lets not even look at race as an issue. I know easier said then done.

My point was these Illegals are using whatever weapons we hand them and the race bomb is one of the highest feared weapon to a political hack.
The problem is one of the nation's most difficult conundrum and involves so many paradoxes.

Racial profiling is considered bad, yet realistically almost all mass terrorism in the last several years has been committed by Muslim extremists and most of that was done by Middle Eastern guys. So in order to protect the innocents, the choice comes down to do some intelligent racial profiling or being stupid in the name of 'fairness'.

When it comes to illegal immigration, they are certainly not 100% Hispanic, but who among us doesn't believe that the large majority of illegals are Mexicans from Mexico? So how do we deal with that without doing some intelligent racial profiling or being stupid in the name of 'fairness'?

In neither case is any racial prejudice involved. It is a matter of accepting reality and utilizing resources in an intelligent and reasonable manner.

As for one of many good reasons to take whatever measures are necessary to deal with illegal immigration, violent or serious crime is certainly one of them:

Study Shows Sharp Rise in Latino Federal Convicts
Published: February 18, 2009

Latino convicts now represent the largest ethnic population in the federal prison system, accounting for 40 percent of those convicted of federal crimes, according to a study released Wednesday by the Pew Research Center, a nonpartisan research organization.
Latinos made up only 13 percent of the United States adult population in 2007, but they accounted for one third of federal prison inmates that year, a result the study attributed to the sharp rise in illegal immigration and tougher enforcement of immigration laws.
Nearly half of Latino offenders, or about 48 percent, were convicted of immigration crimes, while drug offenses were the second-most-prevalent charge, according to the report.

From the Department of Homeland Security

(DHS) estimates that immigrants (legal and illegal) comprise 20 percent of inmates in prisons and jails. The foreign-born are 15.4 percent of the nation’s adult population. However, DHS has not provided a detailed explanation of how the estimates were generated.

• Under contract to DHS in 2004, Fentress, Inc. reviewed 8.1 million inmate records from state prison systems and 45 large county jails. They found that 22 percent of inmates were foreign-born. But the report did not cover all of the nation’s jails.

• The 287(g) program and related efforts have found high rates of illegal-alien incarceration in some communities. But it is unclear if the communities are representative of the country:
o Maricopa County, Ariz.: 22 percent of felons are illegal aliens;
o Lake County, Ill.: 19 percent of jail inmates are illegal aliens;
o Collier County, Fla.: 20 to 22 percent of jail inmates and arrestees are illegal aliens;
o Weld County, Colo.: 12.8 to 15.2 percent of those jailed are illegal aliens.

• DHS states that it has identified 221,000 non-citizens in the nation’s jails. This equals 11 to 15 percent of the jail population. Non-citizens are 8.6 percent of the nation’s total adult population.
Government Data Imply High Immigrant Crime Rates, Findings Contradict Previous ResearchPublications Family Security Matters

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