Obama warns Arizona civil rights violations will be investigated by Justice Dept.

You know something? I could care less what Obama said.....70% of Arizonan's support this law!!!! 23%, probably all of the illegal aliens, coyotes and left wing kooks, are against it.
rightwinger is just spouting DNC and huffington blog talking points. One must consider that when reading their posts.

Not legal as Arizona will find out. Unless they find a way to conform with the 14th amendment they will be open to lawsuits. Its only a matter of time before they commit an illegal search and seizure

Illegal search and seizure of what exactly?

rw is just spouting a DailyKOS talking point.....
We'll see. I applaud AZ for at least trying to protect its citizens from criminals. Its always the same old argument, defending the rights of criminals instead of protecting law abiding citizens.

The double standard policies of the left show well here. Are those who object the loudest not the same people who demanded that the government control every private decision they make in their health? And now vehemently oppose showing a law enforcement officer their identification.

This law is probably designed to pressure WA to finally do something about the carnage eruptiing in Arizona. I am proud of that governor who is acting within the law, to help protect the citizens of Arizona. Fuck racial profiling. Sick of the Nanny State attitude. We have too many PC laws, which violate the Constitution.
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We have 20 MILLION illegal aliens in the country from Mexico. 1/5th the mexican population is ILLEGALLY in the United States. Since the Congress and the federal Government REFUSE to act the States have every RIGHT to act. Since we are looking to kick out MEXICANS , your so called racial profiling is a misnomer. Shall we pull over blacks to catch Mexicans? How about whites? Or should we target MEXICANS?

Dumb ASS.

Not all the illegal aliens in this country are from Mexico however. And this law is based on how a officer feels. These are Juan Crow laws. There are other solutions, such as fining employers for hiring illegal immigrants. However, the republicans do not want to pass such laws as shown by the Wisc GOP today.

That is true but why do mexicans think they get a special break in the law and are allowed to be here illegally? Canadians, chinese, and other ethinic groups get caught all the time and get deported but why do Mexicans think the immigration laws shouldn't apply to anyone that looks like them?
I would hope these "Juan Crow" laws would be put to a end. Anyone who cherishes freedom and liberty should be against such laws that are not only racial profiling but a offense to any true civil libertarian.

We have 20 MILLION illegal aliens in the country from Mexico. 1/5th the mexican population is ILLEGALLY in the United States. Since the Congress and the federal Government REFUSE to act the States have every RIGHT to act. Since we are looking to kick out MEXICANS , your so called racial profiling is a misnomer. Shall we pull over blacks to catch Mexicans? How about whites? Or should we target MEXICANS?

Dumb ASS.

No they don't...

Arizona is about to find out

I can't find anywhere in the constitution that prohibits the states from doing this nor can I find where immigration enforcement if the sole domain of the federal government. Until you can show otherwise any state can pass such laws as long as it does not violate the CONSTITUTION.
We have 20 MILLION illegal aliens in the country from Mexico. 1/5th the mexican population is ILLEGALLY in the United States. Since the Congress and the federal Government REFUSE to act the States have every RIGHT to act. Since we are looking to kick out MEXICANS , your so called racial profiling is a misnomer. Shall we pull over blacks to catch Mexicans? How about whites? Or should we target MEXICANS?

Dumb ASS.

Not all the illegal aliens in this country are from Mexico however. And this law is based on how a officer feels. These are Juan Crow laws. There are other solutions, such as fining employers for hiring illegal immigrants. However, the republicans do not want to pass such laws as shown by the Wisc GOP today.

That is true but why do mexicans think they get a special break in the law and are allowed to be here illegally? Canadians, chinese, and other ethinic groups get caught all the time and get deported but why do Mexicans think the immigration laws shouldn't apply to anyone that looks like them?

They all don't of course. But a sizable majority of them do, and they feel free to take that position because of their larger numbers and more efficient organization, plus they have a home government that backs them to the hilt. Remember when President Fox berated President Bush for suggesting deporting the illegals? Then pro-illegal advocates revved up the rhetoric, demonstrations, and threats. Pres Bush backed down and started talking amnesty for illegals though he wouldn't call it that. That, among some other objectionable stances, cost him enough of his base to give the Democrats the majority in 2006. And of course his critics were not at all appreciative and gave him no credit.

Now the illegals have a Congress and Administration who would just LOVE to have all those new grateful Democrats at their disposal and we should expect a strong push to legalize and make citizens of as many as possible in the next two years--before November this year if at all possible.
you people who think this law is right need to be fucking hit in the head. this is wrong. I understand the problem but this bill just has to many holes and its not going hold up. this law has nothing to do with fedreal law.

why didn't bush try to do anything? oh wait... oh never mind.. since its a dem officer now we going to bitch and whine.

critter, you might be right about the AZ immigration law failing constitutional muster. But even if you ARE, so what? What would possess an American president, apprised of what's happening in AZ and other SW states to say:

"Humm, first I think we better clear up some arcania about con law. THEN maybe I'll send in the Marines. If I feel like it, if I get around to it, if I don't have more important stuff to do."

Maybe instead of addressing the emergency in Az, he should just go help Pelosi decorate the Capitol some more. She might need new rugs to go with that $140,000 lamp she bought last week.

Aren't you outraged he isn't helping Arizonians?
So the Justice department takes it to court and its found to be Unconstitutional, or Constitutional. What's the problem with that? Isn't this the way that America is suppose to operate? How is this an example of the President being out of control?
FOXNews.com - Arizona Immigration Enforcement Law Spurs Obama Criticism

During a naturalization ceremony for 24 members of the U.S. military, President Obama plunged into the Arizona immigration controversy, warning the Justice Department would investigate civil rights violations that might arise from a new law empowering local police to check a person's legal status.

"Our failure to act responsibly at the federal level will only open the door to irresponsibility by others," President Obama said Friday at the ceremony. "And that includes, for example, the recent efforts in Arizona, which threatened to undermine basic notions of fairness that we cherish as Americans."

Top officials said Justice Department lawyers will monitor whether legal residents in Arizona are caught up in immigration raids or are in any way forced to prove their legal residency. <more>

It is not illegal to require a person to prove legal residence. It is NOT a civil rights violation. In fact every State has the right and responsibility to verify status for numerous reasons.

This President is out of Control. He is violating the State rights and violating the Constitution.

are you a fucking moron this is just another way yo train officer to racist once again... the south is going back not forward .

go read civil you fucking dick and come back to me.

What the fuck did YO just say??? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
I would hope these "Juan Crow" laws would be put to a end. Anyone who cherishes freedom and liberty should be against such laws that are not only racial profiling but a offense to any true civil libertarian.

Hmmmmm, 'freedom and liberty' for foreigners to violate our Laws. Piss on that.
You know something? I could care less what Obama said.....70% of Arizonan's support this law!!!! 23%, probably all of the illegal aliens, coyotes and left wing kooks, are against it.

And I think we know by now obie wan messiah is not given to listening to the American people, much less Arizonians..
It is not illegal to require a person to prove legal residence. It is NOT a civil rights violation. In fact every State has the right and responsibility to verify status for numerous reasons.

Do you have your birth certificate and a photo ID on your person right now? If not, you could be arrested in Arizona.

Just remember to carry your birth certificate with you in public if you are in Arizona.
It is not illegal to require a person to prove legal residence. It is NOT a civil rights violation. In fact every State has the right and responsibility to verify status for numerous reasons.

This President is out of Control. He is violating the State rights and violating the Constitution.

are you a fucking moron this is just another way yo train officer to racist once again... the south is going back not forward .

go read civil you fucking dick and come back to me.

What the fuck did YO just say??? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Is there a USMB translator?
It is not illegal to require a person to prove legal residence. It is NOT a civil rights violation. In fact every State has the right and responsibility to verify status for numerous reasons.

Do you have your birth certificate and a photo ID on your person right now? If not, you could be arrested in Arizona.

Just remember to carry your birth certificate with you in public if you are in Arizona.

That's right. If you do something illegal or sufficiently provocative to catch the attention of a law enforcement officer, and you cannot produce documentation to identify yourself, he or she has every right to check you out further. And he should.

That should be the policy in all 50 states.
It is not illegal to require a person to prove legal residence. It is NOT a civil rights violation. In fact every State has the right and responsibility to verify status for numerous reasons.

Do you have your birth certificate and a photo ID on your person right now? If not, you could be arrested in Arizona.

Just remember to carry your birth certificate with you in public if you are in Arizona.

That's right. If you do something illegal or sufficiently provocative to catch the attention of a law enforcement officer, and you cannot produce documentation to identify yourself, he or she has every right to check you out further. And he should.

That should be the policy in all 50 states.

The Arizona law does not require you to do anything illegal or provocative for an officer to demand you prove your citizenship under threat of arrest.
Do you have your birth certificate and a photo ID on your person right now? If not, you could be arrested in Arizona.

Just remember to carry your birth certificate with you in public if you are in Arizona.

That's right. If you do something illegal or sufficiently provocative to catch the attention of a law enforcement officer, and you cannot produce documentation to identify yourself, he or she has every right to check you out further. And he should.

That should be the policy in all 50 states.

The Arizona law does not require you to do anything illegal or provocative for an officer to demand you prove your citizenship under threat of arrest.

Yes it does. It has been grossly misrepresented by the pro-illegal crowd, but an officer can't pull you over just because you look like somebody who just arrived from the desert. You have to have illegal tags or some other violation on your car or commit some other infraction or do something suspicious like turning around before arriving at a checkpoint or running when you see a cop in order for him to have reason to pull you over. He can't just stop you on the street and ask you for ID. You have to break the law in some way.

And, if you can produce a valid drivers' license or whatever, you get a ticket or a warning or a reprimand and you are sent on your way. If you can't, then he can check you out futher.

The ONLY real change in the Arizona law is that law enforcement officers are now ordered to ask for a person's address, citizenship, or whatever. In many states, they have been ordered to not ask.
So the Justice department takes it to court and its found to be Unconstitutional, or Constitutional. What's the problem with that? Isn't this the way that America is suppose to operate? How is this an example of the President being out of control?

He knows full well that AZ only passed that law because for too many years they have been over run by illegals and the Federal Government won't stop it. There are less than 5 people in Washington who favor sealing the border (my guess at the number). Yet the vast majority of Americans are in favor of sealing the borders. (again, my guess).

I Applaud AZ and their new immigration enforcement law.
It is not illegal to require a person to prove legal residence. It is NOT a civil rights violation. In fact every State has the right and responsibility to verify status for numerous reasons.

Do you have your birth certificate and a photo ID on your person right now? If not, you could be arrested in Arizona.

Just remember to carry your birth certificate with you in public if you are in Arizona.

That's right. If you do something illegal or sufficiently provocative to catch the attention of a law enforcement officer, and you cannot produce documentation to identify yourself, he or she has every right to check you out further. And he should.

That should be the policy in all 50 states.
Were you for a national ID Card?

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