Obama warns Arizona civil rights violations will be investigated by Justice Dept.

FOXNews.com - Arizona Immigration Enforcement Law Spurs Obama Criticism

During a naturalization ceremony for 24 members of the U.S. military, President Obama plunged into the Arizona immigration controversy, warning the Justice Department would investigate civil rights violations that might arise from a new law empowering local police to check a person's legal status.

"Our failure to act responsibly at the federal level will only open the door to irresponsibility by others," President Obama said Friday at the ceremony. "And that includes, for example, the recent efforts in Arizona, which threatened to undermine basic notions of fairness that we cherish as Americans."

Top officials said Justice Department lawyers will monitor whether legal residents in Arizona are caught up in immigration raids or are in any way forced to prove their legal residency. <more>

It is not illegal to require a person to prove legal residence. It is NOT a civil rights violation. In fact every State has the right and responsibility to verify status for numerous reasons.

This President is out of Control. He is violating the State rights and violating the Constitution.
American citizenship is a national right, not a state right.

Illegal Aliens are American citizens?
Has anyone commenting, the President included, even troubled him/herself to READ this new law?

SB1070 - 492R - Senate Fact Sheet

Go back to making shitty music videos. "if reasonable suspicion exists that the person is an alien who is unlawfully present in the U.S."

How can a cop tell the difference between an alien who is here legally from an alien that is here illegally? ESP? The reasonable suspicion will be?


Let's say, if you're running from the border up north, have gallon of water with you and, and hide when police show up, that would be a good start... suspicious enough?
FOXNews.com - Arizona Immigration Enforcement Law Spurs Obama Criticism

During a naturalization ceremony for 24 members of the U.S. military, President Obama plunged into the Arizona immigration controversy, warning the Justice Department would investigate civil rights violations that might arise from a new law empowering local police to check a person's legal status.

"Our failure to act responsibly at the federal level will only open the door to irresponsibility by others," President Obama said Friday at the ceremony. "And that includes, for example, the recent efforts in Arizona, which threatened to undermine basic notions of fairness that we cherish as Americans."

Top officials said Justice Department lawyers will monitor whether legal residents in Arizona are caught up in immigration raids or are in any way forced to prove their legal residency. <more>

How about that!!!! The Feds are actually doing their jobs instead of looking for ways to undermine our national security by threatening CIA agents with prosecution. But it still looks like the Obama regime is unleashing the domestic security apparatus on it's own citizens.

Funny thing is...all illegal aliens have to do is hang around with a legal immigrant and they will be safe.
No they don't...

Arizona is about to find out

You may want to REREAD the Constitution, A State is FREE to pass any law that is in keeping with the Federal Governments laws. The Federal Government may not enforce the law but it exists. It is ILLEGAL to be in this Country with out proper paper work. A State is FREE under the Constitution to create laws that support Federal Law. Unless Congress changes said law the Arizona law is LEGAL and enforceable.

Fraid not .........the Federal Government has authority under the Supremacy clause. Arizona cannot pass laws that supercede Federal law.

Indescriminate stopping for papers violates the 4th and 14th Amendments

Your ignorance is daily entertainment.

Arizona's law did not supercede any federal law. The federal law makes it illegal to come here illegally. Pretty simple stuff. If Arizona passed a law saying it's borders are free and open, and anyone can legally immigrate without papers, THAT would supercede federal law.

All Arizona is doing is saying they are going to enforce the federal law that the feds aren't doing. Basically mowing the neighbors grass for him. It's legal, and heroic.

And no, it will not violate the 4th amendment. Again, you've never worked in law enforcement, thus you have no clue how the 4th is applied on daily LE operations.
You may want to REREAD the Constitution, A State is FREE to pass any law that is in keeping with the Federal Governments laws. The Federal Government may not enforce the law but it exists. It is ILLEGAL to be in this Country with out proper paper work. A State is FREE under the Constitution to create laws that support Federal Law. Unless Congress changes said law the Arizona law is LEGAL and enforceable.

Fraid not .........the Federal Government has authority under the Supremacy clause. Arizona cannot pass laws that supercede Federal law.

Indescriminate stopping for papers violates the 4th and 14th Amendments

Your ignorance is daily entertainment.

Arizona's law did not supercede any federal law. The federal law makes it illegal to come here illegally. Pretty simple stuff. If Arizona passed a law saying it's borders are free and open, and anyone can legally immigrate without papers, THAT would supercede federal law.

All Arizona is doing is saying they are going to enforce the federal law that the feds aren't doing. Basically mowing the neighbors grass for him. It's legal, and heroic.

And no, it will not violate the 4th amendment. Again, you've never worked in law enforcement, thus you have no clue how the 4th is applied on daily LE operations.

rightwinger is just spouting DNC and huffington blog talking points. One must consider that when reading their posts.
This would be funny if not so tragic.

There is no AZ law that allows the indiscriminate stopping of people to check their papers.

The new law in AZ does not penalize any citizens.

I cannot see anything that would make it unconstitutional.

IMHO this is a good law and it slams Washingtons face in the mud. I hope other states follow suit.
Fraid not .........the Federal Government has authority under the Supremacy clause. Arizona cannot pass laws that supercede Federal law.

Indescriminate stopping for papers violates the 4th and 14th Amendments

Your ignorance is daily entertainment.

Arizona's law did not supercede any federal law. The federal law makes it illegal to come here illegally. Pretty simple stuff. If Arizona passed a law saying it's borders are free and open, and anyone can legally immigrate without papers, THAT would supercede federal law.

All Arizona is doing is saying they are going to enforce the federal law that the feds aren't doing. Basically mowing the neighbors grass for him. It's legal, and heroic.

And no, it will not violate the 4th amendment. Again, you've never worked in law enforcement, thus you have no clue how the 4th is applied on daily LE operations.

rightwinger is just spouting DNC and huffington blog talking points. One must consider that when reading their posts.

Not legal as Arizona will find out. Unless they find a way to conform with the 14th amendment they will be open to lawsuits. Its only a matter of time before they commit an illegal search and seizure
Your ignorance is daily entertainment.

Arizona's law did not supercede any federal law. The federal law makes it illegal to come here illegally. Pretty simple stuff. If Arizona passed a law saying it's borders are free and open, and anyone can legally immigrate without papers, THAT would supercede federal law.

All Arizona is doing is saying they are going to enforce the federal law that the feds aren't doing. Basically mowing the neighbors grass for him. It's legal, and heroic.

And no, it will not violate the 4th amendment. Again, you've never worked in law enforcement, thus you have no clue how the 4th is applied on daily LE operations.

rightwinger is just spouting DNC and huffington blog talking points. One must consider that when reading their posts.

Not legal as Arizona will find out. Unless they find a way to conform with the 14th amendment they will be open to lawsuits. Its only a matter of time before they commit an illegal search and seizure

do you honest to god think arizona is afraid of your dumb lawsuits????
Your ignorance is daily entertainment.

Arizona's law did not supercede any federal law. The federal law makes it illegal to come here illegally. Pretty simple stuff. If Arizona passed a law saying it's borders are free and open, and anyone can legally immigrate without papers, THAT would supercede federal law.

All Arizona is doing is saying they are going to enforce the federal law that the feds aren't doing. Basically mowing the neighbors grass for him. It's legal, and heroic.

And no, it will not violate the 4th amendment. Again, you've never worked in law enforcement, thus you have no clue how the 4th is applied on daily LE operations.

rightwinger is just spouting DNC and huffington blog talking points. One must consider that when reading their posts.

Not legal as Arizona will find out. Unless they find a way to conform with the 14th amendment they will be open to lawsuits. Its only a matter of time before they commit an illegal search and seizure

Criminals get set free every day in the US because some law enforcement official makes some stupid mistake. No doubt some one will do so in AZ. It's still a good law.
Why isn't E-Verify legal to check someone's status? If I'm a cop and want to check someone's status it should be as simple as using E-Verify.
rightwinger is just spouting DNC and huffington blog talking points. One must consider that when reading their posts.

Not legal as Arizona will find out. Unless they find a way to conform with the 14th amendment they will be open to lawsuits. Its only a matter of time before they commit an illegal search and seizure

Criminals get set free every day in the US because some law enforcement official makes some stupid mistake. No doubt some one will do so in AZ. It's still a good law.

By Constitution, feds are given explicit power to provide common defense and keep America secure. Since they are not protecting our borders, state decided to enforce federal law and the constitution and feds don't like it.

So, there is a fed with explicit power to do the job and they are not doing it and yet we suppose to trust them with job they doing in other fields (i.e. health care) they have no constitutional power of doing it? :cuckoo:
Your ignorance is daily entertainment.

Arizona's law did not supercede any federal law. The federal law makes it illegal to come here illegally. Pretty simple stuff. If Arizona passed a law saying it's borders are free and open, and anyone can legally immigrate without papers, THAT would supercede federal law.

All Arizona is doing is saying they are going to enforce the federal law that the feds aren't doing. Basically mowing the neighbors grass for him. It's legal, and heroic.

And no, it will not violate the 4th amendment. Again, you've never worked in law enforcement, thus you have no clue how the 4th is applied on daily LE operations.

rightwinger is just spouting DNC and huffington blog talking points. One must consider that when reading their posts.

Not legal as Arizona will find out. Unless they find a way to conform with the 14th amendment they will be open to lawsuits. Its only a matter of time before they commit an illegal search and seizure

Ah, the plug the ear defense. You don't get it, but again, your college professor did a thorough brainwash on you. Let me explain:

14th- Arizona is not superceding ANY federal law. They are simply filling a gap where the feds aren't enforcing their own law. Nowhere has the fed made it illegal to stop the illegal entry of our country. It's STILL illegal to sneak in here, despite what your professor told you. All Arizona is doing is enforcing that. The Feds are pissed, because they want an open border. The superceding of the federal government applies to a state trying to supercede the LAW of the federal government, not the WILL. The feds LAW is that unlawful entry is illegal. Their WILL is to openly allow it. So although Arizona is pissing Obama off, Obama's will is not LAW, and therefore Arizona is not superceding federal LAW. The feds would have to pass a law making the border open for all people of the world in order for Arizona to be violating that amendment.

4th- Again, you have no f-ing clue how the 4th applies. Any minor violation, ANY, is probable cause for a lawful stop under the 4th amendment. No traffic signal, jaywalking, suspicious activity in a high crime area, OR violating a liberal utopia law such as no baggy pants or no cursing or any plethora of laws on the books now. Once a cop finds one tiny, minor violation, they have a lawful stop, and then the mandatory request for that person to provide identification = failure to possess or provide legal identification for any of the 50 states or a passport = reason to suspect a person is in the country illegally.

Wish as you may, you bleeding heart, one world libs are losing this one. We will have our country back. First from illegal immigrants, then from you lefties in November and 2012.
I would hope these "Juan Crow" laws would be put to a end. Anyone who cherishes freedom and liberty should be against such laws that are not only racial profiling but a offense to any true civil libertarian.

We have 20 MILLION illegal aliens in the country from Mexico. 1/5th the mexican population is ILLEGALLY in the United States. Since the Congress and the federal Government REFUSE to act the States have every RIGHT to act. Since we are looking to kick out MEXICANS , your so called racial profiling is a misnomer. Shall we pull over blacks to catch Mexicans? How about whites? Or should we target MEXICANS?

Dumb ASS.

there are a hundred million mexicans in the US?
This idiot president has trampled the Constitution just about enough. This is a states rights issue. He needs to shut his fccukking mouth because nobody cares...........
FOXNews.com - Arizona Immigration Enforcement Law Spurs Obama Criticism

During a naturalization ceremony for 24 members of the U.S. military, President Obama plunged into the Arizona immigration controversy, warning the Justice Department would investigate civil rights violations that might arise from a new law empowering local police to check a person's legal status.

"Our failure to act responsibly at the federal level will only open the door to irresponsibility by others," President Obama said Friday at the ceremony. "And that includes, for example, the recent efforts in Arizona, which threatened to undermine basic notions of fairness that we cherish as Americans."

Top officials said Justice Department lawyers will monitor whether legal residents in Arizona are caught up in immigration raids or are in any way forced to prove their legal residency. <more>

It is not illegal to require a person to prove legal residence. It is NOT a civil rights violation. In fact every State has the right and responsibility to verify status for numerous reasons.

This President is out of Control. He is violating the State rights and violating the Constitution.

are you a fucking moron this is just another way yo train officer to racist once again... the south is going back not forward .

go read civil you fucking dick and come back to me.
FOXNews.com - Arizona Immigration Enforcement Law Spurs Obama Criticism

During a naturalization ceremony for 24 members of the U.S. military, President Obama plunged into the Arizona immigration controversy, warning the Justice Department would investigate civil rights violations that might arise from a new law empowering local police to check a person's legal status.

"Our failure to act responsibly at the federal level will only open the door to irresponsibility by others," President Obama said Friday at the ceremony. "And that includes, for example, the recent efforts in Arizona, which threatened to undermine basic notions of fairness that we cherish as Americans."

Top officials said Justice Department lawyers will monitor whether legal residents in Arizona are caught up in immigration raids or are in any way forced to prove their legal residency. <more>

This is so grossly unfair I could spit. Shame on Obama. The threats are not directed across Arizonians equally yanno. Nope...they are terribly well-aimed at law enforcement, the judiciary and other government workers.

When a person is "denied his civil rights" by a private citizen or a group of them, the criminality of that conduct is judged by a relatively high standard. If I murder you, I might be said to have "deprived you of your civil right" to life, e.g. but if all I did was e.g., confine you for a short time, it's almost impossible to prove a civil rights crime was committed by me against you.

But if the alleged civil rights-denier or violator is law enforcement, etc., then the standard is much, much, much lower. When I did the thing complained of, was I "acting under color of law"? If so, game over, you win, I lose.

Obama has essentially just told everyone in government in Arizona at the state and local level: we are drawing up an indictment against you.

It's wrong, it's not fair, and the American people should not stand for it...to paraphrase someone.
you people who think this law is right need to be fucking hit in the head. this is wrong. I understand the problem but this bill just has to many holes and its not going hold up. this law has nothing to do with fedreal law.

why didn't bush try to do anything? oh wait... oh never mind.. since its a dem officer now we going to bitch and whine.
Ame®icano;2243551 said:
Not legal as Arizona will find out. Unless they find a way to conform with the 14th amendment they will be open to lawsuits. Its only a matter of time before they commit an illegal search and seizure

Criminals get set free every day in the US because some law enforcement official makes some stupid mistake. No doubt some one will do so in AZ. It's still a good law.

By Constitution, feds are given explicit power to provide common defense and keep America secure. Since they are not protecting our borders, state decided to enforce federal law and the constitution and feds don't like it.

So, there is a fed with explicit power to do the job and they are not doing it and yet we suppose to trust them with job they doing in other fields (i.e. health care) they have no constitutional power of doing it? :cuckoo:

Yep. The things they are mandated to do they fail doing. The issues that they do address are NO mandate Constitutionally speaking...Healthcare, Welfare, etc...

Good post, and right on.
Your ignorance is daily entertainment.

Arizona's law did not supercede any federal law. The federal law makes it illegal to come here illegally. Pretty simple stuff. If Arizona passed a law saying it's borders are free and open, and anyone can legally immigrate without papers, THAT would supercede federal law.

All Arizona is doing is saying they are going to enforce the federal law that the feds aren't doing. Basically mowing the neighbors grass for him. It's legal, and heroic.

And no, it will not violate the 4th amendment. Again, you've never worked in law enforcement, thus you have no clue how the 4th is applied on daily LE operations.

rightwinger is just spouting DNC and huffington blog talking points. One must consider that when reading their posts.

Not legal as Arizona will find out. Unless they find a way to conform with the 14th amendment they will be open to lawsuits. Its only a matter of time before they commit an illegal search and seizure

Illegal search and seizure of what exactly?

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