Obama warns Arizona civil rights violations will be investigated by Justice Dept.

Do you have your birth certificate and a photo ID on your person right now? If not, you could be arrested in Arizona.

Just remember to carry your birth certificate with you in public if you are in Arizona.

That's right. If you do something illegal or sufficiently provocative to catch the attention of a law enforcement officer, and you cannot produce documentation to identify yourself, he or she has every right to check you out further. And he should.

That should be the policy in all 50 states.
Were you for a national ID Card?

I am.. and your DNA should be embedded within it along with your thumb print and blood type, and donor status.. you can also include a driver's licence..
you people who think this law is right need to be fucking hit in the head. this is wrong. I understand the problem but this bill just has to many holes and its not going hold up. this law has nothing to do with fedreal law.

why didn't bush try to do anything? oh wait... oh never mind.. since its a dem officer now we going to bitch and whine.

There is nothing wrong with this law; SB 1070 was taken verbatim from the federal version that Washington failed time and time again to enforce, so now Arizona can provide itself the protection that Washington failed to provide. :neutral:
It is not illegal to require a person to prove legal residence. It is NOT a civil rights violation. In fact every State has the right and responsibility to verify status for numerous reasons.

This President is out of Control. He is violating the State rights and violating the Constitution.

are you a fucking moron this is just another way yo train officer to racist once again... the south is going back not forward .

go read civil you fucking dick and come back to me.

What the fuck did YO just say??? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Don't mess with this one; he's dwangerous! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Do you have your birth certificate and a photo ID on your person right now? If not, you could be arrested in Arizona.

Just remember to carry your birth certificate with you in public if you are in Arizona.

That's right. If you do something illegal or sufficiently provocative to catch the attention of a law enforcement officer, and you cannot produce documentation to identify yourself, he or she has every right to check you out further. And he should.

That should be the policy in all 50 states.
Were you for a national ID Card?

What has this to do with the price of Tea in Communist China?

Do you have your birth certificate and a photo ID on your person right now? If not, you could be arrested in Arizona.

Just remember to carry your birth certificate with you in public if you are in Arizona.

That's right. If you do something illegal or sufficiently provocative to catch the attention of a law enforcement officer, and you cannot produce documentation to identify yourself, he or she has every right to check you out further. And he should.

That should be the policy in all 50 states.

The Arizona law does not require you to do anything illegal or provocative for an officer to demand you prove your citizenship under threat of arrest.

and here, once again, you display your utter stupidity. The law in fact DOES require a REASONABLE SUSPICION be met BEFORE the officer can demand proof of citizenship. Here's an example for simpletons such as yourself in your Danziger bridge style:
Officer "A" is behind a car with a tail light out. Officer "A" decides to write the driver a warning since the license plate returned no hits. He pulls over the car and proceeds to the driver's window to ask for license, reg and insurance proof. The driver doesn't speak any english and can produce no driver's license. Officer "A" then asks the driver to step out of the car and calls for back up. Once back up arrives Sergeant "B" requests a citizenship document from the driver. The driver can provide no proof of citizenship and is then arrested on the driving without a license charge and brought down to the station for further questioning and his phone call.

What the fuck is so NKVD about that?
So the Justice department takes it to court and its found to be Unconstitutional, or Constitutional. What's the problem with that? Isn't this the way that America is suppose to operate? How is this an example of the President being out of control?

He knows full well that AZ only passed that law because for too many years they have been over run by illegals and the Federal Government won't stop it. There are less than 5 people in Washington who favor sealing the border (my guess at the number). Yet the vast majority of Americans are in favor of sealing the borders. (again, my guess).

I Applaud AZ and their new immigration enforcement law.

Not to mention said illegal aliens murdering U.S. citizens in their homes along the border and the massive amount drugs smuggled through the Tucson corridor. The reason why the Democrats don't want to seal the borders is they see potential votes if they cater to illegal aliens and accept money from hispanic racist groups like La Raza.
I think the courts will rule that the intent of this law is to control immigration. Control of immigration is a power delegated to the federal government.

I find it interesting that the GOP announced their intent to block immigration reform the day after the governor of Arizona signed this bill into law. I wonder how this is going to sit with the McCain supporters in the upcoming election.
I think the courts will rule that the intent of this law is to control immigration. Control of immigration is a power delegated to the federal government

When the Federal government fails in it's duty the States must take action to protect their own interests. That's the bottom line. Ultimately Arizona is responsible for Arizona...the Feds look out for the whole union.
if the republicans don"t want illegal immigrants in this country then the republicans should stop hiring them!!!

By that statement, I guess you feel the dems want the illegals in this country. I already knew that but wanted your response.
Do you have your birth certificate and a photo ID on your person right now? If not, you could be arrested in Arizona.

Just remember to carry your birth certificate with you in public if you are in Arizona.

That's right. If you do something illegal or sufficiently provocative to catch the attention of a law enforcement officer, and you cannot produce documentation to identify yourself, he or she has every right to check you out further. And he should.

That should be the policy in all 50 states.
Were you for a national ID Card?

I don't think we need a national ID card and I am leery of that because of how easy it would be for an unscrupulous politician to abuse that. I am simply in favor of enforcing the laws on the books which state that you must be a U.S. Citizen and otherwise follow the specified procedures and processes in order to be in this country legally. And all law enforcement should be encouraged to enforce those laws as Arizona is now attempting to do.
That's right. If you do something illegal or sufficiently provocative to catch the attention of a law enforcement officer, and you cannot produce documentation to identify yourself, he or she has every right to check you out further. And he should.

That should be the policy in all 50 states.

The Arizona law does not require you to do anything illegal or provocative for an officer to demand you prove your citizenship under threat of arrest.

Yes it does. It has been grossly misrepresented by the pro-illegal crowd, but an officer can't pull you over just because you look like somebody who just arrived from the desert. You have to have illegal tags or some other violation on your car or commit some other infraction or do something suspicious like turning around before arriving at a checkpoint or running when you see a cop in order for him to have reason to pull you over. He can't just stop you on the street and ask you for ID. You have to break the law in some way.

And, if you can produce a valid drivers' license or whatever, you get a ticket or a warning or a reprimand and you are sent on your way. If you can't, then he can check you out futher.

The ONLY real change in the Arizona law is that law enforcement officers are now ordered to ask for a person's address, citizenship, or whatever. In many states, they have been ordered to not ask.

What bullshit, Foxfyre. It almost sounds like you could know what the fuck you're takiing about...and yet...you clearly have not got a clue.

No cop has to think too hard to pull over any vehicle he wants. "Weaving in your lane" is the usual excuse, but there are others. You're delusional if you think any cop in the US cannot pull over anyone, anywhere for any fucking reason he wants.

Cops can stop pedestrians just as easily. "Stop and frisk" ring any bells for you?

A cop can ask anyone for ID. And if yours looks fake to him, he can bust you. Fake ID possession is a crime everywhere I have ever heard of.

If you are pulled over and cannot show a drivers' license, a cop can bust you. What state do you think allows unlicensed drivers on their roads? No ID = probable cause to think you are unlicensed.
Your ignorance is daily entertainment.

Arizona's law did not supercede any federal law. The federal law makes it illegal to come here illegally. Pretty simple stuff. If Arizona passed a law saying it's borders are free and open, and anyone can legally immigrate without papers, THAT would supercede federal law.

All Arizona is doing is saying they are going to enforce the federal law that the feds aren't doing. Basically mowing the neighbors grass for him. It's legal, and heroic.

And no, it will not violate the 4th amendment. Again, you've never worked in law enforcement, thus you have no clue how the 4th is applied on daily LE operations.

rightwinger is just spouting DNC and huffington blog talking points. One must consider that when reading their posts.

Not legal as Arizona will find out. Unless they find a way to conform with the 14th amendment they will be open to lawsuits. Its only a matter of time before they commit an illegal search and seizure

yes so? that happens quite a bit when you consider the whole united states. So if you say if an illegal search and seizure happens that makes that specific law invalid? Hell if that was the case every law we have would be invalid, because at one point or another it happens either by corrupt cops or a mistake, just because an illegal search and seizure may happens is a moot point.

I have never gone to another country without my paperwork passport, I always check everything I have to make sure everything is in order when I go to another country, Why would People have a problem with this?

What makes these people sooo special that they do not have to do anything in accordance with laws?

Why are they sooo pissed when they are called on this issue?

Do they have no shame?

I do not respect any illegal in this country. They come here and try to use our own laws against us. and they want us to pay for everything for them. They neither deserve respect nor have earned any.

Amnesty is worthless, Ok think of it this way, 12 million people get amnesty, so now they have to be paid minimum wage, do you think they are going to request a raise from their employers? Nope if they did they would be fired and they would get another illegal to fill the slot.

Instead they will get the citizenship work under the table and now become eligable for a host of welfare laws, so in essence they will be stealing us blind like they already do. while still not paying any taxes to help the government at any level.

Race profiling? just a political correct way to let thugs get away. Its a myth and a joke believe me those people are laughing their ass off. Making white people second guess themselves as they are robbed blind on the pretence they may offend somebody or be considered a racist. got your race card handy? amigo
I will never believe a conservative again that claims to be against big government.
["]if the republicans don"t want illegal immigrants in this country then the republicans should stop hiring them!!![/]

Fact is....nobody in power wants to end illegal immigration. Too much money is being made off of cheap labor

Right now Ft Campbell can't get their grass cut because the only reasonable bids are from companies that hire illegals.

The problem isn't that they're illegal but that they don't have health benefits.

Just a little unintended consequence from Democrats making laws in Washington.
It's funny....this President can't seem to bring himself to investigate New Black Panther members for voter intimidation.....but he wants to investigate a state for enforcing laws that mirror federal laws that are already in place.

This prick sure has alot of nerve.

One of the fears that prevented Whites from voting for a Black President in the past was that they would try to punish whites in any shape or form they could think of.....and ignore the crimes of Blacks or just minorities in general.

I wonder if that's really what this is after all. A form of racism on the part of Obama.
Making white people second guess themselves as they are robbed blind on the pretence they may offend somebody or be considered a racist. got your race card handy? amigo

I was feeling ya right up to the "white people" part. I know it's shorthand all of us use to mean "American citizen" but it is worth reminding you of this.

The American citizen who is black, Asian or Native he has no "special love" for illegals from Mexico anymore than any white citizen has.

Most folks don't seem to know this, but "Latinos" have extremely antagonistic attitudes among their subgroups. Most resent being referred to a "a Latino" because it implies that you might be a Puerto Rican when in fact you are a Cuban, or a Dominican when you are Haitian, or a Peurvian when you are Brazilian, etc. etc. etc. I cannot explain why....this is all about history, conflict, competition, culture and I myself am not any version of Latino. So I do not have the inside dope, but I lived in NY (Puerto Ricans) and Florida (Cubans) and so, having made a few friends of these nationalities, I occassionally commited the faux paus of using "Spanish-speaking" to refer to all "Latinos" and got the lecture.

The use of the term "Latino" is so new, I think we all said "Hispanic" like last week. For example, "Hispanic" is on the 2010 Census questionaire form, which was only printed late last year. I suspect "Latino" is media codespeak for "I am a voter, pander to me". Kinda sorta like calling yourself a "Senior" in Florida.

No one wants to square off with a monolithilic voting bloc, and the bigger one is the scarier they seem to politicans. It's Political Science 101 stuff, this use of colorful phrases that really mean nothing.
Isn't it flat out amazing how the right, the presumed lovers of freedom and haters of government, turn so quickly to police state tactics when it suits their narrow minded ideology.
Isn't it flat out amazing how the right, the presumed lovers of freedom and haters of government, turn so quickly to police state tactics when it suits their narrow minded ideology.

The federal laws are already in place....we just haven't been enforcing them.

It would be nice if you felt the same way about business owners as you do about illegals.

It's flat out amazing that the left or Liberals in general, the presumed lovers of freedom [and haters of liberty] turn so quickly to police state tactics when it suits their narrow minded ideology.
That's right. If you do something illegal or sufficiently provocative to catch the attention of a law enforcement officer, and you cannot produce documentation to identify yourself, he or she has every right to check you out further. And he should.

That should be the policy in all 50 states.
Were you for a national ID Card?

I don't think we need a national ID card and I am leery of that because of how easy it would be for an unscrupulous politician to abuse that. I am simply in favor of enforcing the laws on the books which state that you must be a U.S. Citizen and otherwise follow the specified procedures and processes in order to be in this country legally. And all law enforcement should be encouraged to enforce those laws as Arizona is now attempting to do.

We already have a national ID card. How many times do you need your social security number?

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