Obama... was it an "idea" that won WWI,WWII? What were those ideas???

Well, you guys identified the issue. BushII's nation building to instill democracy didn't work cause the tribes hate each other, and Americans don't have the stomach to pay taxes to fund 70 years of nationbuilding in the ME, and even then democracy might not work, so maybe it's down to having Jefe's or Isis.

Which do you prefer?
Well, you guys identified the issue. BushII's nation building to instill democracy didn't work cause the tribes hate each other, and Americans don't have the stomach to pay taxes to fund 70 years of nationbuilding in the ME, and even then democracy might not work, so maybe it's down to having Jefe's or Isis.
Saddam's and Ba'athist.
"In order for us to defeat terrorist groups like ISIL and al-Qaeda, we must discredit their ideology.
Maybe he should tell ISIS that because they are having great success with these "ideas"!
View attachment 44109
You can't convince Democrats of this. That would require a ballsy response and Democrats have none.
Maybe he can follow the lead of your avatar's idiot son. What country that has had nothing to do with Isis can we attack? Madagascar, perhaps?
Perhaps you can follow the lead of original post? For the record I opposed invasion of Iraq as far back as the 2002 vote on SJR 47.

So you are telling me you opposed the adjudication of the 1991 Cease Fire?
No, it didn't work. And you cannot rewrite history, at least in this case, because public opinion has spoken. How bad was bushII, he got a first term senator named Barak Hussein Obama elected in a landslide over a freaking war hero.
No, it didn't work. And you cannot rewrite history, at least in this case, because public opinion has spoken. How bad was bushII, he got a first term senator named Barak Hussein Obama elected in a landslide over a freaking war hero.
You are correct...making him the worst President in history...followed by Obama.
"In order for us to defeat terrorist groups like ISIL and al-Qaeda, we must discredit their ideology.
Maybe he should tell ISIS that because they are having great success with these "ideas"!
View attachment 44109
You can't convince Democrats of this. That would require a ballsy response and Democrats have none.
Maybe he can follow the lead of your avatar's idiot son. What country that has had nothing to do with Isis can we attack? Madagascar, perhaps?
Perhaps you can follow the lead of original post? For the record I opposed invasion of Iraq as far back as the 2002 vote on SJR 47.

So you are telling me you opposed the adjudication of the 1991 Cease Fire?
Yes. Saddam needed to be able to into Shia controlled "No Fly Zones" in order to keep Iran in check. Bush 1st pretty much did this. (In addition to deftly handling end of Cold War and removing Noriega from power).
"In order for us to defeat terrorist groups like ISIL and al-Qaeda, we must discredit their ideology.
Maybe he should tell ISIS that because they are having great success with these "ideas"!
View attachment 44109
You can't convince Democrats of this. That would require a ballsy response and Democrats have none.
Maybe he can follow the lead of your avatar's idiot son. What country that has had nothing to do with Isis can we attack? Madagascar, perhaps?
Perhaps you can follow the lead of original post? For the record I opposed invasion of Iraq as far back as the 2002 vote on SJR 47.

So you are telling me you opposed the adjudication of the 1991 Cease Fire?
Yes. Saddam needed to be able to go into Shia controlled "No Fly Zones" in order to keep Iran in check. Bush 1st pretty much did this. (In addition to deftly handling end of Cold War and removing Noriega from power).
"In order for us to defeat terrorist groups like ISIL and al-Qaeda, we must discredit their ideology.
Maybe he should tell ISIS that because they are having great success with these "ideas"!
View attachment 44109
You can't convince Democrats of this. That would require a ballsy response and Democrats have none.

The Democrats took you to school when they told you all Bush was doing was creating more terrorists and you still haven't leaned. Hell, at the time the conservatives were telling French jokes as if they expected more from the Islamic Republics they were creating.
I have to grudgingly admit that even as Obama has failed in half the endeavors he has tackled and fucked up the other half beyond repair, he will be regarded as the most brilliant military genius since Hannibal. What a man!!!!
"In order for us to defeat terrorist groups like ISIL and al-Qaeda, we must discredit their ideology.
Maybe he should tell ISIS that because they are having great success with these "ideas"!
View attachment 44109
You can't convince Democrats of this. That would require a ballsy response and Democrats have none.

The Democrats took you to school when they told you all Bush was doing was creating more terrorists and you still haven't leaned. Hell, at the time the conservatives were telling French jokes as if they expected more from the Islamic Republics they were creating.
Democrats like Senators Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, John Edwards, and Joe Biden all of whom voted to invade Iraq.
I have to grudgingly admit that even as Obama has failed in half the endeavors he has tackled and fucked up the other half beyond repair, he will be regarded as the most brilliant military genius since Hannibal. What a man!!!!
Obama has been a detriment to the future of our nation.
No, it didn't work. And you cannot rewrite history, at least in this case, because public opinion has spoken. How bad was bushII, he got a first term senator named Barak Hussein Obama elected in a landslide over a freaking war hero.
No the MSM got the loser McCain nominated and then turned on him throwing all support to Obama.
85% of media donated money to Democrats!
1,160 (85%) of the 1,353 of the Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC contributed more than $1 million to Democrats candidates and campaign committees in 2008, according to an analysis by The Examiner of data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics.
Obama Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs writers reporters The Daily Caller

Now you tell me HOW f...king stupid would the MSM NOT to run stories more favorable to Obama then to McCain?
Study: Media Coverage Has Favored Obama Campaign
NEW YORK — John McCain supporters who believe they haven't gotten a fair shake from the media during the Republican's candidacy against Barack Obama have a new study to point to.

Comments made by sources, voters, reporters and anchors that aired on ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts over the past two months reflected positively on Obama in 65 percent of cases,
compared to 31 percent of cases with regards to McCain, according to the Center for Media and Public Affairs.
The center analyzed 979 separate news stories shown between Aug. 23 and Oct. 24, and excluded evaluations based on the campaign horse race, including mention of how the candidates were doing in polls. For instance, when a voter was interviewed on CBS Oct. 14 saying he thought Obama brought a freshness to Washington, that was chalked up as a pro-Obama comment.

When NBC's Andrea Mitchell reported Oct. 1 that some conservatives say that Sarah Palin is not ready for prime-time, that's marked in the negative column for McCain.

ABC recorded 57 percent favorable comments toward the Democrats, and 42 percent positive for the Republicans. NBC had 56 percent positive for the Democrats, 16 percent for the Republicans. CBS had 73 percent positive (Obama), versus 31 percent (McCain).

Study Media Coverage Has Favored Obama Campaign

70% of people surveyed said the media favored Obama! 70%!
Screen Shot 2015-07-08 at 5.32.01 PM.png

Most Voters Say News Media Wants Obama to Win Pew Research Center

NOW the FACTS are in!
A) Obama won because the MSM donated over $1 million to Obama!
B) Studies showed Obama favored : CBS 73% positive Obama...ABC 57% for Obama... NBC 56% Obama...
C) 70% of The general public thought MSM favored Obama...

So how can ANYONE who is objective argue with those facts?
Obama was elected by the MSM! plain and simple!

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