Obama Weeps as His Death Squads Slaughter More Syrians


Nov 14, 2012
You know its happening.

"Scant hours after US President Obama showed his boehner* to the world, his moderate death squads fired missiles onto Baghdad and al Aabid Streets, in Damascus, 6 January 2016. That 10 Syrian civilians were martyred, and upwards of 40 were injured, was completely ignored by western media.

In the past, accounts of such atrocities have always been given, molded into news of “rebel fighting.”

On 6 January, however, the media was dutifully encumbered by the onerous task of herding the American populace into their appointed cheering and condemning sections.

The overly cluttered field of presidential candidates brayed along “party lines,” reported by mainstream media, which — as expected — ignored the fact that the field is surfeited with current and probable future war criminals.**

Mutism regarding the exposure of malignant hypocrisy, once again, went unnoticed: The US is the number one exporter of conventional weapons to the world. The US bombs countries around the world with impunity. The US subsidizes guns in the hands of terrorist mercenaries used to destroy other governments.

In February 2015, independent journalist, Eva Bartlett, joined “a US delegation of 6 anti-war activists — including, notably, former Attorney General, Ramsey Clark, as well as former US Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney and long-time anti-war advocate Sara Flounders…in a solidarity visit to Damascus.” Included in that symbolic trip was a visit to Damascus’ largest hospital, University Hospital, “where victims of terrorist rocket and mortar fire were being treated.”

Those individuals whose human decency caused them to be moved by Obama’s sanctimonious weeping, have a moral obligation to read Ms Bartlett’s report on the devastating results to the recipients of the gifts of his moderate rebels.

*John Boehner, former Speaker of the US House of Representatives, was a notorious watershedder.

**The US population ignoring of the bipartisanship of US war criminality, has been one of willful and woeful ignorance.

President George Bush jokes about the missing Iraqi WMDs, at the White House Correspondents Dinner, in 2004 (and the correspondents laugh):

President Barack Obama jokes about droning the Jonas Brothers, at the White House Correspondents Dinner, in 2010 (and the correspondents laugh):

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton sadistically cackles over the brutal rape and murder of Mummar Gaddafi, in 2011 (and correspondent Leslie Stahl cackles, too):

Obama Weeps as His Death Squads Slaughter More Syrians -...
USA.INC funds terrorism and puts guns into he hands of radicals while doing everything they can to restrict our rights to protect ourselves...and it doesn't matter which side of the political fence that you reside.
Mutism regarding the exposure of malignant hypocrisy, once again, went unnoticed: The US is the number one exporter of conventional weapons to the world. The US bombs countries around the world with impunity. The US subsidizes guns in the hands of terrorist mercenaries used to destroy other governments.
An honest debate about this is not tolerated in this country. It is suppressed by both political persuasions and those who see the US as the "indispensable nation". Those of us who would welcome such a debate are "goofballs", don't ya know.
Israel will remain forever.

Says the Braunhemd...
You know its happening.

"Scant hours after US President Obama showed his boehner* to the world, his moderate death squads fired missiles onto Baghdad and al Aabid Streets, in Damascus, 6 January 2016. That 10 Syrian civilians were martyred, and upwards of 40 were injured, was completely ignored by western media.

In the past, accounts of such atrocities have always been given, molded into news of “rebel fighting.”

On 6 January, however, the media was dutifully encumbered by the onerous task of herding the American populace into their appointed cheering and condemning sections.

The overly cluttered field of presidential candidates brayed along “party lines,” reported by mainstream media, which — as expected — ignored the fact that the field is surfeited with current and probable future war criminals.**

Mutism regarding the exposure of malignant hypocrisy, once again, went unnoticed: The US is the number one exporter of conventional weapons to the world. The US bombs countries around the world with impunity. The US subsidizes guns in the hands of terrorist mercenaries used to destroy other governments.

n February 2015, independent journalist, Eva Bartlett, joined “a US delegation of 6 anti-war activists — including, notably, former Attorney General, Ramsey Clark, as well as former US Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney and long-time anti-war advocate Sara Flounders…in a solidarity visit to Damascus.” Included in that symbolic trip was a visit to Damascus’ largest hospital, University Hospital, “where victims of terrorist rocket and mortar fire were being treated.”
Obama Weeps as His Death Squads Slaughter More Syrians -...

That's what Kerry recently called "bringing peace and security to Syria"... Peace and security in any country ends as soon as Washington starts talking about "bringing democracy" there. I found it out due to my own sad experience with my own Motherland.

After a couple of events which took place in former Soviet republics: Georgia attacked South Ossetia in 2008 and the coup in Ukraine in 2014 (both supported and controlled from Washington) I realized: Media in USA exists for brainwashing their taxpayers. I was watching how Media was showing the real pictures of events but with completely wrong (opposite!) interpretation and the people in the West would believe it! And they call USA a free country! Free country where the people are not even free to know the truth about what's really happening in the world and have to live in a parallel world...
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You know its happening.

"Scant hours after US President Obama showed his boehner* to the world, his moderate death squads fired missiles onto Baghdad and al Aabid Streets, in Damascus, 6 January 2016. That 10 Syrian civilians were martyred, and upwards of 40 were injured, was completely ignored by western media.

In the past, accounts of such atrocities have always been given, molded into news of “rebel fighting.”

On 6 January, however, the media was dutifully encumbered by the onerous task of herding the American populace into their appointed cheering and condemning sections.

The overly cluttered field of presidential candidates brayed along “party lines,” reported by mainstream media, which — as expected — ignored the fact that the field is surfeited with current and probable future war criminals.**

Mutism regarding the exposure of malignant hypocrisy, once again, went unnoticed: The US is the number one exporter of conventional weapons to the world. The US bombs countries around the world with impunity. The US subsidizes guns in the hands of terrorist mercenaries used to destroy other governments.

n February 2015, independent journalist, Eva Bartlett, joined “a US delegation of 6 anti-war activists — including, notably, former Attorney General, Ramsey Clark, as well as former US Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney and long-time anti-war advocate Sara Flounders…in a solidarity visit to Damascus.” Included in that symbolic trip was a visit to Damascus’ largest hospital, University Hospital, “where victims of terrorist rocket and mortar fire were being treated.”
Obama Weeps as His Death Squads Slaughter More Syrians -...

That's what Kerry recently called "bringing peace and security to Syria"... Peace and security in any country ends as soon as Washington starts talking about "bringing democracy" there. I found it out due to my own sad experience with my own Motherland.

After a couple of events which took place in former Soviet republics: Georgia attacked South Ossetia in 2008 and the coup in Ukraine in 2014 (both supported and controlled from Washington) I realized: Media in USA exists for brainwashing their taxpayers. I was watching how Media was showing the real pictures of events but with completely wrong (opposite!) interpretation and the people in the West would believe it! And they call USA a free country! Free country where the people are not even free to know the truth about what's really happening in the world and have to live in a parallel world...
Alex Carey sums it up in his book "Taking the Risk Out of Democracy".
A small excerpt speaks to this phenomenon:
"Indeed it remains, as ever, an axiom of conventional wisdom that the use of propaganda as a means of social and ideological control is distinctive to totalitarian regimes. Yet the most minimal exercise of common sense would suggest a different view: that propaganda is likely to play at least as important a part in democratic societies (where the existing distribution of power and privilege is vulnerable to quite limited changes in popular opinion) as in authoritarian societies (where it is not). It is arguable that the success of business propaganda in persuading us, for so long, that we are free from propaganda is one of the most significant propaganda achievements of the twentieth century."

Stratford, people in the US are still given options to be free. They tend not to exercise those options........they think they already are.
You know its happening.

"Scant hours after US President Obama showed his boehner* to the world, his moderate death squads fired missiles onto Baghdad and al Aabid Streets, in Damascus, 6 January 2016. That 10 Syrian civilians were martyred, and upwards of 40 were injured, was completely ignored by western media.

In the past, accounts of such atrocities have always been given, molded into news of “rebel fighting.”

On 6 January, however, the media was dutifully encumbered by the onerous task of herding the American populace into their appointed cheering and condemning sections.

The overly cluttered field of presidential candidates brayed along “party lines,” reported by mainstream media, which — as expected — ignored the fact that the field is surfeited with current and probable future war criminals.**

Mutism regarding the exposure of malignant hypocrisy, once again, went unnoticed: The US is the number one exporter of conventional weapons to the world. The US bombs countries around the world with impunity. The US subsidizes guns in the hands of terrorist mercenaries used to destroy other governments.

n February 2015, independent journalist, Eva Bartlett, joined “a US delegation of 6 anti-war activists — including, notably, former Attorney General, Ramsey Clark, as well as former US Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney and long-time anti-war advocate Sara Flounders…in a solidarity visit to Damascus.” Included in that symbolic trip was a visit to Damascus’ largest hospital, University Hospital, “where victims of terrorist rocket and mortar fire were being treated.”
Obama Weeps as His Death Squads Slaughter More Syrians -...

That's what Kerry recently called "bringing peace and security to Syria"... Peace and security in any country ends as soon as Washington starts talking about "bringing democracy" there. I found it out due to my own sad experience with my own Motherland.

After a couple of events which took place in former Soviet republics: Georgia attacked South Ossetia in 2008 and the coup in Ukraine in 2014 (both supported and controlled from Washington) I realized: Media in USA exists for brainwashing their taxpayers. I was watching how Media was showing the real pictures of events but with completely wrong (opposite!) interpretation and the people in the West would believe it! And they call USA a free country! Free country where the people are not even free to know the truth about what's really happening in the world and have to live in a parallel world...
Alex Carey sums it up in his book "Taking the Risk Out of Democracy".
A small excerpt speaks to this phenomenon:
"Indeed it remains, as ever, an axiom of conventional wisdom that the use of propaganda as a means of social and ideological control is distinctive to totalitarian regimes. Yet the most minimal exercise of common sense would suggest a different view: that propaganda is likely to play at least as important a part in democratic societies (where the existing distribution of power and privilege is vulnerable to quite limited changes in popular opinion) as in authoritarian societies (where it is not). It is arguable that the success of business propaganda in persuading us, for so long, that we are free from propaganda is one of the most significant propaganda achievements of the twentieth century."

Stratford, people in the US are still given options to be free. They tend not to exercise those options........they think they already are.
You made a good point here but don´t forget the "social pressure" that works like a snowball system. People were fired for being on a "wrong" demonstration or having an opinion. While "political correctness" is not a law but freedom of speech/opinion/assembly is indeed, the sword of political correct Damocles is just everywhere, lurking to outright ruin your life at any occasion.

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